Petković, Darija

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Petković, Darija (9)
  • Petković, D. (1)

Author's Bibliography

The Use of FOSS-Based Solutions as a Response to the Challenges of Using Software in the Teaching Processes of Higher Education

Stolić, Predrag; Milošević, Danijela; Jovanović, Zoran M.; Petković, Darija; Jovanović, Sonja

(Beograd : Društvo za ETRAN, 2024)

AU  - Stolić, Predrag
AU  - Milošević, Danijela
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran M.
AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Jovanović, Sonja
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Today, modern teaching relies heavily on the use of different software solutions, and modern teaching processes partly require the application of home learning concepts, which imply the application of those software solutions on personal student computer resources. By trying to provide software environments identical to those within higher education institutions, certain problems were identified that should be overcome in order to ensure the quality of the teaching process. The paper presents a possible solution based on the features provided by free and open source software (FOSS) and which enables easy and practical implementation of a uniform software environment for each student, regardless of the personal computer environment that is currently in use.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo za ETRAN
PB  - Beograd : Akademska misao
C3  - ETRAN : 68th Conference ETRAN and 11th International Conference IcETRAN 2024 : Program and Book of Abstracts
T1  - The Use of FOSS-Based Solutions as a Response to the Challenges of Using Software in the Teaching Processes of Higher Education
SP  - 89
EP  - 89
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stolić, Predrag and Milošević, Danijela and Jovanović, Zoran M. and Petković, Darija and Jovanović, Sonja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Today, modern teaching relies heavily on the use of different software solutions, and modern teaching processes partly require the application of home learning concepts, which imply the application of those software solutions on personal student computer resources. By trying to provide software environments identical to those within higher education institutions, certain problems were identified that should be overcome in order to ensure the quality of the teaching process. The paper presents a possible solution based on the features provided by free and open source software (FOSS) and which enables easy and practical implementation of a uniform software environment for each student, regardless of the personal computer environment that is currently in use.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo za ETRAN, Beograd : Akademska misao",
journal = "ETRAN : 68th Conference ETRAN and 11th International Conference IcETRAN 2024 : Program and Book of Abstracts",
title = "The Use of FOSS-Based Solutions as a Response to the Challenges of Using Software in the Teaching Processes of Higher Education",
pages = "89-89",
url = ""
Stolić, P., Milošević, D., Jovanović, Z. M., Petković, D.,& Jovanović, S.. (2024). The Use of FOSS-Based Solutions as a Response to the Challenges of Using Software in the Teaching Processes of Higher Education. in ETRAN : 68th Conference ETRAN and 11th International Conference IcETRAN 2024 : Program and Book of Abstracts
Beograd : Društvo za ETRAN., 89-89.
Stolić P, Milošević D, Jovanović ZM, Petković D, Jovanović S. The Use of FOSS-Based Solutions as a Response to the Challenges of Using Software in the Teaching Processes of Higher Education. in ETRAN : 68th Conference ETRAN and 11th International Conference IcETRAN 2024 : Program and Book of Abstracts. 2024;:89-89. .
Stolić, Predrag, Milošević, Danijela, Jovanović, Zoran M., Petković, Darija, Jovanović, Sonja, "The Use of FOSS-Based Solutions as a Response to the Challenges of Using Software in the Teaching Processes of Higher Education" in ETRAN : 68th Conference ETRAN and 11th International Conference IcETRAN 2024 : Program and Book of Abstracts (2024):89-89, .

Temperature Sensors Based on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide / 12 Tungstophosphoric Acid Thin Films on Interdigital Electrodes

Mravik, Ž.; Pejčić, M.; Petković, D.; Stolić, P.; Stević, M.; Stević, Z.; Jovanović, Z.

(Odesa: Політехперіодика, 2024)

