Antunović, Biljana

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  • Antunović, Biljana (5)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Australian Research Council [CE200100008]
Department of Energy DFG [GRK-2149]
Emmy Noether [Grant No. 420484612] ERC [742789, Xenoscope and 724320, ULTIMATE]
European Research Council [No. 724320, 742789] European Union’s Horizon 2020 [Grants 742789, 101020842]
FCT, NWO German Research Foundation [Grants KO 4820/4-1, EXC-2118, 279384907 (SFB 1245)];
H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions [674896, 690575, 691164] Horizon 2020 and Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme [No. 674896, 690575 and 691164]
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme [200020-162501, 200020-175863] Institute for Basic Science, Korea [Grant IBS-R016-D1]
KIAS [Grant No. PG021403] Marie Skodowska-Curie [Grant No. 860881]
National Research Foundation of Korea [ NRF-2018R1A2A3075605 and NRF-2019R1A2C3005009] NSF [1719271, 1940209]
Office of Science [Grants DE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-AC02-07CH11359, DE-AC02-76SF00515, DE-AC52-07NA27344, DE-FG02-00ER41132, DE-FG02-10ER46709, DE-NA0003180, DE-SC0006605, DE-SC0008475, DE-SC0009999, DE-SC0010010, DE-SC0010072, DE-SC0010813, DE-SC0011640, DE-SC0011702, DE-SC0012161, DOE-SC0012447, DE-SC0012704, DE-SC0013542, DE-SC0014223, DE-SC0015535, DE-SC0015708, DESC0018982, DE-SC0019066, DE-SC0020216, UW PRJ82AJ] Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy [Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231]
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [Grants PTDC/FIS-PAR/28567/2017] RC, TE from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg [project Light Dark Matter (Dnr KAW 2019.0080 and 2019.0080)]
Science and Technology Facilities Council [Grant ST/N000838/1] Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK [ST/N000838/1]
Swedish Research Council [Dnr 2018-05029] Swiss National Science Foundation [200020-162501, 200020-175863]
Swiss National Science Foundation [Grants PCEFP2_181117, 200020-188716] UK Science & Technology Facilities Council [Grants ST/M003655/1, ST/M003981/1, ST/M003744/1, ST/M003639/1, ST/M003604/1, ST/R003181/1, ST/M003469/1]
University of Edinburgh [SC005336] US National Science Foundation [Grants PHYS-1719271, PHYS-2112796, PHYS-2112801, PHYS-2112802, PHYS-2112803, PHYS-2112851, PHYS-2137911]

Author's Bibliography

Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites

Adrover, M.; Althueser, L.; Andrieu, B.; Angelino, E.; Angevaare, J. R.; Antunović, Biljana; Aprile, E.; Babicz, M.; Bajpai, D.; Barberio, E.; Baudis, L.; Bazyk, M.; Bell, N.; Bellagamba, L.; Biondi, R.; Biondi, Y.; Bismark, A.; Boehm, C.; Breskin, A.; Brookes, E. J.; Brown, A.; Bruno, G.; Budnik, R.; Capelli, C.; Cardoso, J. M. R.; Chauvin, A.; Cimental Chavez, A. P.; Colijn, A. P.; Conrad, J.; Cuenca-García, J. J.; D’Andrea, V.; Decowski, M. P.; Deisting, A.; Di Gangi, P.; Diglio, S.; Doerenkamp, M.; Drexlin, G.; Eitel, K.; Elykov, A.; Engel, R.; Farrell, S.; Ferella, A. D.; Ferrari, C.; Fischer, H.; Flierman, M.; Fulgione, W.; Gaemers, P.; Gaior, R.; Galloway, M.; Garroum, N.; Ghosh, S.; Girard, F.; Glade-Beucke, R.; Glück, F.; Grandi, L.; Grigat, J.; Größle, R.; Guan, H.; Guida, M.; Hammann, R.; Hannen, V.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Hargittai, N.; Hasegawa, T.; Hils, C.; Higuera, A.; Hiraoka, K.; Hoetzsch, L.; Iacovacci, M.; Itow, Y.; Jakob, J.; Jörg, F.; Kara, M.; Kavrigin, P.; Kazama, S.; Keller, M.; Kilminster, B.; Kleifges, M.; Kobayashi, M.; Kopec, A.; von Krosigk, B.; Kuger, F.; Landsman, H.; Lang, R. F.; Li, I.; Li, S.; Liang, S.; Lindemann, S.; Lindner, M.; Lombardi, F.; Loizeau, J.; Luce, T.; Ma, Y.; Macolino, C.; Mahlstedt, J.; Mancuso, A.; Marrodán Undagoitia, T.; Lopes, J. A. M.; Marignetti, F.; Martens, K.; Masbou, J.; Mastroianni, S.; Milutinovic, S.; Miuchi, K.; Miyata, R.; Molinario, A.; Monteiro, C. M. B.; Morå, K.; Morteau, E.; Mosbacher, Y.; Müller, J.; Murra, M.; Newstead, J. L.; Ni, K.; Oberlack, U. G.; Ostrovskiy, I.; Paetsch, B.; Pandurovic, M.; Pellegrini, Q.; Peres, R.; Pienaar, J.; Pierre, M.; Piotter, M.; Plante, G.; Pollmann, T. R.; Principe, L.; Qi, J.; Qin, J.; Rajado Silva, M.; Ramírez García, D.; Razeto, A.; Sakamoto, S.; Sanchez, L.; Sanchez-Lucas, P.; dos Santos, J. M. F.; Sartorelli, G.; Scaffidi, A.; Schulte, P.; Schultz-Coulon, H.-C.; Schulze Eißing, H.; Schumann, M.; Scotto Lavina, L.; Selvi, M.; Semeria, F.; Shagin, P.; Sharma, S.; Shen, W.; Silva, M.; Simgen, H.; Singh, R.; Solmaz, M.; Stanley, O.; Steidl, M.; Tan, P.-L.; Terliuk, A.; Thers, D.; Thümmler, T.; Tönnies, F.; Toschi, F.; Trinchero, G.; Trotta, R.; Tunnell, C.; Urquijo, P.; Valerius, K.; Vecchi, S.; Vetter, S.; Volta, G.; Vorkapic, D.; Wang, W.; Weerman, K. M.; Weinheimer, C.; Weiss, M.; Wenz, D.; Wittweg, C.; Wolf, J.; Wolf, T.; Wu, V. H. S.; Wurm, M.; Xing, Y.; Yamashita, M.; Ye, J.; Zavattini, G.; Zuber, K.


AU  - Adrover, M.
AU  - Althueser, L.
AU  - Andrieu, B.
AU  - Angelino, E.
AU  - Angevaare, J. R.
AU  - Antunović, Biljana
AU  - Aprile, E.
AU  - Babicz, M.
AU  - Bajpai, D.
AU  - Barberio, E.
AU  - Baudis, L.
AU  - Bazyk, M.
AU  - Bell, N.
AU  - Bellagamba, L.
AU  - Biondi, R.
AU  - Biondi, Y.
AU  - Bismark, A.
AU  - Boehm, C.
AU  - Breskin, A.
AU  - Brookes, E. J.
AU  - Brown, A.
AU  - Bruno, G.
AU  - Budnik, R.
AU  - Capelli, C.
AU  - Cardoso, J. M. R.
AU  - Chauvin, A.
AU  - Cimental Chavez, A. P.
AU  - Colijn, A. P.
AU  - Conrad, J.
AU  - Cuenca-García, J. J.
AU  - D’Andrea, V.
AU  - Decowski, M. P.
AU  - Deisting, A.
AU  - Di Gangi, P.
AU  - Diglio, S.
AU  - Doerenkamp, M.
AU  - Drexlin, G.
AU  - Eitel, K.
AU  - Elykov, A.
AU  - Engel, R.
AU  - Farrell, S.
AU  - Ferella, A. D.
AU  - Ferrari, C.
AU  - Fischer, H.
AU  - Flierman, M.
AU  - Fulgione, W.
AU  - Gaemers, P.
AU  - Gaior, R.
AU  - Galloway, M.
AU  - Garroum, N.
AU  - Ghosh, S.
AU  - Girard, F.
AU  - Glade-Beucke, R.
AU  - Glück, F.
AU  - Grandi, L.
AU  - Grigat, J.
AU  - Größle, R.
AU  - Guan, H.
AU  - Guida, M.
AU  - Hammann, R.
AU  - Hannen, V.
AU  - Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
AU  - Hargittai, N.
AU  - Hasegawa, T.
AU  - Hils, C.
AU  - Higuera, A.
AU  - Hiraoka, K.
AU  - Hoetzsch, L.
AU  - Iacovacci, M.
AU  - Itow, Y.
AU  - Jakob, J.
AU  - Jörg, F.
AU  - Kara, M.
AU  - Kavrigin, P.
AU  - Kazama, S.
AU  - Keller, M.
AU  - Kilminster, B.
AU  - Kleifges, M.
AU  - Kobayashi, M.
AU  - Kopec, A.
AU  - von Krosigk, B.
AU  - Kuger, F.
AU  - Landsman, H.
AU  - Lang, R. F.
AU  - Li, I.
AU  - Li, S.
AU  - Liang, S.
AU  - Lindemann, S.
AU  - Lindner, M.
AU  - Lombardi, F.
AU  - Loizeau, J.
AU  - Luce, T.
AU  - Ma, Y.
AU  - Macolino, C.
AU  - Mahlstedt, J.
AU  - Mancuso, A.
AU  - Marrodán Undagoitia, T.
AU  - Lopes, J. A. M.
AU  - Marignetti, F.
AU  - Martens, K.
AU  - Masbou, J.
AU  - Mastroianni, S.
AU  - Milutinovic, S.
AU  - Miuchi, K.
AU  - Miyata, R.
AU  - Molinario, A.
AU  - Monteiro, C. M. B.
AU  - Morå, K.
AU  - Morteau, E.
AU  - Mosbacher, Y.
AU  - Müller, J.
AU  - Murra, M.
AU  - Newstead, J. L.
AU  - Ni, K.
AU  - Oberlack, U. G.
AU  - Ostrovskiy, I.
AU  - Paetsch, B.
AU  - Pandurovic, M.
AU  - Pellegrini, Q.
AU  - Peres, R.
AU  - Pienaar, J.
AU  - Pierre, M.
AU  - Piotter, M.
AU  - Plante, G.
AU  - Pollmann, T. R.
AU  - Principe, L.
AU  - Qi, J.
AU  - Qin, J.
AU  - Rajado Silva, M.
AU  - Ramírez García, D.
AU  - Razeto, A.
AU  - Sakamoto, S.
AU  - Sanchez, L.
AU  - Sanchez-Lucas, P.
AU  - dos Santos, J. M. F.
AU  - Sartorelli, G.
AU  - Scaffidi, A.
AU  - Schulte, P.
AU  - Schultz-Coulon, H.-C.
AU  - Schulze Eißing, H.
AU  - Schumann, M.
AU  - Scotto Lavina, L.
AU  - Selvi, M.
AU  - Semeria, F.
AU  - Shagin, P.
AU  - Sharma, S.
AU  - Shen, W.
AU  - Silva, M.
AU  - Simgen, H.
AU  - Singh, R.
AU  - Solmaz, M.
AU  - Stanley, O.
AU  - Steidl, M.
AU  - Tan, P.-L.
AU  - Terliuk, A.
AU  - Thers, D.
AU  - Thümmler, T.
AU  - Tönnies, F.
AU  - Toschi, F.
AU  - Trinchero, G.
AU  - Trotta, R.
AU  - Tunnell, C.
AU  - Urquijo, P.
AU  - Valerius, K.
AU  - Vecchi, S.
AU  - Vetter, S.
AU  - Volta, G.
AU  - Vorkapic, D.
AU  - Wang, W.
AU  - Weerman, K. M.
AU  - Weinheimer, C.
AU  - Weiss, M.
AU  - Wenz, D.
AU  - Wittweg, C.
AU  - Wolf, J.
AU  - Wolf, T.
AU  - Wu, V. H. S.
AU  - Wurm, M.
AU  - Xing, Y.
AU  - Yamashita, M.
AU  - Ye, J.
AU  - Zavattini, G.
AU  - Zuber, K.
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Xenon dual-phase time projections chambers (TPCs) have proven to be a successful technology in studying physical phenomena that require low-background conditions. With 40t of liquid xenon (LXe) in the TPC baseline design, DARWIN will have a high sensitivity for the detection of particle dark matter, neutrinoless double beta decay (0 ν β β), and axion-like particles (ALPs). Although cosmic muons are a source of background that cannot be entirely eliminated, they may be greatly diminished by placing the detector deep underground. In this study, we used Monte Carlo simulations to model the cosmogenic background expected for the DARWIN observatory at four underground laboratories: Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) and SNOLAB. We present here the results of simulations performed to determine the production rate of 137 Xe, the most crucial isotope in the search for 0 ν β β of 136 Xe. Additionally, we explore the contribution that other muon-induced spallation products, such as other unstable xenon isotopes and tritium, may have on the cosmogenic background.
