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dc.creatorAad, G.
dc.creatorBožović-Jelisavčić, Ivanka
dc.creatorĆirković, Predrag
dc.creatorAgatonović-Jovin, Tatjana
dc.creatorKrstić, Jelena
dc.creatorMamužić, Judita
dc.creatorPopović, D. S.
dc.creatorSijacki, Dj.
dc.creatorSimić, Lj.
dc.creatorVranješ, Nenad
dc.creatorVranješ Milosavljević, Marija
dc.creatorŽivković, Lada
dc.description.abstractStudies of the spin and parity quantum numbers of the Higgs boson are presented, based on protonproton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The Standard Model spin-parity J(P) = 0(+) hypothesis is compared with alternative hypotheses using the Higgs boson decays H - GT gamma gamma, H - GT ZZ* - GT 4l and H - GT WW* - GT l nu l nu, as well as the combination of these channels. The analysed dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.7 fb(-1) collected at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 8 TeV. For the H - GT ZZ* - GT 4l decay mode the dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1) collected at root s = 7 TeV is included. The data are compatible with the Standard Model J(P) = 0+ quantum numbers for the Higgs boson, whereas all alternative hypotheses studied in this Letter, namely some specific J(P) = 0(-), 1(+), 1(-), 2(+) models, are excluded at confidence levels above 97.8%. This exclusion holds independently of the assumptions on the coupling strengths to the Standard Model particles and in the case of the J(P) = 2(+) model, of the relative fractions of gluon-fusion and quark-antiquark production of the spin-2 particle. The data thus provide evidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson, with positive parity being strongly preferred. (C) 2013 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.en
dc.relationANPCyT, Argentina, YerPhl, Armenia, ARC, Australia, BMWF, FWF, Austria, ANAS, Azerbaijan, SSTC, Belarus, CNPq, FAPESP, Brazil, NSERC, NRC, CFI, Canada, CERN, CONICYT, Chile, CAS, MOST, NSFC, China, COLCIENCIAS, Colombia, MSMT CR, MPO CR, VSC CR, Czech Republic, DNRF, DNSRC, Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, EPLANET, ERC, NSRF, European Union, IN2P3-CNRS, CEA-DSM/IRFU, France, GNSF, Georgia, BMBF, Germany, DFG, HGF, MPG, AvH Foundation, Germany, GSRT, NSRF, Greece, ISF, MINERVA, GIF, DIP, Benoziyo Center, Israel, INFN, Italy, MEXT, JSPS, Japan, CNRST, Morocco, FOM, NWO, Netherlands, BRF, RCN, Norway, MNiSW, Poland, GRICES, FCT, Portugal, MERYS (MECTS), Romania, MES of Russia, ROSATOM, Russian Federation, JINR, MSTD, Serbia, MSSR, Slovakia, ARRS, MIZS, Slovenia, DST/NRF, South Africa, MICINN, Spain, SRC, Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden, SER, SNSF, Cantons of Bern and Geneva, Switzerland, NSC, Taiwan, TAEK, Turkey, STFC, Royal Society, Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom, DOE, NSF, United States of America, ICREA
dc.sourcePhysics Letters Ben
dc.subjectHiggs bosonen
dc.titleEvidence for the spin-0 nature of the Higgs boson using ATLAS dataen
dcterms.abstractAгатоновић-Јовин Татјана; Ћирковић Предраг; Бозовић-Јелисавцић Иванка; Сијацки, Дј.; Врањес, Н.; Зивковиц, Л.; Милосављевиц, М. Врањес; Мамузић Јудита; Aад, Г.; Крстиц, Ј.; Поповиц, Д. С.; Симиц, Љ.;
dc.contributor.countATLAS Collaboration (ukupan broj autora: 2923)



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