AU  - Mravik, Ž.
AU  - Pejčić, M.
AU  - Petković, D.
AU  - Stolić, P.
AU  - Stević, M.
AU  - Stević, Z.
AU  - Jovanović, Z.
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Easy-to-develop sensing devices are important for modern technology where materials with modifiable properties that are dependent on the environmental conditions play key role. Graphene oxide nanocomposites possess interesting surface chemistry that is closely correlated to their electric properties. In this work, composite of graphene oxide and 12-tungstophosphoric acid was dip coated on interdigital electrode and thermally treated while dependence of its electric properties on environment temperature was examined with impedance spectroscopy. Results outline potential applicability of these materials for temperature sensors.
AB  - Сенсорні пристрої, які легко розробляти, є важливими для сучасних технологій, де ключову роль відіграють матеріали зі змінними властивостями, що залежать від умов навколишнього середовища. Нанокомпозити на основі оксиду графену мають цікаву хімію поверхні, яка тісно корелює з їхніми електричними властивостями. У цій роботі композит з оксиду графену та 12-вольфрамової кислоти наносили на зустрічно-штирьовий електрод і термічно обробляли. Залежність його електричних властивостей від температури середовища досліджували за допомогою імпедансної спектроскопії. Отримані результати вказують на потенційну можливість застосування цих матеріалів для датчиків температури.
PB  - Odesa: Політехперіодика
C3  - MІЕТ-2024 : XXV International Scientific-Practical Conference Modern Information and Electronic Technologies : Proceedings
T1  - Temperature Sensors Based on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide / 12 Tungstophosphoric Acid Thin Films on Interdigital Electrodes
T1  - Датчики температури на основі тонких плівок оксиду графену та композиту оксиду графену та 12-воль-фрамофосфорної кислоти на зустрічно-штирьових електродах
SP  - 61
EP  - 64
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mravik, Ž. and Pejčić, M. and Petković, D. and Stolić, P. and Stević, M. and Stević, Z. and Jovanović, Z.",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Easy-to-develop sensing devices are important for modern technology where materials with modifiable properties that are dependent on the environmental conditions play key role. Graphene oxide nanocomposites possess interesting surface chemistry that is closely correlated to their electric properties. In this work, composite of graphene oxide and 12-tungstophosphoric acid was dip coated on interdigital electrode and thermally treated while dependence of its electric properties on environment temperature was examined with impedance spectroscopy. Results outline potential applicability of these materials for temperature sensors., Сенсорні пристрої, які легко розробляти, є важливими для сучасних технологій, де ключову роль відіграють матеріали зі змінними властивостями, що залежать від умов навколишнього середовища. Нанокомпозити на основі оксиду графену мають цікаву хімію поверхні, яка тісно корелює з їхніми електричними властивостями. У цій роботі композит з оксиду графену та 12-вольфрамової кислоти наносили на зустрічно-штирьовий електрод і термічно обробляли. Залежність його електричних властивостей від температури середовища досліджували за допомогою імпедансної спектроскопії. Отримані результати вказують на потенційну можливість застосування цих матеріалів для датчиків температури.",
publisher = "Odesa: Політехперіодика",
journal = "MІЕТ-2024 : XXV International Scientific-Practical Conference Modern Information and Electronic Technologies : Proceedings",
title = "Temperature Sensors Based on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide / 12 Tungstophosphoric Acid Thin Films on Interdigital Electrodes, Датчики температури на основі тонких плівок оксиду графену та композиту оксиду графену та 12-воль-фрамофосфорної кислоти на зустрічно-штирьових електродах",
pages = "61-64",
url = ""
Mravik, Ž., Pejčić, M., Petković, D., Stolić, P., Stević, M., Stević, Z.,& Jovanović, Z.. (2024). Temperature Sensors Based on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide / 12 Tungstophosphoric Acid Thin Films on Interdigital Electrodes. in MІЕТ-2024 : XXV International Scientific-Practical Conference Modern Information and Electronic Technologies : Proceedings
Odesa: Політехперіодика., 61-64.
Mravik Ž, Pejčić M, Petković D, Stolić P, Stević M, Stević Z, Jovanović Z. Temperature Sensors Based on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide / 12 Tungstophosphoric Acid Thin Films on Interdigital Electrodes. in MІЕТ-2024 : XXV International Scientific-Practical Conference Modern Information and Electronic Technologies : Proceedings. 2024;:61-64. .
Mravik, Ž., Pejčić, M., Petković, D., Stolić, P., Stević, M., Stević, Z., Jovanović, Z., "Temperature Sensors Based on Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide / 12 Tungstophosphoric Acid Thin Films on Interdigital Electrodes" in MІЕТ-2024 : XXV International Scientific-Practical Conference Modern Information and Electronic Technologies : Proceedings (2024):61-64, .

Sinteza i modifikacija naprednih nanomaterijala - pogled kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije

Jovanović, Zoran; Jovanović, Sonja; Mravik, Željko; Rmuš, Jelena; Jelić, Marko; Pejčić, Milica; Grujičić, Marija; Petković, Darija


AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
AU  - Jovanović, Sonja
AU  - Mravik, Željko
AU  - Rmuš, Jelena
AU  - Jelić, Marko
AU  - Pejčić, Milica
AU  - Grujičić, Marija
AU  - Petković, Darija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Elektrohemijska istraživanja su prethodnih godina dala ključni podstrek globalnim stremljenjima ka obnovljivim izvorima energije. Višegeneracijski napori, u početku motivisani željom za fundamentalnim razumevanjem procesa, aktuelizovani su očekivanim nedostatkom fosilnih goriva i pratećim nepovoljnim uticajem na životnu sredinu. Nanomaterijali su omogućili spektakularan skok u tehnološkim inovacijama i neosporan je njihov doprinos obnovljivim izvorima energije. Zahvaljujući novim svojstvima nanomaterijala i njihovoj sinergiji, omogućeno je dalje unapređenje i integracija različitih funkcionalnosti. Pri tome, postalo je jasno da atomski precizan dizajn materijala postaje kritičan za razvoj naprava sledeće generacije. Ovo je posebno važno u slučaju nanokompozita gde interakcija komponenti pojačava moguće sinergijske doprinose. U izlaganju će biti dat osvrt na napredne metode sinteze i modifikacije materijala – od tradicionalnih, do tankih filmova, 0D i 2D nanomaterijala i njihovih kompozita – posmatranih kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije i održivosti (elektrohemijski superkondenzatori, razgradnja vode, senzori, i dr.). Razvoj novih materijala i unapređenje elektrohemijskih sistema ima potencijal da suštinski učini obnovljivu energiju održivijom i dostupnijom, time otvarajući put ka održivoj budućnosti.
C3  - Savremena stremljenja u elektrohemiji u proceu prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije: Naučni skup posvećen 100 - godišnjici rođenja inostranog člana SANU Dž. O'M. Bokrisa : Knjiga izvoda
T1  - Sinteza i modifikacija naprednih nanomaterijala - pogled kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije
SP  - 19
EP  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Zoran and Jovanović, Sonja and Mravik, Željko and Rmuš, Jelena and Jelić, Marko and Pejčić, Milica and Grujičić, Marija and Petković, Darija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Elektrohemijska istraživanja su prethodnih godina dala ključni podstrek globalnim stremljenjima ka obnovljivim izvorima energije. Višegeneracijski napori, u početku motivisani željom za fundamentalnim razumevanjem procesa, aktuelizovani su očekivanim nedostatkom fosilnih goriva i pratećim nepovoljnim uticajem na životnu sredinu. Nanomaterijali su omogućili spektakularan skok u tehnološkim inovacijama i neosporan je njihov doprinos obnovljivim izvorima energije. Zahvaljujući novim svojstvima nanomaterijala i njihovoj sinergiji, omogućeno je dalje unapređenje i integracija različitih funkcionalnosti. Pri tome, postalo je jasno da atomski precizan dizajn materijala postaje kritičan za razvoj naprava sledeće generacije. Ovo je posebno važno u slučaju nanokompozita gde interakcija komponenti pojačava moguće sinergijske doprinose. U izlaganju će biti dat osvrt na napredne metode sinteze i modifikacije materijala – od tradicionalnih, do tankih filmova, 0D i 2D nanomaterijala i njihovih kompozita – posmatranih kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije i održivosti (elektrohemijski superkondenzatori, razgradnja vode, senzori, i dr.). Razvoj novih materijala i unapređenje elektrohemijskih sistema ima potencijal da suštinski učini obnovljivu energiju održivijom i dostupnijom, time otvarajući put ka održivoj budućnosti.",
journal = "Savremena stremljenja u elektrohemiji u proceu prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije: Naučni skup posvećen 100 - godišnjici rođenja inostranog člana SANU Dž. O'M. Bokrisa : Knjiga izvoda",
title = "Sinteza i modifikacija naprednih nanomaterijala - pogled kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije",
pages = "19-19",
url = ""
Jovanović, Z., Jovanović, S., Mravik, Ž., Rmuš, J., Jelić, M., Pejčić, M., Grujičić, M.,& Petković, D.. (2023). Sinteza i modifikacija naprednih nanomaterijala - pogled kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije. in Savremena stremljenja u elektrohemiji u proceu prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije: Naučni skup posvećen 100 - godišnjici rođenja inostranog člana SANU Dž. O'M. Bokrisa : Knjiga izvoda, 19-19.
Jovanović Z, Jovanović S, Mravik Ž, Rmuš J, Jelić M, Pejčić M, Grujičić M, Petković D. Sinteza i modifikacija naprednih nanomaterijala - pogled kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije. in Savremena stremljenja u elektrohemiji u proceu prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije: Naučni skup posvećen 100 - godišnjici rođenja inostranog člana SANU Dž. O'M. Bokrisa : Knjiga izvoda. 2023;:19-19. .
Jovanović, Zoran, Jovanović, Sonja, Mravik, Željko, Rmuš, Jelena, Jelić, Marko, Pejčić, Milica, Grujičić, Marija, Petković, Darija, "Sinteza i modifikacija naprednih nanomaterijala - pogled kroz prizmu obnovljivih izvora energije" in Savremena stremljenja u elektrohemiji u proceu prelaska na obnovljive izvore energije: Naučni skup posvećen 100 - godišnjici rođenja inostranog člana SANU Dž. O'M. Bokrisa : Knjiga izvoda (2023):19-19, .

Električna svojstva tankih filmova GO i GO/WPA na intergdigitalnim elektrodama

Mravik, Željko; Pejčić, Milica; Jovanović, Sonja; Petković, Darija; Stević, Miša; Stević, Zoran; Jovanović, Zoran

(Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and Electrotechnical Engineers and Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources , 2023)