T2  - The European Physical Journal C
T1  - Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites
VL  - 84
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12298-w
ER  - 
author = "Adrover, M. and Althueser, L. and Andrieu, B. and Angelino, E. and Angevaare, J. R. and Antunović, Biljana and Aprile, E. and Babicz, M. and Bajpai, D. and Barberio, E. and Baudis, L. and Bazyk, M. and Bell, N. and Bellagamba, L. and Biondi, R. and Biondi, Y. and Bismark, A. and Boehm, C. and Breskin, A. and Brookes, E. J. and Brown, A. and Bruno, G. and Budnik, R. and Capelli, C. and Cardoso, J. M. R. and Chauvin, A. and Cimental Chavez, A. P. and Colijn, A. P. and Conrad, J. and Cuenca-García, J. J. and D’Andrea, V. and Decowski, M. P. and Deisting, A. and Di Gangi, P. and Diglio, S. and Doerenkamp, M. and Drexlin, G. and Eitel, K. and Elykov, A. and Engel, R. and Farrell, S. and Ferella, A. D. and Ferrari, C. and Fischer, H. and Flierman, M. and Fulgione, W. and Gaemers, P. and Gaior, R. and Galloway, M. and Garroum, N. and Ghosh, S. and Girard, F. and Glade-Beucke, R. and Glück, F. and Grandi, L. and Grigat, J. and Größle, R. and Guan, H. and Guida, M. and Hammann, R. and Hannen, V. and Hansmann-Menzemer, S. and Hargittai, N. and Hasegawa, T. and Hils, C. and Higuera, A. and Hiraoka, K. and Hoetzsch, L. and Iacovacci, M. and Itow, Y. and Jakob, J. and Jörg, F. and Kara, M. and Kavrigin, P. and Kazama, S. and Keller, M. and Kilminster, B. and Kleifges, M. and Kobayashi, M. and Kopec, A. and von Krosigk, B. and Kuger, F. and Landsman, H. and Lang, R. F. and Li, I. and Li, S. and Liang, S. and Lindemann, S. and Lindner, M. and Lombardi, F. and Loizeau, J. and Luce, T. and Ma, Y. and Macolino, C. and Mahlstedt, J. and Mancuso, A. and Marrodán Undagoitia, T. and Lopes, J. A. M. and Marignetti, F. and Martens, K. and Masbou, J. and Mastroianni, S. and Milutinovic, S. and Miuchi, K. and Miyata, R. and Molinario, A. and Monteiro, C. M. B. and Morå, K. and Morteau, E. and Mosbacher, Y. and Müller, J. and Murra, M. and Newstead, J. L. and Ni, K. and Oberlack, U. G. and Ostrovskiy, I. and Paetsch, B. and Pandurovic, M. and Pellegrini, Q. and Peres, R. and Pienaar, J. and Pierre, M. and Piotter, M. and Plante, G. and Pollmann, T. R. and Principe, L. and Qi, J. and Qin, J. and Rajado Silva, M. and Ramírez García, D. and Razeto, A. and Sakamoto, S. and Sanchez, L. and Sanchez-Lucas, P. and dos Santos, J. M. F. and Sartorelli, G. and Scaffidi, A. and Schulte, P. and Schultz-Coulon, H.-C. and Schulze Eißing, H. and Schumann, M. and Scotto Lavina, L. and Selvi, M. and Semeria, F. and Shagin, P. and Sharma, S. and Shen, W. and Silva, M. and Simgen, H. and Singh, R. and Solmaz, M. and Stanley, O. and Steidl, M. and Tan, P.-L. and Terliuk, A. and Thers, D. and Thümmler, T. and Tönnies, F. and Toschi, F. and Trinchero, G. and Trotta, R. and Tunnell, C. and Urquijo, P. and Valerius, K. and Vecchi, S. and Vetter, S. and Volta, G. and Vorkapic, D. and Wang, W. and Weerman, K. M. and Weinheimer, C. and Weiss, M. and Wenz, D. and Wittweg, C. and Wolf, J. and Wolf, T. and Wu, V. H. S. and Wurm, M. and Xing, Y. and Yamashita, M. and Ye, J. and Zavattini, G. and Zuber, K.",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Xenon dual-phase time projections chambers (TPCs) have proven to be a successful technology in studying physical phenomena that require low-background conditions. With 40t of liquid xenon (LXe) in the TPC baseline design, DARWIN will have a high sensitivity for the detection of particle dark matter, neutrinoless double beta decay (0 ν β β), and axion-like particles (ALPs). Although cosmic muons are a source of background that cannot be entirely eliminated, they may be greatly diminished by placing the detector deep underground. In this study, we used Monte Carlo simulations to model the cosmogenic background expected for the DARWIN observatory at four underground laboratories: Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) and SNOLAB. We present here the results of simulations performed to determine the production rate of 137 Xe, the most crucial isotope in the search for 0 ν β β of 136 Xe. Additionally, we explore the contribution that other muon-induced spallation products, such as other unstable xenon isotopes and tritium, may have on the cosmogenic background.",
journal = "The European Physical Journal C",
title = "Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites",
volume = "84",
number = "1",
doi = "10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12298-w"
Adrover, M., Althueser, L., Andrieu, B., Angelino, E., Angevaare, J. R., Antunović, B., Aprile, E., Babicz, M., Bajpai, D., Barberio, E., Baudis, L., Bazyk, M., Bell, N., Bellagamba, L., Biondi, R., Biondi, Y., Bismark, A., Boehm, C., Breskin, A., Brookes, E. J., Brown, A., Bruno, G., Budnik, R., Capelli, C., Cardoso, J. M. R., Chauvin, A., Cimental Chavez, A. P., Colijn, A. P., Conrad, J., Cuenca-García, J. J., D’Andrea, V., Decowski, M. P., Deisting, A., Di Gangi, P., Diglio, S., Doerenkamp, M., Drexlin, G., Eitel, K., Elykov, A., Engel, R., Farrell, S., Ferella, A. D., Ferrari, C., Fischer, H., Flierman, M., Fulgione, W., Gaemers, P., Gaior, R., Galloway, M., Garroum, N., Ghosh, S., Girard, F., Glade-Beucke, R., Glück, F., Grandi, L., Grigat, J., Größle, R., Guan, H., Guida, M., Hammann, R., Hannen, V., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Hargittai, N., Hasegawa, T., Hils, C., Higuera, A., Hiraoka, K., Hoetzsch, L., Iacovacci, M., Itow, Y., Jakob, J., Jörg, F., Kara, M., Kavrigin, P., Kazama, S., Keller, M., Kilminster, B., Kleifges, M., Kobayashi, M., Kopec, A., von Krosigk, B., Kuger, F., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Li, I., Li, S., Liang, S., Lindemann, S., Lindner, M., Lombardi, F., Loizeau, J., Luce, T., Ma, Y., Macolino, C., Mahlstedt, J., Mancuso, A., Marrodán Undagoitia, T., Lopes, J. A. M., Marignetti, F., Martens, K., Masbou, J., Mastroianni, S., Milutinovic, S., Miuchi, K., Miyata, R., Molinario, A., Monteiro, C. M. B., Morå, K., Morteau, E., Mosbacher, Y., Müller, J., Murra, M., Newstead, J. L., Ni, K., Oberlack, U. G., Ostrovskiy, I., Paetsch, B., Pandurovic, M., Pellegrini, Q., Peres, R., Pienaar, J., Pierre, M., Piotter, M., Plante, G., Pollmann, T. R., Principe, L., Qi, J., Qin, J., Rajado Silva, M., Ramírez García, D., Razeto, A., Sakamoto, S., Sanchez, L., Sanchez-Lucas, P., dos Santos, J. M. F., Sartorelli, G., Scaffidi, A., Schulte, P., Schultz-Coulon, H.-C., Schulze Eißing, H., Schumann, M., Scotto Lavina, L., Selvi, M., Semeria, F., Shagin, P., Sharma, S., Shen, W., Silva, M., Simgen, H., Singh, R., Solmaz, M., Stanley, O., Steidl, M., Tan, P.-L., Terliuk, A., Thers, D., Thümmler, T., Tönnies, F., Toschi, F., Trinchero, G., Trotta, R., Tunnell, C., Urquijo, P., Valerius, K., Vecchi, S., Vetter, S., Volta, G., Vorkapic, D., Wang, W., Weerman, K. M., Weinheimer, C., Weiss, M., Wenz, D., Wittweg, C., Wolf, J., Wolf, T., Wu, V. H. S., Wurm, M., Xing, Y., Yamashita, M., Ye, J., Zavattini, G.,& Zuber, K.. (2024). Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites. in The European Physical Journal C, 84(1).
Adrover M, Althueser L, Andrieu B, Angelino E, Angevaare JR, Antunović B, Aprile E, Babicz M, Bajpai D, Barberio E, Baudis L, Bazyk M, Bell N, Bellagamba L, Biondi R, Biondi Y, Bismark A, Boehm C, Breskin A, Brookes EJ, Brown A, Bruno G, Budnik R, Capelli C, Cardoso JMR, Chauvin A, Cimental Chavez AP, Colijn AP, Conrad J, Cuenca-García JJ, D’Andrea V, Decowski MP, Deisting A, Di Gangi P, Diglio S, Doerenkamp M, Drexlin G, Eitel K, Elykov A, Engel R, Farrell S, Ferella AD, Ferrari C, Fischer H, Flierman M, Fulgione W, Gaemers P, Gaior R, Galloway M, Garroum N, Ghosh S, Girard F, Glade-Beucke R, Glück F, Grandi L, Grigat J, Größle R, Guan H, Guida M, Hammann R, Hannen V, Hansmann-Menzemer S, Hargittai N, Hasegawa T, Hils C, Higuera A, Hiraoka K, Hoetzsch L, Iacovacci M, Itow Y, Jakob J, Jörg F, Kara M, Kavrigin P, Kazama S, Keller M, Kilminster B, Kleifges M, Kobayashi M, Kopec A, von Krosigk B, Kuger F, Landsman H, Lang RF, Li I, Li S, Liang S, Lindemann S, Lindner M, Lombardi F, Loizeau J, Luce T, Ma Y, Macolino C, Mahlstedt J, Mancuso A, Marrodán Undagoitia T, Lopes JAM, Marignetti F, Martens K, Masbou J, Mastroianni S, Milutinovic S, Miuchi K, Miyata R, Molinario A, Monteiro CMB, Morå K, Morteau E, Mosbacher Y, Müller J, Murra M, Newstead JL, Ni K, Oberlack UG, Ostrovskiy I, Paetsch B, Pandurovic M, Pellegrini Q, Peres R, Pienaar J, Pierre M, Piotter M, Plante G, Pollmann TR, Principe L, Qi J, Qin J, Rajado Silva M, Ramírez García D, Razeto A, Sakamoto S, Sanchez L, Sanchez-Lucas P, dos Santos JMF, Sartorelli G, Scaffidi A, Schulte P, Schultz-Coulon H, Schulze Eißing H, Schumann M, Scotto Lavina L, Selvi M, Semeria F, Shagin P, Sharma S, Shen W, Silva M, Simgen H, Singh R, Solmaz M, Stanley O, Steidl M, Tan P, Terliuk A, Thers D, Thümmler T, Tönnies F, Toschi F, Trinchero G, Trotta R, Tunnell C, Urquijo P, Valerius K, Vecchi S, Vetter S, Volta G, Vorkapic D, Wang W, Weerman KM, Weinheimer C, Weiss M, Wenz D, Wittweg C, Wolf J, Wolf T, Wu VHS, Wurm M, Xing Y, Yamashita M, Ye J, Zavattini G, Zuber K. Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites. in The European Physical Journal C. 2024;84(1).
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12298-w .
