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System for photodynamic cancer therapy based on TiO2 and Ru-complex

dc.creatorNešić, Maja D.
dc.creatorŽakula, Jelena
dc.creatorKorićanac, Lela
dc.creatorStepić, Milutin
dc.creatorPopović, Iva
dc.creatorRajčić, Boris
dc.creatorPetković, Marijana
dc.description.abstractLečenje kancera u današnje vreme uključuje primenu različitih terapija koje se uglavnom zasnivaju na primeni kompleksa prelaznih metala. Kada se razmatraju nove strategije u lečenju kancera, ističe se fotodinamička terapija. Ovaj vid terapije koristi svetlo kao aktivator leka ili nosača leka na mestu obolelog tkiva. Uzimajući u obzir navedeno, testirali smo potencijal prethodno sintetisanog fotoaktivnog nanokompozitnog sistema i njegovih komponenti za primenu u fotodinamičkoj terapiji. Pomenuti sistem se sastoji od nanočestica TiO2 kao nosača leka i kompleksa [Ru(II)(dcbpy)2Cl2], kao potencijalnog citostatika, vezanog za površinu nanočestica. Rutenijumov kompleks iskazuje svoje citotosično delovanje vezivanjem za ciljne biomolekule, dok dosač, TiO2, vezujući kompleks može smanjiti njegovu reaktivnost sa zdravim ćelijama dok ne dođe do tumorskog tkiva. Pomenuti nanokompozitni sistem i njegove komponente su testirane na ćelijama melanoma. Rezultati ukazuju na to da dejstvom UV svetla, nakon tretmana sa obe komponente sistema (kompleksom i TiO2) dolazi do značajnog smanjenja u broju tumorskih ćelija, dok je nanokompozitni sistem pokazao sinergistički efekat i dovodio do smanjenja broja tumorskih ćelija ispod 50%. Stoga, ovaj sistem ostavlja mesta za dalja izučavanja jer pruža mogućnost razvoja efiksnije terapije u kojoj bi doziranje leka bilo kontrolisanano svetlom.sr
dc.description.abstractThe treatment of cancer involves different therapies mainly based on transition metal complexes. When exploring new strategies for the treatment of cancer, one possibility is the use of photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy utilizes light to activate a drug or a drug/carrier system when they are localized in the tumor tissue. Therefore, we have tested the potential of previously synthesized photoactive nanocomposite system and its components as a candidate for photodynamic therapy. The nanocomposite system consists of TiO2 nanoparticles as drug/carrier and ruthenium.complex [Ru(II)(dcbpy)2Cl2] bound to its surface as a potential antitumor drug. This Ru complex have been shown to exert cytotoxic effect through binding to target biomolecules, while TiO2 carrier can serve to minimize side reactivity in the bloodstream and healthy cells until it reaches tumor cells. The nanocomposite system and its components are successfully applied on melanoma tumor cell lines. It was demonstrated that the illumination by UV light, after treatment either with Ru-complex or TiO2 nanoparticles significantly decreases melanoma cell survival rate, while NCS shown synergistic effect and have reduced the number of melanoma cells under 50%. Hence, this system might be of interest from the standpoint of development of more efficient, light controllable drug delivery approaches.en
dc.publisherBelgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
dc.source53rd Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society : Program and Book of abstracts
dc.titleSistem za fotoaktivnu terapiju kancera na bazi nanočestica TiO2 i kompleksa rutenijumasr
dc.titleSystem for photodynamic cancer therapy based on TiO2 and Ru-complexen
dc.description.other53. Savetovanje Srpskog hemijskog društva : Program i kratki izvodi radova : Kragujevac, Srbija, 29. i 30. maj 2015.



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