AU  - Mravik, Željko
AU  - Pejčić, Milica
AU  - Jovanović, Sonja
AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Stević, Miša
AU  - Stević, Zoran
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Kompoziti nanomaterijala različitih dimenzionalnosti (2D, 1D i 0D) predstavljaju okosnicu razvoja budućih naprava. U našem istraživanju posebna pažnja usmerena je na elektrohemijske superkondenzatore i senzore, pri čemu su nanokompoziti 2D (grafen oksid, GO) i 0D (12- volframfosforna kiselina, WPA) materijala jedni od najperspektivnijih kandidata za ove primene. U ovom radu tanak film GO i GO/WPA formiran je potapanjem interdigitalnih elektroda u suspenziju materijala i postepenim izvlačenjem, pod uglovima od 30° i 45°, sa korakom od 20 μm i sa pauzom između koraka od 60, 120 i 180 sekundi. Optičkom mikroskopijom ocenjen je kvalitet i morfologija GO i GO/WPA filma pre i posle termičke redukcije, dok su merenja impedansne spektroskopije izvršena korišćenjem LCR analizatora. Rezultati optičke mikroskopije su pokazali najuniformniju pokrivenost uzorka sa najdužom pauzom između koraka. U slučaju GO deponovanog pod uglom od 30°, uzorci sa vremenom depozicije od 180 sekundi pokazali su smanjene vrednosti impendansi, usled smanjenog udela pukotina. GO/WPA kompozit sa pauzom između koraka od 60 sekundi pod uglom od 30° pokazao je najbolja svojstva. Uvođenje WPA u materijal rezultiralo je smanjenjem vrednosti otpornosti, povećavajući njegovu mogućnost primene u elektronskim uređajima.
AB  - Composites of nanomaterials with various dimensionalities (2D, 1D, and 0D) represent the cornerstone of future device development. Our investigation places particular emphasis on electrochemical supercapacitors and sensors, with 2D (graphene oxide, GO) and 0D (12- tungstophosphoric acid, WPA) nanocomposites being among the most promising candidates for these applications. In this study, a thin film of GO and GO/WPA was formed by immersing interdigital electrodes in a material suspension and gradually withdrawing them at angles of 30° and 45°, with a 20-μm step and dwell time of 60, 120, and 180 seconds. Optical microscopy was employed to assess the quality and morphology of the GO and GO/WPA films before and after thermal reduction, while impedance spectroscopy measurements were carried out using an LCR analyzer. The results of optical microscopy demonstrated the most uniform sample coverage with the longest dwell time. In the case of GO deposited at a 30° angle, samples with a dwell time of 180 seconds exhibited reduced impedance values due to a decreased presence of cracks. The GO/WPA composite with a 60-second dwell time at a 30° angle exhibited the best properties. The introduction of WPA into the material resulted in a reduction of resistance values, increasing its potential for use in electronic devices.
PB  - Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and
Electrotechnical Engineers and
Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources 
C3  - 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : Proceedings
T1  - Električna svojstva tankih filmova GO i GO/WPA na intergdigitalnim elektrodama
T1  - Electrical properties of GO and GO/WPA thin films on interdigital electrodes
SP  - 45
EP  - 51
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mravik, Željko and Pejčić, Milica and Jovanović, Sonja and Petković, Darija and Stević, Miša and Stević, Zoran and Jovanović, Zoran",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Kompoziti nanomaterijala različitih dimenzionalnosti (2D, 1D i 0D) predstavljaju okosnicu razvoja budućih naprava. U našem istraživanju posebna pažnja usmerena je na elektrohemijske superkondenzatore i senzore, pri čemu su nanokompoziti 2D (grafen oksid, GO) i 0D (12- volframfosforna kiselina, WPA) materijala jedni od najperspektivnijih kandidata za ove primene. U ovom radu tanak film GO i GO/WPA formiran je potapanjem interdigitalnih elektroda u suspenziju materijala i postepenim izvlačenjem, pod uglovima od 30° i 45°, sa korakom od 20 μm i sa pauzom između koraka od 60, 120 i 180 sekundi. Optičkom mikroskopijom ocenjen je kvalitet i morfologija GO i GO/WPA filma pre i posle termičke redukcije, dok su merenja impedansne spektroskopije izvršena korišćenjem LCR analizatora. Rezultati optičke mikroskopije su pokazali najuniformniju pokrivenost uzorka sa najdužom pauzom između koraka. U slučaju GO deponovanog pod uglom od 30°, uzorci sa vremenom depozicije od 180 sekundi pokazali su smanjene vrednosti impendansi, usled smanjenog udela pukotina. GO/WPA kompozit sa pauzom između koraka od 60 sekundi pod uglom od 30° pokazao je najbolja svojstva. Uvođenje WPA u materijal rezultiralo je smanjenjem vrednosti otpornosti, povećavajući njegovu mogućnost primene u elektronskim uređajima., Composites of nanomaterials with various dimensionalities (2D, 1D, and 0D) represent the cornerstone of future device development. Our investigation places particular emphasis on electrochemical supercapacitors and sensors, with 2D (graphene oxide, GO) and 0D (12- tungstophosphoric acid, WPA) nanocomposites being among the most promising candidates for these applications. In this study, a thin film of GO and GO/WPA was formed by immersing interdigital electrodes in a material suspension and gradually withdrawing them at angles of 30° and 45°, with a 20-μm step and dwell time of 60, 120, and 180 seconds. Optical microscopy was employed to assess the quality and morphology of the GO and GO/WPA films before and after thermal reduction, while impedance spectroscopy measurements were carried out using an LCR analyzer. The results of optical microscopy demonstrated the most uniform sample coverage with the longest dwell time. In the case of GO deposited at a 30° angle, samples with a dwell time of 180 seconds exhibited reduced impedance values due to a decreased presence of cracks. The GO/WPA composite with a 60-second dwell time at a 30° angle exhibited the best properties. The introduction of WPA into the material resulted in a reduction of resistance values, increasing its potential for use in electronic devices.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and
Electrotechnical Engineers and
Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources ",
journal = "11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : Proceedings",
title = "Električna svojstva tankih filmova GO i GO/WPA na intergdigitalnim elektrodama, Electrical properties of GO and GO/WPA thin films on interdigital electrodes",
pages = "45-51",
url = ""
Mravik, Ž., Pejčić, M., Jovanović, S., Petković, D., Stević, M., Stević, Z.,& Jovanović, Z.. (2023). Električna svojstva tankih filmova GO i GO/WPA na intergdigitalnim elektrodama. in 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : Proceedings
Belgrade : Union of Mechanical and
Electrotechnical Engineers and
Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) : Society for Renewable Electrical Power Sources ., 45-51.
Mravik Ž, Pejčić M, Jovanović S, Petković D, Stević M, Stević Z, Jovanović Z. Električna svojstva tankih filmova GO i GO/WPA na intergdigitalnim elektrodama. in 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : Proceedings. 2023;:45-51. .
Mravik, Željko, Pejčić, Milica, Jovanović, Sonja, Petković, Darija, Stević, Miša, Stević, Zoran, Jovanović, Zoran, "Električna svojstva tankih filmova GO i GO/WPA na intergdigitalnim elektrodama" in 11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : Proceedings (2023):45-51, .