Adrover, M., Althueser, L., Andrieu, B., Angelino, E., Angevaare, J. R., Antunović, Biljana, Aprile, E., Babicz, M., Bajpai, D., Barberio, E., Baudis, L., Bazyk, M., Bell, N., Bellagamba, L., Biondi, R., Biondi, Y., Bismark, A., Boehm, C., Breskin, A., Brookes, E. J., Brown, A., Bruno, G., Budnik, R., Capelli, C., Cardoso, J. M. R., Chauvin, A., Cimental Chavez, A. P., Colijn, A. P., Conrad, J., Cuenca-García, J. J., D’Andrea, V., Decowski, M. P., Deisting, A., Di Gangi, P., Diglio, S., Doerenkamp, M., Drexlin, G., Eitel, K., Elykov, A., Engel, R., Farrell, S., Ferella, A. D., Ferrari, C., Fischer, H., Flierman, M., Fulgione, W., Gaemers, P., Gaior, R., Galloway, M., Garroum, N., Ghosh, S., Girard, F., Glade-Beucke, R., Glück, F., Grandi, L., Grigat, J., Größle, R., Guan, H., Guida, M., Hammann, R., Hannen, V., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Hargittai, N., Hasegawa, T., Hils, C., Higuera, A., Hiraoka, K., Hoetzsch, L., Iacovacci, M., Itow, Y., Jakob, J., Jörg, F., Kara, M., Kavrigin, P., Kazama, S., Keller, M., Kilminster, B., Kleifges, M., Kobayashi, M., Kopec, A., von Krosigk, B., Kuger, F., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Li, I., Li, S., Liang, S., Lindemann, S., Lindner, M., Lombardi, F., Loizeau, J., Luce, T., Ma, Y., Macolino, C., Mahlstedt, J., Mancuso, A., Marrodán Undagoitia, T., Lopes, J. A. M., Marignetti, F., Martens, K., Masbou, J., Mastroianni, S., Milutinovic, S., Miuchi, K., Miyata, R., Molinario, A., Monteiro, C. M. B., Morå, K., Morteau, E., Mosbacher, Y., Müller, J., Murra, M., Newstead, J. L., Ni, K., Oberlack, U. G., Ostrovskiy, I., Paetsch, B., Pandurovic, M., Pellegrini, Q., Peres, R., Pienaar, J., Pierre, M., Piotter, M., Plante, G., Pollmann, T. R., Principe, L., Qi, J., Qin, J., Rajado Silva, M., Ramírez García, D., Razeto, A., Sakamoto, S., Sanchez, L., Sanchez-Lucas, P., dos Santos, J. M. F., Sartorelli, G., Scaffidi, A., Schulte, P., Schultz-Coulon, H.-C., Schulze Eißing, H., Schumann, M., Scotto Lavina, L., Selvi, M., Semeria, F., Shagin, P., Sharma, S., Shen, W., Silva, M., Simgen, H., Singh, R., Solmaz, M., Stanley, O., Steidl, M., Tan, P.-L., Terliuk, A., Thers, D., Thümmler, T., Tönnies, F., Toschi, F., Trinchero, G., Trotta, R., Tunnell, C., Urquijo, P., Valerius, K., Vecchi, S., Vetter, S., Volta, G., Vorkapic, D., Wang, W., Weerman, K. M., Weinheimer, C., Weiss, M., Wenz, D., Wittweg, C., Wolf, J., Wolf, T., Wu, V. H. S., Wurm, M., Xing, Y., Yamashita, M., Ye, J., Zavattini, G., Zuber, K., "Cosmogenic background simulations for neutrinoless double beta decay with the DARWIN observatory at various underground sites" in The European Physical Journal C, 84, no. 1 (2024), . .

A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics

Aalbers, J.; AbdusSalam, S. S.; Abe, K.; Aerne, V.; Agostini, F.; Maouloud, S. Ahmed; Akerib, D. S.; Akimov, D. Y.; Akshat, J.; Musalhi, A. K. Al; Alder, F.; Alsum, S. K.; Althueser, L.; Amarasinghe, C. S.; Amaro, F. D.; Ames, A.; Anderson, T. J.; Andrieu, B.; Angelides, N.; Angelino, E.; Angevaare, J.; Antochi, V. C.; Martin, D. Antón; Antunović, Biljana; Aprile, E.; Araújo, H. M.; Armstrong, J. E.; Arneodo, F.; Arthurs, M.; Asadi, P.; Baek, S.; Bai, X.; Bajpai, D.; Baker, A.; Balajthy, J.; Balashov, S.; Balzer, M.; Bandyopadhyay, A.; Bang, J.; Barberio, E.; Bargemann, J. W.; Baudis, L.; Bauer, D.; Baur, D.; Baxter, A.; Baxter, A. L.; Bazyk, M.; Beattie, K.; Behrens, J.; Bell, N. F.; Bellagamba, L.; Beltrame, P.; Benabderrahmane, M.; Bernard, E. P.; Bertone, G. F.; Bhattacharjee, P.; Bhatti, A.; Biekert, A.; Biesiadzinski, T. P.; Binau, A. R.; Biondi, R.; Biondi, Y.; Birch, H. J.; Bishara, F.; Bismark, A.; Blanco, C.; Blockinger, G. M.; Bodnia, E.; Boehm, C.; Bolozdynya, A. I.; Bolton, P. D.; Bottaro, S.; Bourgeois, C.; Boxer, B.; Brás, P.; Breskin, A.; Breur, P. A.; Brew, C. A. J.; Brod, J.; Brookes, E.; Brown, A.; Brown, E.; Bruenner, S.; Bruno, G.; Budnik, R.; Bui, T. K.; Burdin, S.; Buse, S.; Busenitz, J. K.; Buttazzo, D.; Buuck, M.; Buzulutskov, A.; Cabrita, R.; Cai, C.; Cai, D.; Capelli, C.; Cardoso, J. M. R.; Carmona-Benitez, M. C.; Cascella, M.; Catena, R.; Chakraborty, S.; Chan, C.; Chang, S.; Chauvin, A.; Chawla, A.; Chen, H.; Chepel, V.; Chott, N. I.; Cichon, D.; Chavez, A. Cimental; Cimmino, B.; Clark, M.; Co, R. T.; Colijn, A. P.; Conrad, J.; Converse, M. V.; Costa, M.; Cottle, A.; Cox, G.; Creaner, O.; Garcia, J. J. Cuenca; Cussonneau, J. P.; Cutter, J. E.; Dahl, C. E.; D’Andrea, V.; David, A.; Decowski, M. P.; Dent, J. B.; Deppisch, F. F.; Viveiros, L. de; Gangi, P. Di; Giovanni, A. Di; Pede, S. Di; Dierle, J.; Diglio, S.; Dobson, J. E. Y.; Doerenkamp, M.; Douillet, D.; Drexlin, G.; Druszkiewicz, E.; Dunsky, D.; Eitel, K.; Elykov, A.; Emken, T.; Engel, R.; Eriksen, S. R.; Fairbairn, M.; Fan, A.; Fan, J. J.; Farrell, S. J.; Fayer, S.; Fearon, N. M.; Ferella, A.; Ferrari, C.; Fieguth, A.; Fieguth, A.; Fiorucci, S.; Fischer, H.; Flaecher, H.; Flierman, M.; Florek, T.; Foot, R.; Fox, P. J.; Franceschini, R.; Fraser, E. D.; Frenk, C. S.; Frohlich, S.; Fruth, T.; Fulgione, W.; Fuselli, C.; Gaemers, P.; Gaior, R.; Gaitskell, R. J.; Galloway, M.; Gao, F.; Garcia, I. Garcia; Genovesi, J.; Ghag, C.; Ghosh, S.; Gibson, E.; Gil, W.; Giovagnoli, D.; Girard, F.; Glade-Beucke, R.; Glück, F.; Gokhale, S.; Gouvêa, A. de; Gráf, L.; Grandi, L.; Grigat, J.; Grinstein, B.; Grinten, M. G. D. van der; Grössle, R.; Guan, H.; Guida, M.; Gumbsheimer, R.; Gwilliam, C. B.; Hall, C. R.; Hall, L. J.; Hammann, R.; Han, K.; Hannen, V.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Harata, R.; Hardin, S. P.; Hardy, E.; Hardy, C. A.; Harigaya, K.; Harnik, R.; Haselschwardt, S. J.; Hernandez, M.; Hertel, S. A.; Higuera, A.; Hils, C.; Hochrein, S.; Hoetzsch, L.; Hoferichter, M.; Hood, N.; Hooper, D.; Horn, M.; Howlett, J.; Huang, D. Q.; Huang, Y.; Hunt, D.; Iacovacci, M.; Iaquaniello, G.; Ide, R.; Ignarra, C. M.; Iloglu, G.; Itow, Y.; Jacquet, E.; Jahangir, O.; Jakob, J.; James, R. S.; Jansen, A.; Ji, W.; Ji, X.; Joerg, F.; Johnson, J.; Joy, A.; Kaboth, A. C.; Kalhor, L.; Kamaha, A. C.; Kanezaki, K.; Kar, K.; Kara, M.; Kato, N.; Kavrigin, P.; Kazama, S.; Keaveney, A. W.; Kellerer, J.; Khaitan, D.; Khazov, A.; Khundzakishvili, G.; Khurana, I.; Kilminster, B.; Kleifges, M.; Ko, P.; Kobayashi, M.; Kodroff, D.; Koltmann, G.; Kopec, A.; Kopmann, A.; Kopp, J.; Korley, L.; Kornoukhov, V. N.; Korolkova, E. V.; Kraus, H.; Krauss, L. M.; Kravitz, S.; Kreczko, L.; Kudryavtsev, V. A.; Kuger, F.; Kumar, J.; Paredes, B. López; LaCascio, L.; Laha, R.; Laine, Q.; Landsman, H.; Lang, R. F.; Leason, E. A.; Lee, J.; Leonard, D. S.; Lesko, K. T.; Levinson, L.; Levy, C.; Li, I.; Li, S. C.; Li, T.; Liang, S.; Liebenthal, C. S.; Lin, J.; Lin, Q.; Lindemann, S.; Lindner, M.; Lindote, A.; Linehan, R.; Lippincott, W. H.; Liu, X.; Liu, K.; Liu, J.; Loizeau, J.; Lombardi, F.; Long, J.; Lopes, M. I.; Asamar, E. Lopez; Lorenzon, W.; Lu, C.; Luitz, S.; Ma, Y.; Machado, P. A. N.; Macolino, C.; Maeda, T.; Mahlstedt, J.; Majewski, P. A.; Manalaysay, A.; Mancuso, A.; Manenti, L.; Manfredini, A.; Mannino, R. L.; Marangou, N.; March-Russell, J.; Marignetti, F.; Undagoitia, T. Marrodán; Martens, K.; Martin, R.; Martinez-Soler, I.; Masbou, J.; Masson, D.; Masson, E.; Mastroianni, S.; Mastronardi, M.; Matias-Lopes, J. A.; McCarthy, M. E.; McFadden, N.; McGinness, E.; McKinsey, D. N.; McLaughlin, J.; McMichael, K.; Meinhardt, P.; Menéndez, J.; Meng, Y.; Messina, M.; Midha, R.; Milisavljević, D.; Miller, E. H.; Milošević, B.; Milutinović, Slobodan M.; Mitra, S. A.; Miuchi, K.; Mizrachi, E.; Mizukoshi, K.; Molinario, A.; Monte, A.; Monteiro, C. M. B.; Monzani, M. E.; Moore, J. S.; Mora, K.; Morad, J. A.; Mendoza, J. D. Morales; Moriyama, S.; Morrison, E.; Morteau, E.; Mosbacher, Y.; Mount, B. J.; Mueller, J.; Murphy, A. St J.; Murra, M.; Naim, D.; Nakamura, S.; Nash, E.; Navaieelavasani, N.; Naylor, A.; Nedlik, C.; Nelson, H. N.; Neves, F.; Newstead, J. L.; Ni, K.; Nikoleyczik, J. A.; Niro, V.; Oberlack, U. G.; Obradović, M.; Odgers, K.; O’Hare, C. A. J.; Oikonomou, P.; Olcina, I.; Oliver-Mallory, K.; Oranday, A.; Orpwood, J.; Ostrovskiy, I.; Ozaki, K.; Paetsch, B.; Pal, S.; Palacio, J.; Palladino, K. J.; Palmer, J.; Panci, P.; Pandurović, Mila; Parlati, A.; Parveen, N.; Patton, S. J.; Peč, V.; Pellegrini, Q.; Penning, B.; Pereira, G.; Peres, R.; Perez-Gonzalez, Y.; Perry, E.; Pershing, T.; Petrossian-Byrne, R.; Pienaar, J.; Piepke, A.; Pieramico, G.; Pierre, M.; Piotter, M.; Pizzella, V.; Plante, G.; Pollmann, T.; Porzio, D.; Qi, J.; Qie, Y.; Qin, J.; Quevedo, F.; Raj, N.; Silva, M. Rajado; Ramanathan, K.; García, D. Ramírez; Ravanis, J.; Redard-Jacot, L.; Redigolo, D.; Reichard, S.; Reichenbacher, J.; Rhyne, C. A.; Richards, A.; Riffard, Q.; Rischbieter, G. R. C.; Rocchetti, A.; Rosenfeld, S. L.; Rosero, R.; Rupp, N.; Rushton, T.; Saha, S.; Salucci, P.; Sanchez, L.; Sanchez-Lucas, P.; Santone, D.; Santos, J. M. F. dos; Sarnoff, I.; Sartorelli, G.; Sazzad, A. B. M. R.; Scheibelhut, M.; Schnee, R. W.; Schrank, M.; Schreiner, J.; Schulte, P.; Schulte, D.; Eissing, H. Schulze; Schumann, M.; Schwemberger, T.; Schwenk, A.; Schwetz, T.; Lavina, L. Scotto; Scovell, P. R.; Sekiya, H.; Selvi, M.; Semenov, E.; Semeria, F.; Shagin, P.; Shaw, S.; Shi, S.; Shockley, E.; Shutt, T. A.; Si-Ahmed, R.; Silk, J. J.; Silva, C.; Silva, M. C.; Simgen, H.; Šimkovic, F.; Sinev, G.; Singh, R.; Skulski, W.; Smirnov, J.; Smith, R.; Solmaz, M.; Solovov, V. N.; Sorensen, P.; Soria, J.; Sparmann, T. J.; Stancu, I.; Steidl, M.; Stevens, A.; Stifter, K.; Strigari, L. E.; Subotić, D.; Suerfu, B.; Suliga, A. M.; Sumner, T. J.; Szabo, P.; Szydagis, M.; Takeda, A.; Takeuchi, Y.; Tan, P.-L.; Taricco, C.; Taylor, W. C.; Temples, D. J.; Terliuk, A.; Terman, P. A.; Thers, D.; Thieme, K.; Thümmler, T.; Tiedt, D. R.; Timalsina, M.; To, W. H.; Toennies, F.; Tong, Z.; Toschi, F.; Tovey, D. R.; Tranter, J.; Trask, M.; Trinchero, G. C.; Tripathi, M.; Tronstad, D. R.; Trotta, R.; Tsai, Y. D.; Tunnell, C. D.; Turner, W. G.; Ueno, R.; Urquijo, P.; Utku, U.; Vaitkus, A.; Valerius, K.; Vassilev, E.; Vecchi, S.; Velan, V.; Vetter, S.; Vincent, A. C.; Vittorio, L.; Volta, G.; Krosigk, B. von; Piechowski, M. von; Vorkapić, Draen; Wagner, C. E. M.; Wang, A. M.; Wang, B.; Wang, Y.; Wang, W.; Wang, J. J.; Wang, L.-T.; Wang, M.; Wang, Y.; Watson, J. R.; Wei, Y.; Weinheimer, C.; Weisman, E.; Weiss, M.; Wenz, D.; West, S. M.; Whitis, T. J.; Williams, M.; Wilson, M. J.; Winkler, D.; Wittweg, C.; Wolf, J.; Wolf, T.; Wolfs, F. L. H.; Woodford, S.; Woodward, D.; Wright, C. J.; Wu, V. H. S.; Wu, P.; Wüstling, S.; Wurm, M.; Xia, Q.; Xiang, X.; Xing, Y.; Xu, J.; Xu, Z.; Xu, D.; Yamashita, M.; Yamazaki, R.; Yan, H.; Yang, L.; Yang, Y.; Ye, J.; Yeh, M.; Young, I.; Yu, H. B.; Yu, T. T.; Yuan, L.; Zavattini, G.; Zerbo, S.; Zhang, Y.; Zhong, M.; Zhou, N.; Zhou, X.; Zhu, T.; Zhu, Y.; Zhuang, Y.; Zopounidis, J. P.; Zuber, K.; Zupan, J.


