Živković, Maja

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Živković, Maja (170)
Genetic basis of human vascular and inflammatory diseases An integral study to identify the regional genetic and environmental risk factors for the common noncommunicable diseases in the human population of Serbia - INGEMA_S
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200017 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Vinča', Belgrade-Vinča) Role of steroid hormones in neuroendocrine adaptation to stress and pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome - molecular mechanisms and clinical implications
MiFaDriCa - Identification of Cnv-Mirnas As Genetic Drivers and Risk Factors for Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (Cakut) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200015 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Medical Research)
Genetska epidemiologija i farmakogenomika vaskularnih oboljenja Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on cardiovascular health in humans
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Serbian Government [M145023]
Application of the EIIP/ISM bioinformatics platform in discovery of novel therapeutic targets and potential therapeutic molecules FerroReg - Identification and functional characterization of extracellular and intracellular genetic regulators of ferroptosis related processes in multiple sclerosis
Serbian Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia []
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Serbian Government [M145023] Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Serbian Government Research [M145023]
EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013), under Agreement No 2312090 (BACCHUS) Mechanistic studies of the reactions of transition metal ion complexes with biologically relevant molecules
Molecular determinants for tumor marker design Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200007 (University of Belgrade, Institute for Biological Research 'Siniša Stanković')
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200288 (Innovation Center of the Faculty of Chemistry) Signalni putevi delovanja steroidnih hormona i uticaj endogenih i egzogenih faktora na modulaciju procesa u ćelijama sisara
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia Ministry of Science and Technology, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia [J3-3628]
Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia funded the research [451-03-1/ 2023–03/13] Serbian Government Research [Grant M145023]
Serbian Government Research Grant [M145023] Serbian Government [TR-23041]
Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development Serbian Ministry of Science and Technology [M145023], Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia [062-1962766-0470], Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Slovenia

Author's Bibliography

The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque

Kolaković, Ana; Bundalo, Maja; Đurić, Tamara; Končar, Igor; Stanković, Aleksandra; Živković, Maja


AU  - Kolaković, Ana
AU  - Bundalo, Maja
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
AU  - Končar, Igor
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Živković, Maja
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13103
AB  - Background/Aim. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is linked to the development of atherosclerosis (As), including its initiation and progression. Besides the well-known angio-tensin-converting enzyme (ACE), two newer RAS family members are related to vascular remodeling - ACE2 as a homolog of ACE and collectrin [transmembrane protein 27 (TMEM27)] as a homolog of ACE2. Up to now, a limited number of studies have examined the expression of these RAS components in advanced carotid plaque (CP) tissue based on the sex of the patients and plaque phenotypes (PPs). There are two ultrasonographically defined PPs - the hypoechogenic plaque (HoP) and the hyperechogenic plaque (HerP) phenotype. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there was a correlation between the expression of RAS components in the CP and the sex and PPs of patients. Methods. We examined 74 patients with advanced CP who underwent carotid endarterectomy. The intraplaque expression of RAS components was determined with the real-time polymerase chain reaction, using the TaqMan® gene expression assays and Western blot. A two-way ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Tukey test was performed for the statistical analysis of results. Results. No interaction was recorded between the sex of the patients and PPs in influencing the relative expression of ACE and TMEM27 messenger RNA (mRNA) (p > 0.05). In 56.06% of plaque samples, no expression of ACE2 mRNA was detected. Among the plaques where ACE2 mRNA expression was detected, its expression level was higher in females with the HoP phenotype compared to females with the HerP phenotype (p < 0.001). In patients with the HoP phenotype, females had higher expression of ACE2 mRNA than males (p < 0.05). In the male study group, ACE protein levels were significantly lower in the HoP phenotype compared to the HerP phenotype (p < 0.001). Fe-males with the HoP phenotype had significantly higher ACE protein levels than males with the HoP phenotype (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. Our results revealed alterations in the expression levels of ACE and ACE2, at the mRNA and protein levels, in advanced carotid As. These alterations are impacted by sex and PP and may indicate a switch from the balanced RAS/ACE/ACE2 axis in the healthy blood vessel to the unbalanced axis in vascular remodeling due to As.
AB  - Renin-angiotenzin sistem (RAS) povezan je sa
razvojem ateroskleroze (As), uključujući njen nastanak i
progresiju. Pored dobro poznatog angiotenzinkonvertujućeg enzima (angiotensin-converting enzyme – ACE),
dva nova člana RAS familije povezana su sa
remodelovanjem zidova krvnih sudova – ACE2 kao
homolog ACE i kolektrin [transmembrane protein 27
(TMEM27)] kao homolog ACE2. Do sada je mali broj
studija ispitivao ekspresiju komponenti RAS sistema u tkivu
uznapredovalog karotidnog plaka (KP) u odnosu na pol
bolesnika i fenotip plaka (FP). Postoje dva tipa KP
definisana primenom ultrazvuka – fenotip hipoehogenog
plaka (HoP) i fenotip hiperehogenog plaka (HerP). Cilj rada
bio je da se ispita da li postoji korelacija između ekspresije
komponenti RAS u KP i pola i FP bolesnika. Metode.
Ispitano je 74 bolesnika sa uznapredovalim KP koji su bili
podvrgnuti operativnoj proceduri karotidne
endarterektomije. Ekspresija komponenti RAS sistema u
tkivu plaka utvrđena je lančanom reakcijom polimeraze u
realnom vremenu (real-time polymerase chain reaction)primenom eseja TaqMan® tehnologije i metode Western blota. Dvosmerna analiza varijanse i Tukey post-hoc test korišćen su za statističku obradu rezultata. Rezultati. Nije utvrđena
interakcija FP i pola bolesnika u uticaju na relativnu
ekspresiju informacione RNK (iRNK) za ACE i TMEM27
(p > 0,05). U 56,06% uzoraka plaka nije detektovana
ekspresija iRNK za ACE2. U plakovima u kojima je
detektovana ekspresija iRNK za ACE2, njen nivo bio je viši
kod žena sa HoP u poređenju sa ženama sa HerP (p <
0,001). U grupi bolesnika sa fenotipom HoP, žene su imale
viši nivo iRNK za ACE2 nego muškarci (p < 0,05). U grupi
muškaraca, nivoi ekspresije ACE proteina bili suznačajno
niži u fenotipu HoP u poređenju sa HerP (p < 0,001). Žene
sa fenotipom HoP imale su značajno viši nivo ACE
proteina u poređenju sa muškarcima sa HoP (p < 0,0001).
Zaključak. Naši rezultati pokazali su da postoje promene
nivoa ekspresije ACE i ACE2, na nivou proteina i iRNK u
uznapredovaloj karotidnoj As. Te promene zavise od pola i
FP i mogu ukazivati na to da balans ose RAS/ACE/ACE2
koji postoji u zdravom krvnom sudu postaje poremećen
tokom remodelovanja zida krvnog suda usled As.
T2  - Vojnosanitetski pregled
T1  - The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque
T1  - Ekspresija komponenti renin-angiotenzin sistema u humanom karotidnom plaku
VL  - 81
IS  - 4
SP  - 231
EP  - 241
DO  - 10.2298/VSP221028014K
ER  - 
author = "Kolaković, Ana and Bundalo, Maja and Đurić, Tamara and Končar, Igor and Stanković, Aleksandra and Živković, Maja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background/Aim. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is linked to the development of atherosclerosis (As), including its initiation and progression. Besides the well-known angio-tensin-converting enzyme (ACE), two newer RAS family members are related to vascular remodeling - ACE2 as a homolog of ACE and collectrin [transmembrane protein 27 (TMEM27)] as a homolog of ACE2. Up to now, a limited number of studies have examined the expression of these RAS components in advanced carotid plaque (CP) tissue based on the sex of the patients and plaque phenotypes (PPs). There are two ultrasonographically defined PPs - the hypoechogenic plaque (HoP) and the hyperechogenic plaque (HerP) phenotype. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there was a correlation between the expression of RAS components in the CP and the sex and PPs of patients. Methods. We examined 74 patients with advanced CP who underwent carotid endarterectomy. The intraplaque expression of RAS components was determined with the real-time polymerase chain reaction, using the TaqMan® gene expression assays and Western blot. A two-way ANOVA followed by a post-hoc Tukey test was performed for the statistical analysis of results. Results. No interaction was recorded between the sex of the patients and PPs in influencing the relative expression of ACE and TMEM27 messenger RNA (mRNA) (p > 0.05). In 56.06% of plaque samples, no expression of ACE2 mRNA was detected. Among the plaques where ACE2 mRNA expression was detected, its expression level was higher in females with the HoP phenotype compared to females with the HerP phenotype (p < 0.001). In patients with the HoP phenotype, females had higher expression of ACE2 mRNA than males (p < 0.05). In the male study group, ACE protein levels were significantly lower in the HoP phenotype compared to the HerP phenotype (p < 0.001). Fe-males with the HoP phenotype had significantly higher ACE protein levels than males with the HoP phenotype (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. Our results revealed alterations in the expression levels of ACE and ACE2, at the mRNA and protein levels, in advanced carotid As. These alterations are impacted by sex and PP and may indicate a switch from the balanced RAS/ACE/ACE2 axis in the healthy blood vessel to the unbalanced axis in vascular remodeling due to As., Renin-angiotenzin sistem (RAS) povezan je sa
razvojem ateroskleroze (As), uključujući njen nastanak i
progresiju. Pored dobro poznatog angiotenzinkonvertujućeg enzima (angiotensin-converting enzyme – ACE),
dva nova člana RAS familije povezana su sa
remodelovanjem zidova krvnih sudova – ACE2 kao
homolog ACE i kolektrin [transmembrane protein 27
(TMEM27)] kao homolog ACE2. Do sada je mali broj
studija ispitivao ekspresiju komponenti RAS sistema u tkivu
uznapredovalog karotidnog plaka (KP) u odnosu na pol
bolesnika i fenotip plaka (FP). Postoje dva tipa KP
definisana primenom ultrazvuka – fenotip hipoehogenog
plaka (HoP) i fenotip hiperehogenog plaka (HerP). Cilj rada
bio je da se ispita da li postoji korelacija između ekspresije
komponenti RAS u KP i pola i FP bolesnika. Metode.
Ispitano je 74 bolesnika sa uznapredovalim KP koji su bili
podvrgnuti operativnoj proceduri karotidne
endarterektomije. Ekspresija komponenti RAS sistema u
tkivu plaka utvrđena je lančanom reakcijom polimeraze u
realnom vremenu (real-time polymerase chain reaction)primenom eseja TaqMan® tehnologije i metode Western blota. Dvosmerna analiza varijanse i Tukey post-hoc test korišćen su za statističku obradu rezultata. Rezultati. Nije utvrđena
interakcija FP i pola bolesnika u uticaju na relativnu
ekspresiju informacione RNK (iRNK) za ACE i TMEM27
(p > 0,05). U 56,06% uzoraka plaka nije detektovana
ekspresija iRNK za ACE2. U plakovima u kojima je
detektovana ekspresija iRNK za ACE2, njen nivo bio je viši
kod žena sa HoP u poređenju sa ženama sa HerP (p <
0,001). U grupi bolesnika sa fenotipom HoP, žene su imale
viši nivo iRNK za ACE2 nego muškarci (p < 0,05). U grupi
muškaraca, nivoi ekspresije ACE proteina bili suznačajno
niži u fenotipu HoP u poređenju sa HerP (p < 0,001). Žene
sa fenotipom HoP imale su značajno viši nivo ACE
proteina u poređenju sa muškarcima sa HoP (p < 0,0001).
Zaključak. Naši rezultati pokazali su da postoje promene
nivoa ekspresije ACE i ACE2, na nivou proteina i iRNK u
uznapredovaloj karotidnoj As. Te promene zavise od pola i
FP i mogu ukazivati na to da balans ose RAS/ACE/ACE2
koji postoji u zdravom krvnom sudu postaje poremećen
tokom remodelovanja zida krvnog suda usled As.",
journal = "Vojnosanitetski pregled",
title = "The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque, Ekspresija komponenti renin-angiotenzin sistema u humanom karotidnom plaku",
volume = "81",
number = "4",
pages = "231-241",
doi = "10.2298/VSP221028014K"
Kolaković, A., Bundalo, M., Đurić, T., Končar, I., Stanković, A.,& Živković, M.. (2024). The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque. in Vojnosanitetski pregled, 81(4), 231-241.
Kolaković A, Bundalo M, Đurić T, Končar I, Stanković A, Živković M. The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque. in Vojnosanitetski pregled. 2024;81(4):231-241.
doi:10.2298/VSP221028014K .
Kolaković, Ana, Bundalo, Maja, Đurić, Tamara, Končar, Igor, Stanković, Aleksandra, Živković, Maja, "The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque" in Vojnosanitetski pregled, 81, no. 4 (2024):231-241,
https://doi.org/10.2298/VSP221028014K . .

