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dc.creatorAad, G.
dc.creatorBorjanović, Iris
dc.creatorBožović-Jelisavčić, Ivanka
dc.creatorAgatonović-Jovin, Tatjana
dc.creatorKrstić, Jelena
dc.creatorMamužić, Judita
dc.creatorMudrinić, Mihajlo
dc.creatorPopović, D. S.
dc.creatorSijacki, Dj.
dc.creatorSimić, Lj.
dc.creatorVranješ, Nenad
dc.creatorVranješ Milosavljević, Marija
dc.creatorŽivković, Lada
dc.description.abstractA measurement of the jet activity in t (t) over bar events produced in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV is presented, using 2.05 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The t (t) over bar events are selected in the dilepton decay channel with two identified b-jets from the top quark decays. Events are vetoed if they contain an additional jet with transverse momentum above a threshold in a central rapidity interval. The fraction of events surviving the jet veto is presented as a function of this threshold for four different central rapidity interval definitions. An alternate measurement is also performed, in which events are vetoed if the scalar transverse momentum sum of the additional jets in each rapidity interval is above a threshold. In both measurements, the data are corrected for detector effects and compared to the theoretical models implemented in MC"NLO, POWHEG, ALPGEN and SHERPA. The experimental uncertainties are often smaller than the spread of theoretical predictions, allowing deviations between data and theory to be observed in some regions of phase space.en
dc.relationANPCyT, Argentina, YerPhI, Armenia, ARC, Australia, BMWF, Austria, ANAS, Azerbaijan, SSTC, Belarus, CNPq, Brazil, FAPESP, Brazil, NSERC, Canada, NRC, Canada, CFI, Canada, CERN, CONICYT, Chile, CAS, China, MOST, China, NSFC, China, COLCIENCIAS, Colombia, MSMT CR, Czech Republic, MPO CR, Czech Republic, VSC CR, Czech Republic, DNRF, Denmark, DNSRC, Denmark, Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, EPLANET, ERC, European Union, IN2P3-CNRS, France, CEA-DSM/IRFU, France, GNAS, Georgia, BMBF, Germany, DFG, Germany, HGF, Germany, MPG, Germany, AvH Foundation, Germany, GSRT, Greece, ISF, Israel, MINERVA, Israel, GIF, Israel, DIP, Israel, Benoziyo Center, Israel, INFN, Italy, MEXT, Japan, JSPS, Japan, CNRST, Morocco, FOM, Netherlands, NWO, Netherlands, RCN, Norway, MNiSW, Poland, GRICES, Portugal, FCT, Portugal, MERYS (MECTS), Romania, MES of Russia, ROSATOM, Russian Federation, JINR, MSTD, Serbia, MSSR, Slovakia, ARRS, Slovenia, MVZT, Slovenia, DST/NRF, South Africa, MICINN, Spain, SRC, Sweden, Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden, SER, Switzerland, SNSF, Switzerland, Canton of Bern, Switzerland, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, NSC, Taiwan, TAEK, Turkey, STFC, United Kingdom, Royal Society, United Kingdom, Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom, DOE, United States of America, NSF, United States of America, ICREA
dc.sourceEuropean Physical Journal C. Particles and Fieldsen
dc.titleMeasurement of t(t)over-bar production with a veto on additional central jet activity in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detectoren
dcterms.abstractБозовић-Јелисавцић Иванка; Aад, Г.; Милосављевиц, М. Врањес; Борјановиц, И.; Зивковиц, Л.; Симиц, Љ.; Сијацки, Дј.; Поповиц, Д. С.; Крстиц, Ј.; Мамузић Јудита; Мудринић Михајло; Aгатоновић-Јовин Татјана; Врањес, Н.;
dc.citation.otherArticle Number: 2043
dc.contributor.countATLAS Collaboration (ukupan broj autora: 3053)



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