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Radionuclide content determination within the international intercomparison campaigns – IAEA-CU-2008-03 and IAEA-CU-2009-03

dc.creatorĐurašević, Mirjana
dc.creatorVukanac, Ivana
dc.creatorKandić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorŠešlak, Bojan
dc.creatorMilošević, Zoran
dc.description.abstractUčešće u interkomparativnim merenjima, za laboratorije akreditovane po standardu SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2006 predstavlja vid eksterne kontrole kvaliteta. Na taj način akreditovana laboratorija potvrĎuje tačnost, pouzdanost i reproducibilnost akreditovane metode. Evropski centri kao što su IAEA, JRC, i IRMM u okviru svojih redovnih aktivnosti imaju obavezu organizacije i realizacije programa interkomparativnih merenja. Jedan deo tih programa odnosi se na merenje sadrţaja prirodnih i veštačkih radionuklida u uzorcima iz okoline. Laboratorija za nuklearnu i plazma fiziku, Instituta "Vinča", redovno učestvuje na nekom od takvih programa u cilju obezbedjenja kvaliteta rezultata ispitivanja. U toku 2008. i 2009. godine učestvovali smo na dve interkomparativne kampanje organizovane od strane Grupe za Referentne Materijale (Reference Materials Group) u sklopu IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency):  The IAEA-CU-2008-03 Worldwide open proficiency test: OdreĎivanje prirodnih radionuklida u fosfogipsu i vodi.  The IAEA-CU-2009-03 Worldwide open proficiency test: OdreĎivanje prirodnih i veštačkih radionuklida u zemljištu sa mahovinom i spajkovanoj vodi.en
dc.description.abstractLaboratories accredited in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025:2006 have an obligation to participate periodicaly in intercomparison campaigns organised by international centres of excellence in the field of interest. These external quality control exercises confirm the accuracy, reliability and reproducibility of accredited methods. European centers (IAEA, JRC, IRMM) have an obligation, as one of their regular activities, to organize and implement programs of intercomparison measurements. Manny of these programs relate to measurement of natural and artificial radionuclides in environmental samples. Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics, Institute "Vinča", participated in two worldwide open proficiency tests organised in 2008 and 2009 by the Group for Reference Materials under the IAEA:  The IAEA-CU-2008-03: Determination of naturally occurring radionuclides in phosphogypsum and water.  The IAEA-CU-2009-03: Determination of natural and artificial radionuclides in moss-soil and spiked water. The results of measurements of phosphogypsum, moss soil and water samples are presented in this paper. The specific activities of naturally occurring gamma emitters originated from uranium and thorium series were determined in the phosphogypsum and moss soil samples. Besides them, the content of: 57Co, 60Co, 65Zn, 134Cs, 137Cs, 54Mn, 133Ba and 152Eu were determined in water samples. The obtained results showed generally a very good agreement with referent values of specific activities given by IAEA. The accuracy and precision of the reported results were acceptable. The comprehensive analysis of obtained results enabled the elimination of the observed oversights and the improvement and validation of method for gamma spectrometric analysis of environmental samplesen
dc.publisherZagreb : Croatian Radiation Protection Association
dc.source8th Symposium of the Croatian Radiation Protection Association : Proceedings
dc.titleOdređivanje sadržaja radionuklida u okviru međunarodnih interkomparativnih merenja – IAEA-CU-2008-03 i IAEA-CU-2009-03sr
dc.titleRadionuclide content determination within the international intercomparison campaigns – IAEA-CU-2008-03 and IAEA-CU-2009-03en
dc.description.otherZbornik radova 8. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja



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