A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT

Mitrović, Kristina; Životić, Ivan; Kolić, Ivana; Žakula, Jelena; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan


AU  - Mitrović, Kristina
AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Žakula, Jelena
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12889
AB  - Background The majority of CAKUT-associated CNVs overlap at least one miRNA gene, thus affecting the cellular levels of the corresponding miRNA. We aimed to investigate the potency of restitution of CNV-affected miRNA levels to remediate the dysregulated expression of target genes involved in kidney physiology and development in vitro.  Methods Heterozygous MIR484 knockout HEK293 and homozygous MIR185 knockout HEK293 cell lines were used as models depicting the deletion of the frequently affected miRNA genes by CAKUT-associated CNVs. After treatment with the corresponding miRNA mimics, the levels of the target genes have been compared to the non-targeting control treatment. For both investigated miRNAs, MDM2 and PKD1 were evaluated as common targets, while additional 3 genes were investigated as targets of each individual miRNA (NOTCH3, FIS1 and APAF1 as hsa-miR-484 targets and RHOA, ATF6 and CDC42 as hsa-miR-185-5p targets).  Results Restitution of the corresponding miRNA levels in both knockout cell lines has induced a change in the mRNA levels of certain candidate target genes, thus confirming the potential to alleviate the CNV effect on miRNA expression. Intriguingly, HEK293 WT treatment with investigated miRNA mimics has triggered a more pronounced effect, thus suggesting the importance of miRNA interplay in different genomic contexts.  Conclusions Dysregulation of multiple mRNA targets mediated by CNV-affected miRNAs could represent the underlying mechanism behind the unresolved CAKUT occurrence and phenotypic variability observed in CAKUT patients. Characterizing miRNAs located in CNVs and their potential to become molecular targets could eventually help in understanding and improving the management of CAKUT.
T2  - BMC Genomics
T1  - A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT
VL  - 25
IS  - 1
SP  - 218
DO  - 10.1186/s12864-024-10121-8
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Kristina and Životić, Ivan and Kolić, Ivana and Žakula, Jelena and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background The majority of CAKUT-associated CNVs overlap at least one miRNA gene, thus affecting the cellular levels of the corresponding miRNA. We aimed to investigate the potency of restitution of CNV-affected miRNA levels to remediate the dysregulated expression of target genes involved in kidney physiology and development in vitro.  Methods Heterozygous MIR484 knockout HEK293 and homozygous MIR185 knockout HEK293 cell lines were used as models depicting the deletion of the frequently affected miRNA genes by CAKUT-associated CNVs. After treatment with the corresponding miRNA mimics, the levels of the target genes have been compared to the non-targeting control treatment. For both investigated miRNAs, MDM2 and PKD1 were evaluated as common targets, while additional 3 genes were investigated as targets of each individual miRNA (NOTCH3, FIS1 and APAF1 as hsa-miR-484 targets and RHOA, ATF6 and CDC42 as hsa-miR-185-5p targets).  Results Restitution of the corresponding miRNA levels in both knockout cell lines has induced a change in the mRNA levels of certain candidate target genes, thus confirming the potential to alleviate the CNV effect on miRNA expression. Intriguingly, HEK293 WT treatment with investigated miRNA mimics has triggered a more pronounced effect, thus suggesting the importance of miRNA interplay in different genomic contexts.  Conclusions Dysregulation of multiple mRNA targets mediated by CNV-affected miRNAs could represent the underlying mechanism behind the unresolved CAKUT occurrence and phenotypic variability observed in CAKUT patients. Characterizing miRNAs located in CNVs and their potential to become molecular targets could eventually help in understanding and improving the management of CAKUT.",
journal = "BMC Genomics",
title = "A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT",
volume = "25",
number = "1",
pages = "218",
doi = "10.1186/s12864-024-10121-8"
Mitrović, K., Životić, I., Kolić, I., Žakula, J., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I.. (2024). A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT. in BMC Genomics, 25(1), 218.
Mitrović K, Životić I, Kolić I, Žakula J, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović I. A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT. in BMC Genomics. 2024;25(1):218.
doi:10.1186/s12864-024-10121-8 .
Mitrović, Kristina, Životić, Ivan, Kolić, Ivana, Žakula, Jelena, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan, "A preliminary study of the miRNA restitution effect on CNV-induced miRNA downregulation in CAKUT" in BMC Genomics, 25, no. 1 (2024):218,
https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10121-8 . .

A Transcriptomic Meta-analysis of Carbon Nanomaterials Toxicity on Lung Tissue

Seke, Mariana; Jovanović, Ivan G.; Mačak, Nataša; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Seke, Mariana
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
AU  - Mačak, Nataša
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13445
AB  - Nowadays, carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) are produced on an industrial scale and exposure to them can cause serious health issues. In this study, the long-term effects on the lung tissue transcriptome after administration of five CNMs: graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, small multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), large MWCNT, and carbon black were examined. Since these CNMs differ physicochemically, the aim was to investigate whether these CNMs induced similar or different transcriptomic signatures.  Publicly available transcriptomic datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, under accession numbers GSE159707, GSE35284, and GSE55286 were used to extract treatment data. Two doses of CNMs were chosen, 0 μg/mouse in the control group and 18 μg/mouse in the treatment group. Transcriptomic profiling was performed four weeks after each treatment. The analysis of data was done using GEO2R tool, which employs Linear Models for Microarray Analysis (limma) R package to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the control group and each CNM-treated group. The DEGs were identified with a cut-off nominal p value of 0.05. Subsequently, a meta-analysis of the identified DEGs was performed using iPathwayGuide tool (Advaita Bio) to explore if the enriched signalling pathways or enriched diseases, are common for all five CNM treatments.  The results have shown an enrichment of biological processes associated with immunological response in all CNMs treatments. Additionally, the research demonstrated that all CNMs treatments commonly induced Il-17 signalling pathway. Moreover, two disorders were identified as statistically significant: alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These findings are consistent with histopathological studies in mice.  In conclusion, physicochemically distinct CNMs could have similar adverse biological effects. Furthermore, the findings have shown that a single CNM treatment could have long-term impacts. This suggest the potential of a targeted profiling of CNM exposed subjects to predict the detrimental outcome and timely employ prophylactic strategies.
C3  - Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference
T1  - A Transcriptomic Meta-analysis of Carbon Nanomaterials Toxicity on Lung Tissue
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_13445
ER  - 
author = "Seke, Mariana and Jovanović, Ivan G. and Mačak, Nataša and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Nowadays, carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) are produced on an industrial scale and exposure to them can cause serious health issues. In this study, the long-term effects on the lung tissue transcriptome after administration of five CNMs: graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, small multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), large MWCNT, and carbon black were examined. Since these CNMs differ physicochemically, the aim was to investigate whether these CNMs induced similar or different transcriptomic signatures.  Publicly available transcriptomic datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, under accession numbers GSE159707, GSE35284, and GSE55286 were used to extract treatment data. Two doses of CNMs were chosen, 0 μg/mouse in the control group and 18 μg/mouse in the treatment group. Transcriptomic profiling was performed four weeks after each treatment. The analysis of data was done using GEO2R tool, which employs Linear Models for Microarray Analysis (limma) R package to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the control group and each CNM-treated group. The DEGs were identified with a cut-off nominal p value of 0.05. Subsequently, a meta-analysis of the identified DEGs was performed using iPathwayGuide tool (Advaita Bio) to explore if the enriched signalling pathways or enriched diseases, are common for all five CNM treatments.  The results have shown an enrichment of biological processes associated with immunological response in all CNMs treatments. Additionally, the research demonstrated that all CNMs treatments commonly induced Il-17 signalling pathway. Moreover, two disorders were identified as statistically significant: alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These findings are consistent with histopathological studies in mice.  In conclusion, physicochemically distinct CNMs could have similar adverse biological effects. Furthermore, the findings have shown that a single CNM treatment could have long-term impacts. This suggest the potential of a targeted profiling of CNM exposed subjects to predict the detrimental outcome and timely employ prophylactic strategies.",
journal = "Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference",
title = "A Transcriptomic Meta-analysis of Carbon Nanomaterials Toxicity on Lung Tissue",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_13445"
Seke, M., Jovanović, I. G., Mačak, N., Živković, M.,& Stanković, A.. (2024). A Transcriptomic Meta-analysis of Carbon Nanomaterials Toxicity on Lung Tissue. in Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference.
Seke M, Jovanović IG, Mačak N, Živković M, Stanković A. A Transcriptomic Meta-analysis of Carbon Nanomaterials Toxicity on Lung Tissue. in Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference. 2024;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_13445 .
Seke, Mariana, Jovanović, Ivan G., Mačak, Nataša, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, "A Transcriptomic Meta-analysis of Carbon Nanomaterials Toxicity on Lung Tissue" in Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference (2024),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_13445 .

Versatile applications of fullerenol nanoparticles

Seke, Mariana; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Seke, Mariana
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13419
AB  - Nanomaterials have become increasingly important over time as research technology has enabled the progressively precise study of materials at the nanoscale. Developing an understanding of how nanomaterials are produced and tuned allows scientists to utilise their unique properties for a variety of applications, many of which are already incorporated into commercial products. Fullerenol nanoparticles C60(OH)n, 2 ≤ n ≤ 44 are fullerene derivatives and are produced synthetically. They have good biocompatibility, low toxicity and no immunological reactivity. In addition, their nanometre size, large surface area to volume ratio, ability to penetrate cell membranes, adaptable surface that can be easily modified with different functional groups, drug release, high physical stability in biological media, ability to remove free radicals, magnetic and optical properties make them desirable candidates for various applications. This review comprehensively summarises the various applications of fullerenol nanoparticles in different scientific fields such as nanobiomedicine, including antibacterial and antiviral agents, and provides an overview of their use in agriculture and biosensor technology. Recommendations are also made for future research that would further elucidate the mechanisms of fullerenols actions.
T2  - International Journal of Pharmaceutics
T1  - Versatile applications of fullerenol nanoparticles
VL  - 660
SP  - 124313
DO  - 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124313
ER  - 
author = "Seke, Mariana and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Nanomaterials have become increasingly important over time as research technology has enabled the progressively precise study of materials at the nanoscale. Developing an understanding of how nanomaterials are produced and tuned allows scientists to utilise their unique properties for a variety of applications, many of which are already incorporated into commercial products. Fullerenol nanoparticles C60(OH)n, 2 ≤ n ≤ 44 are fullerene derivatives and are produced synthetically. They have good biocompatibility, low toxicity and no immunological reactivity. In addition, their nanometre size, large surface area to volume ratio, ability to penetrate cell membranes, adaptable surface that can be easily modified with different functional groups, drug release, high physical stability in biological media, ability to remove free radicals, magnetic and optical properties make them desirable candidates for various applications. This review comprehensively summarises the various applications of fullerenol nanoparticles in different scientific fields such as nanobiomedicine, including antibacterial and antiviral agents, and provides an overview of their use in agriculture and biosensor technology. Recommendations are also made for future research that would further elucidate the mechanisms of fullerenols actions.",
journal = "International Journal of Pharmaceutics",
title = "Versatile applications of fullerenol nanoparticles",
volume = "660",
pages = "124313",
doi = "10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124313"
Seke, M., Živković, M.,& Stanković, A.. (2024). Versatile applications of fullerenol nanoparticles. in International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 660, 124313.
Seke M, Živković M, Stanković A. Versatile applications of fullerenol nanoparticles. in International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2024;660:124313.
doi:10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124313 .
Seke, Mariana, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, "Versatile applications of fullerenol nanoparticles" in International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 660 (2024):124313,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2024.124313 . .

Pathway analysis of peripheral blood CD8+ T cell transcriptome shows differential regulation of sphingolipid signaling in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma

Stefanović, Milan; Jovanović, Ivan; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Stefanović, Milan
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13389
AB  - Multiple sclerosis (MS) and glioblastoma (GBM) are CNS diseases in whose development and progression immune privilege is intimately important, but in a relatively opposite manner. Maintenance and strengthening of immune privilege have been shown to be an important mechanism in glioblastoma immune evasion, while the breakdown of immune privilege leads to MS initiation and exacerbation. We hypothesize that molecular signaling pathways can be oppositely regulated in peripheral blood CD8+ T cells of MS and glioblastoma patients at a transcriptional level. We analyzed publicly available data of the peripheral blood CD8+ T cell MS vs. control (MSvsCTRL) and GBM vs. control (GBMvsCTRL) differentially expressed gene (DEG) contrasts with Qiagen’s Ingenuity pathway analysis software (IPA). We have identified sphingolipid signaling pathway which was significantly downregulated in the GBMvsCTRL and upregulated in the MSvsCTRL. As the pathway is important for the CD8+ T lymphocytes CNS infiltration, this result is in line with our previously stated hypothesis. Comparing publicly available lists of differentially expressed serum exosomal miRNAs from MSvsCTRL and GBMvsCTRL contrasts, we have identified that hsa-miR182-5p has the greatest potential effect on sphingolipid signaling regarding the number of regulated DEGs in the GBMvsCTRL contrast, while not being able to find any relevant potential sphingolipid signaling target transcripts in the MSvsCTRL contrast. We conclude that the sphingolipid signaling pathway is a top oppositely regulated pathway in peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from GBM and MS, and might be crucial for the differences in CNS immune privilege maintenance of investigated diseases, but further experimental research is necessary.
T2  - PLoS ONE
T1  - Pathway analysis of peripheral blood CD8+ T cell transcriptome shows differential regulation of sphingolipid signaling in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma
VL  - 19
IS  - 6
SP  - e0305042
DO  - 10.1371/journal.pone.0305042
ER  - 
author = "Stefanović, Milan and Jovanović, Ivan and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Multiple sclerosis (MS) and glioblastoma (GBM) are CNS diseases in whose development and progression immune privilege is intimately important, but in a relatively opposite manner. Maintenance and strengthening of immune privilege have been shown to be an important mechanism in glioblastoma immune evasion, while the breakdown of immune privilege leads to MS initiation and exacerbation. We hypothesize that molecular signaling pathways can be oppositely regulated in peripheral blood CD8+ T cells of MS and glioblastoma patients at a transcriptional level. We analyzed publicly available data of the peripheral blood CD8+ T cell MS vs. control (MSvsCTRL) and GBM vs. control (GBMvsCTRL) differentially expressed gene (DEG) contrasts with Qiagen’s Ingenuity pathway analysis software (IPA). We have identified sphingolipid signaling pathway which was significantly downregulated in the GBMvsCTRL and upregulated in the MSvsCTRL. As the pathway is important for the CD8+ T lymphocytes CNS infiltration, this result is in line with our previously stated hypothesis. Comparing publicly available lists of differentially expressed serum exosomal miRNAs from MSvsCTRL and GBMvsCTRL contrasts, we have identified that hsa-miR182-5p has the greatest potential effect on sphingolipid signaling regarding the number of regulated DEGs in the GBMvsCTRL contrast, while not being able to find any relevant potential sphingolipid signaling target transcripts in the MSvsCTRL contrast. We conclude that the sphingolipid signaling pathway is a top oppositely regulated pathway in peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from GBM and MS, and might be crucial for the differences in CNS immune privilege maintenance of investigated diseases, but further experimental research is necessary.",
journal = "PLoS ONE",
title = "Pathway analysis of peripheral blood CD8+ T cell transcriptome shows differential regulation of sphingolipid signaling in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma",
volume = "19",
number = "6",
pages = "e0305042",
doi = "10.1371/journal.pone.0305042"
Stefanović, M., Jovanović, I., Živković, M.,& Stanković, A.. (2024). Pathway analysis of peripheral blood CD8+ T cell transcriptome shows differential regulation of sphingolipid signaling in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma. in PLoS ONE, 19(6), e0305042.
Stefanović M, Jovanović I, Živković M, Stanković A. Pathway analysis of peripheral blood CD8+ T cell transcriptome shows differential regulation of sphingolipid signaling in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma. in PLoS ONE. 2024;19(6):e0305042.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0305042 .
Stefanović, Milan, Jovanović, Ivan, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, "Pathway analysis of peripheral blood CD8+ T cell transcriptome shows differential regulation of sphingolipid signaling in multiple sclerosis and glioblastoma" in PLoS ONE, 19, no. 6 (2024):e0305042,
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0305042 . .

