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The role of the nitric oxide synthases in brain ischemia during carotid endarterectomy

dc.creatorBogdanović, Nikola
dc.creatorObradović, Milan M.
dc.creatorJasnić, Nebojša
dc.creatorSpremo-Potparević, Biljana
dc.creatorUnić-Stojanović, Dragana
dc.creatorRadak, Đorđe J.
dc.creatorIsenović, Esma R.
dc.description.abstractPrema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, 15 miliona ljudi godišnje doživi moždani udar. Najčešći uzročnik moždanog udara je ishemija mozga, koja se dešava u skoro 85% slučajeva. Moždana ishemija izazvana tromboembolijskim događajima definiše se kao trajno ili prolazno smanjenje cirkulacije krvi, što za posledicu ima nedostatak kiseonika, glukoze i ostalih važnih nutritijenata, dovodeći postepeno do metaboličkih promena i apoptoze ćelija. Tokom operativnih zahvata kao što je karotidna endarterektomija (CEA) može doći do hipoksično-ishemičnog stanja mozga ili akutne ishemije mozga (ABI), kao i do samog moždanog udara. Glavni uzrok ABI u toku CEA je cerebralna hipoperfuzija koja je uzrokovana klemovanjem karotidne arterije, pri čemu dolazi do hipoksije, što može predstavljati jedan od okidača za niz fizioloških odgovora organizma, među kojima je oslobađanje različitih medijatora inflamacije. Jedan od medijatora inflamacije je i azot monoksid (NO), slobodni radikal koji pored mnogobrojnih fizioloških efekata ima važnu ulogu i u samom imunom odgovoru organizma. Međutim, NO može biti veoma štetan i svojim delovanjem dovesti do oštećenja ćelija i tkiva. Nedostatak podataka u literaturi o ulozi endotelne NOS (eNOS) i inducibilne NOS (iNOS) tokom CEA, kao i mehanizama njihove regulacije u stanjima ishemije, ukazuju na pravac kojim treba da se usmere buduća istraživanja. Poznavanje molekularnih mehanizama regulacije aktivnosti i ekspresije iNOS, svakako će pomoći razvoju novih terapijskih strategija u tretmanu štetnih efekata produkcije slobodnih radikala, pre svega nekontrolisane produkcije NO.sr
dc.description.abstractAccording to the World Health Organization, 15 million people per year are affected by stroke. The most common cause of stroke is brain ischemia, which occurs in almost 85% of cases. Ischemia caused by thromboembolism is defined as permanently or temporarily decreased blood flow which prevents an adequate delivery of oxygen, glucose and other important nutrients, leading progressively to metabolic changes and cell apoptosis. Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) can cause hypoxic - ischemic states of the brain or acute brain ischemia (ABI) leading eventually to stroke. The main cause of ABI as a result of CEA is cerebral hypoperfusion caused by clamping of carotid arteries, when hypoxia occurs.. Hypoxia per se is one of the triggers of complex physiological responses in the body, including the release of various mediators of inflammation. One of these inflammatory mediators is nitric oxide (NO), a free radical which has numerous physiological effects and also plays an important role in the immune response of the organism. However, NO may be very harmful and cause cell and tissue damage. The lack of literature data on the role of endothelial NOS (eNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS) during CEA, as well as the mechanisms of their regulation in ischemic conditions, suggest that intensifying future research in this field is very important. An insight into molecular mechanisms of iNOS activity and expression regulation will certainly help to develop new therapeutic strategies for treating harmful effects of free radicals, especially uncontrolled production of NO.en
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/41002/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/173033/RS//
dc.sourceMedicinska istraživanja
dc.subjectkarotidna endarterektomijasr
dc.subjectakutna moždana ishemijasr
dc.subjectazot monoksidsr
dc.subjectendotelna azot monoksid sintazasr
dc.subjectinducibilna azot monoksid sintazasr
dc.subjectcarotid endarterectomyen
dc.subjectacute brain ischemiaen
dc.subjectnitric oxideen
dc.subjectendothelial nitric oxide synthaseen
dc.subjectinducible nitric oxide synthaseen
dc.titleUloga azot-monoksid sintaza u stanjima ishemije mozga tokom karotidne endarterektomijesr
dc.titleThe role of the nitric oxide synthases in brain ischemia during carotid endarterectomyen



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