Bundaleski, Nenad

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Bundaleski, Nenad (48)
Functional, Functionalized and Advanced Nanomaterials Optoelectronics nanodimension systems - the rout towards applications
Synthesis, processing and characterization of nanostructured materials for application in the field of energy, mechanical engineering, environmental protection and biomedicine Chemical and structural designing of nanomaterials for application in medicine and tissue engineering
Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology [UID/FIS/00068/2019] ELISA - European Light Sources Activities - Synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers
Investigation of intermetallics and semiconductors and possible application in renewable energy sources Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200017 (University of Belgrade, Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Vinča', Belgrade-Vinča)
Program of scientific and technological cooperation between Republic of Serbia and Republic of Portugal [451-03-02328/2012-14/03] Bilateral project Portugal-Serbia [451-0301765/2014-09/03]
CMST COST Action [CM1302] European Community's Seventh Framework programme (FP7/2007–2013) [Grant agreement No. 226716]
European Union's Horizon Research and Innovation Program [766894] European Union's Horizon research and innovation programme [766894]
FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [INCENTIVO/FIS/LA0010/2014] FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [SFRH/BD/52413/2013 (PD-F APPLAuSE)]
FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [UID/FIS/50010/2013] FCT Fundacao paraa Ciencia e Tecnologia, through Portugal/Serbia bilateral [451-0301765/2014-09/03]
FCT - Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology [UID/FIS/00068/2019] Fundacaopara a Ciencia e Tecnologia do Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES) [PEst-OE/FIS/UI0068/2011], CNES
Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia do Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES) [UID/FIS/00068/2013] Size-, shape- and structure- dependent properties of nanoparticles and nanocomposites
Advanced technologies for monitoring and environmental protection from chemical pollutants and radiation burden Magnetic and radionuclide labeled nanostructured materials for medical applications
Synthesis, processing and applications of nanostructured multifunctional materials with defined properties INIESC [FCT_22113 AAC 01/SAICT/2016]
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia on the research program [grant No. 0402205 and grant No. 1702202] Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology [UID/ FIS/00068/2019]
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [Theme 0402108] Nanotech FTM, FP7-REGPOT [245916], UEFISCDI [304/2011]

Author's Bibliography

Exploring thickness-dependent structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films

Potočnik, Jelena; Novaković, Mirjana; Perović, Marija; Bošković, Marko; Bundaleski, Nenad; Popović, Maja


AU  - Potočnik, Jelena
AU  - Novaković, Mirjana
AU  - Perović, Marija
AU  - Bošković, Marko
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Maja
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13714
AB  - Nickel thin films were deposited to the different thicknesses onto glass substrates using electron-beam glancing angle deposition. The changes in the structural, chemical, and magnetic properties of the films have been investigated. The obtained morphological and microstructural results revealed that the deposited samples consisted of vertical columns with a thickness in the range of 50 nm to 140 nm and a diameter of 15 nm to 29 nm. With the increase in film thickness, the surface roughness increases as well. Chemical analysis showed that the main phase in the samples is metallic Ni, with a certain amount of NiO. In addition, magnetic measurements exhibit that all Ni films show typical hysteresis loops with a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The coercivity was found to increase with the thickness up to 110 nm followed by its further decrease, probably due to the differences in the structure of the columns themselves as well as the combined contributions of two different antiferromagnetic (NiO) and ferromagnetic (Ni) phases created in the deposited nanostructures.
T2  - Vacuum
T1  - Exploring thickness-dependent structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films
VL  - 230
SP  - 113619
DO  - 10.1016/j.vacuum.2024.113619
ER  - 
author = "Potočnik, Jelena and Novaković, Mirjana and Perović, Marija and Bošković, Marko and Bundaleski, Nenad and Popović, Maja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Nickel thin films were deposited to the different thicknesses onto glass substrates using electron-beam glancing angle deposition. The changes in the structural, chemical, and magnetic properties of the films have been investigated. The obtained morphological and microstructural results revealed that the deposited samples consisted of vertical columns with a thickness in the range of 50 nm to 140 nm and a diameter of 15 nm to 29 nm. With the increase in film thickness, the surface roughness increases as well. Chemical analysis showed that the main phase in the samples is metallic Ni, with a certain amount of NiO. In addition, magnetic measurements exhibit that all Ni films show typical hysteresis loops with a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The coercivity was found to increase with the thickness up to 110 nm followed by its further decrease, probably due to the differences in the structure of the columns themselves as well as the combined contributions of two different antiferromagnetic (NiO) and ferromagnetic (Ni) phases created in the deposited nanostructures.",
journal = "Vacuum",
title = "Exploring thickness-dependent structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films",
volume = "230",
pages = "113619",
doi = "10.1016/j.vacuum.2024.113619"
Potočnik, J., Novaković, M., Perović, M., Bošković, M., Bundaleski, N.,& Popović, M.. (2024). Exploring thickness-dependent structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films. in Vacuum, 230, 113619.
Potočnik J, Novaković M, Perović M, Bošković M, Bundaleski N, Popović M. Exploring thickness-dependent structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films. in Vacuum. 2024;230:113619.
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2024.113619 .
Potočnik, Jelena, Novaković, Mirjana, Perović, Marija, Bošković, Marko, Bundaleski, Nenad, Popović, Maja, "Exploring thickness-dependent structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films" in Vacuum, 230 (2024):113619,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2024.113619 . .

Changes in the physicochemical properties of geopolymer gels as a function of NaOH concentration

Nenadović, Miloš; Ivanović, Marija; Kisić, Danilo; Bundaleski, Nenad; Pavlović, Vera; Knežević, Sanja; Kljajević, Ljiljana


AU  - Nenadović, Miloš
AU  - Ivanović, Marija
AU  - Kisić, Danilo
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Pavlović, Vera
AU  - Knežević, Sanja
AU  - Kljajević, Ljiljana
PY  - 2024
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/12727
AB  - In the present paper, polymerization of alkali activated metakaolin (MK) and its structural changing, using 2M NaOH, 8M NaOH, and 16M NaOH solutions were followed by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT), Raman spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XPS analysis revealed that changing of NaOH concentration did not affect the types of formed bonds in the material. At the same time, the amount of sodium and aluminum increased with the NaOH molarity. The latter steps could be especially interesting because it may indicate the possibility of 'dosing' the amount of Al incorporated by changing the NaOH concentration in the solution. DRIFT analysis revealed that the absorption band for AlIV located at 800 cm-1 is shifted towards the smaller values. Changing the concentration of NaOH, the chemical content did not change, but the structural changes are observed. Raman spectroscopy detected that the most dominant peaks at ∼400 cm-1 and 519 cm-1 originate from Si-O-Al and Si-O-Si bending modes. With increasing the NaOH concentration, peaks at 1019-1060 cm-1 become more prominent as a result of polymerization. Both analyzes (DRIFT and Raman) confirmed the presence of quartz. SEM analysis showed that different structures are created by changing the concentration of NaOH.
AB  - У овом раду, праћена је полимеризација алкално активираног метакаолина (МК) и његове структурне промене, коришћењем 2М NaOH, 8М NaOH и 16М раствора NaOH. Промене су праћене рендгенском фотоелектронском спектроскопијом (XPS), дифузном рефлексијом инфрацрвене Фуријеове трансформације (DRIFT), Рамановом спектроскопијом и скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом (SEM). XPS анализа је показала да промена концентрације NaOH није утицала на типове формираних веза у материјалу. Истовремено, количина натријума и алуминијума се повећавала са моларношћу NaOH. Последњи кораци могу бити посебно интересантни јер могу указивати на могућност 'дозирања' количине Al инкорпорираног променом концентрације NaOH у раствору. DRIFT анализа је открила да је опсег апсорпције за AlIV који се налази на 800 cm-1 померен ка мањим вредностима. Променом концентрације NaOH, хемијски садржај се није мењао, али су уочене структурне промене. Раманова спектроскопија је открила да најдоминантнији пикови на 400 cm-1 и 519 cm-1 потичу из Si-О-Al и Si-О-Si начина савијања хемијских веза. Са повећањем концентрације NaOH, пикови на 1019-1060 cm-1 постају све израженији као резултат полимеризације. Обе анализе (DRIFT и Раман) потврдиле су присуство кварца. SEM анализа је показала да се променом концентрације NaOH стварају различите структуре.
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Changes in the physicochemical properties of geopolymer gels as a function of NaOH concentration
VL  - 55
IS  - 4
SP  - 509
EP  - 519
DO  - 10.2298/SOS220624020N
ER  - 
author = "Nenadović, Miloš and Ivanović, Marija and Kisić, Danilo and Bundaleski, Nenad and Pavlović, Vera and Knežević, Sanja and Kljajević, Ljiljana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "In the present paper, polymerization of alkali activated metakaolin (MK) and its structural changing, using 2M NaOH, 8M NaOH, and 16M NaOH solutions were followed by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFT), Raman spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XPS analysis revealed that changing of NaOH concentration did not affect the types of formed bonds in the material. At the same time, the amount of sodium and aluminum increased with the NaOH molarity. The latter steps could be especially interesting because it may indicate the possibility of 'dosing' the amount of Al incorporated by changing the NaOH concentration in the solution. DRIFT analysis revealed that the absorption band for AlIV located at 800 cm-1 is shifted towards the smaller values. Changing the concentration of NaOH, the chemical content did not change, but the structural changes are observed. Raman spectroscopy detected that the most dominant peaks at ∼400 cm-1 and 519 cm-1 originate from Si-O-Al and Si-O-Si bending modes. With increasing the NaOH concentration, peaks at 1019-1060 cm-1 become more prominent as a result of polymerization. Both analyzes (DRIFT and Raman) confirmed the presence of quartz. SEM analysis showed that different structures are created by changing the concentration of NaOH., У овом раду, праћена је полимеризација алкално активираног метакаолина (МК) и његове структурне промене, коришћењем 2М NaOH, 8М NaOH и 16М раствора NaOH. Промене су праћене рендгенском фотоелектронском спектроскопијом (XPS), дифузном рефлексијом инфрацрвене Фуријеове трансформације (DRIFT), Рамановом спектроскопијом и скенирајућом електронском микроскопијом (SEM). XPS анализа је показала да промена концентрације NaOH није утицала на типове формираних веза у материјалу. Истовремено, количина натријума и алуминијума се повећавала са моларношћу NaOH. Последњи кораци могу бити посебно интересантни јер могу указивати на могућност 'дозирања' количине Al инкорпорираног променом концентрације NaOH у раствору. DRIFT анализа је открила да је опсег апсорпције за AlIV који се налази на 800 cm-1 померен ка мањим вредностима. Променом концентрације NaOH, хемијски садржај се није мењао, али су уочене структурне промене. Раманова спектроскопија је открила да најдоминантнији пикови на 400 cm-1 и 519 cm-1 потичу из Si-О-Al и Si-О-Si начина савијања хемијских веза. Са повећањем концентрације NaOH, пикови на 1019-1060 cm-1 постају све израженији као резултат полимеризације. Обе анализе (DRIFT и Раман) потврдиле су присуство кварца. SEM анализа је показала да се променом концентрације NaOH стварају различите структуре.",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Changes in the physicochemical properties of geopolymer gels as a function of NaOH concentration",
volume = "55",
number = "4",
pages = "509-519",
doi = "10.2298/SOS220624020N"
Nenadović, M., Ivanović, M., Kisić, D., Bundaleski, N., Pavlović, V., Knežević, S.,& Kljajević, L.. (2024). Changes in the physicochemical properties of geopolymer gels as a function of NaOH concentration. in Science of Sintering, 55(4), 509-519.
Nenadović M, Ivanović M, Kisić D, Bundaleski N, Pavlović V, Knežević S, Kljajević L. Changes in the physicochemical properties of geopolymer gels as a function of NaOH concentration. in Science of Sintering. 2024;55(4):509-519.
doi:10.2298/SOS220624020N .
Nenadović, Miloš, Ivanović, Marija, Kisić, Danilo, Bundaleski, Nenad, Pavlović, Vera, Knežević, Sanja, Kljajević, Ljiljana, "Changes in the physicochemical properties of geopolymer gels as a function of NaOH concentration" in Science of Sintering, 55, no. 4 (2024):509-519,
https://doi.org/10.2298/SOS220624020N . .