Essential trace element levels in multiple sclerosis: bridging demographic and clinical gaps, assessing the need for supplementation

Stojsavljević, Aleksandar; Jagodić, Jovana; Pavlović, Slađan; Dinčić, Evica; Kuveljić, Jovana; Manojlović, Dragan; Živković, Maja


AU  - Stojsavljević, Aleksandar
AU  - Jagodić, Jovana
AU  - Pavlović, Slađan
AU  - Dinčić, Evica
AU  - Kuveljić, Jovana
AU  - Manojlović, Dragan
AU  - Živković, Maja
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12937
AB  - Background  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disorder intricately linked to perturbations in trace element levels. While previous studies have explored circulating trace elements in a limited sample, understanding the impact of demographic and clinical variables on the elemental profile within a larger cohort remains elusive. Methods  This study aimed to evaluate essential trace elements (Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, and Se) in the sera of 215 MS patients compared to a meticulously matched control group of 100 individuals with similar gender and age. Our main objective was to identify potential variations in elemental profiles based on demographic and clinical parameters among MS patients, elucidating the prospective relevance of supplementing specific essential trace elements. Results  Data indicated a significant decrease in serum levels of Mn, Co, Zn, and Se, and an increase in Cr in MS patients compared to controls. These trace elements not only discriminated between MS patients and controls but also exhibited distinctive capabilities among demographic subgroups. Gender, smoking habits, and age strata (20-40 years and 41-60 years) revealed discernible variations in elemental profiles between MS patients and their control counterparts. Se demonstrated the singular ability to stratify cases of extreme MS severity, mild relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and highly severe secondary progressive MS (SPMS). In contrast, Co significantly differentiated RRMS from primary progressive MS (PPMS), while Cu significantly differentiated SPMS from PPMS. Additionally, Cu showed a negative correlation with MSSS, while Mn and Zn showed a positive correlation with EDSS. Conclusion  These findings underscore a substantive deficiency in Mn, Co, Zn, and Se in the MS cohort, supporting targeted supplementation with these trace elements. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between essential trace elements and MS, paving the way for further research into personalized nutritional interventions for this complex neurological disorder.
T2  - Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
T1  - Essential trace element levels in multiple sclerosis: bridging demographic and clinical gaps, assessing the need for supplementation
VL  - 83
SP  - 127421
DO  - 10.1016/j.jtemb.2024.127421
ER  - 
author = "Stojsavljević, Aleksandar and Jagodić, Jovana and Pavlović, Slađan and Dinčić, Evica and Kuveljić, Jovana and Manojlović, Dragan and Živković, Maja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disorder intricately linked to perturbations in trace element levels. While previous studies have explored circulating trace elements in a limited sample, understanding the impact of demographic and clinical variables on the elemental profile within a larger cohort remains elusive. Methods  This study aimed to evaluate essential trace elements (Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, and Se) in the sera of 215 MS patients compared to a meticulously matched control group of 100 individuals with similar gender and age. Our main objective was to identify potential variations in elemental profiles based on demographic and clinical parameters among MS patients, elucidating the prospective relevance of supplementing specific essential trace elements. Results  Data indicated a significant decrease in serum levels of Mn, Co, Zn, and Se, and an increase in Cr in MS patients compared to controls. These trace elements not only discriminated between MS patients and controls but also exhibited distinctive capabilities among demographic subgroups. Gender, smoking habits, and age strata (20-40 years and 41-60 years) revealed discernible variations in elemental profiles between MS patients and their control counterparts. Se demonstrated the singular ability to stratify cases of extreme MS severity, mild relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and highly severe secondary progressive MS (SPMS). In contrast, Co significantly differentiated RRMS from primary progressive MS (PPMS), while Cu significantly differentiated SPMS from PPMS. Additionally, Cu showed a negative correlation with MSSS, while Mn and Zn showed a positive correlation with EDSS. Conclusion  These findings underscore a substantive deficiency in Mn, Co, Zn, and Se in the MS cohort, supporting targeted supplementation with these trace elements. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between essential trace elements and MS, paving the way for further research into personalized nutritional interventions for this complex neurological disorder.",
journal = "Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology",
title = "Essential trace element levels in multiple sclerosis: bridging demographic and clinical gaps, assessing the need for supplementation",
volume = "83",
pages = "127421",
doi = "10.1016/j.jtemb.2024.127421"
Stojsavljević, A., Jagodić, J., Pavlović, S., Dinčić, E., Kuveljić, J., Manojlović, D.,& Živković, M.. (2024). Essential trace element levels in multiple sclerosis: bridging demographic and clinical gaps, assessing the need for supplementation. in Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 83, 127421.
Stojsavljević A, Jagodić J, Pavlović S, Dinčić E, Kuveljić J, Manojlović D, Živković M. Essential trace element levels in multiple sclerosis: bridging demographic and clinical gaps, assessing the need for supplementation. in Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2024;83:127421.
doi:10.1016/j.jtemb.2024.127421 .
Stojsavljević, Aleksandar, Jagodić, Jovana, Pavlović, Slađan, Dinčić, Evica, Kuveljić, Jovana, Manojlović, Dragan, Živković, Maja, "Essential trace element levels in multiple sclerosis: bridging demographic and clinical gaps, assessing the need for supplementation" in Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 83 (2024):127421,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtemb.2024.127421 . .

Copy number variation analysis identifies MIR9-3 and MIR1299 as novel miRNA candidate genes for CAKUT

Životić, Ivan; Kolić, Ivana; Cvetković, Mirjana; Spasojević-Dimitrijeva, Brankica; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan


AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Cvetković, Mirjana
AU  - Spasojević-Dimitrijeva, Brankica
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13223
AB  - Background Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) represent a frequent cause of pediatric kidney failure. CNVs, as a major class of genomic variations, can also affect miRNA regions. Common CNV corresponding miRNAs (cCNV-miRNAs) are functional variants regulating crucial processes which could affect urinary system development. Thus, we hypothesize that cCNV-miRNAs are associated with CAKUT occurrence and its expressivity.  Methods The extraction and filtering of common CNVs, identified in control samples deposited in publicly available databases gnomAD v2.1 and dbVar, were coupled with mapping of miRNA sequences using UCSC Genome Browser. After verification of the mapped miRNAs using referent miRBase V22.1, prioritization of cCNV-miRNA candidates has been performed using bioinformatic annotation and literature research. Genotyping of miRNA gene copy numbers for MIR9-3, MIR511, and MIR1299, was conducted on 221 CAKUT patients and 192 controls using TaqMan™ technology.  Results We observed significantly different MIR9-3 and MIR1299 gene copy number distribution between CAKUT patients and controls (Chi-square, P = 0.006 and P = 0.0002, respectively), while difference of MIR511 copy number distribution showed nominal significance (Chi-square, P = 0.027). The counts of less and more than two of MIR1299 copy numbers were more frequent within CAKUT patients compared to controls (P = 0.01 and P = 0.008, respectively) and also in cohort of patients with anomalies of the urinary tract compared to controls (P = 0.016 and P = 0.003, respectively).  Conclusions Copy number variations of miRNA genes represent a novel avenue in clarification of the inheritance complexity in CAKUT and provide potential evidence about the association of common genetic variation with CAKUT phenotypes.
T2  - Pediatric Nephrology
T1  - Copy number variation analysis identifies MIR9-3 and MIR1299 as novel miRNA candidate genes for CAKUT
DO  - 10.1007/s00467-024-06381-x
ER  - 
author = "Životić, Ivan and Kolić, Ivana and Cvetković, Mirjana and Spasojević-Dimitrijeva, Brankica and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) represent a frequent cause of pediatric kidney failure. CNVs, as a major class of genomic variations, can also affect miRNA regions. Common CNV corresponding miRNAs (cCNV-miRNAs) are functional variants regulating crucial processes which could affect urinary system development. Thus, we hypothesize that cCNV-miRNAs are associated with CAKUT occurrence and its expressivity.  Methods The extraction and filtering of common CNVs, identified in control samples deposited in publicly available databases gnomAD v2.1 and dbVar, were coupled with mapping of miRNA sequences using UCSC Genome Browser. After verification of the mapped miRNAs using referent miRBase V22.1, prioritization of cCNV-miRNA candidates has been performed using bioinformatic annotation and literature research. Genotyping of miRNA gene copy numbers for MIR9-3, MIR511, and MIR1299, was conducted on 221 CAKUT patients and 192 controls using TaqMan™ technology.  Results We observed significantly different MIR9-3 and MIR1299 gene copy number distribution between CAKUT patients and controls (Chi-square, P = 0.006 and P = 0.0002, respectively), while difference of MIR511 copy number distribution showed nominal significance (Chi-square, P = 0.027). The counts of less and more than two of MIR1299 copy numbers were more frequent within CAKUT patients compared to controls (P = 0.01 and P = 0.008, respectively) and also in cohort of patients with anomalies of the urinary tract compared to controls (P = 0.016 and P = 0.003, respectively).  Conclusions Copy number variations of miRNA genes represent a novel avenue in clarification of the inheritance complexity in CAKUT and provide potential evidence about the association of common genetic variation with CAKUT phenotypes.",
journal = "Pediatric Nephrology",
title = "Copy number variation analysis identifies MIR9-3 and MIR1299 as novel miRNA candidate genes for CAKUT",
doi = "10.1007/s00467-024-06381-x"
Životić, I., Kolić, I., Cvetković, M., Spasojević-Dimitrijeva, B., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I.. (2024). Copy number variation analysis identifies MIR9-3 and MIR1299 as novel miRNA candidate genes for CAKUT. in Pediatric Nephrology.
Životić I, Kolić I, Cvetković M, Spasojević-Dimitrijeva B, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović I. Copy number variation analysis identifies MIR9-3 and MIR1299 as novel miRNA candidate genes for CAKUT. in Pediatric Nephrology. 2024;.
doi:10.1007/s00467-024-06381-x .
Životić, Ivan, Kolić, Ivana, Cvetković, Mirjana, Spasojević-Dimitrijeva, Brankica, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan, "Copy number variation analysis identifies MIR9-3 and MIR1299 as novel miRNA candidate genes for CAKUT" in Pediatric Nephrology (2024),
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00467-024-06381-x . .

The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue

Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Končar, Igor; Kolaković, Ana; Bošković, Maja; Đurić, Tamara


AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Končar, Igor
AU  - Kolaković, Ana
AU  - Bošković, Maja
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13193
AB  - Background The MMP-9 is a known player in atherosclerosis, yet associations of the MMP-9 -1562 C/T variant (rs3918242) with various atherosclerotic phenotypes and tissue mRNA expression are still contradictory. This study aimed to investigate the MMP-9 -1562 C/T variant, its mRNA and protein expression in carotid plaque (CP) tissue, as a risk factor for CP presence and as a marker of different plaque phenotypes (hyperechoic and hypoechoic) in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy. The MnSOD as an MMP-9 negative regulator was also studied in relation to CP phenotypes. Methods and results Genotyping of 770 participants (285 controls/485 patients) was done by tetra-primer ARMS PCR. The MMP-9 mRNA expression in 88 human CP tissues was detected by TaqMan® technology. The protein levels of MMP-9 and MnSOD were assessed by Western blot analysis. The MMP-9 -1562 C/T variant was not recognized as a risk factor for plaque presence or in predisposing MMP-9 mRNA and protein levels in plaque tissue. Patients with hypoechoic plaques had significantly lower MMP-9 mRNA and protein levels than those with hyperechoic plaque (p = 0.008, p = 0.003, respectively). MnSOD protein level was significantly higher in hypoechoic plaque compared to hyperechoic (p = 0.039). MMP-9 protein expression in CP tissue was significantly affected by sex and plaque type interaction (p = 0.009). Conclusions Considering the differences of MMP-9 mRNA and protein expression in CP tissue regarding different plaque phenotypes and the observed sex-specific effect, the role of MMP-9 in human atherosclerotic plaques should be further elucidated.
T2  - Molecular Biology Reports
T1  - The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue
VL  - 51
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.1007/s11033-024-09458-w
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Končar, Igor and Kolaković, Ana and Bošković, Maja and Đurić, Tamara",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background The MMP-9 is a known player in atherosclerosis, yet associations of the MMP-9 -1562 C/T variant (rs3918242) with various atherosclerotic phenotypes and tissue mRNA expression are still contradictory. This study aimed to investigate the MMP-9 -1562 C/T variant, its mRNA and protein expression in carotid plaque (CP) tissue, as a risk factor for CP presence and as a marker of different plaque phenotypes (hyperechoic and hypoechoic) in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy. The MnSOD as an MMP-9 negative regulator was also studied in relation to CP phenotypes. Methods and results Genotyping of 770 participants (285 controls/485 patients) was done by tetra-primer ARMS PCR. The MMP-9 mRNA expression in 88 human CP tissues was detected by TaqMan® technology. The protein levels of MMP-9 and MnSOD were assessed by Western blot analysis. The MMP-9 -1562 C/T variant was not recognized as a risk factor for plaque presence or in predisposing MMP-9 mRNA and protein levels in plaque tissue. Patients with hypoechoic plaques had significantly lower MMP-9 mRNA and protein levels than those with hyperechoic plaque (p = 0.008, p = 0.003, respectively). MnSOD protein level was significantly higher in hypoechoic plaque compared to hyperechoic (p = 0.039). MMP-9 protein expression in CP tissue was significantly affected by sex and plaque type interaction (p = 0.009). Conclusions Considering the differences of MMP-9 mRNA and protein expression in CP tissue regarding different plaque phenotypes and the observed sex-specific effect, the role of MMP-9 in human atherosclerotic plaques should be further elucidated.",
journal = "Molecular Biology Reports",
title = "The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue",
volume = "51",
number = "1",
doi = "10.1007/s11033-024-09458-w"
Živković, M., Stanković, A., Končar, I., Kolaković, A., Bošković, M.,& Đurić, T.. (2024). The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue. in Molecular Biology Reports, 51(1).
Živković M, Stanković A, Končar I, Kolaković A, Bošković M, Đurić T. The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue. in Molecular Biology Reports. 2024;51(1).
doi:10.1007/s11033-024-09458-w .
Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Končar, Igor, Kolaković, Ana, Bošković, Maja, Đurić, Tamara, "The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue" in Molecular Biology Reports, 51, no. 1 (2024),
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-024-09458-w . .