AU  - Aalbers, J.
AU  - AbdusSalam, S. S.
AU  - Abe, K.
AU  - Aerne, V.
AU  - Agostini, F.
AU  - Maouloud, S. Ahmed
AU  - Akerib, D. S.
AU  - Akimov, D. Y.
AU  - Akshat, J.
AU  - Musalhi, A. K. Al
AU  - Alder, F.
AU  - Alsum, S. K.
AU  - Althueser, L.
AU  - Amarasinghe, C. S.
AU  - Amaro, F. D.
AU  - Ames, A.
AU  - Anderson, T. J.
AU  - Andrieu, B.
AU  - Angelides, N.
AU  - Angelino, E.
AU  - Angevaare, J.
AU  - Antochi, V. C.
AU  - Martin, D. Antón
AU  - Antunović, Biljana
AU  - Aprile, E.
AU  - Araújo, H. M.
AU  - Armstrong, J. E.
AU  - Arneodo, F.
AU  - Arthurs, M.
AU  - Asadi, P.
AU  - Baek, S.
AU  - Bai, X.
AU  - Bajpai, D.
AU  - Baker, A.
AU  - Balajthy, J.
AU  - Balashov, S.
AU  - Balzer, M.
AU  - Bandyopadhyay, A.
AU  - Bang, J.
AU  - Barberio, E.
AU  - Bargemann, J. W.
AU  - Baudis, L.
AU  - Bauer, D.
AU  - Baur, D.
AU  - Baxter, A.
AU  - Baxter, A. L.
AU  - Bazyk, M.
AU  - Beattie, K.
AU  - Behrens, J.
AU  - Bell, N. F.
AU  - Bellagamba, L.
AU  - Beltrame, P.
AU  - Benabderrahmane, M.
AU  - Bernard, E. P.
AU  - Bertone, G. F.
AU  - Bhattacharjee, P.
AU  - Bhatti, A.
AU  - Biekert, A.
AU  - Biesiadzinski, T. P.
AU  - Binau, A. R.
AU  - Biondi, R.
AU  - Biondi, Y.
AU  - Birch, H. J.
AU  - Bishara, F.
AU  - Bismark, A.
AU  - Blanco, C.
AU  - Blockinger, G. M.
AU  - Bodnia, E.
AU  - Boehm, C.
AU  - Bolozdynya, A. I.
AU  - Bolton, P. D.
AU  - Bottaro, S.
AU  - Bourgeois, C.
AU  - Boxer, B.
AU  - Brás, P.
AU  - Breskin, A.
AU  - Breur, P. A.
AU  - Brew, C. A. J.
AU  - Brod, J.
AU  - Brookes, E.
AU  - Brown, A.
AU  - Brown, E.
AU  - Bruenner, S.
AU  - Bruno, G.
AU  - Budnik, R.
AU  - Bui, T. K.
AU  - Burdin, S.
AU  - Buse, S.
AU  - Busenitz, J. K.
AU  - Buttazzo, D.
AU  - Buuck, M.
AU  - Buzulutskov, A.
AU  - Cabrita, R.
AU  - Cai, C.
AU  - Cai, D.
AU  - Capelli, C.
AU  - Cardoso, J. M. R.
AU  - Carmona-Benitez, M. C.
AU  - Cascella, M.
AU  - Catena, R.
AU  - Chakraborty, S.
AU  - Chan, C.
AU  - Chang, S.
AU  - Chauvin, A.
AU  - Chawla, A.
AU  - Chen, H.
AU  - Chepel, V.
AU  - Chott, N. I.
AU  - Cichon, D.
AU  - Chavez, A. Cimental
AU  - Cimmino, B.
AU  - Clark, M.
AU  - Co, R. T.
AU  - Colijn, A. P.
AU  - Conrad, J.
AU  - Converse, M. V.
AU  - Costa, M.
AU  - Cottle, A.
AU  - Cox, G.
AU  - Creaner, O.
AU  - Garcia, J. J. Cuenca
AU  - Cussonneau, J. P.
AU  - Cutter, J. E.
AU  - Dahl, C. E.
AU  - D’Andrea, V.
AU  - David, A.
AU  - Decowski, M. P.
AU  - Dent, J. B.
AU  - Deppisch, F. F.
AU  - Viveiros, L. de
AU  - Gangi, P. Di
AU  - Giovanni, A. Di
AU  - Pede, S. Di
AU  - Dierle, J.
AU  - Diglio, S.
AU  - Dobson, J. E. Y.
AU  - Doerenkamp, M.
AU  - Douillet, D.
AU  - Drexlin, G.
AU  - Druszkiewicz, E.
AU  - Dunsky, D.
AU  - Eitel, K.
AU  - Elykov, A.
AU  - Emken, T.
AU  - Engel, R.
AU  - Eriksen, S. R.
AU  - Fairbairn, M.
AU  - Fan, A.
AU  - Fan, J. J.
AU  - Farrell, S. J.
AU  - Fayer, S.
AU  - Fearon, N. M.
AU  - Ferella, A.
AU  - Ferrari, C.
AU  - Fieguth, A.
AU  - Fieguth, A.
AU  - Fiorucci, S.
AU  - Fischer, H.
AU  - Flaecher, H.
AU  - Flierman, M.
AU  - Florek, T.
AU  - Foot, R.
AU  - Fox, P. J.
AU  - Franceschini, R.
AU  - Fraser, E. D.
AU  - Frenk, C. S.
AU  - Frohlich, S.
AU  - Fruth, T.
AU  - Fulgione, W.
AU  - Fuselli, C.
AU  - Gaemers, P.
AU  - Gaior, R.
AU  - Gaitskell, R. J.
AU  - Galloway, M.
AU  - Gao, F.
AU  - Garcia, I. Garcia
AU  - Genovesi, J.
AU  - Ghag, C.
AU  - Ghosh, S.
AU  - Gibson, E.
AU  - Gil, W.
AU  - Giovagnoli, D.
AU  - Girard, F.
AU  - Glade-Beucke, R.
AU  - Glück, F.
AU  - Gokhale, S.
AU  - Gouvêa, A. de
AU  - Gráf, L.
AU  - Grandi, L.
AU  - Grigat, J.
AU  - Grinstein, B.
AU  - Grinten, M. G. D. van der
AU  - Grössle, R.
AU  - Guan, H.
AU  - Guida, M.
AU  - Gumbsheimer, R.
AU  - Gwilliam, C. B.
AU  - Hall, C. R.
AU  - Hall, L. J.
AU  - Hammann, R.
AU  - Han, K.
AU  - Hannen, V.
AU  - Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
AU  - Harata, R.
AU  - Hardin, S. P.
AU  - Hardy, E.
AU  - Hardy, C. A.
AU  - Harigaya, K.
AU  - Harnik, R.
AU  - Haselschwardt, S. J.
AU  - Hernandez, M.
AU  - Hertel, S. A.
AU  - Higuera, A.
AU  - Hils, C.
AU  - Hochrein, S.
AU  - Hoetzsch, L.
AU  - Hoferichter, M.
AU  - Hood, N.
AU  - Hooper, D.
AU  - Horn, M.
AU  - Howlett, J.
AU  - Huang, D. Q.
AU  - Huang, Y.
AU  - Hunt, D.
AU  - Iacovacci, M.
AU  - Iaquaniello, G.
AU  - Ide, R.
AU  - Ignarra, C. M.
AU  - Iloglu, G.
AU  - Itow, Y.
AU  - Jacquet, E.
AU  - Jahangir, O.
AU  - Jakob, J.
AU  - James, R. S.
AU  - Jansen, A.
AU  - Ji, W.
AU  - Ji, X.
AU  - Joerg, F.
AU  - Johnson, J.
AU  - Joy, A.
AU  - Kaboth, A. C.
AU  - Kalhor, L.
AU  - Kamaha, A. C.
AU  - Kanezaki, K.
AU  - Kar, K.
AU  - Kara, M.
AU  - Kato, N.
AU  - Kavrigin, P.
AU  - Kazama, S.
AU  - Keaveney, A. W.
AU  - Kellerer, J.
AU  - Khaitan, D.
AU  - Khazov, A.
AU  - Khundzakishvili, G.
AU  - Khurana, I.
AU  - Kilminster, B.
AU  - Kleifges, M.
AU  - Ko, P.
AU  - Kobayashi, M.
AU  - Kodroff, D.
AU  - Koltmann, G.
AU  - Kopec, A.
AU  - Kopmann, A.
AU  - Kopp, J.
AU  - Korley, L.
AU  - Kornoukhov, V. N.
AU  - Korolkova, E. V.
AU  - Kraus, H.
AU  - Krauss, L. M.
AU  - Kravitz, S.
AU  - Kreczko, L.
AU  - Kudryavtsev, V. A.
AU  - Kuger, F.
AU  - Kumar, J.
AU  - Paredes, B. López
AU  - LaCascio, L.
AU  - Laha, R.
AU  - Laine, Q.
AU  - Landsman, H.
AU  - Lang, R. F.
AU  - Leason, E. A.
AU  - Lee, J.
AU  - Leonard, D. S.
AU  - Lesko, K. T.
AU  - Levinson, L.
AU  - Levy, C.
AU  - Li, I.
AU  - Li, S. C.
AU  - Li, T.
AU  - Liang, S.
AU  - Liebenthal, C. S.
AU  - Lin, J.
AU  - Lin, Q.
AU  - Lindemann, S.
AU  - Lindner, M.
AU  - Lindote, A.
AU  - Linehan, R.
AU  - Lippincott, W. H.
AU  - Liu, X.
AU  - Liu, K.
AU  - Liu, J.
AU  - Loizeau, J.
AU  - Lombardi, F.
AU  - Long, J.
AU  - Lopes, M. I.
AU  - Asamar, E. Lopez
AU  - Lorenzon, W.
AU  - Lu, C.
AU  - Luitz, S.
AU  - Ma, Y.
AU  - Machado, P. A. N.
AU  - Macolino, C.
AU  - Maeda, T.
AU  - Mahlstedt, J.
AU  - Majewski, P. A.
AU  - Manalaysay, A.
AU  - Mancuso, A.
AU  - Manenti, L.
AU  - Manfredini, A.
AU  - Mannino, R. L.
AU  - Marangou, N.
AU  - March-Russell, J.
AU  - Marignetti, F.
AU  - Undagoitia, T. Marrodán
AU  - Martens, K.