Long-term air exposure surface modification-XPS first principle approach study

Medić Ilić, Mirjana; Kuzmanović, Bojana; Paskaš Mamula, Bojana; Batalović, Katarina; Bundaleski, Nenad

(Beograd : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM = Udruženje inženjera Srbije za koroziju i zaštitu materijala UISKOZAM, 2023)

AU  - Medić Ilić, Mirjana
AU  - Kuzmanović, Bojana
AU  - Paskaš Mamula, Bojana
AU  - Batalović, Katarina
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
PY  - 2023
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11241
AB  - Within the scope of this paper, a potential impact of noble metal particles on the surface of N-TiO2 and its catalytic properties is observed through correlation with contamination layer thickness. Owing to 'first principle' approach study, without additional experimental measurements or permanent damage to the surface of the samples, it is possible to obtain significant novel information based on a single measurement of the XPS spectra. Presented research demonstrated how the surface contamination layer in the case of samples based on N-TiO2 is related to the nature of two studied noble metals, indicating that Pd might serve as an important co-modifier to suppress surface contamination.
AB  - Kroz ovaj rad će biti sagledan uticaj čestica plemenitih metala na strukturu površine titanijum dioksida dopiranog azotom i katalitička svojstva kroz uticaj na debljinu sloja nečistoća. U ovakvom pristupu koji polazi od „prvih principa“ je bez dodatnih eksperimentalnih merenja i trajnog oštećenja površine uzoraka moguće dobiti značajne nove informacije korišćenjem rezultata jednom izvedenog merenja rendgenskog fotoelektronskog spektra. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da promene na površini uzoraka na bazi N-TiO2, do kojih dolazi zbog prisustva Pd, utiču na suzbijanje površinskih organskih nečistoća.
PB  - Beograd : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM = Udruženje inženjera Srbije za koroziju i zaštitu materijala UISKOZAM
C3  - XXIV YuCorr International Conference : Proceedings
T1  - Long-term air exposure surface modification-XPS first principle approach study
T1  - Ispitivanje promena na površini nakon dugotrajnog izlaganja vazduhu polazeći od prvih principa-XPS
SP  - 191
EP  - 195
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11241
ER  - 
author = "Medić Ilić, Mirjana and Kuzmanović, Bojana and Paskaš Mamula, Bojana and Batalović, Katarina and Bundaleski, Nenad",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Within the scope of this paper, a potential impact of noble metal particles on the surface of N-TiO2 and its catalytic properties is observed through correlation with contamination layer thickness. Owing to 'first principle' approach study, without additional experimental measurements or permanent damage to the surface of the samples, it is possible to obtain significant novel information based on a single measurement of the XPS spectra. Presented research demonstrated how the surface contamination layer in the case of samples based on N-TiO2 is related to the nature of two studied noble metals, indicating that Pd might serve as an important co-modifier to suppress surface contamination., Kroz ovaj rad će biti sagledan uticaj čestica plemenitih metala na strukturu površine titanijum dioksida dopiranog azotom i katalitička svojstva kroz uticaj na debljinu sloja nečistoća. U ovakvom pristupu koji polazi od „prvih principa“ je bez dodatnih eksperimentalnih merenja i trajnog oštećenja površine uzoraka moguće dobiti značajne nove informacije korišćenjem rezultata jednom izvedenog merenja rendgenskog fotoelektronskog spektra. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da promene na površini uzoraka na bazi N-TiO2, do kojih dolazi zbog prisustva Pd, utiču na suzbijanje površinskih organskih nečistoća.",
publisher = "Beograd : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM = Udruženje inženjera Srbije za koroziju i zaštitu materijala UISKOZAM",
journal = "XXIV YuCorr International Conference : Proceedings",
title = "Long-term air exposure surface modification-XPS first principle approach study, Ispitivanje promena na površini nakon dugotrajnog izlaganja vazduhu polazeći od prvih principa-XPS",
pages = "191-195",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11241"
Medić Ilić, M., Kuzmanović, B., Paskaš Mamula, B., Batalović, K.,& Bundaleski, N.. (2023). Long-term air exposure surface modification-XPS first principle approach study. in XXIV YuCorr International Conference : Proceedings
Beograd : Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection UISKOZAM = Udruženje inženjera Srbije za koroziju i zaštitu materijala UISKOZAM., 191-195.
Medić Ilić M, Kuzmanović B, Paskaš Mamula B, Batalović K, Bundaleski N. Long-term air exposure surface modification-XPS first principle approach study. in XXIV YuCorr International Conference : Proceedings. 2023;:191-195.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11241 .
Medić Ilić, Mirjana, Kuzmanović, Bojana, Paskaš Mamula, Bojana, Batalović, Katarina, Bundaleski, Nenad, "Long-term air exposure surface modification-XPS first principle approach study" in XXIV YuCorr International Conference : Proceedings (2023):191-195,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11241 .

Detailed phisyco-chemical characterization of the multilayered thin films based on titanium oxynitride and copper doped titanium nitride obtained by different PVD techniques

Jokanović, Vukoman R.; Bundaleski, Nenad; Petrović, Božana; Ferarra, Manuela; Jokanović, Bojan; Živković, Slavoljub; Nasov, Ilija


AU  - Jokanović, Vukoman R.
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Petrović, Božana
AU  - Ferarra, Manuela
AU  - Jokanović, Bojan
AU  - Živković, Slavoljub
AU  - Nasov, Ilija
PY  - 2022
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10029
AB  - Thin films on the base of titanium oxynitrides and copper doped titanium nitride were obtained by a combination of different PVD techniques on the surface of glass substrate and their physicochemical properties were analyzed in details. Phase composition of the samples was analyzed by XRD and FTIR methods, while microstructure of the samples was analyzed by SEM. XPS was used for depth profiling of the samples, which enabled determination of the oxidative state of titanium and corresponding phases through various film layers from the surface to the substrate. The depth of the various layers and their extinction coefficients and refractory indexes were estimated by spectroscopic ellipsometry.
T2  - Vacuum
T1  - Detailed phisyco-chemical characterization of the multilayered thin films based on titanium oxynitride and copper doped titanium nitride obtained by different PVD techniques
VL  - 195
SP  - 110708
DO  - 10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110708
ER  - 
author = "Jokanović, Vukoman R. and Bundaleski, Nenad and Petrović, Božana and Ferarra, Manuela and Jokanović, Bojan and Živković, Slavoljub and Nasov, Ilija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Thin films on the base of titanium oxynitrides and copper doped titanium nitride were obtained by a combination of different PVD techniques on the surface of glass substrate and their physicochemical properties were analyzed in details. Phase composition of the samples was analyzed by XRD and FTIR methods, while microstructure of the samples was analyzed by SEM. XPS was used for depth profiling of the samples, which enabled determination of the oxidative state of titanium and corresponding phases through various film layers from the surface to the substrate. The depth of the various layers and their extinction coefficients and refractory indexes were estimated by spectroscopic ellipsometry.",
journal = "Vacuum",
title = "Detailed phisyco-chemical characterization of the multilayered thin films based on titanium oxynitride and copper doped titanium nitride obtained by different PVD techniques",
volume = "195",
pages = "110708",
doi = "10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110708"
Jokanović, V. R., Bundaleski, N., Petrović, B., Ferarra, M., Jokanović, B., Živković, S.,& Nasov, I.. (2022). Detailed phisyco-chemical characterization of the multilayered thin films based on titanium oxynitride and copper doped titanium nitride obtained by different PVD techniques. in Vacuum, 195, 110708.
Jokanović VR, Bundaleski N, Petrović B, Ferarra M, Jokanović B, Živković S, Nasov I. Detailed phisyco-chemical characterization of the multilayered thin films based on titanium oxynitride and copper doped titanium nitride obtained by different PVD techniques. in Vacuum. 2022;195:110708.
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110708 .
Jokanović, Vukoman R., Bundaleski, Nenad, Petrović, Božana, Ferarra, Manuela, Jokanović, Bojan, Živković, Slavoljub, Nasov, Ilija, "Detailed phisyco-chemical characterization of the multilayered thin films based on titanium oxynitride and copper doped titanium nitride obtained by different PVD techniques" in Vacuum, 195 (2022):110708,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110708 . .

XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging

Stamenković, Tijana; Bundaleski, Nenad; Barudžija, Tanja; Validžić, Ivana Lj.; Lojpur, Vesna


AU  - Stamenković, Tijana
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Barudžija, Tanja
AU  - Validžić, Ivana Lj.
AU  - Lojpur, Vesna
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9894
AB  - X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements are used for investigating incorporation of iodine and tin into the stibnite (Sb2S3) lattice, as well as for determining surface composition and structure, respectively. The XRD analysis revealed the visible presence of a single phase, that of pure orthorhombic Sb2S3 structure. XPS survey spectra confirmed the presence of expected elements (Sb, S, Sn and I) at the surface of corresponding samples. Since the bonding identification was hindered by non-uniform charging of samples during acquiring the photoelectron spectra, a novel approach for the analysis of high resolution spectra was proposed and successfully implemented. XPS results showed that surface composition of the non-doped sample coincides with that of the bulk, while doping strongly affects surface of the samples. Sn-doped sample appears to be prone to surface oxidation. The presence of Sb2S3, Sb2O3, SnS2 and Sn(0) phases at the surface was revealed. Strong segregation of antimony was observed in the I-doped Sb2S3 sample. Iodine is also present at the surface in the form of the SbI3 phase, while the detected sulphur signal most probably corresponds to S atoms from unaltered deeper layers.
T2  - Applied Surface Science
T1  - XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging
VL  - 567
SP  - 150822
DO  - 10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150822
ER  - 
author = "Stamenković, Tijana and Bundaleski, Nenad and Barudžija, Tanja and Validžić, Ivana Lj. and Lojpur, Vesna",
year = "2021",
abstract = "X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements are used for investigating incorporation of iodine and tin into the stibnite (Sb2S3) lattice, as well as for determining surface composition and structure, respectively. The XRD analysis revealed the visible presence of a single phase, that of pure orthorhombic Sb2S3 structure. XPS survey spectra confirmed the presence of expected elements (Sb, S, Sn and I) at the surface of corresponding samples. Since the bonding identification was hindered by non-uniform charging of samples during acquiring the photoelectron spectra, a novel approach for the analysis of high resolution spectra was proposed and successfully implemented. XPS results showed that surface composition of the non-doped sample coincides with that of the bulk, while doping strongly affects surface of the samples. Sn-doped sample appears to be prone to surface oxidation. The presence of Sb2S3, Sb2O3, SnS2 and Sn(0) phases at the surface was revealed. Strong segregation of antimony was observed in the I-doped Sb2S3 sample. Iodine is also present at the surface in the form of the SbI3 phase, while the detected sulphur signal most probably corresponds to S atoms from unaltered deeper layers.",
journal = "Applied Surface Science",
title = "XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging",
volume = "567",
pages = "150822",
doi = "10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150822"
Stamenković, T., Bundaleski, N., Barudžija, T., Validžić, I. Lj.,& Lojpur, V.. (2021). XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging. in Applied Surface Science, 567, 150822.
Stamenković T, Bundaleski N, Barudžija T, Validžić IL, Lojpur V. XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging. in Applied Surface Science. 2021;567:150822.
doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150822 .
Stamenković, Tijana, Bundaleski, Nenad, Barudžija, Tanja, Validžić, Ivana Lj., Lojpur, Vesna, "XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging" in Applied Surface Science, 567 (2021):150822,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2021.150822 . .