Expression levels of GSDMB and ORMDL3 are associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and IKZF3 rs12946510 variant

Stefanović, Milan; Stojković, Ljiljana; Životić, Ivan; Dinčić, Evica; Stanković, Aleksandra; Živković, Maja


AU  - Stefanović, Milan
AU  - Stojković, Ljiljana
AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Dinčić, Evica
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Živković, Maja
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12715
AB  - Multiple sclerosis (MS), a noncurable autoimmune neurodegenerative disease, requires constant research that could improve understanding of both environmental and genetic factors that lead to its occurrence and/or progression. Recognition of the genetic basis of MS further leads to an investigation of the regulatory role of genetic variants on gene expression. Among risk variants for MS, Ikaros zinc finger 3 (IKZF3) gene variant rs12946510 was identified as one of the top-ranked and the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) for genes residing in chromosomal locus 17q12- 21. The study aimed to investigate the association of gene expression of the immunologically relevant genes, which map to indicated locus, ORMDL3, GSDMB, and IKZF3, with MS and rs12946510 genotype, taking into account disease phase, clinical parameters of disease progression, and severity and immunomodulatory therapy. We used TaqMan® technology for both allelic discrimination and gene expression determination in 67 relapsing MS patients and 50 healthy controls. Decreased ORMDL3 and GSDMB mRNA levels had significant associations with MS and rs12946510 TT rare homozygote among patients. Significant positive correlations between ORMDL3 and GSDMB mRNA expression were observed in both patients and controls. We detected the significant between-effect of sex and rs12946510 on the expression of ORMDL3 in the patient group and interferon β therapy and rs12946510 on GSDMB expression. Our results show the association of ORMDL3 and GSDMB mRNA expression with the clinical manifestation of MS and confirm that IKZF3 rs12946510 exerts the eQTL effect on both genes in multiple sclerosis. Besides providing novel insight related to MS phases and interferon β therapy, the study results confirm previous studies on regulatory genetic variants, autoimmunity, and MS.
T2  - Heliyon
T1  - Expression levels of GSDMB and ORMDL3 are associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and IKZF3 rs12946510 variant
VL  - 10
IS  - 3
SP  - e25033
DO  - 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25033
ER  - 
author = "Stefanović, Milan and Stojković, Ljiljana and Životić, Ivan and Dinčić, Evica and Stanković, Aleksandra and Živković, Maja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Multiple sclerosis (MS), a noncurable autoimmune neurodegenerative disease, requires constant research that could improve understanding of both environmental and genetic factors that lead to its occurrence and/or progression. Recognition of the genetic basis of MS further leads to an investigation of the regulatory role of genetic variants on gene expression. Among risk variants for MS, Ikaros zinc finger 3 (IKZF3) gene variant rs12946510 was identified as one of the top-ranked and the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) for genes residing in chromosomal locus 17q12- 21. The study aimed to investigate the association of gene expression of the immunologically relevant genes, which map to indicated locus, ORMDL3, GSDMB, and IKZF3, with MS and rs12946510 genotype, taking into account disease phase, clinical parameters of disease progression, and severity and immunomodulatory therapy. We used TaqMan® technology for both allelic discrimination and gene expression determination in 67 relapsing MS patients and 50 healthy controls. Decreased ORMDL3 and GSDMB mRNA levels had significant associations with MS and rs12946510 TT rare homozygote among patients. Significant positive correlations between ORMDL3 and GSDMB mRNA expression were observed in both patients and controls. We detected the significant between-effect of sex and rs12946510 on the expression of ORMDL3 in the patient group and interferon β therapy and rs12946510 on GSDMB expression. Our results show the association of ORMDL3 and GSDMB mRNA expression with the clinical manifestation of MS and confirm that IKZF3 rs12946510 exerts the eQTL effect on both genes in multiple sclerosis. Besides providing novel insight related to MS phases and interferon β therapy, the study results confirm previous studies on regulatory genetic variants, autoimmunity, and MS.",
journal = "Heliyon",
title = "Expression levels of GSDMB and ORMDL3 are associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and IKZF3 rs12946510 variant",
volume = "10",
number = "3",
pages = "e25033",
doi = "10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25033"
Stefanović, M., Stojković, L., Životić, I., Dinčić, E., Stanković, A.,& Živković, M.. (2024). Expression levels of GSDMB and ORMDL3 are associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and IKZF3 rs12946510 variant. in Heliyon, 10(3), e25033.
Stefanović M, Stojković L, Životić I, Dinčić E, Stanković A, Živković M. Expression levels of GSDMB and ORMDL3 are associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and IKZF3 rs12946510 variant. in Heliyon. 2024;10(3):e25033.
doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25033 .
Stefanović, Milan, Stojković, Ljiljana, Životić, Ivan, Dinčić, Evica, Stanković, Aleksandra, Živković, Maja, "Expression levels of GSDMB and ORMDL3 are associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and IKZF3 rs12946510 variant" in Heliyon, 10, no. 3 (2024):e25033,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25033 . .

FADS2 gene variant rs174593 is associated with multiple sclerosis

Stojković, Ljiljana; Stefanović, Milan; Dinčić, Evica; Mačak, Nataša; Seke, Mariana; Živković, Maja


AU  - Stojković, Ljiljana
AU  - Stefanović, Milan
AU  - Dinčić, Evica
AU  - Mačak, Nataša
AU  - Seke, Mariana
AU  - Živković, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12712
AB  - Introduction: The hallmark pathogenic mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) are proposed to be associated with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids(LC-PUFA)-mediated neuroinflammation, through LC-PUFA-derived pro- and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. Variants in genes coding for fatty acid desaturases (FADS), the key enzymes in LC-PUFA biosynthesis from essential fatty acids, are associated with changesin circulating LC-PUFA levels. The aim of thisstudy wasto investigate the FADS2 intronic variants, rs174576 (C/A), rs174593 (T/C) and rs174616 (G/A), in association with MS. Methods: The study involved 124 patients with relapsing-remitting form of MS and 83 healthy control subjects. The FADS2 gene variants were detected using TaqMan® SNP genotyping assays. Analysis of allele and genotype distributions in patients and controls was done by using the chi-square test. Results: According to the model of dominant effect of allele, genotypes containing the alternative, C, allele of FADS2 rs174593 variant were significantly less frequent in MS patients than in controls (MS: TT=57,26%, TC+CC=42,74%; controls: TT=42,17%, TC+CC=57,83%; p=0,03). In addition, the frequency of rs174593 C allele was significantly lower in patients, compared to controls (MS: T=0,76, C=0,24; controls: T=0,67, C=0,33; p=0,04). The frequency distributions of rs174576 and rs174616 alleles and genotypes were not significantly different between the study groups (p>0,05). Conclusion: The obtained resultssupply a rationale for further investigation of the association of FADS2 rs174593 with circulating LC-PUFA levels, in the context of MS. The genotype-LC-PUFA phenotype association could provide guidelinesfor personalized LC-PUFA supplementation, to potentially ameliorate the disease course and improve the effectiveness of therapy
C3  - CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts
T1  - FADS2 gene variant rs174593 is associated with multiple sclerosis
SP  - 88
EP  - 88
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12712
ER  - 
author = "Stojković, Ljiljana and Stefanović, Milan and Dinčić, Evica and Mačak, Nataša and Seke, Mariana and Živković, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Introduction: The hallmark pathogenic mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) are proposed to be associated with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids(LC-PUFA)-mediated neuroinflammation, through LC-PUFA-derived pro- and anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. Variants in genes coding for fatty acid desaturases (FADS), the key enzymes in LC-PUFA biosynthesis from essential fatty acids, are associated with changesin circulating LC-PUFA levels. The aim of thisstudy wasto investigate the FADS2 intronic variants, rs174576 (C/A), rs174593 (T/C) and rs174616 (G/A), in association with MS. Methods: The study involved 124 patients with relapsing-remitting form of MS and 83 healthy control subjects. The FADS2 gene variants were detected using TaqMan® SNP genotyping assays. Analysis of allele and genotype distributions in patients and controls was done by using the chi-square test. Results: According to the model of dominant effect of allele, genotypes containing the alternative, C, allele of FADS2 rs174593 variant were significantly less frequent in MS patients than in controls (MS: TT=57,26%, TC+CC=42,74%; controls: TT=42,17%, TC+CC=57,83%; p=0,03). In addition, the frequency of rs174593 C allele was significantly lower in patients, compared to controls (MS: T=0,76, C=0,24; controls: T=0,67, C=0,33; p=0,04). The frequency distributions of rs174576 and rs174616 alleles and genotypes were not significantly different between the study groups (p>0,05). Conclusion: The obtained resultssupply a rationale for further investigation of the association of FADS2 rs174593 with circulating LC-PUFA levels, in the context of MS. The genotype-LC-PUFA phenotype association could provide guidelinesfor personalized LC-PUFA supplementation, to potentially ameliorate the disease course and improve the effectiveness of therapy",
journal = "CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts",
title = "FADS2 gene variant rs174593 is associated with multiple sclerosis",
pages = "88-88",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12712"
Stojković, L., Stefanović, M., Dinčić, E., Mačak, N., Seke, M.,& Živković, M.. (2023). FADS2 gene variant rs174593 is associated with multiple sclerosis. in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts, 88-88.
Stojković L, Stefanović M, Dinčić E, Mačak N, Seke M, Živković M. FADS2 gene variant rs174593 is associated with multiple sclerosis. in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts. 2023;:88-88.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12712 .
Stojković, Ljiljana, Stefanović, Milan, Dinčić, Evica, Mačak, Nataša, Seke, Mariana, Živković, Maja, "FADS2 gene variant rs174593 is associated with multiple sclerosis" in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts (2023):88-88,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12712 .

Downregulation of fibrosis related hsa-miR-29c-3p in human CAKUT

Mačak, Nataša; Jovanović, Ivan G.; Živković, Maja; Mitrović, Kristina; Cvetković, Mirjana; Kostić, Mirjana; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Mačak, Nataša
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Mitrović, Kristina
AU  - Cvetković, Mirjana
AU  - Kostić, Mirjana
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11165
AB  - Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) represent structural and functional urinary system malformations and take place as one of the most common congenital malformations with an incidence of 1:500. Ureteral obstruction-induced hydronephrosis is associated with renal fibrosis and chronic kidney diseases in the pediatric CAKUT. We aimed to construct interaction network of previously bioinformatically associated miRNAs with CAKUT differentially expressed genes in order to prioritize those associated with fibrotic process and to experimentally validate the expression of selected miRNAs in CAKUT patients compared to control group. We constructed interaction network of hsa-miR-101-3p, hsa-miR-101-5p and hsa-miR-29c-3p that showed significant association with fibrosis. The top enriched molecular pathway was extracellular matrix-receptor interaction (adjusted p = .0000263). We experimentally confirmed expression of three miRNAs (hsa-miR-29c-3p, hsa-miR-101-3p and hsa-miR-101-5p) in obstructed ureters (ureteropelvic junction obstruction and primary obstructive megaureter) and vesicoureteral reflux. The hsa-miR-29c-3p was shown to have lower expression in both patient groups compared to controls. Relative levels of hsa-miR-101-5p and hsa-miR-101-3p showed significant positive correlations in both groups of patients. Statistically significant correlation was observed between hsa-miR-101 (-3p and -5p) and hsa-miR-29c-3p only in the obstructed group. The significant downregulation of anti-fibrotic hsa-miR-29c-3p in obstructive CAKUT could explain activation of genes involved in fibrotic processes. As miRNAs are promising candidates in therapeutic approaches our results need further measurement of fibrotic markers or assessment of extent of fibrosis and functional evaluation of hsa-miR-29c.
T2  - Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids
T1  - Downregulation of fibrosis related hsa-miR-29c-3p in human CAKUT
VL  - 42
IS  - 12
SP  - 945
EP  - 958
DO  - 10.1080/15257770.2023.2218430
ER  - 
author = "Mačak, Nataša and Jovanović, Ivan G. and Živković, Maja and Mitrović, Kristina and Cvetković, Mirjana and Kostić, Mirjana and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) represent structural and functional urinary system malformations and take place as one of the most common congenital malformations with an incidence of 1:500. Ureteral obstruction-induced hydronephrosis is associated with renal fibrosis and chronic kidney diseases in the pediatric CAKUT. We aimed to construct interaction network of previously bioinformatically associated miRNAs with CAKUT differentially expressed genes in order to prioritize those associated with fibrotic process and to experimentally validate the expression of selected miRNAs in CAKUT patients compared to control group. We constructed interaction network of hsa-miR-101-3p, hsa-miR-101-5p and hsa-miR-29c-3p that showed significant association with fibrosis. The top enriched molecular pathway was extracellular matrix-receptor interaction (adjusted p = .0000263). We experimentally confirmed expression of three miRNAs (hsa-miR-29c-3p, hsa-miR-101-3p and hsa-miR-101-5p) in obstructed ureters (ureteropelvic junction obstruction and primary obstructive megaureter) and vesicoureteral reflux. The hsa-miR-29c-3p was shown to have lower expression in both patient groups compared to controls. Relative levels of hsa-miR-101-5p and hsa-miR-101-3p showed significant positive correlations in both groups of patients. Statistically significant correlation was observed between hsa-miR-101 (-3p and -5p) and hsa-miR-29c-3p only in the obstructed group. The significant downregulation of anti-fibrotic hsa-miR-29c-3p in obstructive CAKUT could explain activation of genes involved in fibrotic processes. As miRNAs are promising candidates in therapeutic approaches our results need further measurement of fibrotic markers or assessment of extent of fibrosis and functional evaluation of hsa-miR-29c.",
journal = "Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids",
title = "Downregulation of fibrosis related hsa-miR-29c-3p in human CAKUT",
volume = "42",
number = "12",
pages = "945-958",
doi = "10.1080/15257770.2023.2218430"
Mačak, N., Jovanović, I. G., Živković, M., Mitrović, K., Cvetković, M., Kostić, M.,& Stanković, A.. (2023). Downregulation of fibrosis related hsa-miR-29c-3p in human CAKUT. in Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 42(12), 945-958.
Mačak N, Jovanović IG, Živković M, Mitrović K, Cvetković M, Kostić M, Stanković A. Downregulation of fibrosis related hsa-miR-29c-3p in human CAKUT. in Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids. 2023;42(12):945-958.
doi:10.1080/15257770.2023.2218430 .
Mačak, Nataša, Jovanović, Ivan G., Živković, Maja, Mitrović, Kristina, Cvetković, Mirjana, Kostić, Mirjana, Stanković, Aleksandra, "Downregulation of fibrosis related hsa-miR-29c-3p in human CAKUT" in Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 42, no. 12 (2023):945-958,
https://doi.org/10.1080/15257770.2023.2218430 . .