Physicochemical properties of solvothermaly synthesized zinc copper ferrite nanoparticles

Jovanović, Sonja; Rmuš Mravik, Jelena; Grujičić, Marija; Petković, Darija; Pejčić, Milica; Jovanović, Zoran

(Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia, 2023)

AU  - Jovanović, Sonja
AU  - Rmuš Mravik, Jelena
AU  - Grujičić, Marija
AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Pejčić, Milica
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In the past two decades spinel ferrites nanoparticles have been extensively investigated due to their potential applications in a variety of fields (data storage, catalysis, energy, environment, biomedicine, etc.). In the present work, zinc ferrite nanoparticles with different copper content (Zn(1-x)CuxFe2O4; x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8) but with the same particle size distribution and amount of oleic acid as capping agent were prepared by solvothermal synthesis and the physicochemical properties of as-prepared samples were investigated. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The XRD results show that all the diffraction maxima correspond to the cubic spinel structure, while TEM images reviled that samples are consisted of sphere-like particles, 5-7 nm in size. The presence of oleic acid on the surface of nanoparticles was confirmed by FTIR analysis. The magnetic measurements revealed superparamagnetic behavior of obtained powders, with gradual increase of saturation magnetization.
PB  - Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia
C3  - YUCOMAT 2023 : 24th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2023 : programme and the book of abstracts; September 4-8, 2023; Herceg Novi, Montenegro
T1  - Physicochemical properties of solvothermaly synthesized zinc copper ferrite nanoparticles
SP  - 157
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Sonja and Rmuš Mravik, Jelena and Grujičić, Marija and Petković, Darija and Pejčić, Milica and Jovanović, Zoran",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In the past two decades spinel ferrites nanoparticles have been extensively investigated due to their potential applications in a variety of fields (data storage, catalysis, energy, environment, biomedicine, etc.). In the present work, zinc ferrite nanoparticles with different copper content (Zn(1-x)CuxFe2O4; x=0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8) but with the same particle size distribution and amount of oleic acid as capping agent were prepared by solvothermal synthesis and the physicochemical properties of as-prepared samples were investigated. The prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The XRD results show that all the diffraction maxima correspond to the cubic spinel structure, while TEM images reviled that samples are consisted of sphere-like particles, 5-7 nm in size. The presence of oleic acid on the surface of nanoparticles was confirmed by FTIR analysis. The magnetic measurements revealed superparamagnetic behavior of obtained powders, with gradual increase of saturation magnetization.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia",
journal = "YUCOMAT 2023 : 24th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2023 : programme and the book of abstracts; September 4-8, 2023; Herceg Novi, Montenegro",
title = "Physicochemical properties of solvothermaly synthesized zinc copper ferrite nanoparticles",
pages = "157",
url = ""
Jovanović, S., Rmuš Mravik, J., Grujičić, M., Petković, D., Pejčić, M.,& Jovanović, Z.. (2023). Physicochemical properties of solvothermaly synthesized zinc copper ferrite nanoparticles. in YUCOMAT 2023 : 24th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2023 : programme and the book of abstracts; September 4-8, 2023; Herceg Novi, Montenegro
Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia., 157.
Jovanović S, Rmuš Mravik J, Grujičić M, Petković D, Pejčić M, Jovanović Z. Physicochemical properties of solvothermaly synthesized zinc copper ferrite nanoparticles. in YUCOMAT 2023 : 24th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2023 : programme and the book of abstracts; September 4-8, 2023; Herceg Novi, Montenegro. 2023;:157. .
Jovanović, Sonja, Rmuš Mravik, Jelena, Grujičić, Marija, Petković, Darija, Pejčić, Milica, Jovanović, Zoran, "Physicochemical properties of solvothermaly synthesized zinc copper ferrite nanoparticles" in YUCOMAT 2023 : 24th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2023 : programme and the book of abstracts; September 4-8, 2023; Herceg Novi, Montenegro (2023):157, .