Detailed characterization of the Ti-O based thin films obtained by cathodic arc evaporation

Jokanović, Vukoman R.; Bundaleski, Nenad; Čolović, Božana M.; Ferarra, Manuela; Jokanović, Bojan; Nasov, Ilija


AU  - Jokanović, Vukoman R.
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Čolović, Božana M.
AU  - Ferarra, Manuela
AU  - Jokanović, Bojan
AU  - Nasov, Ilija
PY  - 2021
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9891
AB  - Physicochemical properties of thin films on the base of titanium oxides, obtained by a cathodic arc evaporation on the surface of glass substrate are analysed in details. The analysis of these films was made by using XRD, FTIR, SEM, XPS analysis and ellipsometry. On the basis of these analyses, particularly analysis obtained by XPS, the oxidative state Ti and corresponding phases are determined through various film layers from the surface to the substrate. The depth of the various levels and their extinction coefficients and refractory indexes are estimated by ellipsometry.
T2  - Zaštita materijala
T1  - Detailed characterization of the Ti-O based thin films obtained by cathodic arc evaporation
VL  - 62
IS  - 1
SP  - 41
EP  - 50
DO  - 10.5937/zasmat2101041J
ER  - 
author = "Jokanović, Vukoman R. and Bundaleski, Nenad and Čolović, Božana M. and Ferarra, Manuela and Jokanović, Bojan and Nasov, Ilija",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Physicochemical properties of thin films on the base of titanium oxides, obtained by a cathodic arc evaporation on the surface of glass substrate are analysed in details. The analysis of these films was made by using XRD, FTIR, SEM, XPS analysis and ellipsometry. On the basis of these analyses, particularly analysis obtained by XPS, the oxidative state Ti and corresponding phases are determined through various film layers from the surface to the substrate. The depth of the various levels and their extinction coefficients and refractory indexes are estimated by ellipsometry.",
journal = "Zaštita materijala",
title = "Detailed characterization of the Ti-O based thin films obtained by cathodic arc evaporation",
volume = "62",
number = "1",
pages = "41-50",
doi = "10.5937/zasmat2101041J"
Jokanović, V. R., Bundaleski, N., Čolović, B. M., Ferarra, M., Jokanović, B.,& Nasov, I.. (2021). Detailed characterization of the Ti-O based thin films obtained by cathodic arc evaporation. in Zaštita materijala, 62(1), 41-50.
Jokanović VR, Bundaleski N, Čolović BM, Ferarra M, Jokanović B, Nasov I. Detailed characterization of the Ti-O based thin films obtained by cathodic arc evaporation. in Zaštita materijala. 2021;62(1):41-50.
doi:10.5937/zasmat2101041J .
Jokanović, Vukoman R., Bundaleski, Nenad, Čolović, Božana M., Ferarra, Manuela, Jokanović, Bojan, Nasov, Ilija, "Detailed characterization of the Ti-O based thin films obtained by cathodic arc evaporation" in Zaštita materijala, 62, no. 1 (2021):41-50,
https://doi.org/10.5937/zasmat2101041J . .

Origin of photocatalytic activity enhancement in Pd/Pt-deposited anatase N-TiO2-experimental insights and DFT study of the (001) surface

Batalović, Katarina; Radaković, Jana; Bundaleski, Nenad; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Pašti, Igor A.; Skorodumova, Natalia V.; Rangel, Carmen Mireya


AU  - Batalović, Katarina
AU  - Radaković, Jana
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Pašti, Igor A.
AU  - Skorodumova, Natalia V.
AU  - Rangel, Carmen Mireya
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/9620
AB  - In pursuit of the ideal photocatalyst, cheap and stable semiconductor TiO2 is considered to be a good choice if one is able to reduce its band gap and decrease the recombination rate of charge carriers. The approach that offers such improvements for energy conversion applications is the modification of TiO2 with nitrogen and noble metals. However, the origin of these improvements and possibilities for further design of single-atom catalysts are not always straightforward. To shed light on the atomic-scale picture, we modeled the nitrogen-doped (001) anatase TiO2 surface as a support for palladium and platinum single-atom deposition. The thermodynamics of various synthesis routes for Pd/Pt deposition and nitrogen doping is considered based on density functional theory (DFT)-calculated energies, highlighting the effect of nitrogen doping on metal dimer formation and metal-support interaction. XPS analysis of the valence band of the modified TiO2 nanocrystals, and the calculated charge transfer and electronic structure of single-atom catalysts supported on the (001) anatase TiO2 surface provide an insight into modifications occurring in the valence zone of TiO2 due to nitrogen doping and Pd/Pt deposition at the surface. DFT results also show that substitutional nitrogen doping significantly increases metal-support interaction, while interstitial nitrogen doping promotes only Pt-support interaction. © the Owner Societies.
T2  - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
T1  - Origin of photocatalytic activity enhancement in Pd/Pt-deposited anatase N-TiO2-experimental insights and DFT study of the (001) surface
VL  - 22
IS  - 33
SP  - 18536
EP  - 18547
DO  - 10.1039/d0cp03186k
ER  - 
author = "Batalović, Katarina and Radaković, Jana and Bundaleski, Nenad and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Pašti, Igor A. and Skorodumova, Natalia V. and Rangel, Carmen Mireya",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In pursuit of the ideal photocatalyst, cheap and stable semiconductor TiO2 is considered to be a good choice if one is able to reduce its band gap and decrease the recombination rate of charge carriers. The approach that offers such improvements for energy conversion applications is the modification of TiO2 with nitrogen and noble metals. However, the origin of these improvements and possibilities for further design of single-atom catalysts are not always straightforward. To shed light on the atomic-scale picture, we modeled the nitrogen-doped (001) anatase TiO2 surface as a support for palladium and platinum single-atom deposition. The thermodynamics of various synthesis routes for Pd/Pt deposition and nitrogen doping is considered based on density functional theory (DFT)-calculated energies, highlighting the effect of nitrogen doping on metal dimer formation and metal-support interaction. XPS analysis of the valence band of the modified TiO2 nanocrystals, and the calculated charge transfer and electronic structure of single-atom catalysts supported on the (001) anatase TiO2 surface provide an insight into modifications occurring in the valence zone of TiO2 due to nitrogen doping and Pd/Pt deposition at the surface. DFT results also show that substitutional nitrogen doping significantly increases metal-support interaction, while interstitial nitrogen doping promotes only Pt-support interaction. © the Owner Societies.",
journal = "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics",
title = "Origin of photocatalytic activity enhancement in Pd/Pt-deposited anatase N-TiO2-experimental insights and DFT study of the (001) surface",
volume = "22",
number = "33",
pages = "18536-18547",
doi = "10.1039/d0cp03186k"
Batalović, K., Radaković, J., Bundaleski, N., Rakočević, Z. Lj., Pašti, I. A., Skorodumova, N. V.,& Rangel, C. M.. (2020). Origin of photocatalytic activity enhancement in Pd/Pt-deposited anatase N-TiO2-experimental insights and DFT study of the (001) surface. in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(33), 18536-18547.
Batalović K, Radaković J, Bundaleski N, Rakočević ZL, Pašti IA, Skorodumova NV, Rangel CM. Origin of photocatalytic activity enhancement in Pd/Pt-deposited anatase N-TiO2-experimental insights and DFT study of the (001) surface. in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2020;22(33):18536-18547.
doi:10.1039/d0cp03186k .
Batalović, Katarina, Radaković, Jana, Bundaleski, Nenad, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Pašti, Igor A., Skorodumova, Natalia V., Rangel, Carmen Mireya, "Origin of photocatalytic activity enhancement in Pd/Pt-deposited anatase N-TiO2-experimental insights and DFT study of the (001) surface" in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, no. 33 (2020):18536-18547,
https://doi.org/10.1039/d0cp03186k . .

XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited

Medić-Ilić, Mirjana; Bundaleski, Nenad; Ivanović, Nenad; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Minić, Dragica M.; Romčević, Nebojša Ž.; Radisavljević, Ivana


AU  - Medić-Ilić, Mirjana
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Ivanović, Nenad
AU  - Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Minić, Dragica M.
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša Ž.
AU  - Radisavljević, Ivana
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8910
AB  - Recently introduced model for quantitative analysis of in-depth non-uniform surfaces is applied to reexamine the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and Zn0.98Fe0.02Te0.91Se0.09 crystalline samples. Special attention is paid to the precise identification of phases which form the bulk-like near-surface region and the surface overlayers (the oxide layer and the layer of organic impurities), as well as the influence of surface morphology on the measurements. The obtained results fully support earlier qualitative estimations, but also provide new quantitative insight into the composition of the three investigated regions. The near-surface region of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and Zn0.98Fe0.02Te0.91Se0.09 samples is slightly electropositive, with cation/anion ratio 52:48 and 53:47, respectively. Model surface structures, which are fully compatible with the experimental results, comprise 0.76 nm thick CdTeO3 layer at the surface of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and 0.33 nm thick mixed ZnO/TeO2 oxide layer on Zn0.98Fe0.02Te0.91Se0.09. In both samples the oxide layer is only a few atomic layers thick, implying that it suppresses further rapid migration of oxygen into the bulk.
T2  - Vacuum
T1  - XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited
VL  - 176
SP  - 109340
DO  - 10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109340
ER  - 
author = "Medić-Ilić, Mirjana and Bundaleski, Nenad and Ivanović, Nenad and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D. and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Minić, Dragica M. and Romčević, Nebojša Ž. and Radisavljević, Ivana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Recently introduced model for quantitative analysis of in-depth non-uniform surfaces is applied to reexamine the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and Zn0.98Fe0.02Te0.91Se0.09 crystalline samples. Special attention is paid to the precise identification of phases which form the bulk-like near-surface region and the surface overlayers (the oxide layer and the layer of organic impurities), as well as the influence of surface morphology on the measurements. The obtained results fully support earlier qualitative estimations, but also provide new quantitative insight into the composition of the three investigated regions. The near-surface region of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and Zn0.98Fe0.02Te0.91Se0.09 samples is slightly electropositive, with cation/anion ratio 52:48 and 53:47, respectively. Model surface structures, which are fully compatible with the experimental results, comprise 0.76 nm thick CdTeO3 layer at the surface of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and 0.33 nm thick mixed ZnO/TeO2 oxide layer on Zn0.98Fe0.02Te0.91Se0.09. In both samples the oxide layer is only a few atomic layers thick, implying that it suppresses further rapid migration of oxygen into the bulk.",
journal = "Vacuum",
title = "XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited",
volume = "176",
pages = "109340",
doi = "10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109340"
Medić-Ilić, M., Bundaleski, N., Ivanović, N., Teodoro, O. M. N. D., Rakočević, Z. Lj., Minić, D. M., Romčević, N. Ž.,& Radisavljević, I.. (2020). XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited. in Vacuum, 176, 109340.
Medić-Ilić M, Bundaleski N, Ivanović N, Teodoro OMND, Rakočević ZL, Minić DM, Romčević NŽ, Radisavljević I. XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited. in Vacuum. 2020;176:109340.
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109340 .
Medić-Ilić, Mirjana, Bundaleski, Nenad, Ivanović, Nenad, Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D., Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Minić, Dragica M., Romčević, Nebojša Ž., Radisavljević, Ivana, "XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited" in Vacuum, 176 (2020):109340,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109340 . .

Low total electron yield graphene coatings produced by electrophoretic deposition

Aguincha, R.; Bundaleski, Nenad; Bundaleska, N; Novaković, Mirjana M.; Henriques, Julio A. P.; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Tatarova, Elena; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.


AU  - Aguincha, R.
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Bundaleska, N
AU  - Novaković, Mirjana M.
AU  - Henriques, Julio A. P.
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Tatarova, Elena
AU  - Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
PY  - 2020
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8616
AB  - Stainless steel and copper technical substrates have been coated by free standing graphene using electrophoretic deposition technique, with the final goal to obtain chemically inert low secondary electron emission surfaces. This class of materials is of utmost interest in future accelerators in order to increase further the flux of accelerated charged particles in the beam. The measured maximum total electron yield of pristine graphene, which has been previously characterized by electron microscopies and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, appears to be about 1.0. The deposition parameters have been optimized in order to obtain surfaces with lowest total electron yield, but also composition and morphology close to that of pristine graphene. When applying these optimized deposition parameters graphene coatings on two substrates, i.e. stainless steel and copper, the maximum total electron yield of about 1.04 was obtained. The composition of coatings and the relative amounts of sp2 bonds are slightly worse than those of the pristine graphene, while the surface morphology appears to be the same. Annealing at 150 °C for 64 h in high vacuum, showed that vacuum baking did not affect considerably the electron emission properties of the coatings. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.
T2  - Applied Surface Science
T1  - Low total electron yield graphene coatings produced by electrophoretic deposition
VL  - 504
SP  - 143870
DO  - 10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143870
ER  - 
author = "Aguincha, R. and Bundaleski, Nenad and Bundaleska, N and Novaković, Mirjana M. and Henriques, Julio A. P. and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Tatarova, Elena and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Stainless steel and copper technical substrates have been coated by free standing graphene using electrophoretic deposition technique, with the final goal to obtain chemically inert low secondary electron emission surfaces. This class of materials is of utmost interest in future accelerators in order to increase further the flux of accelerated charged particles in the beam. The measured maximum total electron yield of pristine graphene, which has been previously characterized by electron microscopies and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, appears to be about 1.0. The deposition parameters have been optimized in order to obtain surfaces with lowest total electron yield, but also composition and morphology close to that of pristine graphene. When applying these optimized deposition parameters graphene coatings on two substrates, i.e. stainless steel and copper, the maximum total electron yield of about 1.04 was obtained. The composition of coatings and the relative amounts of sp2 bonds are slightly worse than those of the pristine graphene, while the surface morphology appears to be the same. Annealing at 150 °C for 64 h in high vacuum, showed that vacuum baking did not affect considerably the electron emission properties of the coatings. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.",
journal = "Applied Surface Science",
title = "Low total electron yield graphene coatings produced by electrophoretic deposition",
volume = "504",
pages = "143870",
doi = "10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143870"
Aguincha, R., Bundaleski, N., Bundaleska, N., Novaković, M. M., Henriques, J. A. P., Rakočević, Z. Lj., Tatarova, E.,& Teodoro, O. M. N. D.. (2020). Low total electron yield graphene coatings produced by electrophoretic deposition. in Applied Surface Science, 504, 143870.
Aguincha R, Bundaleski N, Bundaleska N, Novaković MM, Henriques JAP, Rakočević ZL, Tatarova E, Teodoro OMND. Low total electron yield graphene coatings produced by electrophoretic deposition. in Applied Surface Science. 2020;504:143870.
doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143870 .
Aguincha, R., Bundaleski, Nenad, Bundaleska, N, Novaković, Mirjana M., Henriques, Julio A. P., Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Tatarova, Elena, Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D., "Low total electron yield graphene coatings produced by electrophoretic deposition" in Applied Surface Science, 504 (2020):143870,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.143870 . .