Identification of micro RNA from common copy number variants as risk factors for CAKUT

Životić, Ivan; Mitrović, Kristina; Kolić, Ivana; Seke, Mariana; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan


AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Mitrović, Kristina
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Seke, Mariana
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12465
AB  - Introduction: Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tracts(CAKUT) are a diverse spectrum of defects with complex etiology and not fully explained genetic background. miRNA-containing copy number variants (CNVs) are described as genetic risk factor for the disease development. We aimed to identify miRNAs with the maximum regulatory coverage of previously reported differentially expressed genes in CAKUT tissue compared to controls and bioinformatically characterize a set of these miRNAs which are located in common CNVs. Methods: Differentially expressed genes were identified from ureter tissue transcriptome open data GSE83946 from 15 CAKUT patients and 7 healthy controls, generated in house previously. miRPathDB v2.0 was used for identification of miRNAs with maximum coverage of DEGs(miRNAs which complimentarily regulate all DEGs). Mapping of maximum coverage miRNAs onto common CNVs (frequency >0.2) was performed using UCSC genome browser and gnomAD database. miRNA mapping common CNVs were further bioinformatically analyzed using miRPathDB v2.0. Results: In a maximum coverage set of 50 miRNAs interacting with DEGs in CAKUT, we have identified 3 miRNA geneslocated in the common CNVs(hsa-miR-663b, hsa-miR-3180-3p and hsa-miR-1302). Using Reactome database we identified all three miRNAsto be significantly enriched in the pathway Neuronal System: -log(p-value)>2.326 for hsa-miR-1302; -log(p-value)>1.556 for hsa-miR-3180-3p; and -log(pvalue)>1.703 for hsa-miR-663b. Conclusion: CAKUT is characterized with variable penetrability and expressivity and often followed with other comorbiditiessuch as neurodevelopmental disorders. miRNAsinvolved in DEG networks and prone to CNV effects could present modulating factors of the disease phenotype. Further studies should provide additional evidence about hsa-miR-1302, hsa-miR-3180-3p and hsa-miR-663b involvements in CAKUT etiology
C3  - CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts
T1  - Identification of micro RNA from common copy number variants as risk factors for CAKUT
SP  - 62
EP  - 62
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12465
ER  - 
author = "Životić, Ivan and Mitrović, Kristina and Kolić, Ivana and Seke, Mariana and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Introduction: Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tracts(CAKUT) are a diverse spectrum of defects with complex etiology and not fully explained genetic background. miRNA-containing copy number variants (CNVs) are described as genetic risk factor for the disease development. We aimed to identify miRNAs with the maximum regulatory coverage of previously reported differentially expressed genes in CAKUT tissue compared to controls and bioinformatically characterize a set of these miRNAs which are located in common CNVs. Methods: Differentially expressed genes were identified from ureter tissue transcriptome open data GSE83946 from 15 CAKUT patients and 7 healthy controls, generated in house previously. miRPathDB v2.0 was used for identification of miRNAs with maximum coverage of DEGs(miRNAs which complimentarily regulate all DEGs). Mapping of maximum coverage miRNAs onto common CNVs (frequency >0.2) was performed using UCSC genome browser and gnomAD database. miRNA mapping common CNVs were further bioinformatically analyzed using miRPathDB v2.0. Results: In a maximum coverage set of 50 miRNAs interacting with DEGs in CAKUT, we have identified 3 miRNA geneslocated in the common CNVs(hsa-miR-663b, hsa-miR-3180-3p and hsa-miR-1302). Using Reactome database we identified all three miRNAsto be significantly enriched in the pathway Neuronal System: -log(p-value)>2.326 for hsa-miR-1302; -log(p-value)>1.556 for hsa-miR-3180-3p; and -log(pvalue)>1.703 for hsa-miR-663b. Conclusion: CAKUT is characterized with variable penetrability and expressivity and often followed with other comorbiditiessuch as neurodevelopmental disorders. miRNAsinvolved in DEG networks and prone to CNV effects could present modulating factors of the disease phenotype. Further studies should provide additional evidence about hsa-miR-1302, hsa-miR-3180-3p and hsa-miR-663b involvements in CAKUT etiology",
journal = "CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts",
title = "Identification of micro RNA from common copy number variants as risk factors for CAKUT",
pages = "62-62",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12465"
Životić, I., Mitrović, K., Kolić, I., Seke, M., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I.. (2023). Identification of micro RNA from common copy number variants as risk factors for CAKUT. in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts, 62-62.
Životić I, Mitrović K, Kolić I, Seke M, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović I. Identification of micro RNA from common copy number variants as risk factors for CAKUT. in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts. 2023;:62-62.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12465 .
Životić, Ivan, Mitrović, Kristina, Kolić, Ivana, Seke, Mariana, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan, "Identification of micro RNA from common copy number variants as risk factors for CAKUT" in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts (2023):62-62,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12465 .

Insight in miRNome of severe multiple sclerosis: Pilot study of distinctive relapse-onset MS phenotypes

Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan G.; Dinčić, E.; Vojinović, S.; Stojković, Ljiljana S.; Đorđević, Ana; Kuveljić, Jovana; Živković, Maja


AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
AU  - Dinčić, E.
AU  - Vojinović, S.
AU  - Stojković, Ljiljana S.
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Kuveljić, Jovana
AU  - Živković, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://web.archive.org/web/20240131090652/https://cony2023.comtecmed.com/e-posters/
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12641
AB  - Molecular background and biomarkers of highly heterogenous and hardly predictable disease progression among relapse-onset MS patients are of high research interest. In the current pilot study, we aimed to employ next-generation sequencing to investigate the expression of whole small non-coding microRNAs (miRNome) in two groups of MS patients with highly distinctive progression phenotype: one with fast progressing, severely disabling course vs. mild course of MS, longitudinally followed 10 years. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) miRNome data was obtained from mild phenotype MS (n=4 patients) and progressive phenotype MS (n=5 patients), using TakaraBio SMARTer smRNA-Seq Kit on iSeq100 (Illumina). Pre-processing of raw sequencing data, quality control and miRNA differential expression analysis was performed using sRNAtoolbox pipeline. Functional interpretation of differentially expressed miRNA target genes was done in DIANA-miRPathv3.0. Tarbase v8.0 served as a resource of miRNA:gene interactions. Achieved read depth was approximately 1 million raw reads/sample, allowing detection of up to 92 mature miRNAs after genome alignment and miRbase v22 annotation. Differential expression analysis identified the significant upregulation of hsa-miR-23c (log2FC=4.29, Padj= 0.03) in progressive phenotype. Top significantly enriched KEGG pathways in hsa-miR-23c targets suggested regulation of molecular pathways involved in autoimmunity (antigen presentation, Epstein-Barr virus infection) and cancer. In conclusion, this pilot study indicates phenotype-related differences in expression of miRNAs, molecules with high regulatory and biomarker properties. Although detected in PBMC, has-miR-23c is highly expressed in the brain and target MS relevant genes such as, HLA (A, B, C), transferrin receptor, Nrf2, recently proposed to play important role in neurodegeneration.
C3  - 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) : e-posters
T1  - Insight in miRNome of severe multiple sclerosis: Pilot study of distinctive relapse-onset MS phenotypes
SP  - 427
EP  - 427
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12641
ER  - 
author = "Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan G. and Dinčić, E. and Vojinović, S. and Stojković, Ljiljana S. and Đorđević, Ana and Kuveljić, Jovana and Živković, Maja",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Molecular background and biomarkers of highly heterogenous and hardly predictable disease progression among relapse-onset MS patients are of high research interest. In the current pilot study, we aimed to employ next-generation sequencing to investigate the expression of whole small non-coding microRNAs (miRNome) in two groups of MS patients with highly distinctive progression phenotype: one with fast progressing, severely disabling course vs. mild course of MS, longitudinally followed 10 years. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) miRNome data was obtained from mild phenotype MS (n=4 patients) and progressive phenotype MS (n=5 patients), using TakaraBio SMARTer smRNA-Seq Kit on iSeq100 (Illumina). Pre-processing of raw sequencing data, quality control and miRNA differential expression analysis was performed using sRNAtoolbox pipeline. Functional interpretation of differentially expressed miRNA target genes was done in DIANA-miRPathv3.0. Tarbase v8.0 served as a resource of miRNA:gene interactions. Achieved read depth was approximately 1 million raw reads/sample, allowing detection of up to 92 mature miRNAs after genome alignment and miRbase v22 annotation. Differential expression analysis identified the significant upregulation of hsa-miR-23c (log2FC=4.29, Padj= 0.03) in progressive phenotype. Top significantly enriched KEGG pathways in hsa-miR-23c targets suggested regulation of molecular pathways involved in autoimmunity (antigen presentation, Epstein-Barr virus infection) and cancer. In conclusion, this pilot study indicates phenotype-related differences in expression of miRNAs, molecules with high regulatory and biomarker properties. Although detected in PBMC, has-miR-23c is highly expressed in the brain and target MS relevant genes such as, HLA (A, B, C), transferrin receptor, Nrf2, recently proposed to play important role in neurodegeneration.",
journal = "17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) : e-posters",
title = "Insight in miRNome of severe multiple sclerosis: Pilot study of distinctive relapse-onset MS phenotypes",
pages = "427-427",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12641"
Stanković, A., Jovanović, I. G., Dinčić, E., Vojinović, S., Stojković, L. S., Đorđević, A., Kuveljić, J.,& Živković, M.. (2023). Insight in miRNome of severe multiple sclerosis: Pilot study of distinctive relapse-onset MS phenotypes. in 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) : e-posters, 427-427.
Stanković A, Jovanović IG, Dinčić E, Vojinović S, Stojković LS, Đorđević A, Kuveljić J, Živković M. Insight in miRNome of severe multiple sclerosis: Pilot study of distinctive relapse-onset MS phenotypes. in 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) : e-posters. 2023;:427-427.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12641 .
Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan G., Dinčić, E., Vojinović, S., Stojković, Ljiljana S., Đorđević, Ana, Kuveljić, Jovana, Živković, Maja, "Insight in miRNome of severe multiple sclerosis: Pilot study of distinctive relapse-onset MS phenotypes" in 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) : e-posters (2023):427-427,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12641 .

Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima

Kolaković, Ana; Đurić, Tamara; Živković, Maja

(Kragujevac : Srpsko biološko društvo „Stevan Jakovljević“, 2023)

AU  - Kolaković, Ana
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
AU  - Živković, Maja
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12700
PB  - Kragujevac : Srpsko biološko društvo „Stevan Jakovljević“
C3  - Prva Konferencija Srpskog Biološkog Društva „Stevan Jakovljević“ : Program i izvodi saopštenja
T1  - Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12700
ER  - 
author = "Kolaković, Ana and Đurić, Tamara and Živković, Maja",
year = "2023",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Srpsko biološko društvo „Stevan Jakovljević“",
journal = "Prva Konferencija Srpskog Biološkog Društva „Stevan Jakovljević“ : Program i izvodi saopštenja",
title = "Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12700"
Kolaković, A., Đurić, T.,& Živković, M.. (2023). Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima. in Prva Konferencija Srpskog Biološkog Društva „Stevan Jakovljević“ : Program i izvodi saopštenja
Kragujevac : Srpsko biološko društvo „Stevan Jakovljević“..
Kolaković A, Đurić T, Živković M. Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima. in Prva Konferencija Srpskog Biološkog Društva „Stevan Jakovljević“ : Program i izvodi saopštenja. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12700 .
Kolaković, Ana, Đurić, Tamara, Živković, Maja, "Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima" in Prva Konferencija Srpskog Biološkog Društva „Stevan Jakovljević“ : Program i izvodi saopštenja (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12700 .

Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event

Đorđević, Ana; Živković, Maja; Bošković, Maja; Dekleva, Milica; Stanković, Goran; Stanković, Aleksandra; Đurić, Tamara


AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Bošković, Maja
AU  - Dekleva, Milica
AU  - Stanković, Goran
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10617
AB  - Galectin-3 is encoded by LGALS-3, located in a unique haplotype block in Caucasians. According to the Tagger server, rs4040064, rs11628437, and rs7159490 cover 82% (r2 > 0.8) of the genetic variance of this HapBlock. Our aims were to examine the association of their haplotypes with first myocardial infarction (MI), changes in left ventricular echocardiographic parameters over time, and impact on plasma galectin-3 and LGALS-3 mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, both 6 months post-MI. The study group consisted of 546 MI patients and 323 controls. Gene expression was assessed in 92 patients and plasma galectin-3 in 189 patients. Rs4040064, rs11628437, rs7159490, and LGALS-3 mRNA expression were detected using TaqMan® technology. Plasma galectin-3 concentrations were determined by the ELISA method. We found that the TGC haplotype could have a protective effect against MI (adjusted OR 0.19 [0.05–0.72], p = 0.015) and that the GAC haplotype had significantly higher galectin-3 concentrations (48.3 [37.3–59.4] ng/mL vs. 18.9 [14.5–23.4] ng/mL, p < 0.0001), both in males and compared to the referent haplotype GGC. Higher plasma Gal-3 was also associated with higher NYHA class and systolic dysfunction. Our results suggest that variants tagging LGALS-3 HapBlock could reflect plasma Gal-3 levels 6 months post-MI and may have a potential protective effect against MI in men. Further replication, validation, and functional studies are needed.
T2  - Genes
T1  - Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event
VL  - 14
IS  - 1
SP  - 109
DO  - 10.3390/genes14010109
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Ana and Živković, Maja and Bošković, Maja and Dekleva, Milica and Stanković, Goran and Stanković, Aleksandra and Đurić, Tamara",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Galectin-3 is encoded by LGALS-3, located in a unique haplotype block in Caucasians. According to the Tagger server, rs4040064, rs11628437, and rs7159490 cover 82% (r2 > 0.8) of the genetic variance of this HapBlock. Our aims were to examine the association of their haplotypes with first myocardial infarction (MI), changes in left ventricular echocardiographic parameters over time, and impact on plasma galectin-3 and LGALS-3 mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, both 6 months post-MI. The study group consisted of 546 MI patients and 323 controls. Gene expression was assessed in 92 patients and plasma galectin-3 in 189 patients. Rs4040064, rs11628437, rs7159490, and LGALS-3 mRNA expression were detected using TaqMan® technology. Plasma galectin-3 concentrations were determined by the ELISA method. We found that the TGC haplotype could have a protective effect against MI (adjusted OR 0.19 [0.05–0.72], p = 0.015) and that the GAC haplotype had significantly higher galectin-3 concentrations (48.3 [37.3–59.4] ng/mL vs. 18.9 [14.5–23.4] ng/mL, p < 0.0001), both in males and compared to the referent haplotype GGC. Higher plasma Gal-3 was also associated with higher NYHA class and systolic dysfunction. Our results suggest that variants tagging LGALS-3 HapBlock could reflect plasma Gal-3 levels 6 months post-MI and may have a potential protective effect against MI in men. Further replication, validation, and functional studies are needed.",
journal = "Genes",
title = "Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event",
volume = "14",
number = "1",
pages = "109",
doi = "10.3390/genes14010109"
Đorđević, A., Živković, M., Bošković, M., Dekleva, M., Stanković, G., Stanković, A.,& Đurić, T.. (2023). Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event. in Genes, 14(1), 109.
Đorđević A, Živković M, Bošković M, Dekleva M, Stanković G, Stanković A, Đurić T. Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event. in Genes. 2023;14(1):109.
doi:10.3390/genes14010109 .
Đorđević, Ana, Živković, Maja, Bošković, Maja, Dekleva, Milica, Stanković, Goran, Stanković, Aleksandra, Đurić, Tamara, "Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event" in Genes, 14, no. 1 (2023):109,
https://doi.org/10.3390/genes14010109 . .

Leptin signalling genetic variants and insulin resistance in multiple sclerosis patients

Živković, Maja; Kostić, S.; Stojković, Ljiljana; Kolić, Ivana; Stanković, Aleksandra; Dinčić, E.


AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Kostić, S.
AU  - Stojković, Ljiljana
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Dinčić, E.
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12466
AB  - Last decade provided multiple evidence that link disturbances in metabolic processes and energy metabolism with diseases of central nervous system and neurodegeneration. Initial phases of insulin resistance (IR) are present in natural course of multiple sclerosis (MS) and leptin was recognized as a player in MS pathophysiology and moreover cognitive decline. We aimed to investigate association of genetic variants in leptin (LEP) rs7799039, its receptor LEPR rs1137101 and proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1-alpha (PGCA1A) rs8192678 with IR parameters (HOMA-IR index, area under the curve for insulin and glucose, Cederholm insulin sensitivity index (ISIced), the insulinogenic index in the first 30 min of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in patients with MS. Seventy eight relapsing-remitting patients in clinical remission, free of corticosteroids for at least three months, were included in the study. None of the 3 variants’ genotypes were associated with HOMA-IR index, area under the curve for insulin and glucose and the insulinogenic index in the first 30 min of OGTT. PGC1A variant was significantly associated with ISIced (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, p = 0.04). Leptin gene variant was significantly associated with impaired GT (p=0.029 adjusted for gender and other two variants). None of the variant showed association with IR. In conclusion, we found that genetic variants in leptin signalling pathway affect glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in patients with MS. As both, leptin and PGC1A have role in preventing neuronal death and reducing oxidative stress neuronal damage current results favour further investigation toward preserving cognitive status and neuroprotection in MS.
C3  - CONy : 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology : Abstract book
T1  - Leptin signalling genetic variants and insulin resistance in multiple sclerosis patients
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12466
ER  - 
author = "Živković, Maja and Kostić, S. and Stojković, Ljiljana and Kolić, Ivana and Stanković, Aleksandra and Dinčić, E.",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Last decade provided multiple evidence that link disturbances in metabolic processes and energy metabolism with diseases of central nervous system and neurodegeneration. Initial phases of insulin resistance (IR) are present in natural course of multiple sclerosis (MS) and leptin was recognized as a player in MS pathophysiology and moreover cognitive decline. We aimed to investigate association of genetic variants in leptin (LEP) rs7799039, its receptor LEPR rs1137101 and proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1-alpha (PGCA1A) rs8192678 with IR parameters (HOMA-IR index, area under the curve for insulin and glucose, Cederholm insulin sensitivity index (ISIced), the insulinogenic index in the first 30 min of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in patients with MS. Seventy eight relapsing-remitting patients in clinical remission, free of corticosteroids for at least three months, were included in the study. None of the 3 variants’ genotypes were associated with HOMA-IR index, area under the curve for insulin and glucose and the insulinogenic index in the first 30 min of OGTT. PGC1A variant was significantly associated with ISIced (Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, p = 0.04). Leptin gene variant was significantly associated with impaired GT (p=0.029 adjusted for gender and other two variants). None of the variant showed association with IR. In conclusion, we found that genetic variants in leptin signalling pathway affect glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in patients with MS. As both, leptin and PGC1A have role in preventing neuronal death and reducing oxidative stress neuronal damage current results favour further investigation toward preserving cognitive status and neuroprotection in MS.",
journal = "CONy : 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology : Abstract book",
title = "Leptin signalling genetic variants and insulin resistance in multiple sclerosis patients",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12466"
Živković, M., Kostić, S., Stojković, L., Kolić, I., Stanković, A.,& Dinčić, E.. (2023). Leptin signalling genetic variants and insulin resistance in multiple sclerosis patients. in CONy : 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology : Abstract book.
Živković M, Kostić S, Stojković L, Kolić I, Stanković A, Dinčić E. Leptin signalling genetic variants and insulin resistance in multiple sclerosis patients. in CONy : 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology : Abstract book. 2023;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12466 .
Živković, Maja, Kostić, S., Stojković, Ljiljana, Kolić, Ivana, Stanković, Aleksandra, Dinčić, E., "Leptin signalling genetic variants and insulin resistance in multiple sclerosis patients" in CONy : 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology : Abstract book (2023),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12466 .

Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years

Dekleva, Milica; Martinović, M.; Stevanović, Angelina; Živković, Maja; Đorđević, Ana; Đurić, Tamara; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Dekleva, Milica
AU  - Martinović, M.
AU  - Stevanović, Angelina
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12854
AB  - Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is recognized as a cardinal prognostic marker in heart failure (HF) patients. Myocardial infarction (MI) is often followed by unrecognized RV dysfunction, which can be associated with worse outcome. It is recently shown that the ratio between TAPSE and PASP (RV/PA) may depict cardiopulmonary hemodynamics better than the two parameters alone. Aim: To evaluate the interactions between left ventricular (LV) and RV function in early phase of MI and to assess the prognostic significance of RV/PA coupling in patients with first MI during 5 years follow up. Methods: The prospective study included 144 patients with the first MI treated with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p PCI) who underwent Doppler echocardiography within 2±1 days of MI. LV function analysis included: LV ejection fraction (EF), ratio between early diastolic velocity and tissue annular velocity (E/e) and global longitudinal strain (GLS). RV function and RV-PA interaction was expressed as ratio between TAPSE and PASP. During the five-year follow-up, major cardiovascular events and especially hospitalization for HF were analyzed. Results: Progressive RV/PA uncoupling was associated with higher degree of LV impairment and dysfunction (EF p<0.001, E/e p=0.002, GLS p<0.001) and severity of mitral regurgitation (p=0.013). Lower baseline RV/PA coupling significantly reflects the frequency of hospitalizations for HF in the population of patients with first MI during five-year follow-up (0.62 v.s.0.51, p=0.021). After multivariate adjustment RV/PA remained an independent predictor of all major cardiac events (MACE) after five years (OR 14.0 [1.5–130.8], p=0.019). Conclusion: A lower baseline RV-PA coupling, reflecting a higher degree of LV-induced pulmonary hypertension and secondary RV-dysfunction, is associated with decline of LV function in early phase of MI, and is independently associated with worse prognosis after five years. The value of RV-PA ratio as an prognstic marker warrants further investigation.
C3  - European Heart Journal
T1  - Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years
VL  - 44
IS  - Supplement 2
SP  - ehad655.067
DO  - 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad655.067
ER  - 
author = "Dekleva, Milica and Martinović, M. and Stevanović, Angelina and Živković, Maja and Đorđević, Ana and Đurić, Tamara and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is recognized as a cardinal prognostic marker in heart failure (HF) patients. Myocardial infarction (MI) is often followed by unrecognized RV dysfunction, which can be associated with worse outcome. It is recently shown that the ratio between TAPSE and PASP (RV/PA) may depict cardiopulmonary hemodynamics better than the two parameters alone. Aim: To evaluate the interactions between left ventricular (LV) and RV function in early phase of MI and to assess the prognostic significance of RV/PA coupling in patients with first MI during 5 years follow up. Methods: The prospective study included 144 patients with the first MI treated with the primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p PCI) who underwent Doppler echocardiography within 2±1 days of MI. LV function analysis included: LV ejection fraction (EF), ratio between early diastolic velocity and tissue annular velocity (E/e) and global longitudinal strain (GLS). RV function and RV-PA interaction was expressed as ratio between TAPSE and PASP. During the five-year follow-up, major cardiovascular events and especially hospitalization for HF were analyzed. Results: Progressive RV/PA uncoupling was associated with higher degree of LV impairment and dysfunction (EF p<0.001, E/e p=0.002, GLS p<0.001) and severity of mitral regurgitation (p=0.013). Lower baseline RV/PA coupling significantly reflects the frequency of hospitalizations for HF in the population of patients with first MI during five-year follow-up (0.62 v.s.0.51, p=0.021). After multivariate adjustment RV/PA remained an independent predictor of all major cardiac events (MACE) after five years (OR 14.0 [1.5–130.8], p=0.019). Conclusion: A lower baseline RV-PA coupling, reflecting a higher degree of LV-induced pulmonary hypertension and secondary RV-dysfunction, is associated with decline of LV function in early phase of MI, and is independently associated with worse prognosis after five years. The value of RV-PA ratio as an prognstic marker warrants further investigation.",
journal = "European Heart Journal",
title = "Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years",
volume = "44",
number = "Supplement 2",
pages = "ehad655.067",
doi = "10.1093/eurheartj/ehad655.067"
Dekleva, M., Martinović, M., Stevanović, A., Živković, M., Đorđević, A., Đurić, T.,& Stanković, A.. (2023). Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years. in European Heart Journal, 44(Supplement 2), ehad655.067.
Dekleva M, Martinović M, Stevanović A, Živković M, Đorđević A, Đurić T, Stanković A. Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years. in European Heart Journal. 2023;44(Supplement 2):ehad655.067.
doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehad655.067 .
Dekleva, Milica, Martinović, M., Stevanović, Angelina, Živković, Maja, Đorđević, Ana, Đurić, Tamara, Stanković, Aleksandra, "Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years" in European Heart Journal, 44, no. Supplement 2 (2023):ehad655.067,
https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehad655.067 . .

Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction

Kuveljić, Jovana; Životić, Ivan; Dekleva, Milica; Živković, Maja; Đurić, Tamara


AU  - Kuveljić, Jovana
AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Dekleva, Milica
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12648
AB  - Introduction: Myocardial infarction (MI) and consequential ischemia with cardiomyocyte loss are followed by left ventricular (LV) remodeling. LV remodeling is crucial process for cardiac function preservation, although when prolonged it can become maladaptive and lead to impaired systolic function and further cardiovascular complications. Echocardiographic parameters are used as a measure of LV structure and function. ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain) and CDKN1A (cyclindependent kinase inhibitor 1A) have shown regulating role in DNA repair, inflammation, remodeling and fibrosis. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate the potential effect of CDKN1 and ADAM17 mRNA in post MI heart remodeling. Methods: Sixty four patients with the first MI were prospectively followed-up 6 months after MI. Change (Δ) of echocardiographic parameters within 6 months was calculated as a difference between the value at 6-month follow-up and value at admission. Relative gene expression was detected using the TaqMan® technology. Statistical analyses were done by Statistica 8 software. Results: We have observed correlation between CDKN1A mRNA expression and change of LV enddiastolic diameter (ΔLVEDD, R=0.3, p=0.01) and LV end-systolic diameter (ΔLVESD, R=0.3, p=0.02), but not with LV ejection fraction and stroke volume. ADAM17 expression was not in correlation with analyzed parameters of LV remodeling. However, CDKN1A and ADAM17 mRNA expression in PBMC six months after MI were positively correlated (R=0.6, p<0.001). Conclusion: Preliminary resultssuggest that CDKN1 has a role in post MI LV remodeling, correlating with changes in echocardiographic parameters of LV structure. The validation on a larger sample size is required.
C3  - CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts
T1  - Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction
SP  - 53
EP  - 53
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12648
ER  - 
author = "Kuveljić, Jovana and Životić, Ivan and Dekleva, Milica and Živković, Maja and Đurić, Tamara",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Introduction: Myocardial infarction (MI) and consequential ischemia with cardiomyocyte loss are followed by left ventricular (LV) remodeling. LV remodeling is crucial process for cardiac function preservation, although when prolonged it can become maladaptive and lead to impaired systolic function and further cardiovascular complications. Echocardiographic parameters are used as a measure of LV structure and function. ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain) and CDKN1A (cyclindependent kinase inhibitor 1A) have shown regulating role in DNA repair, inflammation, remodeling and fibrosis. The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate the potential effect of CDKN1 and ADAM17 mRNA in post MI heart remodeling. Methods: Sixty four patients with the first MI were prospectively followed-up 6 months after MI. Change (Δ) of echocardiographic parameters within 6 months was calculated as a difference between the value at 6-month follow-up and value at admission. Relative gene expression was detected using the TaqMan® technology. Statistical analyses were done by Statistica 8 software. Results: We have observed correlation between CDKN1A mRNA expression and change of LV enddiastolic diameter (ΔLVEDD, R=0.3, p=0.01) and LV end-systolic diameter (ΔLVESD, R=0.3, p=0.02), but not with LV ejection fraction and stroke volume. ADAM17 expression was not in correlation with analyzed parameters of LV remodeling. However, CDKN1A and ADAM17 mRNA expression in PBMC six months after MI were positively correlated (R=0.6, p<0.001). Conclusion: Preliminary resultssuggest that CDKN1 has a role in post MI LV remodeling, correlating with changes in echocardiographic parameters of LV structure. The validation on a larger sample size is required.",
journal = "CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts",
title = "Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction",
pages = "53-53",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12648"
Kuveljić, J., Životić, I., Dekleva, M., Živković, M.,& Đurić, T.. (2023). Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction. in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts, 53-53.
Kuveljić J, Životić I, Dekleva M, Živković M, Đurić T. Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction. in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts. 2023;:53-53.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12648 .
Kuveljić, Jovana, Životić, Ivan, Dekleva, Milica, Živković, Maja, Đurić, Tamara, "Correlations of CDKN1A and ADAM17 expression with a change of left ventricular remodeling echocardiographic parameters in PBMC of patients six months after the first myocardial infarction" in CoMBoS2 – the Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia : Book of abstracts (2023):53-53,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12648 .

Assessing the burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT

Kolić, Ivana; Mitrović, Kristina; Životić, Ivan; Đorđević, Ana; Filipović Tričković, Jelena; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan


AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Mitrović, Kristina
AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Filipović Tričković, Jelena
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12684
AB  - Background/Objectives: Rare copy number variants (rCNVs) are the common genetic cause of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT).1 miRNAs located in rCNVs represent well-founded functional variants for human CAKUT research. However, the impact of rCNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT is unknown. Thus, burden assessment was performed to identify chromosomes with non-random representation of miRNA genes in rCNVs associated with CAKUT. Methods: A comprehensive literature mining of rCNV regions associated with CAKUT was performed. The total cumulative length of rCNVs per chromosome was the sum of corresponding CNV-DNA regions, taking into account overlapping. Mapping of miRNAs onto cumulative rCNV regions gave counts of affected miRNA loci. The correlation analysis was performed between the number of miRNA genes overlapping rCNVs, and the fractional lengths of cumulative rCNVs regions in relation to the chromosome size. Results: A statistically significant positive correlation was observed for duplications and deletions respectively (Spearman correlation p<0.0001, r=0.9, r=0.8). However, a deviation from the best fit line for chromosome 16, for both rare duplications and deletions, was observed due to the high overrepresentation of miRNA genes in identified rCNVs. Conclusion: The current finding of the high overall burden of rCNVs on miRNA genes in chromosome 16 suggests that miRNAs located on this chromosome could serve as candidates for the investigation of miRNA role in CAKUT development.
C3  - 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) : Book of abstracts
T1  - Assessing the burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12684
ER  - 
author = "Kolić, Ivana and Mitrović, Kristina and Životić, Ivan and Đorđević, Ana and Filipović Tričković, Jelena and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Background/Objectives: Rare copy number variants (rCNVs) are the common genetic cause of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT).1 miRNAs located in rCNVs represent well-founded functional variants for human CAKUT research. However, the impact of rCNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT is unknown. Thus, burden assessment was performed to identify chromosomes with non-random representation of miRNA genes in rCNVs associated with CAKUT. Methods: A comprehensive literature mining of rCNV regions associated with CAKUT was performed. The total cumulative length of rCNVs per chromosome was the sum of corresponding CNV-DNA regions, taking into account overlapping. Mapping of miRNAs onto cumulative rCNV regions gave counts of affected miRNA loci. The correlation analysis was performed between the number of miRNA genes overlapping rCNVs, and the fractional lengths of cumulative rCNVs regions in relation to the chromosome size. Results: A statistically significant positive correlation was observed for duplications and deletions respectively (Spearman correlation p<0.0001, r=0.9, r=0.8). However, a deviation from the best fit line for chromosome 16, for both rare duplications and deletions, was observed due to the high overrepresentation of miRNA genes in identified rCNVs. Conclusion: The current finding of the high overall burden of rCNVs on miRNA genes in chromosome 16 suggests that miRNAs located on this chromosome could serve as candidates for the investigation of miRNA role in CAKUT development.",
journal = "54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) : Book of abstracts",
title = "Assessing the burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12684"
Kolić, I., Mitrović, K., Životić, I., Đorđević, A., Filipović Tričković, J., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I.. (2022). Assessing the burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT. in 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) : Book of abstracts.
Kolić I, Mitrović K, Životić I, Đorđević A, Filipović Tričković J, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović I. Assessing the burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT. in 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) : Book of abstracts. 2022;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12684 .
Kolić, Ivana, Mitrović, Kristina, Životić, Ivan, Đorđević, Ana, Filipović Tričković, Jelena, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan, "Assessing the burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT" in 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) : Book of abstracts (2022),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_12684 .