AU  - Martin, R.
AU  - Martinez-Soler, I.
AU  - Masbou, J.
AU  - Masson, D.
AU  - Masson, E.
AU  - Mastroianni, S.
AU  - Mastronardi, M.
AU  - Matias-Lopes, J. A.
AU  - McCarthy, M. E.
AU  - McFadden, N.
AU  - McGinness, E.
AU  - McKinsey, D. N.
AU  - McLaughlin, J.
AU  - McMichael, K.
AU  - Meinhardt, P.
AU  - Menéndez, J.
AU  - Meng, Y.
AU  - Messina, M.
AU  - Midha, R.
AU  - Milisavljević, D.
AU  - Miller, E. H.
AU  - Milošević, B.
AU  - Milutinović, Slobodan M.
AU  - Mitra, S. A.
AU  - Miuchi, K.
AU  - Mizrachi, E.
AU  - Mizukoshi, K.
AU  - Molinario, A.
AU  - Monte, A.
AU  - Monteiro, C. M. B.
AU  - Monzani, M. E.
AU  - Moore, J. S.
AU  - Mora, K.
AU  - Morad, J. A.
AU  - Mendoza, J. D. Morales
AU  - Moriyama, S.
AU  - Morrison, E.
AU  - Morteau, E.
AU  - Mosbacher, Y.
AU  - Mount, B. J.
AU  - Mueller, J.
AU  - Murphy, A. St J.
AU  - Murra, M.
AU  - Naim, D.
AU  - Nakamura, S.
AU  - Nash, E.
AU  - Navaieelavasani, N.
AU  - Naylor, A.
AU  - Nedlik, C.
AU  - Nelson, H. N.
AU  - Neves, F.
AU  - Newstead, J. L.
AU  - Ni, K.
AU  - Nikoleyczik, J. A.
AU  - Niro, V.
AU  - Oberlack, U. G.
AU  - Obradović, M.
AU  - Odgers, K.
AU  - O’Hare, C. A. J.
AU  - Oikonomou, P.
AU  - Olcina, I.
AU  - Oliver-Mallory, K.
AU  - Oranday, A.
AU  - Orpwood, J.
AU  - Ostrovskiy, I.
AU  - Ozaki, K.
AU  - Paetsch, B.
AU  - Pal, S.
AU  - Palacio, J.
AU  - Palladino, K. J.
AU  - Palmer, J.
AU  - Panci, P.
AU  - Pandurović, Mila
AU  - Parlati, A.
AU  - Parveen, N.
AU  - Patton, S. J.
AU  - Peč, V.
AU  - Pellegrini, Q.
AU  - Penning, B.
AU  - Pereira, G.
AU  - Peres, R.
AU  - Perez-Gonzalez, Y.
AU  - Perry, E.
AU  - Pershing, T.
AU  - Petrossian-Byrne, R.
AU  - Pienaar, J.
AU  - Piepke, A.
AU  - Pieramico, G.
AU  - Pierre, M.
AU  - Piotter, M.
AU  - Pizzella, V.
AU  - Plante, G.
AU  - Pollmann, T.
AU  - Porzio, D.
AU  - Qi, J.
AU  - Qie, Y.
AU  - Qin, J.
AU  - Quevedo, F.
AU  - Raj, N.
AU  - Silva, M. Rajado
AU  - Ramanathan, K.
AU  - García, D. Ramírez
AU  - Ravanis, J.
AU  - Redard-Jacot, L.
AU  - Redigolo, D.
AU  - Reichard, S.
AU  - Reichenbacher, J.
AU  - Rhyne, C. A.
AU  - Richards, A.
AU  - Riffard, Q.
AU  - Rischbieter, G. R. C.
AU  - Rocchetti, A.
AU  - Rosenfeld, S. L.
AU  - Rosero, R.
AU  - Rupp, N.
AU  - Rushton, T.
AU  - Saha, S.
AU  - Salucci, P.
AU  - Sanchez, L.
AU  - Sanchez-Lucas, P.
AU  - Santone, D.
AU  - Santos, J. M. F. dos
AU  - Sarnoff, I.
AU  - Sartorelli, G.
AU  - Sazzad, A. B. M. R.
AU  - Scheibelhut, M.
AU  - Schnee, R. W.
AU  - Schrank, M.
AU  - Schreiner, J.
AU  - Schulte, P.
AU  - Schulte, D.
AU  - Eissing, H. Schulze
AU  - Schumann, M.
AU  - Schwemberger, T.
AU  - Schwenk, A.
AU  - Schwetz, T.
AU  - Lavina, L. Scotto
AU  - Scovell, P. R.
AU  - Sekiya, H.
AU  - Selvi, M.
AU  - Semenov, E.
AU  - Semeria, F.
AU  - Shagin, P.
AU  - Shaw, S.
AU  - Shi, S.
AU  - Shockley, E.
AU  - Shutt, T. A.
AU  - Si-Ahmed, R.
AU  - Silk, J. J.
AU  - Silva, C.
AU  - Silva, M. C.
AU  - Simgen, H.
AU  - Šimkovic, F.
AU  - Sinev, G.
AU  - Singh, R.
AU  - Skulski, W.
AU  - Smirnov, J.
AU  - Smith, R.
AU  - Solmaz, M.
AU  - Solovov, V. N.
AU  - Sorensen, P.
AU  - Soria, J.
AU  - Sparmann, T. J.
AU  - Stancu, I.
AU  - Steidl, M.
AU  - Stevens, A.
AU  - Stifter, K.
AU  - Strigari, L. E.
AU  - Subotić, D.
AU  - Suerfu, B.
AU  - Suliga, A. M.
AU  - Sumner, T. J.
AU  - Szabo, P.
AU  - Szydagis, M.
AU  - Takeda, A.
AU  - Takeuchi, Y.
AU  - Tan, P.-L.
AU  - Taricco, C.
AU  - Taylor, W. C.
AU  - Temples, D. J.
AU  - Terliuk, A.
AU  - Terman, P. A.
AU  - Thers, D.
AU  - Thieme, K.
AU  - Thümmler, T.
AU  - Tiedt, D. R.
AU  - Timalsina, M.
AU  - To, W. H.
AU  - Toennies, F.
AU  - Tong, Z.
AU  - Toschi, F.
AU  - Tovey, D. R.
AU  - Tranter, J.
AU  - Trask, M.
AU  - Trinchero, G. C.
AU  - Tripathi, M.
AU  - Tronstad, D. R.
AU  - Trotta, R.
AU  - Tsai, Y. D.
AU  - Tunnell, C. D.
AU  - Turner, W. G.
AU  - Ueno, R.
AU  - Urquijo, P.
AU  - Utku, U.
AU  - Vaitkus, A.
AU  - Valerius, K.
AU  - Vassilev, E.
AU  - Vecchi, S.
AU  - Velan, V.
AU  - Vetter, S.
AU  - Vincent, A. C.
AU  - Vittorio, L.
AU  - Volta, G.
AU  - Krosigk, B. von
AU  - Piechowski, M. von
AU  - Vorkapić, Draen
AU  - Wagner, C. E. M.
AU  - Wang, A. M.
AU  - Wang, B.
AU  - Wang, Y.
AU  - Wang, W.
AU  - Wang, J. J.
AU  - Wang, L.-T.
AU  - Wang, M.
AU  - Wang, Y.
AU  - Watson, J. R.
AU  - Wei, Y.
AU  - Weinheimer, C.
AU  - Weisman, E.
AU  - Weiss, M.
AU  - Wenz, D.
AU  - West, S. M.
AU  - Whitis, T. J.
AU  - Williams, M.
AU  - Wilson, M. J.
AU  - Winkler, D.
AU  - Wittweg, C.
AU  - Wolf, J.
AU  - Wolf, T.
AU  - Wolfs, F. L. H.
AU  - Woodford, S.
AU  - Woodward, D.
AU  - Wright, C. J.
AU  - Wu, V. H. S.
AU  - Wu, P.
AU  - Wüstling, S.
AU  - Wurm, M.
AU  - Xia, Q.
AU  - Xiang, X.
AU  - Xing, Y.
AU  - Xu, J.
AU  - Xu, Z.
AU  - Xu, D.
AU  - Yamashita, M.
AU  - Yamazaki, R.
AU  - Yan, H.
AU  - Yang, L.
AU  - Yang, Y.
AU  - Ye, J.
AU  - Yeh, M.
AU  - Young, I.
AU  - Yu, H. B.
AU  - Yu, T. T.
AU  - Yuan, L.
AU  - Zavattini, G.
AU  - Zerbo, S.
AU  - Zhang, Y.
AU  - Zhong, M.
AU  - Zhou, N.
AU  - Zhou, X.
AU  - Zhu, T.
AU  - Zhu, Y.
AU  - Zhuang, Y.
AU  - Zopounidis, J. P.
AU  - Zuber, K.
AU  - Zupan, J.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the most pressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenon time-projection chamber is the leading technology to cover the available parameter space for weakly interacting massive particles, while featuring extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates. These detectors can also study neutrinos through neutrinoless double-beta decay and through a variety of astrophysical sources. A next-generation xenon-based detector will therefore be a true multi-purpose observatory to significantly advance particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, solar physics, and cosmology. This review article presents the science cases for such a detector.