Local, electronic and surface structure of multi-component Fe-doped CdTe(S) systems

Bundaleski, Nenad; Radisavljević, Ivana; Ivanović, Nenad; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Medić-Ilić, Mirjana; Tadić, Julijana D.; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.


AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Radisavljević, Ivana
AU  - Ivanović, Nenad
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Medić-Ilić, Mirjana
AU  - Tadić, Julijana D.
AU  - Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
PY  - 2019
UR  - https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0039602818307611
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7977
AB  - Local structural and electronic properties around Fe in multi-component Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97S0.03 system were studied by means of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). Composition of non-polar (110) surfaces of Cd0.97Fe0.03Te and Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97S0.03 systems and mechanism of their oxidation in ambient conditions were studied by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). It has been found that Fe preferentially substitutes Cd, but due to much smaller covalent radius and preferences for paring with S, it causes local distortion of the host CdTe lattice. The distortion is confined to the Fe-immediate surrounding and the second and third coordination shell atoms are (inside experimental uncertainties) placed at distances expected in CdTe. Although local structure around Fe is well defined in the bulk of both samples, their near-surface region is completely depleted from Fe, and in case of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97S0.03 somewhat enriched in S. Special attention is, therefore, paid to characterization of the near-surface region and evaluation of its composition and structure. To that end we have introduced a general standard-free algorithm for XPS data analysis of the two-layer surface structure (bulk, oxide layer, and the impurity layer). Results of the in-depth composition analysis revealed that despite different bulk composition and impurity layer thickness, underneath the topmost impurity layer lays approximately one monolayer of CdTeO3 which passivates the surface. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.
T2  - Surface Science
T1  - Local, electronic and surface structure of multi-component Fe-doped CdTe(S) systems
VL  - 681
SP  - 76
EP  - 86
DO  - 10.1016/j.susc.2018.11.007
ER  - 
author = "Bundaleski, Nenad and Radisavljević, Ivana and Ivanović, Nenad and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Medić-Ilić, Mirjana and Tadić, Julijana D. and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Local structural and electronic properties around Fe in multi-component Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97S0.03 system were studied by means of X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS). Composition of non-polar (110) surfaces of Cd0.97Fe0.03Te and Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97S0.03 systems and mechanism of their oxidation in ambient conditions were studied by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). It has been found that Fe preferentially substitutes Cd, but due to much smaller covalent radius and preferences for paring with S, it causes local distortion of the host CdTe lattice. The distortion is confined to the Fe-immediate surrounding and the second and third coordination shell atoms are (inside experimental uncertainties) placed at distances expected in CdTe. Although local structure around Fe is well defined in the bulk of both samples, their near-surface region is completely depleted from Fe, and in case of Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97S0.03 somewhat enriched in S. Special attention is, therefore, paid to characterization of the near-surface region and evaluation of its composition and structure. To that end we have introduced a general standard-free algorithm for XPS data analysis of the two-layer surface structure (bulk, oxide layer, and the impurity layer). Results of the in-depth composition analysis revealed that despite different bulk composition and impurity layer thickness, underneath the topmost impurity layer lays approximately one monolayer of CdTeO3 which passivates the surface. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.",
journal = "Surface Science",
title = "Local, electronic and surface structure of multi-component Fe-doped CdTe(S) systems",
volume = "681",
pages = "76-86",
doi = "10.1016/j.susc.2018.11.007"
Bundaleski, N., Radisavljević, I., Ivanović, N., Rakočević, Z. Lj., Medić-Ilić, M., Tadić, J. D.,& Teodoro, O. M. N. D.. (2019). Local, electronic and surface structure of multi-component Fe-doped CdTe(S) systems. in Surface Science, 681, 76-86.
Bundaleski N, Radisavljević I, Ivanović N, Rakočević ZL, Medić-Ilić M, Tadić JD, Teodoro OMND. Local, electronic and surface structure of multi-component Fe-doped CdTe(S) systems. in Surface Science. 2019;681:76-86.
doi:10.1016/j.susc.2018.11.007 .
Bundaleski, Nenad, Radisavljević, Ivana, Ivanović, Nenad, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Medić-Ilić, Mirjana, Tadić, Julijana D., Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D., "Local, electronic and surface structure of multi-component Fe-doped CdTe(S) systems" in Surface Science, 681 (2019):76-86,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.susc.2018.11.007 . .

Experimental and theoretical insights on charge transfer and cluster formation in co-doped N-TiO2

Batalović, Katarina; Radaković, Jana; Bundaleski, Nenad; Pašti, Igor

(Belgrade : Faculty of Physical Chemistry, 2018)

AU  - Batalović, Katarina
AU  - Radaković, Jana
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Pašti, Igor
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://www.ffh.bg.ac.rs/en/3immsera/#:~:text=25-26 September 2018.&text=The 3rd International Meeting on,science for energy related applications.
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11248
AB  - Inroduction Among various applications of TiO2, hydrogen generation from methanol/ethanol solutions or ultimately water, is one of the big interest for renewable energy applications. One of approaches in modifying properties of titania in order to bring this cheap material one step closer to these applications is oxide doping and co-doping as a way of stimulating charge transfer between the metal and oxide surface [1]. We consider charge transfer and optical properties of doped and co-doped TiO2 surfaces, as well as deposition of platinum and palladium at the 001 anatase TiO2 surface, to study influence of nitrogen doping on metal clustering and metal-support interaction.
PB  - Belgrade : Faculty of Physical Chemistry
C3  - 3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications : Book of Abstracts
T1  - Experimental and theoretical insights on charge transfer and cluster formation in co-doped N-TiO2
SP  - 10
EP  - 12
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11248
ER  - 
author = "Batalović, Katarina and Radaković, Jana and Bundaleski, Nenad and Pašti, Igor",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Inroduction Among various applications of TiO2, hydrogen generation from methanol/ethanol solutions or ultimately water, is one of the big interest for renewable energy applications. One of approaches in modifying properties of titania in order to bring this cheap material one step closer to these applications is oxide doping and co-doping as a way of stimulating charge transfer between the metal and oxide surface [1]. We consider charge transfer and optical properties of doped and co-doped TiO2 surfaces, as well as deposition of platinum and palladium at the 001 anatase TiO2 surface, to study influence of nitrogen doping on metal clustering and metal-support interaction.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Faculty of Physical Chemistry",
journal = "3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications : Book of Abstracts",
title = "Experimental and theoretical insights on charge transfer and cluster formation in co-doped N-TiO2",
pages = "10-12",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11248"
Batalović, K., Radaković, J., Bundaleski, N.,& Pašti, I.. (2018). Experimental and theoretical insights on charge transfer and cluster formation in co-doped N-TiO2. in 3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications : Book of Abstracts
Belgrade : Faculty of Physical Chemistry., 10-12.
Batalović K, Radaković J, Bundaleski N, Pašti I. Experimental and theoretical insights on charge transfer and cluster formation in co-doped N-TiO2. in 3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications : Book of Abstracts. 2018;:10-12.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11248 .
Batalović, Katarina, Radaković, Jana, Bundaleski, Nenad, Pašti, Igor, "Experimental and theoretical insights on charge transfer and cluster formation in co-doped N-TiO2" in 3rd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications : Book of Abstracts (2018):10-12,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_11248 .

TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering

Jokanović, Vukoman R.; Čolović, Božana M.; Bundaleski, Nenad; Jokanović, M.; Trajkovska Petkoska, Anka; Ferrara, Manuela; Nasov, Ilija; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.


AU  - Jokanović, Vukoman R.
AU  - Čolović, Božana M.
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Jokanović, M.
AU  - Trajkovska Petkoska, Anka
AU  - Ferrara, Manuela
AU  - Nasov, Ilija
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://joam.inoe.ro/index.php?option=magazine&op=view&idu=4206&catid=110
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7716
AB  - Optical properties of TixOy thin film, of thickness 125 nm, obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering were investigated in this paper. XRD analysis revealed the presence of anatase, rutile, TiO, Ti2O3and Ti3O5phases. XPS analysis showed similar results. SEM analysis showed quite smooth surface of the film. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed sharp decrease of refractive index in wavelength range 300-500 nm and extremely low values of extinction coefficients which are less than 0.01 at wavelengths equal to or higher than 500 nm.
T2  - Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
T1  - TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering
VL  - 20
IS  - 3-4
SP  - 169
EP  - 174
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_7716
ER  - 
author = "Jokanović, Vukoman R. and Čolović, Božana M. and Bundaleski, Nenad and Jokanović, M. and Trajkovska Petkoska, Anka and Ferrara, Manuela and Nasov, Ilija and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Optical properties of TixOy thin film, of thickness 125 nm, obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering were investigated in this paper. XRD analysis revealed the presence of anatase, rutile, TiO, Ti2O3and Ti3O5phases. XPS analysis showed similar results. SEM analysis showed quite smooth surface of the film. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed sharp decrease of refractive index in wavelength range 300-500 nm and extremely low values of extinction coefficients which are less than 0.01 at wavelengths equal to or higher than 500 nm.",
journal = "Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials",
title = "TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering",
volume = "20",
number = "3-4",
pages = "169-174",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_7716"
Jokanović, V. R., Čolović, B. M., Bundaleski, N., Jokanović, M., Trajkovska Petkoska, A., Ferrara, M., Nasov, I.,& Rakočević, Z. Lj.. (2018). TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering. in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 20(3-4), 169-174.
Jokanović VR, Čolović BM, Bundaleski N, Jokanović M, Trajkovska Petkoska A, Ferrara M, Nasov I, Rakočević ZL. TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering. in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 2018;20(3-4):169-174.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_7716 .
Jokanović, Vukoman R., Čolović, Božana M., Bundaleski, Nenad, Jokanović, M., Trajkovska Petkoska, Anka, Ferrara, Manuela, Nasov, Ilija, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., "TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering" in Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 20, no. 3-4 (2018):169-174,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_vinar_7716 .

Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission Spectroscopy

Validžić, Ivana Lj.; Popović, Maja; Lojpur, Vesna; Bundaleski, Nenad; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.