Identification and functional interpretation of miRNAs affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT

Mitrović, Kristina; Životić, Ivan; Kolić, Ivana; Đorđević, Ana; Žakula, Jelena; Filipović Tričković, Jelena G.; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan G.


AU  - Mitrović, Kristina
AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Žakula, Jelena
AU  - Filipović Tričković, Jelena G.
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10469
AB  - Rare copy number variants (CNVs) are among the most common genomic disorders underlying CAKUT. miRNAs located in rare CNVs represent well-founded functional variants for human CAKUT research. The study aimed to identify and functionally interpret miRNAs most frequently affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT and to estimate the overall burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT. The additional aim of this study was to experimentally confirm the effect of a rare CNV in CAKUT on candidate miRNA’s expression and the subsequent change in mRNA levels of selected target genes. A database of CAKUT-associated rare CNV regions, created by literature mining, was used for mapping of the miRNA precursors. miRNAs and miRNA families, most frequently affected by rare CAKUT-associated CNVs, have been subjected to bioinformatic analysis. CNV burden analysis was performed to identify chromosomes with over/underrepresentation of miRNA genes in rare CNVs associated with CAKUT. A functional study was performed on HEK293 MIR484+/- KO and HEK293 WT cell lines, followed by the analysis of relative miRNA and mRNA target gene levels. 80% of CAKUT patients with underlying rare CNV had at least one miRNA gene overlapping the identified CNV. Network analysis of the most frequently affected miRNAs has revealed the dominant regulation of the two miRNAs, hsa-miR-484 and hsa-miR-185-5p. Additionally, miR-548 family members have shown substantial enrichment in rare CNVs in CAKUT. An over/underrepresentation of miRNA genes in rare CNVs associated with CAKUT was observed in multiple chromosomes, such as chr16, chr20, and chr21. A significant 0.37 fold downregulation of hsa-miR-484, followed by a notable upregulation of MDM2 and APAF1 and downregulation of NOTCH3 was detected in HEK293 MIR484+/- KO compared to HEK293 WT cell lines, supporting the study hypothesis. miRNA genes are frequently affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT patients. Understanding the potential of CNV-affected miRNAs to participate in CAKUT as genetic drivers represent a crucial implication for the development of novel therapeutic approaches.
T2  - Scientific Reports
T1  - Identification and functional interpretation of miRNAs affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT
VL  - 12
IS  - 1
SP  - 17746
DO  - 10.1038/s41598-022-22749-1
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Kristina and Životić, Ivan and Kolić, Ivana and Đorđević, Ana and Žakula, Jelena and Filipović Tričković, Jelena G. and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan G.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Rare copy number variants (CNVs) are among the most common genomic disorders underlying CAKUT. miRNAs located in rare CNVs represent well-founded functional variants for human CAKUT research. The study aimed to identify and functionally interpret miRNAs most frequently affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT and to estimate the overall burden of rare CNVs on miRNA genes in CAKUT. The additional aim of this study was to experimentally confirm the effect of a rare CNV in CAKUT on candidate miRNA’s expression and the subsequent change in mRNA levels of selected target genes. A database of CAKUT-associated rare CNV regions, created by literature mining, was used for mapping of the miRNA precursors. miRNAs and miRNA families, most frequently affected by rare CAKUT-associated CNVs, have been subjected to bioinformatic analysis. CNV burden analysis was performed to identify chromosomes with over/underrepresentation of miRNA genes in rare CNVs associated with CAKUT. A functional study was performed on HEK293 MIR484+/- KO and HEK293 WT cell lines, followed by the analysis of relative miRNA and mRNA target gene levels. 80% of CAKUT patients with underlying rare CNV had at least one miRNA gene overlapping the identified CNV. Network analysis of the most frequently affected miRNAs has revealed the dominant regulation of the two miRNAs, hsa-miR-484 and hsa-miR-185-5p. Additionally, miR-548 family members have shown substantial enrichment in rare CNVs in CAKUT. An over/underrepresentation of miRNA genes in rare CNVs associated with CAKUT was observed in multiple chromosomes, such as chr16, chr20, and chr21. A significant 0.37 fold downregulation of hsa-miR-484, followed by a notable upregulation of MDM2 and APAF1 and downregulation of NOTCH3 was detected in HEK293 MIR484+/- KO compared to HEK293 WT cell lines, supporting the study hypothesis. miRNA genes are frequently affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT patients. Understanding the potential of CNV-affected miRNAs to participate in CAKUT as genetic drivers represent a crucial implication for the development of novel therapeutic approaches.",
journal = "Scientific Reports",
title = "Identification and functional interpretation of miRNAs affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT",
volume = "12",
number = "1",
pages = "17746",
doi = "10.1038/s41598-022-22749-1"
Mitrović, K., Životić, I., Kolić, I., Đorđević, A., Žakula, J., Filipović Tričković, J. G., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I. G.. (2022). Identification and functional interpretation of miRNAs affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT. in Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17746.
Mitrović K, Životić I, Kolić I, Đorđević A, Žakula J, Filipović Tričković JG, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović IG. Identification and functional interpretation of miRNAs affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT. in Scientific Reports. 2022;12(1):17746.
doi:10.1038/s41598-022-22749-1 .
Mitrović, Kristina, Životić, Ivan, Kolić, Ivana, Đorđević, Ana, Žakula, Jelena, Filipović Tričković, Jelena G., Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan G., "Identification and functional interpretation of miRNAs affected by rare CNVs in CAKUT" in Scientific Reports, 12, no. 1 (2022):17746,
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22749-1 . .

Walnut supplementation after fructose-rich diet is associated with a beneficial fatty acid ratio and increased ACE2 expression in the rat heart

Bošković, Maja; Živković, Maja; Korićanac, Goran; Tepavčević, Snežana; Zec, Manja; Debeljak-Martačić, Jasmina; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Bošković, Maja
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Korićanac, Goran
AU  - Tepavčević, Snežana
AU  - Zec, Manja
AU  - Debeljak-Martačić, Jasmina
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10485
AB  - Increased fructose consumption has been linked with chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and NF-κB have been detected in MetS. Walnuts are a rich source of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) that were suggested to exert anti-inflammatory effects related to cardio-metabolic health. We hypothesized that walnut supplementation has the capacity to revert unfavorable fructose-rich diet (FRD)-induced activation of cardiac RAS and NF-κB in male rats. Due to the lack of similar studies, we investigated the effects of walnut supplementation (6 weeks) on the expression of four RAS molecules (ACE, ACE2, AT1R, and AT2R) and NF-κB in rat heart after FRD (10% w/v, 9 weeks). In addition, we followed the changes in the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in the total pool of heart lipids after both treatments to elucidate the walnut effects on fatty acids in the heart. 36 animals (9 per group) participated in the experiment. FRD significantly increased the ACE protein level in the heart (p < 0.001). Walnut supplementation significantly increased the ACE2 protein level in the heart of FRD (p < 0.001). In addition, walnut supplementation showed a significant main effect on the arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio (p = 0.004). Walnut supplementation significantly reduced this ratio, in comparison with both, the control group (C vs. FW, p < 0.05) and the FRD group (F vs. FW, p < 0.05). However, walnut treatment failed to revert the significant effect of fructose (p < 0.001) on the elevation of NF-κB protein level. Our results suggest a beneficial effect of walnut supplementation on ACE2 protein level and n-6/n-3 PUFA level in the heart of the animal model of MetS. Such results highlight the approach of omega-3-rich walnut supplementation in the stimulation of endogenous production of favorable molecules in the heart which could be an affordable nutritional treatment formaintenance of cardio-metabolic health.
T2  - Frontiers in Physiology
T1  - Walnut supplementation after fructose-rich diet is associated with a beneficial fatty acid ratio and increased ACE2 expression in the rat heart
VL  - 13
DO  - 10.3389/fphys.2022.942459
ER  - 
author = "Bošković, Maja and Živković, Maja and Korićanac, Goran and Tepavčević, Snežana and Zec, Manja and Debeljak-Martačić, Jasmina and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Increased fructose consumption has been linked with chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and NF-κB have been detected in MetS. Walnuts are a rich source of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) that were suggested to exert anti-inflammatory effects related to cardio-metabolic health. We hypothesized that walnut supplementation has the capacity to revert unfavorable fructose-rich diet (FRD)-induced activation of cardiac RAS and NF-κB in male rats. Due to the lack of similar studies, we investigated the effects of walnut supplementation (6 weeks) on the expression of four RAS molecules (ACE, ACE2, AT1R, and AT2R) and NF-κB in rat heart after FRD (10% w/v, 9 weeks). In addition, we followed the changes in the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in the total pool of heart lipids after both treatments to elucidate the walnut effects on fatty acids in the heart. 36 animals (9 per group) participated in the experiment. FRD significantly increased the ACE protein level in the heart (p < 0.001). Walnut supplementation significantly increased the ACE2 protein level in the heart of FRD (p < 0.001). In addition, walnut supplementation showed a significant main effect on the arachidonic acid/eicosapentaenoic acid ratio (p = 0.004). Walnut supplementation significantly reduced this ratio, in comparison with both, the control group (C vs. FW, p < 0.05) and the FRD group (F vs. FW, p < 0.05). However, walnut treatment failed to revert the significant effect of fructose (p < 0.001) on the elevation of NF-κB protein level. Our results suggest a beneficial effect of walnut supplementation on ACE2 protein level and n-6/n-3 PUFA level in the heart of the animal model of MetS. Such results highlight the approach of omega-3-rich walnut supplementation in the stimulation of endogenous production of favorable molecules in the heart which could be an affordable nutritional treatment formaintenance of cardio-metabolic health.",
journal = "Frontiers in Physiology",
title = "Walnut supplementation after fructose-rich diet is associated with a beneficial fatty acid ratio and increased ACE2 expression in the rat heart",
volume = "13",
doi = "10.3389/fphys.2022.942459"
Bošković, M., Živković, M., Korićanac, G., Tepavčević, S., Zec, M., Debeljak-Martačić, J.,& Stanković, A.. (2022). Walnut supplementation after fructose-rich diet is associated with a beneficial fatty acid ratio and increased ACE2 expression in the rat heart. in Frontiers in Physiology, 13.
Bošković M, Živković M, Korićanac G, Tepavčević S, Zec M, Debeljak-Martačić J, Stanković A. Walnut supplementation after fructose-rich diet is associated with a beneficial fatty acid ratio and increased ACE2 expression in the rat heart. in Frontiers in Physiology. 2022;13.
doi:10.3389/fphys.2022.942459 .
Bošković, Maja, Živković, Maja, Korićanac, Goran, Tepavčević, Snežana, Zec, Manja, Debeljak-Martačić, Jasmina, Stanković, Aleksandra, "Walnut supplementation after fructose-rich diet is associated with a beneficial fatty acid ratio and increased ACE2 expression in the rat heart" in Frontiers in Physiology, 13 (2022),
https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2022.942459 . .

Non-coding RNA and cholesteatoma

Jovanović, Ivan G.; Živković, Maja; Ješić, Snežana; Stanković, Aleksandra


AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Ješić, Snežana
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10115
AB  - Objective Cholesteatoma is a challenging chronic pathology of the middle ear for which pharmacologic therapies have not been developed yet. Cholesteatoma occurrence depends on the interplay between genetic and environmental factors while master regulators orchestrating disease progression are still unknown. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) as a new class of regulatory molecules. Methods We have comprehensively reviewed all articles investigating ncRNAs, specifically micro RNAs (miRNAs) and long ncRNAs (lncRNA/circRNA) in cholesteatoma tissue. Results Candidate miRNA approaches indicated that miR-21 and let-7a are the major miRNAs involved in cholesteatoma growth, migration, proliferation, bone destruction, and apoptosis. Regulatory potential for the same biological processes was also observed for miR-203a. The NF-kB/miR-802/PTEN regulatory network was in relation to observed miR-21 activity in cholesteatoma as well. High throughput approaches revealed additional ncRNAs implicated in cholesteatoma pathology. Competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) analysis highlighted lncRNA/circRNA that could be “endogenous sponge” for miR-21 and let-7a based on the hypothesis that RNA transcripts can communicate with and regulate each other by using shared miRNA response elements. Conclusion In this review, we summarize the discoveries and role of ncRNA in major pathways in cholesteatoma and highlight the potential of miRNA-based therapeutics in the treatment of cholesteatoma. Level of Evidence: NA.
T2  - Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology
T2  - Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology
T1  - Non-coding RNA and cholesteatoma
VL  - 7
IS  - 1
SP  - 60
EP  - 66
DO  - 10.1002/lio2.728
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Ivan G. and Živković, Maja and Ješić, Snežana and Stanković, Aleksandra",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Objective Cholesteatoma is a challenging chronic pathology of the middle ear for which pharmacologic therapies have not been developed yet. Cholesteatoma occurrence depends on the interplay between genetic and environmental factors while master regulators orchestrating disease progression are still unknown. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) as a new class of regulatory molecules. Methods We have comprehensively reviewed all articles investigating ncRNAs, specifically micro RNAs (miRNAs) and long ncRNAs (lncRNA/circRNA) in cholesteatoma tissue. Results Candidate miRNA approaches indicated that miR-21 and let-7a are the major miRNAs involved in cholesteatoma growth, migration, proliferation, bone destruction, and apoptosis. Regulatory potential for the same biological processes was also observed for miR-203a. The NF-kB/miR-802/PTEN regulatory network was in relation to observed miR-21 activity in cholesteatoma as well. High throughput approaches revealed additional ncRNAs implicated in cholesteatoma pathology. Competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) analysis highlighted lncRNA/circRNA that could be “endogenous sponge” for miR-21 and let-7a based on the hypothesis that RNA transcripts can communicate with and regulate each other by using shared miRNA response elements. Conclusion In this review, we summarize the discoveries and role of ncRNA in major pathways in cholesteatoma and highlight the potential of miRNA-based therapeutics in the treatment of cholesteatoma. Level of Evidence: NA.",
journal = "Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology",
title = "Non-coding RNA and cholesteatoma",
volume = "7",
number = "1",
pages = "60-66",
doi = "10.1002/lio2.728"
Jovanović, I. G., Živković, M., Ješić, S.,& Stanković, A.. (2022). Non-coding RNA and cholesteatoma. in Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 7(1), 60-66.
Jovanović IG, Živković M, Ješić S, Stanković A. Non-coding RNA and cholesteatoma. in Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. 2022;7(1):60-66.
doi:10.1002/lio2.728 .
Jovanović, Ivan G., Živković, Maja, Ješić, Snežana, Stanković, Aleksandra, "Non-coding RNA and cholesteatoma" in Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 7, no. 1 (2022):60-66,
https://doi.org/10.1002/lio2.728 . .