T2  - Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
T1  - A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics
VL  - 50
IS  - 1
SP  - 013001
DO  - 10.1088/1361-6471/ac841a
ER  - 
author = "Aalbers, J. and AbdusSalam, S. S. and Abe, K. and Aerne, V. and Agostini, F. and Maouloud, S. Ahmed and Akerib, D. S. and Akimov, D. Y. and Akshat, J. and Musalhi, A. K. Al and Alder, F. and Alsum, S. K. and Althueser, L. and Amarasinghe, C. S. and Amaro, F. D. and Ames, A. and Anderson, T. J. and Andrieu, B. and Angelides, N. and Angelino, E. and Angevaare, J. and Antochi, V. C. and Martin, D. Antón and Antunović, Biljana and Aprile, E. and Araújo, H. M. and Armstrong, J. E. and Arneodo, F. and Arthurs, M. and Asadi, P. and Baek, S. and Bai, X. and Bajpai, D. and Baker, A. and Balajthy, J. and Balashov, S. and Balzer, M. and Bandyopadhyay, A. and Bang, J. and Barberio, E. and Bargemann, J. W. and Baudis, L. and Bauer, D. and Baur, D. and Baxter, A. and Baxter, A. L. and Bazyk, M. and Beattie, K. and Behrens, J. and Bell, N. F. and Bellagamba, L. and Beltrame, P. and Benabderrahmane, M. and Bernard, E. P. and Bertone, G. F. and Bhattacharjee, P. and Bhatti, A. and Biekert, A. and Biesiadzinski, T. P. and Binau, A. R. and Biondi, R. and Biondi, Y. and Birch, H. J. and Bishara, F. and Bismark, A. and Blanco, C. and Blockinger, G. M. and Bodnia, E. and Boehm, C. and Bolozdynya, A. I. and Bolton, P. D. and Bottaro, S. and Bourgeois, C. and Boxer, B. and Brás, P. and Breskin, A. and Breur, P. A. and Brew, C. A. J. and Brod, J. and Brookes, E. and Brown, A. and Brown, E. and Bruenner, S. and Bruno, G. and Budnik, R. and Bui, T. K. and Burdin, S. and Buse, S. and Busenitz, J. K. and Buttazzo, D. and Buuck, M. and Buzulutskov, A. and Cabrita, R. and Cai, C. and Cai, D. and Capelli, C. and Cardoso, J. M. R. and Carmona-Benitez, M. C. and Cascella, M. and Catena, R. and Chakraborty, S. and Chan, C. and Chang, S. and Chauvin, A. and Chawla, A. and Chen, H. and Chepel, V. and Chott, N. I. and Cichon, D. and Chavez, A. Cimental and Cimmino, B. and Clark, M. and Co, R. T. and Colijn, A. P. and Conrad, J. and Converse, M. V. and Costa, M. and Cottle, A. and Cox, G. and Creaner, O. and Garcia, J. J. Cuenca and Cussonneau, J. P. and Cutter, J. E. and Dahl, C. E. and D’Andrea, V. and David, A. and Decowski, M. P. and Dent, J. B. and Deppisch, F. F. and Viveiros, L. de and Gangi, P. Di and Giovanni, A. Di and Pede, S. Di and Dierle, J. and Diglio, S. and Dobson, J. E. Y. and Doerenkamp, M. and Douillet, D. and Drexlin, G. and Druszkiewicz, E. and Dunsky, D. and Eitel, K. and Elykov, A. and Emken, T. and Engel, R. and Eriksen, S. R. and Fairbairn, M. and Fan, A. and Fan, J. J. and Farrell, S. J. and Fayer, S. and Fearon, N. M. and Ferella, A. and Ferrari, C. and Fieguth, A. and Fieguth, A. and Fiorucci, S. and Fischer, H. and Flaecher, H. and Flierman, M. and Florek, T. and Foot, R. and Fox, P. J. and Franceschini, R. and Fraser, E. D. and Frenk, C. S. and Frohlich, S. and Fruth, T. and Fulgione, W. and Fuselli, C. and Gaemers, P. and Gaior, R. and Gaitskell, R. J. and Galloway, M. and Gao, F. and Garcia, I. Garcia and Genovesi, J. and Ghag, C. and Ghosh, S. and Gibson, E. and Gil, W. and Giovagnoli, D. and Girard, F. and Glade-Beucke, R. and Glück, F. and Gokhale, S. and Gouvêa, A. de and Gráf, L. and Grandi, L. and Grigat, J. and Grinstein, B. and Grinten, M. G. D. van der and Grössle, R. and Guan, H. and Guida, M. and Gumbsheimer, R. and Gwilliam, C. B. and Hall, C. R. and Hall, L. J. and Hammann, R. and Han, K. and Hannen, V. and Hansmann-Menzemer, S. and Harata, R. and Hardin, S. P. and Hardy, E. and Hardy, C. A. and Harigaya, K. and Harnik, R. and Haselschwardt, S. J. and Hernandez, M. and Hertel, S. A. and Higuera, A. and Hils, C. and Hochrein, S. and Hoetzsch, L. and Hoferichter, M. and Hood, N. and Hooper, D. and Horn, M. and Howlett, J. and Huang, D. Q. and Huang, Y. and Hunt, D. and Iacovacci, M. and Iaquaniello, G. and Ide, R. and Ignarra, C. M. and Iloglu, G. and Itow, Y. and Jacquet, E. and Jahangir, O. and Jakob, J. and James, R. S. and Jansen, A. and Ji, W. and Ji, X. and Joerg, F. and Johnson, J. and Joy, A. and Kaboth, A. C. and Kalhor, L. and Kamaha, A. C. and Kanezaki, K. and Kar, K. and Kara, M. and Kato, N. and Kavrigin, P. and Kazama, S. and Keaveney, A. W. and Kellerer, J. and Khaitan, D. and Khazov, A. and Khundzakishvili, G. and Khurana, I. and Kilminster, B. and Kleifges, M. and Ko, P. and Kobayashi, M. and Kodroff, D. and Koltmann, G. and Kopec, A. and Kopmann, A. and Kopp, J. and Korley, L. and Kornoukhov, V. N. and Korolkova, E. V. and Kraus, H. and Krauss, L. M. and Kravitz, S. and Kreczko, L. and Kudryavtsev, V. A. and Kuger, F. and Kumar, J. and Paredes, B. López and LaCascio, L. and Laha, R. and Laine, Q. and Landsman, H. and Lang, R. F. and Leason, E. A. and Lee, J. and Leonard, D. S. and Lesko, K. T. and Levinson, L. and Levy, C. and Li, I. and Li, S. C. and Li, T. and Liang, S. and Liebenthal, C. S. and Lin, J. and Lin, Q. and Lindemann, S. and Lindner, M. and Lindote, A. and Linehan, R. and Lippincott, W. H. and Liu, X. and Liu, K. and Liu, J. and Loizeau, J. and Lombardi, F. and Long, J. and Lopes, M. I. and Asamar, E. Lopez and Lorenzon, W. and Lu, C. and Luitz, S. and Ma, Y. and Machado, P. A. N. and Macolino, C. and Maeda, T. and Mahlstedt, J. and Majewski, P. A. and Manalaysay, A. and Mancuso, A. and Manenti, L. and Manfredini, A. and Mannino, R. L. and Marangou, N. and March-Russell, J. and Marignetti, F. and Undagoitia, T. Marrodán and Martens, K. and Martin, R. and Martinez-Soler, I. and Masbou, J. and Masson, D. and Masson, E. and Mastroianni, S. and Mastronardi, M. and Matias-Lopes, J. A. and McCarthy, M. E. and McFadden, N. and McGinness, E. and McKinsey, D. N. and McLaughlin, J. and McMichael, K. and Meinhardt, P. and Menéndez, J. and Meng, Y. and Messina, M. and Midha, R. and Milisavljević, D. and Miller, E. H. and Milošević, B. and Milutinović, Slobodan M. and Mitra, S. A. and Miuchi, K. and Mizrachi, E. and Mizukoshi, K. and Molinario, A. and Monte, A. and Monteiro, C. M. B. and Monzani, M. E. and Moore, J. S. and Mora, K. and Morad, J. A. and Mendoza, J. D. Morales and Moriyama, S. and Morrison, E. and Morteau, E. and Mosbacher, Y. and Mount, B. J. and Mueller, J. and Murphy, A. St J. and Murra, M. and Naim, D. and Nakamura, S. and Nash, E. and Navaieelavasani, N. and Naylor, A. and Nedlik, C. and Nelson, H. N. and Neves, F. and Newstead, J. L. and Ni, K. and Nikoleyczik, J. A. and Niro, V. and Oberlack, U. G. and Obradović, M. and Odgers, K. and O’Hare, C. A. J. and Oikonomou, P. and Olcina, I. and Oliver-Mallory, K. and Oranday, A. and Orpwood, J. and Ostrovskiy, I. and Ozaki, K. and Paetsch, B. and Pal, S. and Palacio, J. and Palladino, K. J. and Palmer, J. and Panci, P. and Pandurović, Mila and Parlati, A. and Parveen, N. and Patton, S. J. and Peč, V. and Pellegrini, Q. and Penning, B. and Pereira, G. and Peres, R. and Perez-Gonzalez, Y. and Perry, E. and Pershing, T. and Petrossian-Byrne, R. and Pienaar, J. and Piepke, A. and Pieramico, G. and Pierre, M. and Piotter, M. and Pizzella, V. and Plante, G. and Pollmann, T. and Porzio, D. and Qi, J. and Qie, Y. and Qin, J. and Quevedo, F. and Raj, N. and Silva, M. Rajado and Ramanathan, K. and García, D. Ramírez and Ravanis, J. and Redard-Jacot, L. and Redigolo, D. and Reichard, S. and Reichenbacher, J. and Rhyne, C. A. and Richards, A. and Riffard, Q. and Rischbieter, G. R. C. and Rocchetti, A. and Rosenfeld, S. L. and Rosero, R. and Rupp, N. and Rushton, T. and Saha, S. and Salucci, P. and Sanchez, L. and Sanchez-Lucas, P. and Santone, D. and Santos, J. M. F. dos and Sarnoff, I. and Sartorelli, G. and Sazzad, A. B. M. R. and Scheibelhut, M. and Schnee, R. W. and Schrank, M. and Schreiner, J. and Schulte, P. and Schulte, D. and Eissing, H. Schulze and Schumann, M. and Schwemberger, T. and Schwenk, A. and Schwetz, T. and Lavina, L. Scotto and Scovell, P. R. and Sekiya, H. and Selvi, M. and Semenov, E. and Semeria, F. and Shagin, P. and Shaw, S. and Shi, S. and Shockley, E. and Shutt, T. A. and Si-Ahmed, R. and Silk, J. J. and Silva, C. and Silva, M. C. and Simgen, H. and Šimkovic, F. and Sinev, G. and Singh, R. and Skulski, W. and Smirnov, J. and Smith, R. and Solmaz, M. and Solovov, V. N. and Sorensen, P. and Soria, J. and Sparmann, T. J. and Stancu, I. and Steidl, M. and Stevens, A. and Stifter, K. and Strigari, L. E. and Subotić, D. and Suerfu, B. and Suliga, A. M. and Sumner, T. J. and Szabo, P. and Szydagis, M. and Takeda, A. and Takeuchi, Y. and Tan, P.-L. and Taricco, C. and Taylor, W. C. and Temples, D. J. and Terliuk, A. and Terman, P. A. and Thers, D. and Thieme, K. and Thümmler, T. and Tiedt, D. R. and Timalsina, M. and To, W. H. and Toennies, F. and Tong, Z. and Toschi, F. and Tovey, D. R. and Tranter, J. and Trask, M. and Trinchero, G. C. and Tripathi, M. and Tronstad, D. R. and Trotta, R. and Tsai, Y. D. and Tunnell, C. D. and Turner, W. G. and Ueno, R. and Urquijo, P. and Utku, U. and Vaitkus, A. and Valerius, K. and Vassilev, E. and Vecchi, S. and Velan, V. and Vetter, S. and Vincent, A. C. and Vittorio, L. and Volta, G. and Krosigk, B. von and Piechowski, M. von and Vorkapić, Draen and Wagner, C. E. M. and Wang, A. M. and Wang, B. and Wang, Y. and Wang, W. and Wang, J. J. and Wang, L.-T. and Wang, M. and Wang, Y. and Watson, J. R. and Wei, Y. and Weinheimer, C. and Weisman, E. and Weiss, M. and Wenz, D. and West, S. M. and Whitis, T. J. and Williams, M. and Wilson, M. J. and Winkler, D. and Wittweg, C. and Wolf, J. and Wolf, T. and Wolfs, F. L. H. and Woodford, S. and Woodward, D. and Wright, C. J. and Wu, V. H. S. and Wu, P. and Wüstling, S. and Wurm, M. and Xia, Q. and Xiang, X. and Xing, Y. and Xu, J. and Xu, Z. and Xu, D. and Yamashita, M. and Yamazaki, R. and Yan, H. and Yang, L. and Yang, Y. and Ye, J. and Yeh, M. and Young, I. and Yu, H. B. and Yu, T. T. and Yuan, L. and Zavattini, G. and Zerbo, S. and Zhang, Y. and Zhong, M. and Zhou, N. and Zhou, X. and Zhu, T. and Zhu, Y. and Zhuang, Y. and Zopounidis, J. P. and Zuber, K. and Zupan, J.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the most pressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenon time-projection chamber is the leading technology to cover the available parameter space for weakly interacting massive particles, while featuring extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates. These detectors can also study neutrinos through neutrinoless double-beta decay and through a variety of astrophysical sources. A next-generation xenon-based detector will therefore be a true multi-purpose observatory to significantly advance particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, solar physics, and cosmology. This review article presents the science cases for such a detector.",