AU  - Validžić, Ivana Lj.
AU  - Popović, Maja
AU  - Lojpur, Vesna
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7646
AB  - The effect of incorporating copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) ions into stibnite (Sb2S3) lattice was investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The incorporation of Cu and Se ions was verified by comparing the XPS spectra of the undoped (amorphous Sb2S3), doped (p and n-doped) and pure Se and Cu-acetate powders. The main photoelectron Cu 2p(1/2) (951.8 eV) and Cu 2p(3/2) (932.1 eV) lines derived from the Cu-doped and Cu-acetate powder samples were clearly observed, whereas in the undoped sample, none of the characteristic lines of Cu were detected. The Se Auger line (138.6 eV), the only line of Se which does not coincide with the lines of Sb and S, was successfully detected in an Se-doped XPS sample and the spectrum of pure Se, while Se in the undoped sample was not found. Further, the XPS measurements revealed the relative amounts of Cu and Se in antimony sulfide, as well as the oxidation state of copper incorporated into the matrix.
T2  - Journal of Electronic Materials
T1  - Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission Spectroscopy
VL  - 47
IS  - 4
SP  - 2402
EP  - 2410
DO  - 10.1007/s11664-018-6072-5
ER  - 
author = "Validžić, Ivana Lj. and Popović, Maja and Lojpur, Vesna and Bundaleski, Nenad and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The effect of incorporating copper (Cu) and selenium (Se) ions into stibnite (Sb2S3) lattice was investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The incorporation of Cu and Se ions was verified by comparing the XPS spectra of the undoped (amorphous Sb2S3), doped (p and n-doped) and pure Se and Cu-acetate powders. The main photoelectron Cu 2p(1/2) (951.8 eV) and Cu 2p(3/2) (932.1 eV) lines derived from the Cu-doped and Cu-acetate powder samples were clearly observed, whereas in the undoped sample, none of the characteristic lines of Cu were detected. The Se Auger line (138.6 eV), the only line of Se which does not coincide with the lines of Sb and S, was successfully detected in an Se-doped XPS sample and the spectrum of pure Se, while Se in the undoped sample was not found. Further, the XPS measurements revealed the relative amounts of Cu and Se in antimony sulfide, as well as the oxidation state of copper incorporated into the matrix.",
journal = "Journal of Electronic Materials",
title = "Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission Spectroscopy",
volume = "47",
number = "4",
pages = "2402-2410",
doi = "10.1007/s11664-018-6072-5"
Validžić, I. Lj., Popović, M., Lojpur, V., Bundaleski, N.,& Rakočević, Z. Lj.. (2018). Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission Spectroscopy. in Journal of Electronic Materials, 47(4), 2402-2410.
Validžić IL, Popović M, Lojpur V, Bundaleski N, Rakočević ZL. Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission Spectroscopy. in Journal of Electronic Materials. 2018;47(4):2402-2410.
doi:10.1007/s11664-018-6072-5 .
Validžić, Ivana Lj., Popović, Maja, Lojpur, Vesna, Bundaleski, Nenad, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., "Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission Spectroscopy" in Journal of Electronic Materials, 47, no. 4 (2018):2402-2410,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11664-018-6072-5 . .

Physicochemical and radiological characterization of kaolin and its polymerization products

Ivanović, Marija M.; Kljajević, Ljiljana M.; Nenadović, Miloš; Bundaleski, Nenad; Vukanac, Ivana; Todorović, Bratislav Ž.; Nenadović, Snežana S.


AU  - Ivanović, Marija M.
AU  - Kljajević, Ljiljana M.
AU  - Nenadović, Miloš
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Vukanac, Ivana
AU  - Todorović, Bratislav Ž.
AU  - Nenadović, Snežana S.
PY  - 2018
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7706
UR  - http://materconstrucc.revistas.csic.es/index.php/materconstrucc/article/view/2219
AB  - The aim of this study was determination of physical-chemical and radiological characteristics of kaolin and products of alkali-activated thermally treated kaolin (geopolymer). Also, the objective of presented research was to investigate the possibility of kaolin application as a pigment or as a raw material for obtaining geopolymer materials as a relatively new ones in a building material industry. Physicochemical characterization of one set of samples was conducted using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Activity concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides in kaolin, metakaolin and geopolymer were determined. The absorbed dose rate (D) and the annual effective dose rate (EDR), calculated in accordance with the UNSCEAR 2000 report, are also presented in this paper. Kaolin was heat-treated on 750oC and specific activity of natural radionuclide in metakaolin increased up to 1.6, while measured specific activities in geopolymer were the lowest.
T2  - Materiales de Construccion
T1  - Physicochemical and radiological characterization of kaolin and its polymerization products
VL  - 68
IS  - 330
DO  - 10.3989/mc.2018.00517
ER  - 
author = "Ivanović, Marija M. and Kljajević, Ljiljana M. and Nenadović, Miloš and Bundaleski, Nenad and Vukanac, Ivana and Todorović, Bratislav Ž. and Nenadović, Snežana S.",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this study was determination of physical-chemical and radiological characteristics of kaolin and products of alkali-activated thermally treated kaolin (geopolymer). Also, the objective of presented research was to investigate the possibility of kaolin application as a pigment or as a raw material for obtaining geopolymer materials as a relatively new ones in a building material industry. Physicochemical characterization of one set of samples was conducted using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Activity concentration of naturally occurring radionuclides in kaolin, metakaolin and geopolymer were determined. The absorbed dose rate (D) and the annual effective dose rate (EDR), calculated in accordance with the UNSCEAR 2000 report, are also presented in this paper. Kaolin was heat-treated on 750oC and specific activity of natural radionuclide in metakaolin increased up to 1.6, while measured specific activities in geopolymer were the lowest.",
journal = "Materiales de Construccion",
title = "Physicochemical and radiological characterization of kaolin and its polymerization products",
volume = "68",
number = "330",
doi = "10.3989/mc.2018.00517"
Ivanović, M. M., Kljajević, L. M., Nenadović, M., Bundaleski, N., Vukanac, I., Todorović, B. Ž.,& Nenadović, S. S.. (2018). Physicochemical and radiological characterization of kaolin and its polymerization products. in Materiales de Construccion, 68(330).
Ivanović MM, Kljajević LM, Nenadović M, Bundaleski N, Vukanac I, Todorović BŽ, Nenadović SS. Physicochemical and radiological characterization of kaolin and its polymerization products. in Materiales de Construccion. 2018;68(330).
doi:10.3989/mc.2018.00517 .
Ivanović, Marija M., Kljajević, Ljiljana M., Nenadović, Miloš, Bundaleski, Nenad, Vukanac, Ivana, Todorović, Bratislav Ž., Nenadović, Snežana S., "Physicochemical and radiological characterization of kaolin and its polymerization products" in Materiales de Construccion, 68, no. 330 (2018),
https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2018.00517 . .

Microwave N2-Ar plasmas applied for N-graphene post synthesis

Bundaleska, Neli; Bundaleski, Nenad; Dias, Ana Paula Soares; Dias, Francisco M.; Abrashev, Miroslav; Filipič, Gregor; Cvelbar, Uroš; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Kissovski, Zhivko; Henriques, Julio A. P.; Tatarova, Elena


AU  - Bundaleska, Neli
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Dias, Ana Paula Soares
AU  - Dias, Francisco M.
AU  - Abrashev, Miroslav
AU  - Filipič, Gregor
AU  - Cvelbar, Uroš
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Kissovski, Zhivko
AU  - Henriques, Julio A. P.
AU  - Tatarova, Elena
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://stacks.iop.org/2053-1591/5/i=9/a=095605?key=crossref.65533764fea7bf832c2dd9637c21d5f1
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7855
AB  - High level of nitrogen doping (∼25%) of free-standing graphene sheets was achieved using the remote region of a Ar-N2 microwave plasmas. The relation between the percentage of nitrogen in the plasma and the characteristics of the treated samples has been investigated. Structural changes, being mainly created at the surface of graphene, increase significantly with the percentage of nitrogen in the gas mixture. For a mixture containing 5% of N2 about 2.7 at. % of nitrogen was incorporated in the form of imide group and graphitic bonds (70%), and as N bound to sp3 carbon (30%). Increasing the nitrogen amount to 40% results in the production of samples with up to 25% of incorporated nitrogen. Formation of new types of carbon-nitride structures has also been observed. Detailed x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis support the hypothesis that a structure similar to β-C3N4 has been synthesized. © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.
T2  - Materials Research Express
T1  - Microwave N2-Ar plasmas applied for N-graphene post synthesis
VL  - 5
IS  - 9
SP  - 095605
DO  - 10.1088/2053-1591/aad7e9
ER  - 
author = "Bundaleska, Neli and Bundaleski, Nenad and Dias, Ana Paula Soares and Dias, Francisco M. and Abrashev, Miroslav and Filipič, Gregor and Cvelbar, Uroš and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Kissovski, Zhivko and Henriques, Julio A. P. and Tatarova, Elena",
year = "2018",
abstract = "High level of nitrogen doping (∼25%) of free-standing graphene sheets was achieved using the remote region of a Ar-N2 microwave plasmas. The relation between the percentage of nitrogen in the plasma and the characteristics of the treated samples has been investigated. Structural changes, being mainly created at the surface of graphene, increase significantly with the percentage of nitrogen in the gas mixture. For a mixture containing 5% of N2 about 2.7 at. % of nitrogen was incorporated in the form of imide group and graphitic bonds (70%), and as N bound to sp3 carbon (30%). Increasing the nitrogen amount to 40% results in the production of samples with up to 25% of incorporated nitrogen. Formation of new types of carbon-nitride structures has also been observed. Detailed x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis support the hypothesis that a structure similar to β-C3N4 has been synthesized. © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.",
journal = "Materials Research Express",
title = "Microwave N2-Ar plasmas applied for N-graphene post synthesis",
volume = "5",
number = "9",
pages = "095605",
doi = "10.1088/2053-1591/aad7e9"
Bundaleska, N., Bundaleski, N., Dias, A. P. S., Dias, F. M., Abrashev, M., Filipič, G., Cvelbar, U., Rakočević, Z. Lj., Kissovski, Z., Henriques, J. A. P.,& Tatarova, E.. (2018). Microwave N2-Ar plasmas applied for N-graphene post synthesis. in Materials Research Express, 5(9), 095605.
Bundaleska N, Bundaleski N, Dias APS, Dias FM, Abrashev M, Filipič G, Cvelbar U, Rakočević ZL, Kissovski Z, Henriques JAP, Tatarova E. Microwave N2-Ar plasmas applied for N-graphene post synthesis. in Materials Research Express. 2018;5(9):095605.
doi:10.1088/2053-1591/aad7e9 .
Bundaleska, Neli, Bundaleski, Nenad, Dias, Ana Paula Soares, Dias, Francisco M., Abrashev, Miroslav, Filipič, Gregor, Cvelbar, Uroš, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Kissovski, Zhivko, Henriques, Julio A. P., Tatarova, Elena, "Microwave N2-Ar plasmas applied for N-graphene post synthesis" in Materials Research Express, 5, no. 9 (2018):095605,
https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aad7e9 . .

Instrumental function of the SPECS XPS system

Popović, Maja; Potočnik, Jelena; Bundaleski, Nenad; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.


AU  - Popović, Maja
AU  - Potočnik, Jelena
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1537
AB  - A simple method for the energy resolution measurement of a spectrometer, working in the fixed analyser transmission mode, is proposed and used to determine the resolution of a SPECS Phoibos 100 spectrometer, being a part of an X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) setup. The spectrometer resolution was obtained from the 0 is photoelectron line profiles, taken from the oxidized boron-doped silicon single crystal vs. the analyzer pass energy. The measurements were performed for two entrance slits having respective widths of 1 mm and 7 mm. An excellent agreement with the theoretical expectations was obtained for the narrower slit, showing linear dependence on the pass energy. As for the wider slit, agreement with theory is achieved only for lower pass energies. At higher pass energies, the resolution shows non-linear behaviour and even saturation, while the analyzer transmission continues to grow. The instrumental function of the whole XPS system is determined as a convolution of the spectrometer instrumental function and the X-ray energy profile. The usefulness of the total instrumental function for the analysis of valence band spectra was also tested. For that purpose, a novel deconvolution procedure is introduced, giving a possibility to analytically calculate the position of the valence band maximum, providing excellent agreement in the case of high resolution spectra. When the valence band spectra are taken in lower resolution, deconvolution efficiently reduces the spectrum deviations due to the lower resolution, although the valence band maximum determination is less precise. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T2  - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
T1  - Instrumental function of the SPECS XPS system
VL  - 398
SP  - 48
EP  - 55
DO  - 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.02.071
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Maja and Potočnik, Jelena and Bundaleski, Nenad and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "A simple method for the energy resolution measurement of a spectrometer, working in the fixed analyser transmission mode, is proposed and used to determine the resolution of a SPECS Phoibos 100 spectrometer, being a part of an X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) setup. The spectrometer resolution was obtained from the 0 is photoelectron line profiles, taken from the oxidized boron-doped silicon single crystal vs. the analyzer pass energy. The measurements were performed for two entrance slits having respective widths of 1 mm and 7 mm. An excellent agreement with the theoretical expectations was obtained for the narrower slit, showing linear dependence on the pass energy. As for the wider slit, agreement with theory is achieved only for lower pass energies. At higher pass energies, the resolution shows non-linear behaviour and even saturation, while the analyzer transmission continues to grow. The instrumental function of the whole XPS system is determined as a convolution of the spectrometer instrumental function and the X-ray energy profile. The usefulness of the total instrumental function for the analysis of valence band spectra was also tested. For that purpose, a novel deconvolution procedure is introduced, giving a possibility to analytically calculate the position of the valence band maximum, providing excellent agreement in the case of high resolution spectra. When the valence band spectra are taken in lower resolution, deconvolution efficiently reduces the spectrum deviations due to the lower resolution, although the valence band maximum determination is less precise. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms",
title = "Instrumental function of the SPECS XPS system",
volume = "398",
pages = "48-55",
doi = "10.1016/j.nimb.2017.02.071"
Popović, M., Potočnik, J., Bundaleski, N.,& Rakočević, Z. Lj.. (2017). Instrumental function of the SPECS XPS system. in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 398, 48-55.
Popović M, Potočnik J, Bundaleski N, Rakočević ZL. Instrumental function of the SPECS XPS system. in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2017;398:48-55.
doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2017.02.071 .
Popović, Maja, Potočnik, Jelena, Bundaleski, Nenad, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., "Instrumental function of the SPECS XPS system" in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 398 (2017):48-55,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2017.02.071 . .