Enhanced electrochemical detection of gallic acid using modified glassy carbon electrodes with Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite

Grujičić, Marija; Jelić, Marko; Stojković Simatović, Ivana; Bajuk Bogdanović, Danica; Petković, Darija; Jovanović, Zoran; Jovanović, Sonja

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2023)

AU  - Grujičić, Marija
AU  - Jelić, Marko
AU  - Stojković Simatović, Ivana
AU  - Bajuk Bogdanović, Danica
AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
AU  - Jovanović, Sonja
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - In this study, solvothermally synthesized nanoparticles of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4, CFO) and Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite (Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4, CFO_Zn and CoFe1.5Ga0.5O4, CFO_Ga, respectively) with dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA) as a surfactant were examined for electrochemical detection of gallic acid. Based on X-ray diffraction analysis, diffraction maxima of all samples correspond to the cubic spinel phase, while transmission electron microscopy showed that the nanoparticles are non-agglomerated, sphere-like with an average size of 5±1 nm. The presence of DHCA on the surface of nanoparticles was confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). For the purpose of electrochemical detection of gallic acid the modified glassy carbon electrode (m-GCE) was prepared from CFO, CFO_Zn and CFO_Ga nanoparticles. Initial tests have shown instability/disintegration of m-GCE in aqueous solutions, because of which samples were annealed at 450 °C in air. Cyclic voltammograms of all annealed samples showed good reversibility in the system [Fe(CN)6] 3-/4- . The most efficient electron transfer was achieved when the mass ratio between sample and Nafion® was 85:15, respectively. The best sensitivity to gallic acid (10-4 M, in Britton-Robinson buffer) was observed for CFO_Zn sample. Results are showing that by selective functionalization and surface modification of nanoparticles, it is possible to optimize the electrochemical properties suitable for sensing, which is the basis of this method and the goal of further research.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
T1  - Enhanced electrochemical detection of gallic acid using modified glassy carbon electrodes with Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite
SP  - 44
EP  - 44
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Grujičić, Marija and Jelić, Marko and Stojković Simatović, Ivana and Bajuk Bogdanović, Danica and Petković, Darija and Jovanović, Zoran and Jovanović, Sonja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "In this study, solvothermally synthesized nanoparticles of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4, CFO) and Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite (Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4, CFO_Zn and CoFe1.5Ga0.5O4, CFO_Ga, respectively) with dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA) as a surfactant were examined for electrochemical detection of gallic acid. Based on X-ray diffraction analysis, diffraction maxima of all samples correspond to the cubic spinel phase, while transmission electron microscopy showed that the nanoparticles are non-agglomerated, sphere-like with an average size of 5±1 nm. The presence of DHCA on the surface of nanoparticles was confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). For the purpose of electrochemical detection of gallic acid the modified glassy carbon electrode (m-GCE) was prepared from CFO, CFO_Zn and CFO_Ga nanoparticles. Initial tests have shown instability/disintegration of m-GCE in aqueous solutions, because of which samples were annealed at 450 °C in air. Cyclic voltammograms of all annealed samples showed good reversibility in the system [Fe(CN)6] 3-/4- . The most efficient electron transfer was achieved when the mass ratio between sample and Nafion® was 85:15, respectively. The best sensitivity to gallic acid (10-4 M, in Britton-Robinson buffer) was observed for CFO_Zn sample. Results are showing that by selective functionalization and surface modification of nanoparticles, it is possible to optimize the electrochemical properties suitable for sensing, which is the basis of this method and the goal of further research.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts",
title = "Enhanced electrochemical detection of gallic acid using modified glassy carbon electrodes with Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite",
pages = "44-44",
url = ""
Grujičić, M., Jelić, M., Stojković Simatović, I., Bajuk Bogdanović, D., Petković, D., Jovanović, Z.,& Jovanović, S.. (2023). Enhanced electrochemical detection of gallic acid using modified glassy carbon electrodes with Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite. in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 44-44.
Grujičić M, Jelić M, Stojković Simatović I, Bajuk Bogdanović D, Petković D, Jovanović Z, Jovanović S. Enhanced electrochemical detection of gallic acid using modified glassy carbon electrodes with Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite. in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts. 2023;:44-44. .
Grujičić, Marija, Jelić, Marko, Stojković Simatović, Ivana, Bajuk Bogdanović, Danica, Petković, Darija, Jovanović, Zoran, Jovanović, Sonja, "Enhanced electrochemical detection of gallic acid using modified glassy carbon electrodes with Zn/Ga-dopped cobalt ferrite" in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts (2023):44-44, .

PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate

Petković, Darija; Chia-Ho, Hsin; Trstenjak, Urška; Kovač, Janez; Vengust, Damjan; Spreitzer, Matjaž; Jovanović, Zoran

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2023)

AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Chia-Ho, Hsin
AU  - Trstenjak, Urška
AU  - Kovač, Janez
AU  - Vengust, Damjan
AU  - Spreitzer, Matjaž
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Epitaxy represents a process of crystal growth or material deposition in which the new created layers have a high degree of crystallographic alignment with the substrate lattice. In this research 10 nm-thick thin films of strontium titanate (STO) were grown using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method on Si(001) whose surface was either deoxidized with strontium oxide (SrO) or buffered by reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in combination with SrO deoxidation. In addition to differently prepared Si(001) surface, the effect of deposition temperature on the crystalline structure of the STO thin films was also examined. Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) methods were used to examine the properties of the grown films. It was concluded that the STO thin film grown on the rGO-coated Si substrate at 515 °C shows the highest crystallinity with a smooth surface, while the film deposited on the bare silicon has amorphous structure. The STO films grown at 700 °C show textured or polycrystalline structure. Good crystallinity, epitaxial alignment, and clean interface are the major requirements for STO/Si and the STO/rGO/Si heterostructure for making an efficient and stable Si photocathode for the photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. Our future work will be directed toward understanding how the obtained interfaces and crystalline structure of STO films are influencing the PEC process.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
T1  - PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate
SP  - 60
EP  - 60
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Darija and Chia-Ho, Hsin and Trstenjak, Urška and Kovač, Janez and Vengust, Damjan and Spreitzer, Matjaž and Jovanović, Zoran",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Epitaxy represents a process of crystal growth or material deposition in which the new created layers have a high degree of crystallographic alignment with the substrate lattice. In this research 10 nm-thick thin films of strontium titanate (STO) were grown using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method on Si(001) whose surface was either deoxidized with strontium oxide (SrO) or buffered by reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in combination with SrO deoxidation. In addition to differently prepared Si(001) surface, the effect of deposition temperature on the crystalline structure of the STO thin films was also examined. Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) methods were used to examine the properties of the grown films. It was concluded that the STO thin film grown on the rGO-coated Si substrate at 515 °C shows the highest crystallinity with a smooth surface, while the film deposited on the bare silicon has amorphous structure. The STO films grown at 700 °C show textured or polycrystalline structure. Good crystallinity, epitaxial alignment, and clean interface are the major requirements for STO/Si and the STO/rGO/Si heterostructure for making an efficient and stable Si photocathode for the photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. Our future work will be directed toward understanding how the obtained interfaces and crystalline structure of STO films are influencing the PEC process.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts",
title = "PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate",
pages = "60-60",
url = ""
Petković, D., Chia-Ho, H., Trstenjak, U., Kovač, J., Vengust, D., Spreitzer, M.,& Jovanović, Z.. (2023). PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate. in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 60-60.
Petković D, Chia-Ho H, Trstenjak U, Kovač J, Vengust D, Spreitzer M, Jovanović Z. PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate. in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts. 2023;:60-60. .
Petković, Darija, Chia-Ho, Hsin, Trstenjak, Urška, Kovač, Janez, Vengust, Damjan, Spreitzer, Matjaž, Jovanović, Zoran, "PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on SrO-deoxidized and rGO-buffered Si(001) substrate" in 21st Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts (2023):60-60, .

PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting

Petković, Darija; Chia-Ho, Hsin; Trstenjak, Urška; Kovač, Janez; Vengust, Damjan; Jovanović, Zoran; Spreitzer, Matjaž

(EU COST Action OPERA, 2023)

AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Chia-Ho, Hsin
AU  - Trstenjak, Urška
AU  - Kovač, Janez
AU  - Vengust, Damjan
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
AU  - Spreitzer, Matjaž
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Epitaxial films of metal oxides deposited on silicon substrates represent a new type of material that could be used as protective (or electroactive) layer in the photoelectrochemical water splitting. To understand the influence of crystalline and interfacial properties of oxide layer on the water splitting process a ~10 nm strontium titanate (STO) films have been grown using the PLD method on bare and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) buffered silicon substrate. Our approach relied on the oxide-silicon integration using combination of SrO-assisted deoxidation and controllable coverage of silicon surface with a mono- to threelayer of spin-coated GO. The STO films have been grown at 515 and 700 °C and various experimental techniques were used to examine the surface and crystalline properties of grown films (reflection high energy electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). The results show that the best the crystallinity of the STO thin films was obtained on rGO/SrO deoxidized silicon surface at 515 °C. Future studies will be devoted to electrochemical characterization of the grown films, that will help to establish clearer link on how the interface and crystalline parameters affect the water splitting process.
C3  - Workshop “Application-oriented material development” : Book of abstracts
T1  - PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Darija and Chia-Ho, Hsin and Trstenjak, Urška and Kovač, Janez and Vengust, Damjan and Jovanović, Zoran and Spreitzer, Matjaž",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Epitaxial films of metal oxides deposited on silicon substrates represent a new type of material that could be used as protective (or electroactive) layer in the photoelectrochemical water splitting. To understand the influence of crystalline and interfacial properties of oxide layer on the water splitting process a ~10 nm strontium titanate (STO) films have been grown using the PLD method on bare and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) buffered silicon substrate. Our approach relied on the oxide-silicon integration using combination of SrO-assisted deoxidation and controllable coverage of silicon surface with a mono- to threelayer of spin-coated GO. The STO films have been grown at 515 and 700 °C and various experimental techniques were used to examine the surface and crystalline properties of grown films (reflection high energy electron diffraction, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). The results show that the best the crystallinity of the STO thin films was obtained on rGO/SrO deoxidized silicon surface at 515 °C. Future studies will be devoted to electrochemical characterization of the grown films, that will help to establish clearer link on how the interface and crystalline parameters affect the water splitting process.",
publisher = "EU COST Action OPERA",
journal = "Workshop “Application-oriented material development” : Book of abstracts",
title = "PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting",
url = ""
Petković, D., Chia-Ho, H., Trstenjak, U., Kovač, J., Vengust, D., Jovanović, Z.,& Spreitzer, M.. (2023). PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting. in Workshop “Application-oriented material development” : Book of abstracts
Petković D, Chia-Ho H, Trstenjak U, Kovač J, Vengust D, Jovanović Z, Spreitzer M. PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting. in Workshop “Application-oriented material development” : Book of abstracts. 2023;. .
Petković, Darija, Chia-Ho, Hsin, Trstenjak, Urška, Kovač, Janez, Vengust, Damjan, Jovanović, Zoran, Spreitzer, Matjaž, "PLD growth of strontium titanate thin films on silicon substrate for photoelectrochemical water-splitting" in Workshop “Application-oriented material development” : Book of abstracts (2023), .