journal = "Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics",
title = "A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics",
volume = "50",
number = "1",
pages = "013001",
doi = "10.1088/1361-6471/ac841a"
Aalbers, J., AbdusSalam, S. S., Abe, K., Aerne, V., Agostini, F., Maouloud, S. A., Akerib, D. S., Akimov, D. Y., Akshat, J., Musalhi, A. K. A., Alder, F., Alsum, S. K., Althueser, L., Amarasinghe, C. S., Amaro, F. D., Ames, A., Anderson, T. J., Andrieu, B., Angelides, N., Angelino, E., Angevaare, J., Antochi, V. C., Martin, D. A., Antunović, B., Aprile, E., Araújo, H. M., Armstrong, J. E., Arneodo, F., Arthurs, M., Asadi, P., Baek, S., Bai, X., Bajpai, D., Baker, A., Balajthy, J., Balashov, S., Balzer, M., Bandyopadhyay, A., Bang, J., Barberio, E., Bargemann, J. W., Baudis, L., Bauer, D., Baur, D., Baxter, A., Baxter, A. L., Bazyk, M., Beattie, K., Behrens, J., Bell, N. F., Bellagamba, L., Beltrame, P., Benabderrahmane, M., Bernard, E. P., Bertone, G. F., Bhattacharjee, P., Bhatti, A., Biekert, A., Biesiadzinski, T. P., Binau, A. R., Biondi, R., Biondi, Y., Birch, H. J., Bishara, F., Bismark, A., Blanco, C., Blockinger, G. M., Bodnia, E., Boehm, C., Bolozdynya, A. I., Bolton, P. D., Bottaro, S., Bourgeois, C., Boxer, B., Brás, P., Breskin, A., Breur, P. A., Brew, C. A. J., Brod, J., Brookes, E., Brown, A., Brown, E., Bruenner, S., Bruno, G., Budnik, R., Bui, T. K., Burdin, S., Buse, S., Busenitz, J. K., Buttazzo, D., Buuck, M., Buzulutskov, A., Cabrita, R., Cai, C., Cai, D., Capelli, C., Cardoso, J. M. R., Carmona-Benitez, M. C., Cascella, M., Catena, R., Chakraborty, S., Chan, C., Chang, S., Chauvin, A., Chawla, A., Chen, H., Chepel, V., Chott, N. I., Cichon, D., Chavez, A. C., Cimmino, B., Clark, M., Co, R. T., Colijn, A. P., Conrad, J., Converse, M. V., Costa, M., Cottle, A., Cox, G., Creaner, O., Garcia, J. J. C., Cussonneau, J. P., Cutter, J. E., Dahl, C. E., D’Andrea, V., David, A., Decowski, M. P., Dent, J. B., Deppisch, F. F., Viveiros, L. d., Gangi, P. D., Giovanni, A. D., Pede, S. D., Dierle, J., Diglio, S., Dobson, J. E. Y., Doerenkamp, M., Douillet, D., Drexlin, G., Druszkiewicz, E., Dunsky, D., Eitel, K., Elykov, A., Emken, T., Engel, R., Eriksen, S. R., Fairbairn, M., Fan, A., Fan, J. J., Farrell, S. J., Fayer, S., Fearon, N. M., Ferella, A., Ferrari, C., Fieguth, A., Fieguth, A., Fiorucci, S., Fischer, H., Flaecher, H., Flierman, M., Florek, T., Foot, R., Fox, P. J., Franceschini, R., Fraser, E. D., Frenk, C. S., Frohlich, S., Fruth, T., Fulgione, W., Fuselli, C., Gaemers, P., Gaior, R., Gaitskell, R. J., Galloway, M., Gao, F., Garcia, I. G., Genovesi, J., Ghag, C., Ghosh, S., Gibson, E., Gil, W., Giovagnoli, D., Girard, F., Glade-Beucke, R., Glück, F., Gokhale, S., Gouvêa, A. d., Gráf, L., Grandi, L., Grigat, J., Grinstein, B., Grinten, M. G. D. v. d., Grössle, R., Guan, H., Guida, M., Gumbsheimer, R., Gwilliam, C. B., Hall, C. R., Hall, L. J., Hammann, R., Han, K., Hannen, V., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Harata, R., Hardin, S. P., Hardy, E., Hardy, C. A., Harigaya, K., Harnik, R., Haselschwardt, S. J., Hernandez, M., Hertel, S. A., Higuera, A., Hils, C., Hochrein, S., Hoetzsch, L., Hoferichter, M., Hood, N., Hooper, D., Horn, M., Howlett, J., Huang, D. Q., Huang, Y., Hunt, D., Iacovacci, M., Iaquaniello, G., Ide, R., Ignarra, C. M., Iloglu, G., Itow, Y., Jacquet, E., Jahangir, O., Jakob, J., James, R. S., Jansen, A., Ji, W., Ji, X., Joerg, F., Johnson, J., Joy, A., Kaboth, A. C., Kalhor, L., Kamaha, A. C., Kanezaki, K., Kar, K., Kara, M., Kato, N., Kavrigin, P., Kazama, S., Keaveney, A. W., Kellerer, J., Khaitan, D., Khazov, A., Khundzakishvili, G., Khurana, I., Kilminster, B., Kleifges, M., Ko, P., Kobayashi, M., Kodroff, D., Koltmann, G., Kopec, A., Kopmann, A., Kopp, J., Korley, L., Kornoukhov, V. N., Korolkova, E. V., Kraus, H., Krauss, L. M., Kravitz, S., Kreczko, L., Kudryavtsev, V. A., Kuger, F., Kumar, J., Paredes, B. L., LaCascio, L., Laha, R., Laine, Q., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Leason, E. A., Lee, J., Leonard, D. S., Lesko, K. T., Levinson, L., Levy, C., Li, I., Li, S. C., Li, T., Liang, S., Liebenthal, C. S., Lin, J., Lin, Q., Lindemann, S., Lindner, M., Lindote, A., Linehan, R., Lippincott, W. H., Liu, X., Liu, K., Liu, J., Loizeau, J., Lombardi, F., Long, J., Lopes, M. I., Asamar, E. L., Lorenzon, W., Lu, C., Luitz, S., Ma, Y., Machado, P. A. N., Macolino, C., Maeda, T., Mahlstedt, J., Majewski, P. A., Manalaysay, A., Mancuso, A., Manenti, L., Manfredini, A., Mannino, R. L., Marangou, N., March-Russell, J., Marignetti, F., Undagoitia, T. M., Martens, K., Martin, R., Martinez-Soler, I., Masbou, J., Masson, D., Masson, E., Mastroianni, S., Mastronardi, M., Matias-Lopes, J. A., McCarthy, M. E., McFadden, N., McGinness, E., McKinsey, D. N., McLaughlin, J., McMichael, K., Meinhardt, P., Menéndez, J., Meng, Y., Messina, M., Midha, R., Milisavljević, D., Miller, E. H., Milošević, B., Milutinović, S. M., Mitra, S. A., Miuchi, K., Mizrachi, E., Mizukoshi, K., Molinario, A., Monte, A., Monteiro, C. M. B., Monzani, M. E., Moore, J. S., Mora, K., Morad, J. A., Mendoza, J. D. M., Moriyama, S., Morrison, E., Morteau, E., Mosbacher, Y., Mount, B. J., Mueller, J., Murphy, A. S. J., Murra, M., Naim, D., Nakamura, S., Nash, E., Navaieelavasani, N., Naylor, A., Nedlik, C., Nelson, H. N., Neves, F., Newstead, J. L., Ni, K., Nikoleyczik, J. A., Niro, V., Oberlack, U. G., Obradović, M., Odgers, K., O’Hare, C. A. J., Oikonomou, P., Olcina, I., Oliver-Mallory, K., Oranday, A., Orpwood, J., Ostrovskiy, I., Ozaki, K., Paetsch, B., Pal, S., Palacio, J., Palladino, K. J., Palmer, J., Panci, P., Pandurović, M., Parlati, A., Parveen, N., Patton, S. J., Peč, V., Pellegrini, Q., Penning, B., Pereira, G., Peres, R., Perez-Gonzalez, Y., Perry, E., Pershing, T., Petrossian-Byrne, R., Pienaar, J., Piepke, A., Pieramico, G., Pierre, M., Piotter, M., Pizzella, V., Plante, G., Pollmann, T., Porzio, D., Qi, J., Qie, Y., Qin, J., Quevedo, F., Raj, N., Silva, M. R., Ramanathan, K., García, D. 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J., Szabo, P., Szydagis, M., Takeda, A., Takeuchi, Y., Tan, P.-L., Taricco, C., Taylor, W. C., Temples, D. J., Terliuk, A., Terman, P. A., Thers, D., Thieme, K., Thümmler, T., Tiedt, D. R., Timalsina, M., To, W. H., Toennies, F., Tong, Z., Toschi, F., Tovey, D. R., Tranter, J., Trask, M., Trinchero, G. C., Tripathi, M., Tronstad, D. R., Trotta, R., Tsai, Y. D., Tunnell, C. D., Turner, W. G., Ueno, R., Urquijo, P., Utku, U., Vaitkus, A., Valerius, K., Vassilev, E., Vecchi, S., Velan, V., Vetter, S., Vincent, A. C., Vittorio, L., Volta, G., Krosigk, B. v., Piechowski, M. v., Vorkapić, D., Wagner, C. E. M., Wang, A. M., Wang, B., Wang, Y., Wang, W., Wang, J. J., Wang, L.-T., Wang, M., Wang, Y., Watson, J. R., Wei, Y., Weinheimer, C., Weisman, E., Weiss, M., Wenz, D., West, S. M., Whitis, T. J., Williams, M., Wilson, M. J., Winkler, D., Wittweg, C., Wolf, J., Wolf, T., Wolfs, F. L. H., Woodford, S., Woodward, D., Wright, C. J., Wu, V. H. S., Wu, P., Wüstling, S., Wurm, M., Xia, Q., Xiang, X., Xing, Y., Xu, J., Xu, Z., Xu, D., Yamashita, M., Yamazaki, R., Yan, H., Yang, L., Yang, Y., Ye, J., Yeh, M., Young, I., Yu, H. B., Yu, T. T., Yuan, L., Zavattini, G., Zerbo, S., Zhang, Y., Zhong, M., Zhou, N., Zhou, X., Zhu, T., Zhu, Y., Zhuang, Y., Zopounidis, J. P., Zuber, K.,& Zupan, J.. (2022). A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics. in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 50(1), 013001.
Aalbers J, AbdusSalam SS, Abe K, Aerne V, Agostini F, Maouloud SA, Akerib DS, Akimov DY, Akshat J, Musalhi AKA, Alder F, Alsum SK, Althueser L, Amarasinghe CS, Amaro FD, Ames A, Anderson TJ, Andrieu B, Angelides N, Angelino E, Angevaare J, Antochi VC, Martin DA, Antunović B, Aprile E, Araújo HM, Armstrong JE, Arneodo F, Arthurs M, Asadi P, Baek S, Bai X, Bajpai D, Baker A, Balajthy J, Balashov S, Balzer M, Bandyopadhyay A, Bang J, Barberio E, Bargemann JW, Baudis L, Bauer D, Baur D, Baxter A, Baxter AL, Bazyk M, Beattie K, Behrens J, Bell NF, Bellagamba L, Beltrame P, Benabderrahmane M, Bernard EP, Bertone GF, Bhattacharjee P, Bhatti A, Biekert A, Biesiadzinski TP, Binau AR, Biondi R, Biondi Y, Birch HJ, Bishara F, Bismark A, Blanco C, Blockinger GM, Bodnia E, Boehm C, Bolozdynya AI, Bolton PD, Bottaro S, Bourgeois C, Boxer B, Brás P, Breskin A, Breur PA, Brew CAJ, Brod J, Brookes E, Brown A, Brown E, Bruenner S, Bruno G, Budnik R, Bui TK, Burdin S, Buse S, Busenitz JK, Buttazzo D, Buuck M, Buzulutskov A, Cabrita R, Cai C, Cai D, Capelli C, Cardoso JMR, Carmona-Benitez MC, Cascella M, Catena R, Chakraborty S, Chan C, Chang S, Chauvin A, Chawla A, Chen H, Chepel V, Chott NI, Cichon D, Chavez AC, Cimmino B, Clark M, Co RT, Colijn AP, Conrad J, Converse MV, Costa M, Cottle A, Cox G, Creaner O, Garcia JJC, Cussonneau JP, Cutter JE, Dahl CE, D’Andrea V, David A, Decowski MP, Dent JB, Deppisch FF, Viveiros LD, Gangi PD, Giovanni AD, Pede SD, Dierle J, Diglio S, Dobson JEY, Doerenkamp M, Douillet D, Drexlin G, Druszkiewicz E, Dunsky D, Eitel K, Elykov A, Emken T, Engel R, Eriksen SR, Fairbairn M, Fan A, Fan JJ, Farrell SJ, Fayer S, Fearon NM, Ferella A, Ferrari C, Fieguth A, Fieguth A, Fiorucci S, Fischer H, Flaecher H, Flierman M, Florek T, Foot R, Fox PJ, Franceschini R, Fraser ED, Frenk CS, Frohlich S, Fruth T, Fulgione W, Fuselli C, Gaemers P, Gaior R, Gaitskell RJ, Galloway M, Gao F, Garcia IG, Genovesi J, Ghag C, Ghosh S, Gibson E, Gil W, Giovagnoli D, Girard F, Glade-Beucke R, Glück F, Gokhale S, Gouvêa AD, Gráf L, Grandi L, Grigat J, Grinstein B, Grinten MGDVD, Grössle R, Guan H, Guida M, Gumbsheimer R, Gwilliam CB, Hall CR, Hall LJ, Hammann R, Han K, Hannen V, Hansmann-Menzemer S, Harata R, Hardin SP, Hardy E, Hardy CA, Harigaya K, Harnik R, Haselschwardt SJ, Hernandez M, Hertel SA, Higuera A, Hils C, Hochrein S, Hoetzsch