Are miR-548 family members potential genetic drivers of CAKUT

Mitrović, Kristina; Kolić, Ivana; Životić, Ivan; Filipović Tričković, Jelena G.; Đorđević, Ana; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan G.


AU  - Mitrović, Kristina
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Filipović Tričković, Jelena G.
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10830
AB  - Introduction: miR-548 family members, located on all human chromosomes except chr19 and chrY, regulate podocyte differentiation in vitro, important for kidney development. Rare copy number variants (rCNVs) are the common genetic cause of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) and could harbour miRNAs. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent rCNVs associated with CAKUT harbour miR-548 members.
Materials and Methods: Extensive literature review was conducted to collect data of pathogenic and likely pathogenic rCNVs in CAKUT patients. UCSC genome browser tool was employed for mapping of miR-548 members onto collected rCNV regions and gnomAD SV controls database. Bioinformatic analysis was conducted using miRPathDB2 tool.
Results: We generated CAKUT database of pathogenic CNVs in 79 chromosome regions from 191 patient and likely pathogenic CNVs in 74 regions from 87 patients. Pathogenic rCNVs of seventeen patients, located on 7 chromosomes, contained at least one miR-548 member. Likely pathogenic rCNVs of 4 patients, located on 3 chromosomes, contained one of miR-548 members. Bioinformatic analysis implied the role of mapped miRNAs in the regulation of processes associated with CAKUT. In controls, only hsa-mir-548i-3 (out of 73 precursors) was mapped on polymorphic CNVs (af>1%) and wasn’t identified in patients.
Conclusions: miR-548 members located in rCNVs should be investigated in future studies as potential genetic drivers of CAKUT development, beyond protein coding genes.
C3  - European Journal of Human Genetics
T1  - Are miR-548 family members potential genetic drivers of CAKUT
VL  - 30
IS  - Suppl. 1
SP  - 331
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10830
ER  - 
author = "Mitrović, Kristina and Kolić, Ivana and Životić, Ivan and Filipović Tričković, Jelena G. and Đorđević, Ana and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan G.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Introduction: miR-548 family members, located on all human chromosomes except chr19 and chrY, regulate podocyte differentiation in vitro, important for kidney development. Rare copy number variants (rCNVs) are the common genetic cause of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) and could harbour miRNAs. The aim of this study was to investigate to which extent rCNVs associated with CAKUT harbour miR-548 members.
Materials and Methods: Extensive literature review was conducted to collect data of pathogenic and likely pathogenic rCNVs in CAKUT patients. UCSC genome browser tool was employed for mapping of miR-548 members onto collected rCNV regions and gnomAD SV controls database. Bioinformatic analysis was conducted using miRPathDB2 tool.
Results: We generated CAKUT database of pathogenic CNVs in 79 chromosome regions from 191 patient and likely pathogenic CNVs in 74 regions from 87 patients. Pathogenic rCNVs of seventeen patients, located on 7 chromosomes, contained at least one miR-548 member. Likely pathogenic rCNVs of 4 patients, located on 3 chromosomes, contained one of miR-548 members. Bioinformatic analysis implied the role of mapped miRNAs in the regulation of processes associated with CAKUT. In controls, only hsa-mir-548i-3 (out of 73 precursors) was mapped on polymorphic CNVs (af>1%) and wasn’t identified in patients.
Conclusions: miR-548 members located in rCNVs should be investigated in future studies as potential genetic drivers of CAKUT development, beyond protein coding genes.",
journal = "European Journal of Human Genetics",
title = "Are miR-548 family members potential genetic drivers of CAKUT",
volume = "30",
number = "Suppl. 1",
pages = "331",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10830"
Mitrović, K., Kolić, I., Životić, I., Filipović Tričković, J. G., Đorđević, A., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I. G.. (2022). Are miR-548 family members potential genetic drivers of CAKUT. in European Journal of Human Genetics, 30(Suppl. 1), 331.
Mitrović K, Kolić I, Životić I, Filipović Tričković JG, Đorđević A, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović IG. Are miR-548 family members potential genetic drivers of CAKUT. in European Journal of Human Genetics. 2022;30(Suppl. 1):331.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10830 .
Mitrović, Kristina, Kolić, Ivana, Životić, Ivan, Filipović Tričković, Jelena G., Đorđević, Ana, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan G., "Are miR-548 family members potential genetic drivers of CAKUT" in European Journal of Human Genetics, 30, no. Suppl. 1 (2022):331,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10830 .

miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes

Životić, Ivan; Kolić, Ivana; Popić, Kristina; Filipović Tričković, Jelena G.; Đorđević, Ana; Živković, Maja; Stanković, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Ivan G.


AU  - Životić, Ivan
AU  - Kolić, Ivana
AU  - Popić, Kristina
AU  - Filipović Tričković, Jelena G.
AU  - Đorđević, Ana
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Jovanović, Ivan G.
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10831
AB  - Introduction: Genetic studies of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) have demonstrated variable penetrability and expressivity of the associated genetic defects. Previously, it was shown that deletions of 17q12 and 22q11.2 regions were specific for kidney anomalies (KA) while 16p11.2 and 1q21.1 loci showed extensive pleiotropy in CAKUT phenotypes. CNVs affecting miRNA gene dosage have been described to have functional influence on gene expression. We aimed to conduct comprehensive in silico analysis using publicly available databases to analyze miRNA content of CAKUT-associated CNVs in quoted chromosomal loci with regard to pleiotropy.  Methods: Extensive literature review was conducted to collect data about pathogenic rCNVs associated with CAKUT. UCSC genome browser tool was employed for mapping miRNAs onto collected rCNV regions.  Results: Analysis of CNVs in CAKUT included four studies counting more than 2500 patients. In further analysis we included 191 patients harboring pathogenic CNVs. Surprisingly, CAKUT pleiotropic regions (16p11.2, 1q21.2) did not contain any miRNA. 22q11.2 showed the densest miRNAs content (n = 21).  Conclusions: Absence of miRNAs may potentially pronounce the pleiotropy of the CAKUT genetic defects, thus leading to the variety of phenotypes. Contrary, abundancy of miRNAs in 22q11.2 might be associated with reproducible phenotype, such as KA, producing the functional effect when deleted. This assumption agrees with recent results of miRNA expression variability in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
C3  - European Journal of Human Genetics
T1  - miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes
VL  - 30
IS  - Suppl. 1
SP  - 331
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10831
ER  - 
author = "Životić, Ivan and Kolić, Ivana and Popić, Kristina and Filipović Tričković, Jelena G. and Đorđević, Ana and Živković, Maja and Stanković, Aleksandra and Jovanović, Ivan G.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Introduction: Genetic studies of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) have demonstrated variable penetrability and expressivity of the associated genetic defects. Previously, it was shown that deletions of 17q12 and 22q11.2 regions were specific for kidney anomalies (KA) while 16p11.2 and 1q21.1 loci showed extensive pleiotropy in CAKUT phenotypes. CNVs affecting miRNA gene dosage have been described to have functional influence on gene expression. We aimed to conduct comprehensive in silico analysis using publicly available databases to analyze miRNA content of CAKUT-associated CNVs in quoted chromosomal loci with regard to pleiotropy.  Methods: Extensive literature review was conducted to collect data about pathogenic rCNVs associated with CAKUT. UCSC genome browser tool was employed for mapping miRNAs onto collected rCNV regions.  Results: Analysis of CNVs in CAKUT included four studies counting more than 2500 patients. In further analysis we included 191 patients harboring pathogenic CNVs. Surprisingly, CAKUT pleiotropic regions (16p11.2, 1q21.2) did not contain any miRNA. 22q11.2 showed the densest miRNAs content (n = 21).  Conclusions: Absence of miRNAs may potentially pronounce the pleiotropy of the CAKUT genetic defects, thus leading to the variety of phenotypes. Contrary, abundancy of miRNAs in 22q11.2 might be associated with reproducible phenotype, such as KA, producing the functional effect when deleted. This assumption agrees with recent results of miRNA expression variability in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.",
journal = "European Journal of Human Genetics",
title = "miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes",
volume = "30",
number = "Suppl. 1",
pages = "331",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10831"
Životić, I., Kolić, I., Popić, K., Filipović Tričković, J. G., Đorđević, A., Živković, M., Stanković, A.,& Jovanović, I. G.. (2022). miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes. in European Journal of Human Genetics, 30(Suppl. 1), 331.
Životić I, Kolić I, Popić K, Filipović Tričković JG, Đorđević A, Živković M, Stanković A, Jovanović IG. miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes. in European Journal of Human Genetics. 2022;30(Suppl. 1):331.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10831 .
Životić, Ivan, Kolić, Ivana, Popić, Kristina, Filipović Tričković, Jelena G., Đorđević, Ana, Živković, Maja, Stanković, Aleksandra, Jovanović, Ivan G., "miRNA-free rare pathogenic CNVs could drive toward variable CAKUT phenotypes" in European Journal of Human Genetics, 30, no. Suppl. 1 (2022):331,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_10831 .

Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis

Đorđević, Ana D.; Živković, Maja; Končar, Igor; Stanković, Aleksandra; Kuveljić, Jovana; Đurić, Tamara


AU  - Đorđević, Ana D.
AU  - Živković, Maja
AU  - Končar, Igor
AU  - Stanković, Aleksandra
AU  - Kuveljić, Jovana
AU  - Đurić, Tamara
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10046
AB  - ObjectivesGalectin-3 affects a variety of biological processes. It is encoded by LGALS-3, located in unique haplotype block in Caucasians. Most of the studies regarding the gal-3 role in atherosclerosis are focused exclusively on protein/mRNA levels. Genetic analyses of LGALS-3 are scarce. We sought to thoroughly examine the genetic background of gal-3 and to analyze tag variants that cover more than 80% variability of the LGALS-3 containing hap-block in association with carotid plaque presence (CPP). According to Tagger server, rs4040064 G/T, rs11628437 G/A and rs7159490 C/T cover 82% (r2 > 0.8) of the genetic variance of this hap-block. Our aims were to investigate possible association of rs4040064, rs11628437 and rs7159490 haplotypes with CPP in patients with advanced carotid atherosclerosis (CA) and to analyze their possible effect on LGALS-3 mRNA expression in carotid plaques.Materials and methodsStudy group consisted of 468 patients and 296 controls. Rs4040064, rs11628437, rs7159490 and LGALS-3 mRNA expression were detected by TaqMan® technology.ResultsWe have found that haplotype TAC was associated with the cerebrovascular insult (CVI) occurrence (OR = 1.68, 95% CI = 1.09-2.58, p = 0.02), compared to the referent haplotype. OR was adjusted for hypertension, age and BMI. TAC also showed higher, but not statistically significant, LGALS-3 expression in carotid plaques.ConclusionsOur results suggest that rs4040064, rs11628437 and rs7159490 bear no association with CPP, neither they affect LGALS-3 mRNA in carotid plaques. However, we showed a significant association of haplotype TAC with the CVI occurrence in CA patients from Serbia. Replication and validation of our results are required.
T2  - Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
T2  - Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular DiseasesJournal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
T1  - Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis
VL  - 31
IS  - 1
SP  - 106212
DO  - 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106212
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Ana D. and Živković, Maja and Končar, Igor and Stanković, Aleksandra and Kuveljić, Jovana and Đurić, Tamara",
year = "2022",
abstract = "ObjectivesGalectin-3 affects a variety of biological processes. It is encoded by LGALS-3, located in unique haplotype block in Caucasians. Most of the studies regarding the gal-3 role in atherosclerosis are focused exclusively on protein/mRNA levels. Genetic analyses of LGALS-3 are scarce. We sought to thoroughly examine the genetic background of gal-3 and to analyze tag variants that cover more than 80% variability of the LGALS-3 containing hap-block in association with carotid plaque presence (CPP). According to Tagger server, rs4040064 G/T, rs11628437 G/A and rs7159490 C/T cover 82% (r2 > 0.8) of the genetic variance of this hap-block. Our aims were to investigate possible association of rs4040064, rs11628437 and rs7159490 haplotypes with CPP in patients with advanced carotid atherosclerosis (CA) and to analyze their possible effect on LGALS-3 mRNA expression in carotid plaques.Materials and methodsStudy group consisted of 468 patients and 296 controls. Rs4040064, rs11628437, rs7159490 and LGALS-3 mRNA expression were detected by TaqMan® technology.ResultsWe have found that haplotype TAC was associated with the cerebrovascular insult (CVI) occurrence (OR = 1.68, 95% CI = 1.09-2.58, p = 0.02), compared to the referent haplotype. OR was adjusted for hypertension, age and BMI. TAC also showed higher, but not statistically significant, LGALS-3 expression in carotid plaques.ConclusionsOur results suggest that rs4040064, rs11628437 and rs7159490 bear no association with CPP, neither they affect LGALS-3 mRNA in carotid plaques. However, we showed a significant association of haplotype TAC with the CVI occurrence in CA patients from Serbia. Replication and validation of our results are required.",
journal = "Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular DiseasesJournal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases",
title = "Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis",
volume = "31",
number = "1",
pages = "106212",
doi = "10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106212"
Đorđević, A. D., Živković, M., Končar, I., Stanković, A., Kuveljić, J.,& Đurić, T.. (2022). Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis. in Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31(1), 106212.
Đorđević AD, Živković M, Končar I, Stanković A, Kuveljić J, Đurić T. Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis. in Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2022;31(1):106212.
doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106212 .
Đorđević, Ana D., Živković, Maja, Končar, Igor, Stanković, Aleksandra, Kuveljić, Jovana, Đurić, Tamara, "Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis" in Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31, no. 1 (2022):106212,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106212 . .