Epitaxial growth of metal oxide thin films on semiconductors

Petković, Darija; Jovanović, Zoran

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2022)

AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Jovanović, Zoran
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Epitaxy represents a type of crystal growth or material deposition in which new crystalline layers are formed with one or more well-defined crystallographic orientations with respect to the seed layer. The epitaxy is usually implemented in the cases when new functionality is to be integrated with the already present platform. The two methods for the epitaxial growth of thin films i.e. pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) will be compared. We will highlight the most important aspects of the epitaxial growth of metal oxides (MO) on semiconductor (SC) substrates, including processes in the vapor phase and at the MO/SC interface. We will describe how the growth parameters (temperature, partial pressure, deposition rate, etc.) can affect the stoichiometry, morphology and overall crystalline structure and properties of the MO thin film. The important properties of MO and MO/SC interface will be also highlighted from the point of view of photoelectrochemical water splitting. Beside the growth parameters, the role of ion beam irradiation in tuning of physical and chemical properties of the MO and SC will be also discussed. The selection of appropriate characterization methods (surface and bulk) will be also highlighted for monitoring the growth of MO and the processes relevant in photoelectrochemical water splitting. An outline of the first experiments to be performed will be also presented.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - 20th Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
T1  - Epitaxial growth of metal oxide thin films on semiconductors
SP  - 68
EP  - 68
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Darija and Jovanović, Zoran",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Epitaxy represents a type of crystal growth or material deposition in which new crystalline layers are formed with one or more well-defined crystallographic orientations with respect to the seed layer. The epitaxy is usually implemented in the cases when new functionality is to be integrated with the already present platform. The two methods for the epitaxial growth of thin films i.e. pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) will be compared. We will highlight the most important aspects of the epitaxial growth of metal oxides (MO) on semiconductor (SC) substrates, including processes in the vapor phase and at the MO/SC interface. We will describe how the growth parameters (temperature, partial pressure, deposition rate, etc.) can affect the stoichiometry, morphology and overall crystalline structure and properties of the MO thin film. The important properties of MO and MO/SC interface will be also highlighted from the point of view of photoelectrochemical water splitting. Beside the growth parameters, the role of ion beam irradiation in tuning of physical and chemical properties of the MO and SC will be also discussed. The selection of appropriate characterization methods (surface and bulk) will be also highlighted for monitoring the growth of MO and the processes relevant in photoelectrochemical water splitting. An outline of the first experiments to be performed will be also presented.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "20th Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts",
title = "Epitaxial growth of metal oxide thin films on semiconductors",
pages = "68-68",
url = ""
Petković, D.,& Jovanović, Z.. (2022). Epitaxial growth of metal oxide thin films on semiconductors. in 20th Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 68-68.
Petković D, Jovanović Z. Epitaxial growth of metal oxide thin films on semiconductors. in 20th Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts. 2022;:68-68. .
Petković, Darija, Jovanović, Zoran, "Epitaxial growth of metal oxide thin films on semiconductors" in 20th Young Researchers' Conference Materials Sciences and Engineering : program and the book of abstracts (2022):68-68, .

Linear and non-linear methods applied to fitting non-isothermal kinetic curves of dehydration of PAAG hydrogel swollen to equilibrium and non-equilibrium state

Petković, Darija; Adnađević, Borivoje; Jovanović, Jelena

(Russia, Dubna : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 2022)

AU  - Petković, Darija
AU  - Adnađević, Borivoje
AU  - Jovanović, Jelena
PY  - 2022
UR  -
PB  - Russia, Dubna : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
C3  - AYSS-2022 : The XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists
T1  - Linear and non-linear methods applied to fitting non-isothermal kinetic curves of dehydration of PAAG hydrogel swollen to equilibrium and non-equilibrium state
SP  - 190
EP  - 190
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petković, Darija and Adnađević, Borivoje and Jovanović, Jelena",
year = "2022",
publisher = "Russia, Dubna : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research",
journal = "AYSS-2022 : The XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists",
title = "Linear and non-linear methods applied to fitting non-isothermal kinetic curves of dehydration of PAAG hydrogel swollen to equilibrium and non-equilibrium state",
pages = "190-190",
url = ""
Petković, D., Adnađević, B.,& Jovanović, J.. (2022). Linear and non-linear methods applied to fitting non-isothermal kinetic curves of dehydration of PAAG hydrogel swollen to equilibrium and non-equilibrium state. in AYSS-2022 : The XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists
Russia, Dubna : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research., 190-190.
Petković D, Adnađević B, Jovanović J. Linear and non-linear methods applied to fitting non-isothermal kinetic curves of dehydration of PAAG hydrogel swollen to equilibrium and non-equilibrium state. in AYSS-2022 : The XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists. 2022;:190-190. .
Petković, Darija, Adnađević, Borivoje, Jovanović, Jelena, "Linear and non-linear methods applied to fitting non-isothermal kinetic curves of dehydration of PAAG hydrogel swollen to equilibrium and non-equilibrium state" in AYSS-2022 : The XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (2022):190-190, .