Structural and chemical properties of thermally treated geopolymer samples

Kljajević, Ljiljana M.; Nenadović, Snežana S.; Nenadović, Miloš; Bundaleski, Nenad; Todorović, Bratislav Ž.; Pavlović, Vladimir B.; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.


AU  - Kljajević, Ljiljana M.
AU  - Nenadović, Snežana S.
AU  - Nenadović, Miloš
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Todorović, Bratislav Ž.
AU  - Pavlović, Vladimir B.
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1579
AB  - This article presents the results of the compositional, structural and morphological study of geopolymers synthesized from metakaolin and an alkali activator. The study involved the investigation of the structural and chemical properties of the geopolymer, in addition to thermally treated geopolymers up to 600 and 900 degrees C. The precursor of the geopolymer, and the geopolymer samples before and after the thermal treatment, were investigated by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and SEM analysis. The corrected average value of the ratio of silicon and aluminum in the geopolymer samples (SiGp:Al) is about 1.46, which suggests that the obtained geopolymer samples represent a mixture of roughly equal amounts of sialate and sialate-siloxo units. Annealing the geopolymer samples at 600 degrees C decreases the amount of Si-ONa bonds and induces the cross-linking of polymer changes. At the same time, other sodium containing alumino-silicate phases are created. The thermal treatment at 900 degrees C leads to a considerable reduction of oxygen and particularly sodium, followed by significant morphological changes i.e. formation of a complex porous structure. Additionally, a new semicrystaline phase appears. Both XRD and XPS results imply that this new phase may be nepheline and it is plausible that this phase begins to nucleate at temperatures below 900 degrees C.
T2  - Ceramics International
T1  - Structural and chemical properties of thermally treated geopolymer samples
VL  - 43
IS  - 9
SP  - 6700
EP  - 6708
DO  - 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.02.066
ER  - 
author = "Kljajević, Ljiljana M. and Nenadović, Snežana S. and Nenadović, Miloš and Bundaleski, Nenad and Todorović, Bratislav Ž. and Pavlović, Vladimir B. and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "This article presents the results of the compositional, structural and morphological study of geopolymers synthesized from metakaolin and an alkali activator. The study involved the investigation of the structural and chemical properties of the geopolymer, in addition to thermally treated geopolymers up to 600 and 900 degrees C. The precursor of the geopolymer, and the geopolymer samples before and after the thermal treatment, were investigated by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and SEM analysis. The corrected average value of the ratio of silicon and aluminum in the geopolymer samples (SiGp:Al) is about 1.46, which suggests that the obtained geopolymer samples represent a mixture of roughly equal amounts of sialate and sialate-siloxo units. Annealing the geopolymer samples at 600 degrees C decreases the amount of Si-ONa bonds and induces the cross-linking of polymer changes. At the same time, other sodium containing alumino-silicate phases are created. The thermal treatment at 900 degrees C leads to a considerable reduction of oxygen and particularly sodium, followed by significant morphological changes i.e. formation of a complex porous structure. Additionally, a new semicrystaline phase appears. Both XRD and XPS results imply that this new phase may be nepheline and it is plausible that this phase begins to nucleate at temperatures below 900 degrees C.",
journal = "Ceramics International",
title = "Structural and chemical properties of thermally treated geopolymer samples",
volume = "43",
number = "9",
pages = "6700-6708",
doi = "10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.02.066"
Kljajević, L. M., Nenadović, S. S., Nenadović, M., Bundaleski, N., Todorović, B. Ž., Pavlović, V. B.,& Rakočević, Z. Lj.. (2017). Structural and chemical properties of thermally treated geopolymer samples. in Ceramics International, 43(9), 6700-6708.
Kljajević LM, Nenadović SS, Nenadović M, Bundaleski N, Todorović BŽ, Pavlović VB, Rakočević ZL. Structural and chemical properties of thermally treated geopolymer samples. in Ceramics International. 2017;43(9):6700-6708.
doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.02.066 .
Kljajević, Ljiljana M., Nenadović, Snežana S., Nenadović, Miloš, Bundaleski, Nenad, Todorović, Bratislav Ž., Pavlović, Vladimir B., Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., "Structural and chemical properties of thermally treated geopolymer samples" in Ceramics International, 43, no. 9 (2017):6700-6708,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.02.066 . .

Absorption boost of TiO2 nanotubes by doping with N and sensitization with CdS quantum dots

Bjelajac, Anđelika; Đokić, Veljko R.; Petrović, Rada; Bundaleski, Nenad; Socol, Gabriel; Mihailescu, Ion N.; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Janaćković, Đorđe T.


AU  - Bjelajac, Anđelika
AU  - Đokić, Veljko R.
AU  - Petrović, Rada
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Socol, Gabriel
AU  - Mihailescu, Ion N.
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Janaćković, Đorđe T.
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1786
AB  - A process of obtaining N-doped TiO2 nanotubes sensitized by CdS nanoparticles is presented, including detailed characterizations performed along the synthesis. Transparent TiO2 films consisting of nanotubes, 2.5 mu m long and of similar to 60 nm inner diameter, were obtained after anodization of a titanium film deposited onto FTO glass substrate. N-doping was achieved by annealing of TiO2 film in ammonia. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurements showed that nitrogen was substitutionally incorporated in the TiO2 matrix, with the N:Ti concentration ratio of 1:100. The doping changed the optical properties of the material in such a way that the absorption edge was shifted from 380 nm to 507 nm, as observed from diffuse reflectance spectra. The influence of the microwave (MW) irradiation on the synthesized CdS quantum dots and their optical properties was investigated. It was shown that the diameter of CdS nanoparticles was increased due to releasing of S-2-ions from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a consequence of the MW treatment. The (N)TiO2 films were then used as substrates for matrix assisted pulsed laser deposition of the CdS quantum dots with DMSO as a matrix. The laser parameters for the deposition were optimized in order to preserve the nanotubular structure open, the latter being an important feature of this type of photoanode. The structure obtained under optimized conditions has an additional absorption edge shift, reaching 603 nm.
T2  - Ceramics International
T1  - Absorption boost of TiO2 nanotubes by doping with N and sensitization with CdS quantum dots
VL  - 43
IS  - 17
SP  - 15040
EP  - 15046
DO  - 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.08.029
ER  - 
author = "Bjelajac, Anđelika and Đokić, Veljko R. and Petrović, Rada and Bundaleski, Nenad and Socol, Gabriel and Mihailescu, Ion N. and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Janaćković, Đorđe T.",
year = "2017",
abstract = "A process of obtaining N-doped TiO2 nanotubes sensitized by CdS nanoparticles is presented, including detailed characterizations performed along the synthesis. Transparent TiO2 films consisting of nanotubes, 2.5 mu m long and of similar to 60 nm inner diameter, were obtained after anodization of a titanium film deposited onto FTO glass substrate. N-doping was achieved by annealing of TiO2 film in ammonia. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurements showed that nitrogen was substitutionally incorporated in the TiO2 matrix, with the N:Ti concentration ratio of 1:100. The doping changed the optical properties of the material in such a way that the absorption edge was shifted from 380 nm to 507 nm, as observed from diffuse reflectance spectra. The influence of the microwave (MW) irradiation on the synthesized CdS quantum dots and their optical properties was investigated. It was shown that the diameter of CdS nanoparticles was increased due to releasing of S-2-ions from dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a consequence of the MW treatment. The (N)TiO2 films were then used as substrates for matrix assisted pulsed laser deposition of the CdS quantum dots with DMSO as a matrix. The laser parameters for the deposition were optimized in order to preserve the nanotubular structure open, the latter being an important feature of this type of photoanode. The structure obtained under optimized conditions has an additional absorption edge shift, reaching 603 nm.",
journal = "Ceramics International",
title = "Absorption boost of TiO2 nanotubes by doping with N and sensitization with CdS quantum dots",
volume = "43",
number = "17",
pages = "15040-15046",
doi = "10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.08.029"
Bjelajac, A., Đokić, V. R., Petrović, R., Bundaleski, N., Socol, G., Mihailescu, I. N., Rakočević, Z. Lj.,& Janaćković, Đ. T.. (2017). Absorption boost of TiO2 nanotubes by doping with N and sensitization with CdS quantum dots. in Ceramics International, 43(17), 15040-15046.
Bjelajac A, Đokić VR, Petrović R, Bundaleski N, Socol G, Mihailescu IN, Rakočević ZL, Janaćković ĐT. Absorption boost of TiO2 nanotubes by doping with N and sensitization with CdS quantum dots. in Ceramics International. 2017;43(17):15040-15046.
doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.08.029 .
Bjelajac, Anđelika, Đokić, Veljko R., Petrović, Rada, Bundaleski, Nenad, Socol, Gabriel, Mihailescu, Ion N., Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Janaćković, Đorđe T., "Absorption boost of TiO2 nanotubes by doping with N and sensitization with CdS quantum dots" in Ceramics International, 43, no. 17 (2017):15040-15046,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.08.029 . .

Surface composition of Cd1-xFe(Mn)(x)Te1-ySey systems exposed to air

Bundaleski, Nenad; Radisavljević, Ivana; Trigueiro, Joao; Tolstogouzov, Alexander; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Medić, Mirjana; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.; Romčević, Nebojša Ž.; Ivanović, Nenad


AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Radisavljević, Ivana
AU  - Trigueiro, Joao
AU  - Tolstogouzov, Alexander
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Medić, Mirjana
AU  - Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
AU  - Romčević, Nebojša Ž.
AU  - Ivanović, Nenad
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1422
AB  - Using X-ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy we have investigated elemental composition, structure and oxidation process taking place at the surfaces of polycrystalline Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and Cd0.95Mn0.05Te0.97Se0.03 systems stored in ambient conditions. The surface oxidation destroys the native CdTe matrix and provokes substantial atomic rearrangement in the first few atomic layers. The near surface region of both systems is enriched in Cd and to some extent Te-deficient, but the surface structure, morphology and the native oxide composition are all found to be considerably different. In Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 system both Fe and Se dopants diffuse into the bulk and oxidation of its surface results in formation of a thin CdTeO3 layer which covers the CdTe matrix. In Cd0.95Mn0.05Te0.97Se0.03 system oxygen-rich atmosphere triggers Mn and Se out diffusion and the nonuniform oxide layer predominantly consists of MnO and a small amount of Te-oxide which both lay underneath a thin layer of metallic Cd segregated at the top of the surface. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T2  - Materials Chemistry and Physics
T1  - Surface composition of Cd1-xFe(Mn)(x)Te1-ySey systems exposed to air
VL  - 189
SP  - 35
EP  - 43
DO  - 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.12.029
ER  - 
author = "Bundaleski, Nenad and Radisavljević, Ivana and Trigueiro, Joao and Tolstogouzov, Alexander and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Medić, Mirjana and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D. and Romčević, Nebojša Ž. and Ivanović, Nenad",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Using X-ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Atomic Force Microscopy we have investigated elemental composition, structure and oxidation process taking place at the surfaces of polycrystalline Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 and Cd0.95Mn0.05Te0.97Se0.03 systems stored in ambient conditions. The surface oxidation destroys the native CdTe matrix and provokes substantial atomic rearrangement in the first few atomic layers. The near surface region of both systems is enriched in Cd and to some extent Te-deficient, but the surface structure, morphology and the native oxide composition are all found to be considerably different. In Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.97Se0.03 system both Fe and Se dopants diffuse into the bulk and oxidation of its surface results in formation of a thin CdTeO3 layer which covers the CdTe matrix. In Cd0.95Mn0.05Te0.97Se0.03 system oxygen-rich atmosphere triggers Mn and Se out diffusion and the nonuniform oxide layer predominantly consists of MnO and a small amount of Te-oxide which both lay underneath a thin layer of metallic Cd segregated at the top of the surface. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Materials Chemistry and Physics",
title = "Surface composition of Cd1-xFe(Mn)(x)Te1-ySey systems exposed to air",
volume = "189",
pages = "35-43",
doi = "10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.12.029"
Bundaleski, N., Radisavljević, I., Trigueiro, J., Tolstogouzov, A., Rakočević, Z. Lj., Medić, M., Teodoro, O. M. N. D., Romčević, N. Ž.,& Ivanović, N.. (2017). Surface composition of Cd1-xFe(Mn)(x)Te1-ySey systems exposed to air. in Materials Chemistry and Physics, 189, 35-43.
Bundaleski N, Radisavljević I, Trigueiro J, Tolstogouzov A, Rakočević ZL, Medić M, Teodoro OMND, Romčević NŽ, Ivanović N. Surface composition of Cd1-xFe(Mn)(x)Te1-ySey systems exposed to air. in Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2017;189:35-43.
doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.12.029 .
Bundaleski, Nenad, Radisavljević, Ivana, Trigueiro, Joao, Tolstogouzov, Alexander, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Medić, Mirjana, Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D., Romčević, Nebojša Ž., Ivanović, Nenad, "Surface composition of Cd1-xFe(Mn)(x)Te1-ySey systems exposed to air" in Materials Chemistry and Physics, 189 (2017):35-43,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.12.029 . .

