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Possibilities of using biomass in the slaughter-house industry for heat productio

dc.creatorDakić, Dragoljub
dc.creatorRepić, Branislav
dc.creatorErić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorĐurović, Dejan
dc.description.abstractKlanična industrija je veliki potrošač toplotne energije koja se koristi u procesima obrade polaznog i finalnog materijala. Sada se za proizvodnju toplotne energije uglavnom koriste tečna i gasovita goriva. Biomasa koja predstavlja najveći obnovljivi izvor energije u Srbiji može se uspešno koristi u ove svrhe, posebno na mestima koja imaju značajne potencijale biomase. U radu je razmatrana mogućnost korišćenja poljoprivredne biomase za proizvodnju toplotne energije u jednoj domaćoj klanici. Analizirani su razni aspekti korišćenja biomase: režimi rada klanice, promene u potrebi za toplotnom energijom u letnjem i zimskom periodu i dr. Svi potrošači toplotne energije, čiji je nosilac topla-zagrejana voda, nalaze se u zatvorenom cirkulacionom krugu, tako da se ne predviđaju gubici vode. Zbog tehnološkog ciklusa, koji je neujednačen u pogledu potrošnje tople vode, kao i samog grejanja, planira se izgradnja akumulatora tople vode. Izgradnjom akumulatora izbegava se predimenzioniranje kotla, kao i njegovo često paljenje i gašenje. Predviđa se da osnovno gorivo u predmetnoj kotlarnici bude balirana biomasa, ostaci ratarske proizvodnje. Kao ostaci mogu se se pojaviti slame žitarica, ostaci soje i uljane repice ili kukuruzovina. Bale su valjkastog oblika dimenzija Φ≈(135-145) cm, L≈ 135 cm.sr
dc.description.abstractSlaughter-house industry is a major consumer of thermal energy used in the elaboration of the initial and final materials. Now for the heat producing mainly use liquid and gaseous fuels. Biomass, which represents the largest renewable energy source in Serbia, can be successfully used for this purpose, especially in places that have significant potential of biomass. The possibility of using agricultural biomass to produce thermal energy at a local abattoir was considered. Analyzed the various aspects of biomass uses: operating regimes, changes for heat demand in summer and winter period, and others. All consumers of thermal energy, which is led by hot-heated water, are circulating in a closed circuit, so it does not provide for water losses. Because of the technological cycle, which is uneven in terms of hot water, and the heating, the construction of the heat reservoir is planning. The construction of the reservoir is avoided oversize boiler, and his frequent switching on and off. It is anticipated that the primary fuel in the boiler house being baled biomass, the remains of crop production. As the remains may appear cereal straw, remnants of soybean and rapeseed or corn. Bales are cylindrical dimensions Φ≈ (135-145) cm, L ≈ 135 cm.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inženjera i tehničara Srbije (SMEITS) : Društvo za procesnu tehniku
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/42011/RS//
dc.source24. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING ′11 : zbornik radova
dc.subjectklanična industrijasr
dc.subjectslaughter-house industryen
dc.titleMogućnost korišćenja biomase u klaničnoj industriji za potrebe proizvodnje toplotne energijesr
dc.titlePossibilities of using biomass in the slaughter-house industry for heat productioen
dc.description.other24. Međunarodni kongres o procesnoj industriji - PROCESING ′11 : zbornik radova; 1-3. jun, Fruška Gora



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