Modification of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using noble metals (Pt, Pd) - a combined XPS and DFT study

Batalović, Katarina; Bundaleski, Nenad; Radaković, Jana; Abazović, Nadica; Mitrić, Miodrag; Silva, Raquel A.; Savić, Milijana; Belošević-Čavor, Jelena; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Rangel, Carmen Mireya


AU  - Batalović, Katarina
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Radaković, Jana
AU  - Abazović, Nadica
AU  - Mitrić, Miodrag
AU  - Silva, Raquel A.
AU  - Savić, Milijana
AU  - Belošević-Čavor, Jelena
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Rangel, Carmen Mireya
PY  - 2017
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1456
AB  - Nitrogen-doped TiO2 (N-TiO2) is considered as one of the most promising materials for various photocatalytic applications, while noble metals Pd and Pt are known as good catalysts for hydrogen evolution. This work focuses on the determination of structural and electronic modifications of N-TiO2, achieved by noble metal deposition at the surface, as a starting indicator for potential applications. We focus on the properties of easily synthesized nanocrystalline nitrogen-doped anatase TiO2, modified by depositing small amounts of Pd (0.05 wt%) and Pt (0.10 wt%), aiming to demonstrate efficient enhancement of optical properties. The chemical states of dopants are studied in detail, using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, to address the potential of N-TiO2 to act as a support for metallic nanoparticles. DFT calculations are used to resolve substitutional from interstitial nitrogen doping of anatase TiO2, as well as to study the combined effect of nitrogen doping and oxygen vacancy formation. Based on the binding energies calculated using Slaters transition state theory, dominant contribution to the N 1s binding energy at 399.8 eV is ascribed to interstitially doped nitrogen in anatase TiO2. Given that both structure and photocatalytic properties depend greatly on the synthesis procedure, this work contributes further to establishing correlation between the structure and optical properties of the noble metal modified N-TiO2 system.
T2  - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
T1  - Modification of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using noble metals (Pt, Pd) - a combined XPS and DFT study
VL  - 19
IS  - 10
SP  - 7062
EP  - 7071
DO  - 10.1039/c7cp00188f
ER  - 
author = "Batalović, Katarina and Bundaleski, Nenad and Radaković, Jana and Abazović, Nadica and Mitrić, Miodrag and Silva, Raquel A. and Savić, Milijana and Belošević-Čavor, Jelena and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Rangel, Carmen Mireya",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Nitrogen-doped TiO2 (N-TiO2) is considered as one of the most promising materials for various photocatalytic applications, while noble metals Pd and Pt are known as good catalysts for hydrogen evolution. This work focuses on the determination of structural and electronic modifications of N-TiO2, achieved by noble metal deposition at the surface, as a starting indicator for potential applications. We focus on the properties of easily synthesized nanocrystalline nitrogen-doped anatase TiO2, modified by depositing small amounts of Pd (0.05 wt%) and Pt (0.10 wt%), aiming to demonstrate efficient enhancement of optical properties. The chemical states of dopants are studied in detail, using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, to address the potential of N-TiO2 to act as a support for metallic nanoparticles. DFT calculations are used to resolve substitutional from interstitial nitrogen doping of anatase TiO2, as well as to study the combined effect of nitrogen doping and oxygen vacancy formation. Based on the binding energies calculated using Slaters transition state theory, dominant contribution to the N 1s binding energy at 399.8 eV is ascribed to interstitially doped nitrogen in anatase TiO2. Given that both structure and photocatalytic properties depend greatly on the synthesis procedure, this work contributes further to establishing correlation between the structure and optical properties of the noble metal modified N-TiO2 system.",
journal = "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics",
title = "Modification of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using noble metals (Pt, Pd) - a combined XPS and DFT study",
volume = "19",
number = "10",
pages = "7062-7071",
doi = "10.1039/c7cp00188f"
Batalović, K., Bundaleski, N., Radaković, J., Abazović, N., Mitrić, M., Silva, R. A., Savić, M., Belošević-Čavor, J., Rakočević, Z. Lj.,& Rangel, C. M.. (2017). Modification of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using noble metals (Pt, Pd) - a combined XPS and DFT study. in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(10), 7062-7071.
Batalović K, Bundaleski N, Radaković J, Abazović N, Mitrić M, Silva RA, Savić M, Belošević-Čavor J, Rakočević ZL, Rangel CM. Modification of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using noble metals (Pt, Pd) - a combined XPS and DFT study. in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017;19(10):7062-7071.
doi:10.1039/c7cp00188f .
Batalović, Katarina, Bundaleski, Nenad, Radaković, Jana, Abazović, Nadica, Mitrić, Miodrag, Silva, Raquel A., Savić, Milijana, Belošević-Čavor, Jelena, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Rangel, Carmen Mireya, "Modification of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts using noble metals (Pt, Pd) - a combined XPS and DFT study" in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, no. 10 (2017):7062-7071,
https://doi.org/10.1039/c7cp00188f . .

High-efficiency Sb2S3-based hybrid solar cell at low light intensity: cell made of synthesized Cu and Se-doped Sb2S3

Janošević, Valentina; Mitrić, Miodrag; Bundaleski, Nenad; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.; Validžić, Ivana Lj.


AU  - Janošević, Valentina
AU  - Mitrić, Miodrag
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
AU  - Validžić, Ivana Lj.
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1002
AB  - Cu-doped (as p-doped) and Se-doped (as n-doped) Sb2S3 were synthesized from undoped Sb2S3 using a newly developed technique, simple colloidal synthesis method. X-ray diffraction measurements detected no peaks related to any of the Cu and Se compounds in Cu and Se-doped samples. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis, however, confirmed the presence of Cu and Se ions in the doped samples. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy revealed the optical band gap energy changes because of doping effect, as reported for both the p-type and the n-type material. The valence-band X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data showed a significant shift in the valence band to higher (Se-doped; +0.53eV) and a shift to lower (Cu-doped; -0.41eV) binding energy, respectively, when compared with the undoped sample. We report here on an inexpensive solar cell designed and made entirely of a synthesized material (indium tin oxide/p-doped Sb2S3+polyaniline (PANI)/amorphous/undoped Sb2S3+PANI/n-doped Sb2S3+PANI/PANI/electrolyte (0.5M KI+0.05M I-2)/Al). The cell has a high efficiency of 8% to 9% at a very low light intensity of only 5% sun, which makes it particularly suitable for indoor applications. As found, the cell performance at the intensity of 5% sun is governed by high shunt resistance (R-SH) only, which satisfies standard testing conditions. At higher light intensities (25% sun), however, the cell exhibits lower but not insignificant efficiency (around 2%) governed by both the series (R-S) and the R-SH. Minimal permeability in the UV region (up to 375nm) and its almost constant value in the visible and the NIR region at low light intensity of 5% sun could be the reasons for higher cell efficiency. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
T2  - Progress in Photovoltaics
T1  - High-efficiency Sb2S3-based hybrid solar cell at low light intensity: cell made of synthesized Cu and Se-doped Sb2S3
VL  - 24
IS  - 5
SP  - 704
EP  - 715
DO  - 10.1002/pip.2724
ER  - 
author = "Janošević, Valentina and Mitrić, Miodrag and Bundaleski, Nenad and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. and Validžić, Ivana Lj.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Cu-doped (as p-doped) and Se-doped (as n-doped) Sb2S3 were synthesized from undoped Sb2S3 using a newly developed technique, simple colloidal synthesis method. X-ray diffraction measurements detected no peaks related to any of the Cu and Se compounds in Cu and Se-doped samples. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis, however, confirmed the presence of Cu and Se ions in the doped samples. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy revealed the optical band gap energy changes because of doping effect, as reported for both the p-type and the n-type material. The valence-band X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data showed a significant shift in the valence band to higher (Se-doped; +0.53eV) and a shift to lower (Cu-doped; -0.41eV) binding energy, respectively, when compared with the undoped sample. We report here on an inexpensive solar cell designed and made entirely of a synthesized material (indium tin oxide/p-doped Sb2S3+polyaniline (PANI)/amorphous/undoped Sb2S3+PANI/n-doped Sb2S3+PANI/PANI/electrolyte (0.5M KI+0.05M I-2)/Al). The cell has a high efficiency of 8% to 9% at a very low light intensity of only 5% sun, which makes it particularly suitable for indoor applications. As found, the cell performance at the intensity of 5% sun is governed by high shunt resistance (R-SH) only, which satisfies standard testing conditions. At higher light intensities (25% sun), however, the cell exhibits lower but not insignificant efficiency (around 2%) governed by both the series (R-S) and the R-SH. Minimal permeability in the UV region (up to 375nm) and its almost constant value in the visible and the NIR region at low light intensity of 5% sun could be the reasons for higher cell efficiency. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.",
journal = "Progress in Photovoltaics",
title = "High-efficiency Sb2S3-based hybrid solar cell at low light intensity: cell made of synthesized Cu and Se-doped Sb2S3",
volume = "24",
number = "5",
pages = "704-715",
doi = "10.1002/pip.2724"
Janošević, V., Mitrić, M., Bundaleski, N., Rakočević, Z. Lj.,& Validžić, I. Lj.. (2016). High-efficiency Sb2S3-based hybrid solar cell at low light intensity: cell made of synthesized Cu and Se-doped Sb2S3. in Progress in Photovoltaics, 24(5), 704-715.
Janošević V, Mitrić M, Bundaleski N, Rakočević ZL, Validžić IL. High-efficiency Sb2S3-based hybrid solar cell at low light intensity: cell made of synthesized Cu and Se-doped Sb2S3. in Progress in Photovoltaics. 2016;24(5):704-715.
doi:10.1002/pip.2724 .
Janošević, Valentina, Mitrić, Miodrag, Bundaleski, Nenad, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., Validžić, Ivana Lj., "High-efficiency Sb2S3-based hybrid solar cell at low light intensity: cell made of synthesized Cu and Se-doped Sb2S3" in Progress in Photovoltaics, 24, no. 5 (2016):704-715,
https://doi.org/10.1002/pip.2724 . .

The role of different minerals from red mud assemblage in Co(II) sorption mechanism

Milenković, A.; Smičiklas, Ivana D.; Bundaleski, Nenad; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.; Veljović, Đorđe N.; Vukelić, Nikola S.


AU  - Milenković, A.
AU  - Smičiklas, Ivana D.
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
AU  - Veljović, Đorđe N.
AU  - Vukelić, Nikola S.
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1266
AB  - A range of industrial by-products are currently under the consideration as cost-effective alternatives to conventional sorbent materials for environmental clean-up and remediation applications. Bauxite residue (red mud) has demonstrated exceptionally high potential for the immobilization of cationic pollutants. Due to heterogeneity of such material, determination of the role of individual mineral phases in the overall sorption mechanism is a challenging task. To enlighten the mechanism of Co(II) sorption by mineral assemblage of the red mud, sequential extraction analysis of Co-loaded sample was combined with the microscopic and spectroscopic studies performed by Scanning Field Emission Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Sorbed Co(II) ions were found associated with operationally defined Fe,Mn-oxide and carbonate/acid soluble fractions. Binding of Co(II) by the red mud was achieved primarily by means of chemisorption/surface precipitation on Fe- and Ti-oxides. In coexistence with these highly selective surfaces, gibbsite and silica appeared to be low affinity sites for Co(II). Incongruent dissolution of sodalite phase was detected, indicating that its function was not to ensure sorption centers, but to increase the solution pH creating favorable environment for Co(II) binding by Fe- and Ti-oxides. The results demonstrate high stability of sorbed Co(II) and synergistic action of mineral constituents as essentially important property for red mud implementation as a purifying and remediation agent. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T2  - Colloids and Surfaces. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
T1  - The role of different minerals from red mud assemblage in Co(II) sorption mechanism
VL  - 508
SP  - 8
EP  - 20
DO  - 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.08.011
ER  - 
author = "Milenković, A. and Smičiklas, Ivana D. and Bundaleski, Nenad and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D. and Veljović, Đorđe N. and Vukelić, Nikola S.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "A range of industrial by-products are currently under the consideration as cost-effective alternatives to conventional sorbent materials for environmental clean-up and remediation applications. Bauxite residue (red mud) has demonstrated exceptionally high potential for the immobilization of cationic pollutants. Due to heterogeneity of such material, determination of the role of individual mineral phases in the overall sorption mechanism is a challenging task. To enlighten the mechanism of Co(II) sorption by mineral assemblage of the red mud, sequential extraction analysis of Co-loaded sample was combined with the microscopic and spectroscopic studies performed by Scanning Field Emission Electron Microscope (FE-SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Sorbed Co(II) ions were found associated with operationally defined Fe,Mn-oxide and carbonate/acid soluble fractions. Binding of Co(II) by the red mud was achieved primarily by means of chemisorption/surface precipitation on Fe- and Ti-oxides. In coexistence with these highly selective surfaces, gibbsite and silica appeared to be low affinity sites for Co(II). Incongruent dissolution of sodalite phase was detected, indicating that its function was not to ensure sorption centers, but to increase the solution pH creating favorable environment for Co(II) binding by Fe- and Ti-oxides. The results demonstrate high stability of sorbed Co(II) and synergistic action of mineral constituents as essentially important property for red mud implementation as a purifying and remediation agent. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Colloids and Surfaces. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects",
title = "The role of different minerals from red mud assemblage in Co(II) sorption mechanism",
volume = "508",
pages = "8-20",
doi = "10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.08.011"
Milenković, A., Smičiklas, I. D., Bundaleski, N., Teodoro, O. M. N. D., Veljović, Đ. N.,& Vukelić, N. S.. (2016). The role of different minerals from red mud assemblage in Co(II) sorption mechanism. in Colloids and Surfaces. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 508, 8-20.
Milenković A, Smičiklas ID, Bundaleski N, Teodoro OMND, Veljović ĐN, Vukelić NS. The role of different minerals from red mud assemblage in Co(II) sorption mechanism. in Colloids and Surfaces. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2016;508:8-20.
doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.08.011 .
Milenković, A., Smičiklas, Ivana D., Bundaleski, Nenad, Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D., Veljović, Đorđe N., Vukelić, Nikola S., "The role of different minerals from red mud assemblage in Co(II) sorption mechanism" in Colloids and Surfaces. A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 508 (2016):8-20,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2016.08.011 . .

The influence of thickness on magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films obtained by GLAD technique

Potočnik, Jelena; Nenadović, Miloš; Bundaleski, Nenad; Jokić, Bojan M.; Mitrić, Miodrag; Popović, Maja; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.


AU  - Potočnik, Jelena
AU  - Nenadović, Miloš
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Jokić, Bojan M.
AU  - Mitrić, Miodrag
AU  - Popović, Maja
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1259
AB  - In this work, nickel (Ni) thin films were deposited by electron beam evaporation of Ni using Glancing Angle Deposition technique onto the glass substrate with the thickness varied from 25 nm to 150 nm. Characterization of obtained Ni films was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and by Magneto-Optical Kerr effect measurements (MOKE). The effect of thickness on structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nickel films has been studied. Observed changes in microstructure were correlated with the variation in magnetic parameters obtained by MOKE measurements. It was found that for thinner Ni films, the enhancement of coercivity is due to the surface roughness of Ni films, while for thicker films the observed asymmetry of coercivity is due to the mechanism of column size growth. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T2  - Materials Research Bulletin
T1  - The influence of thickness on magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films obtained by GLAD technique
VL  - 84
SP  - 455
EP  - 461
DO  - 10.1016/j.materresbull.2016.08.044
ER  - 
author = "Potočnik, Jelena and Nenadović, Miloš and Bundaleski, Nenad and Jokić, Bojan M. and Mitrić, Miodrag and Popović, Maja and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In this work, nickel (Ni) thin films were deposited by electron beam evaporation of Ni using Glancing Angle Deposition technique onto the glass substrate with the thickness varied from 25 nm to 150 nm. Characterization of obtained Ni films was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and by Magneto-Optical Kerr effect measurements (MOKE). The effect of thickness on structural, chemical and magnetic properties of nickel films has been studied. Observed changes in microstructure were correlated with the variation in magnetic parameters obtained by MOKE measurements. It was found that for thinner Ni films, the enhancement of coercivity is due to the surface roughness of Ni films, while for thicker films the observed asymmetry of coercivity is due to the mechanism of column size growth. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Materials Research Bulletin",
title = "The influence of thickness on magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films obtained by GLAD technique",
volume = "84",
pages = "455-461",
doi = "10.1016/j.materresbull.2016.08.044"
Potočnik, J., Nenadović, M., Bundaleski, N., Jokić, B. M., Mitrić, M., Popović, M.,& Rakočević, Z. Lj.. (2016). The influence of thickness on magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films obtained by GLAD technique. in Materials Research Bulletin, 84, 455-461.
Potočnik J, Nenadović M, Bundaleski N, Jokić BM, Mitrić M, Popović M, Rakočević ZL. The influence of thickness on magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films obtained by GLAD technique. in Materials Research Bulletin. 2016;84:455-461.
doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2016.08.044 .
Potočnik, Jelena, Nenadović, Miloš, Bundaleski, Nenad, Jokić, Bojan M., Mitrić, Miodrag, Popović, Maja, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., "The influence of thickness on magnetic properties of nanostructured nickel thin films obtained by GLAD technique" in Materials Research Bulletin, 84 (2016):455-461,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2016.08.044 . .

Effect of thickness on optical properties of nickel vertical posts deposited by GLAD technique

Potočnik, Jelena; Nenadović, Miloš; Bundaleski, Nenad; Popović, Maja; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.


AU  - Potočnik, Jelena
AU  - Nenadović, Miloš
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Maja
AU  - Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1351
AB  - Nickel (Ni) thin films of different thicknesses (25 nm to 150 nm) were deposited on glass substrates using Glancing Angle Deposition technique. Characterization of obtained Ni films was performed by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry and by four-point probe method. Variations in optical parameters with thickness correlated with structural, chemical and electrical properties of nanostructured nickel thin films were studied. The results showed that deposit is porous and consists of nano-scaled columns, which grow perpendicular to the substrate. It was found that the size of the columns and the surface roughness change with film thickness. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed that the refractive index and extinction coefficient varied with thickness, which can be correlated with changes in microstructure of Ni films. Additionally, the relationship between the film microstructure and its resistivity was also analyzed. It was found that the variations in Ni films resistivity could be attributed to the changes in the width of the columns. The increasing of layer thickness leads to overall decrease of optical resistivity of nickel thin films. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T2  - Optical Materials
T1  - Effect of thickness on optical properties of nickel vertical posts deposited by GLAD technique
VL  - 62
SP  - 146
EP  - 151
DO  - 10.1016/j.optmat.2016.09.064
ER  - 
author = "Potočnik, Jelena and Nenadović, Miloš and Bundaleski, Nenad and Popović, Maja and Rakočević, Zlatko Lj.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Nickel (Ni) thin films of different thicknesses (25 nm to 150 nm) were deposited on glass substrates using Glancing Angle Deposition technique. Characterization of obtained Ni films was performed by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry and by four-point probe method. Variations in optical parameters with thickness correlated with structural, chemical and electrical properties of nanostructured nickel thin films were studied. The results showed that deposit is porous and consists of nano-scaled columns, which grow perpendicular to the substrate. It was found that the size of the columns and the surface roughness change with film thickness. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed that the refractive index and extinction coefficient varied with thickness, which can be correlated with changes in microstructure of Ni films. Additionally, the relationship between the film microstructure and its resistivity was also analyzed. It was found that the variations in Ni films resistivity could be attributed to the changes in the width of the columns. The increasing of layer thickness leads to overall decrease of optical resistivity of nickel thin films. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.",
journal = "Optical Materials",
title = "Effect of thickness on optical properties of nickel vertical posts deposited by GLAD technique",
volume = "62",
pages = "146-151",
doi = "10.1016/j.optmat.2016.09.064"
Potočnik, J., Nenadović, M., Bundaleski, N., Popović, M.,& Rakočević, Z. Lj.. (2016). Effect of thickness on optical properties of nickel vertical posts deposited by GLAD technique. in Optical Materials, 62, 146-151.
Potočnik J, Nenadović M, Bundaleski N, Popović M, Rakočević ZL. Effect of thickness on optical properties of nickel vertical posts deposited by GLAD technique. in Optical Materials. 2016;62:146-151.
doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2016.09.064 .
Potočnik, Jelena, Nenadović, Miloš, Bundaleski, Nenad, Popović, Maja, Rakočević, Zlatko Lj., "Effect of thickness on optical properties of nickel vertical posts deposited by GLAD technique" in Optical Materials, 62 (2016):146-151,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optmat.2016.09.064 . .

Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn(0.9)5Co(0.05)O nanopowders

Radisavljević, Ivana; Novaković, Nikola; Matović, Branko; Paunović, Novica M.; Medić, Mirjana; Bundaleski, Nenad; Andrić, Velibor; Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.

(Elsevier, 2016)

AU  - Radisavljević, Ivana
AU  - Novaković, Nikola
AU  - Matović, Branko
AU  - Paunović, Novica M.
AU  - Medić, Mirjana
AU  - Bundaleski, Nenad
AU  - Andrić, Velibor
AU  - Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.
PY  - 2016
UR  - https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/881
AB  - X-ray absorption (XANES, EXAFS, XMCD) and photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopic techniques were employed to study local structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn0.95Co0.05O nanopowders. The substitutional Co2+ ions are incorporated in ZnO lattice at regular Zn sites and the sample is characterized by high structural order. There was no sign of ferromagnetic ordering of Co magnetic moments and the sample is in paramagnetic state at all temperatures down to 5 K. The possible connection of the structural defects with the absence of ferromagnetism is discussed on the basis of theoretical calculations of the O K-edge absorption spectra. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Materials Research Bulletin
T1  - Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn(0.9)5Co(0.05)O nanopowders
VL  - 74
SP  - 78
EP  - 84
DO  - 10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.10.014
ER  - 
author = "Radisavljević, Ivana and Novaković, Nikola and Matović, Branko and Paunović, Novica M. and Medić, Mirjana and Bundaleski, Nenad and Andrić, Velibor and Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D.",
year = "2016",
abstract = "X-ray absorption (XANES, EXAFS, XMCD) and photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopic techniques were employed to study local structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn0.95Co0.05O nanopowders. The substitutional Co2+ ions are incorporated in ZnO lattice at regular Zn sites and the sample is characterized by high structural order. There was no sign of ferromagnetic ordering of Co magnetic moments and the sample is in paramagnetic state at all temperatures down to 5 K. The possible connection of the structural defects with the absence of ferromagnetism is discussed on the basis of theoretical calculations of the O K-edge absorption spectra. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Materials Research Bulletin",
title = "Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn(0.9)5Co(0.05)O nanopowders",
volume = "74",
pages = "78-84",
doi = "10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.10.014"
Radisavljević, I., Novaković, N., Matović, B., Paunović, N. M., Medić, M., Bundaleski, N., Andrić, V.,& Teodoro, O. M. N. D.. (2016). Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn(0.9)5Co(0.05)O nanopowders. in Materials Research Bulletin
Elsevier., 74, 78-84.
Radisavljević I, Novaković N, Matović B, Paunović NM, Medić M, Bundaleski N, Andrić V, Teodoro OMND. Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn(0.9)5Co(0.05)O nanopowders. in Materials Research Bulletin. 2016;74:78-84.
doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.10.014 .
Radisavljević, Ivana, Novaković, Nikola, Matović, Branko, Paunović, Novica M., Medić, Mirjana, Bundaleski, Nenad, Andrić, Velibor, Teodoro, Orlando M. N. D., "Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn(0.9)5Co(0.05)O nanopowders" in Materials Research Bulletin, 74 (2016):78-84,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.10.014 . .