L, Hoferichter M, Hood N, Hooper D, Horn M, Howlett J, Huang DQ, Huang Y, Hunt D, Iacovacci M, Iaquaniello G, Ide R, Ignarra CM, Iloglu G, Itow Y, Jacquet E, Jahangir O, Jakob J, James RS, Jansen A, Ji W, Ji X, Joerg F, Johnson J, Joy A, Kaboth AC, Kalhor L, Kamaha AC, Kanezaki K, Kar K, Kara M, Kato N, Kavrigin P, Kazama S, Keaveney AW, Kellerer J, Khaitan D, Khazov A, Khundzakishvili G, Khurana I, Kilminster B, Kleifges M, Ko P, Kobayashi M, Kodroff D, Koltmann G, Kopec A, Kopmann A, Kopp J, Korley L, Kornoukhov VN, Korolkova EV, Kraus H, Krauss LM, Kravitz S, Kreczko L, Kudryavtsev VA, Kuger F, Kumar J, Paredes BL, LaCascio L, Laha R, Laine Q, Landsman H, Lang RF, Leason EA, Lee J, Leonard DS, Lesko KT, Levinson L, Levy C, Li I, Li SC, Li T, Liang S, Liebenthal CS, Lin J, Lin Q, Lindemann S, Lindner M, Lindote A, Linehan R, Lippincott WH, Liu X, Liu K, Liu J, Loizeau J, Lombardi F, Long J, Lopes MI, Asamar EL, Lorenzon W, Lu C, Luitz S, Ma Y, Machado PAN, Macolino C, Maeda T, Mahlstedt J, Majewski PA, Manalaysay A, Mancuso A, Manenti L, Manfredini A, Mannino RL, Marangou N, March-Russell J, Marignetti F, Undagoitia TM, Martens K, Martin R, Martinez-Soler I, Masbou J, Masson D, Masson E, Mastroianni S, Mastronardi M, Matias-Lopes JA, McCarthy ME, McFadden N, McGinness E, McKinsey DN, McLaughlin J, McMichael K, Meinhardt P, Menéndez J, Meng Y, Messina M, Midha R, Milisavljević D, Miller EH, Milošević B, Milutinović SM, Mitra SA, Miuchi K, Mizrachi E, Mizukoshi K, Molinario A, Monte A, Monteiro CMB, Monzani ME, Moore JS, Mora K, Morad JA, Mendoza JDM, Moriyama S, Morrison E, Morteau E, Mosbacher Y, Mount BJ, Mueller J, Murphy ASJ, Murra M, Naim D, Nakamura S, Nash E, Navaieelavasani N, Naylor A, Nedlik C, Nelson HN, Neves F, Newstead JL, Ni K, Nikoleyczik JA, Niro V, Oberlack UG, Obradović M, Odgers K, O’Hare CAJ, Oikonomou P, Olcina I, Oliver-Mallory K, Oranday A, Orpwood J, Ostrovskiy I, Ozaki K, Paetsch B, Pal S, Palacio J, Palladino KJ, Palmer J, Panci P, Pandurović M, Parlati A, Parveen N, Patton SJ, Peč V, Pellegrini Q, Penning B, Pereira G, Peres R, Perez-Gonzalez Y, Perry E, Pershing T, Petrossian-Byrne R, Pienaar J, Piepke A, Pieramico G, Pierre M, Piotter M, Pizzella V, Plante G, Pollmann T, Porzio D, Qi J, Qie Y, Qin J, Quevedo F, Raj N, Silva MR, Ramanathan K, García DR, Ravanis J, Redard-Jacot L, Redigolo D, Reichard S, Reichenbacher J, Rhyne CA, Richards A, Riffard Q, Rischbieter GRC, Rocchetti A, Rosenfeld SL, Rosero R, Rupp N, Rushton T, Saha S, Salucci P, Sanchez L, Sanchez-Lucas P, Santone D, Santos JMFD, Sarnoff I, Sartorelli G, Sazzad ABMR, Scheibelhut M, Schnee RW, Schrank M, Schreiner J, Schulte P, Schulte D, Eissing HS, Schumann M, Schwemberger T, Schwenk A, Schwetz T, Lavina LS, Scovell PR, Sekiya H, Selvi M, Semenov E, Semeria F, Shagin P, Shaw S, Shi S, Shockley E, Shutt TA, Si-Ahmed R, Silk JJ, Silva C, Silva MC, Simgen H, Šimkovic F, Sinev G, Singh R, Skulski W, Smirnov J, Smith R, Solmaz M, Solovov VN, Sorensen P, Soria J, Sparmann TJ, Stancu I, Steidl M, Stevens A, Stifter K, Strigari LE, Subotić D, Suerfu B, Suliga AM, Sumner TJ, Szabo P, Szydagis M, Takeda A, Takeuchi Y, Tan P, Taricco C, Taylor WC, Temples DJ, Terliuk A, Terman PA, Thers D, Thieme K, Thümmler T, Tiedt DR, Timalsina M, To WH, Toennies F, Tong Z, Toschi F, Tovey DR, Tranter J, Trask M, Trinchero GC, Tripathi M, Tronstad DR, Trotta R, Tsai YD, Tunnell CD, Turner WG, Ueno R, Urquijo P, Utku U, Vaitkus A, Valerius K, Vassilev E, Vecchi S, Velan V, Vetter S, Vincent AC, Vittorio L, Volta G, Krosigk BV, Piechowski MV, Vorkapić D, Wagner CEM, Wang AM, Wang B, Wang Y, Wang W, Wang JJ, Wang L, Wang M, Wang Y, Watson JR, Wei Y, Weinheimer C, Weisman E, Weiss M, Wenz D, West SM, Whitis TJ, Williams M, Wilson MJ, Winkler D, Wittweg C, Wolf J, Wolf T, Wolfs FLH, Woodford S, Woodward D, Wright CJ, Wu VHS, Wu P, Wüstling S, Wurm M, Xia Q, Xiang X, Xing Y, Xu J, Xu Z, Xu D, Yamashita M, Yamazaki R, Yan H, Yang L, Yang Y, Ye J, Yeh M, Young I, Yu HB, Yu TT, Yuan L, Zavattini G, Zerbo S, Zhang Y, Zhong M, Zhou N, Zhou X, Zhu T, Zhu Y, Zhuang Y, Zopounidis JP, Zuber K, Zupan J. A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics. in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 2022;50(1):013001.
doi:10.1088/1361-6471/ac841a .
Aalbers, J., AbdusSalam, S. S., Abe, K., Aerne, V., Agostini, F., Maouloud, S. Ahmed, Akerib, D. S., Akimov, D. Y., Akshat, J., Musalhi, A. K. Al, Alder, F., Alsum, S. K., Althueser, L., Amarasinghe, C. S., Amaro, F. D., Ames, A., Anderson, T. J., Andrieu, B., Angelides, N., Angelino, E., Angevaare, J., Antochi, V. C., Martin, D. Antón, Antunović, Biljana, Aprile, E., Araújo, H. M., Armstrong, J. E., Arneodo, F., Arthurs, M., Asadi, P., Baek, S., Bai, X., Bajpai, D., Baker, A., Balajthy, J., Balashov, S., Balzer, M., Bandyopadhyay, A., Bang, J., Barberio, E., Bargemann, J. W., Baudis, L., Bauer, D., Baur, D., Baxter, A., Baxter, A. L., Bazyk, M., Beattie, K., Behrens, J., Bell, N. F., Bellagamba, L., Beltrame, P., Benabderrahmane, M., Bernard, E. P., Bertone, G. F., Bhattacharjee, P., Bhatti, A., Biekert, A., Biesiadzinski, T. P., Binau, A. R., Biondi, R., Biondi, Y., Birch, H. J., Bishara, F., Bismark, A., Blanco, C., Blockinger, G. M., Bodnia, E., Boehm, C., Bolozdynya, A. 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Y., Doerenkamp, M., Douillet, D., Drexlin, G., Druszkiewicz, E., Dunsky, D., Eitel, K., Elykov, A., Emken, T., Engel, R., Eriksen, S. R., Fairbairn, M., Fan, A., Fan, J. J., Farrell, S. J., Fayer, S., Fearon, N. M., Ferella, A., Ferrari, C., Fieguth, A., Fieguth, A., Fiorucci, S., Fischer, H., Flaecher, H., Flierman, M., Florek, T., Foot, R., Fox, P. J., Franceschini, R., Fraser, E. D., Frenk, C. S., Frohlich, S., Fruth, T., Fulgione, W., Fuselli, C., Gaemers, P., Gaior, R., Gaitskell, R. J., Galloway, M., Gao, F., Garcia, I. Garcia, Genovesi, J., Ghag, C., Ghosh, S., Gibson, E., Gil, W., Giovagnoli, D., Girard, F., Glade-Beucke, R., Glück, F., Gokhale, S., Gouvêa, A. de, Gráf, L., Grandi, L., Grigat, J., Grinstein, B., Grinten, M. G. D. van der, Grössle, R., Guan, H., Guida, M., Gumbsheimer, R., Gwilliam, C. B., Hall, C. R., Hall, L. J., Hammann, R., Han, K., Hannen, V., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Harata, R., Hardin, S. P., Hardy, E., Hardy, C. A., Harigaya, K., Harnik, R., Haselschwardt, S. J., Hernandez, M., Hertel, S. A., Higuera, A., Hils, C., Hochrein, S., Hoetzsch, L., Hoferichter, M., Hood, N., Hooper, D., Horn, M., Howlett, J., Huang, D. Q., Huang, Y., Hunt, D., Iacovacci, M., Iaquaniello, G., Ide, R., Ignarra, C. M., Iloglu, G., Itow, Y., Jacquet, E., Jahangir, O., Jakob, J., James, R. S., Jansen, A., Ji, W., Ji, X., Joerg, F., Johnson, J., Joy, A., Kaboth, A. C., Kalhor, L., Kamaha, A. C., Kanezaki, K., Kar, K., Kara, M., Kato, N., Kavrigin, P., Kazama, S., Keaveney, A. W., Kellerer, J., Khaitan, D., Khazov, A., Khundzakishvili, G., Khurana, I., Kilminster, B., Kleifges, M., Ko, P., Kobayashi, M., Kodroff, D., Koltmann, G., Kopec, A., Kopmann, A., Kopp, J., Korley, L., Kornoukhov, V. N., Korolkova, E. V., Kraus, H., Krauss, L. M., Kravitz, S., Kreczko, L., Kudryavtsev, V. A., Kuger, F., Kumar, J., Paredes, B. López, LaCascio, L., Laha, R., Laine, Q., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Leason, E. A., Lee, J., Leonard, D. S., Lesko, K. T., Levinson, L., Levy, C., Li, I., Li, S. C., Li, T., Liang, S., Liebenthal, C. S., Lin, J., Lin, Q., Lindemann, S., Lindner, M., Lindote, A., Linehan, R., Lippincott, W. H., Liu, X., Liu, K., Liu, J., Loizeau, J., Lombardi, F., Long, J., Lopes, M. I., Asamar, E. Lopez, Lorenzon, W., Lu, C., Luitz, S., Ma, Y., Machado, P. A. N., Macolino, C., Maeda, T., Mahlstedt, J., Majewski, P. A., Manalaysay, A., Mancuso, A., Manenti, L., Manfredini, A., Mannino, R. L., Marangou, N., March-Russell, J., Marignetti, F., Undagoitia, T. Marrodán, Martens, K., Martin, R., Martinez-Soler, I., Masbou, J., Masson, D., Masson, E., Mastroianni, S., Mastronardi, M., Matias-Lopes, J. A., McCarthy, M. E., McFadden, N., McGinness, E., McKinsey, D. N., McLaughlin, J., McMichael, K., Meinhardt, P., Menéndez, J., Meng, Y., Messina, M., Midha, R., Milisavljević, D., Miller, E. H., Milošević, B., Milutinović, Slobodan M., Mitra, S. A., Miuchi, K., Mizrachi, E., Mizukoshi, K., Molinario, A., Monte, A., Monteiro, C. M. B., Monzani, M. E., Moore, J. S., Mora, K., Morad, J. A., Mendoza, J. D. Morales, Moriyama, S., Morrison, E., Morteau, E., Mosbacher, Y., Mount, B. J., Mueller, J., Murphy, A. St J., Murra, M., Naim, D., Nakamura, S., Nash, E., Navaieelavasani, N., Naylor, A., Nedlik, C., Nelson, H. N., Neves, F., Newstead, J. L., Ni, K., Nikoleyczik, J. A., Niro, V., Oberlack, U. G., Obradović, M., Odgers, K., O’Hare, C. A. J., Oikonomou, P., Olcina, I., Oliver-Mallory, K., Oranday, A., Orpwood, J., Ostrovskiy, I., Ozaki, K., Paetsch, B., Pal, S., Palacio, J., Palladino, K. J., Palmer, J., Panci, P., Pandurović, Mila, Parlati, A., Parveen, N., Patton, S. 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GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector

Althueser, L.; Antunović, Biljana; Aprile, Elena; Bajpai, D.; Baudis, Laura; Baur, D.; Baxter, Amanda L.; Bellagamba, Lorenzo; Biondi, Riccardo; Biondi, Yanina; Bismark, Alexander; Brown, Andrew; Budnik, Ran; Chauvin, A.; Colijn, A. P.; Cuenca-García, J. J.; D'Andrea, V.; Gangi, P. Di; Dierle, J.; Diglio, S.; Doerenkamp, M.; Eitel, K.; Farrell, S.; Ferella, A. D.; Ferrari, C.; Findley, C.; Fischer, H.; Galloway, M.; Girard, F.; Glade-Beucke, R.; Grandi, L.; Guida, M.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Jörg, F.; Jones, L.; Kavrigin, P.; Krauss, L. M.; Krosigk, B. von; Kuger, F.; Landsman, H.; Lang, R. F.; Li, S.; Liang, S.; Lindner, M.; Loizeau, J.; Lombardi, F.; Undagoitia, T. Marrodán; Masbou, J.; Masson, E.; Matias-Lopes, J.; Milutinović, Slobodan M.; Monteiro, C. M. B.; Murra, M.; Ni, K.; Oberlack, U.; Ostrovskiy, I.; Pandurović, Mila; Peres, R.; Qin, J.; Silva, M. Rajado; García, D. Ramírez; Sanchez-Lucas, P.; Santos, J. M. F. dos; Schumann, M.; Selvi, M.; Semeria, F.; Simgen, H.; Steidl, M.; Tan, P.-L.; Terliuk, A.; Thieme, K.; Trotta, R.; Tunnell, C. D.; Tönnies, F.; Valerius, K.; Vetter, S.; Volta, G.; Wang, W.; Wittweg, C.; Xing, Y.


AU  - Althueser, L.
AU  - Antunović, Biljana
AU  - Aprile, Elena
AU  - Bajpai, D.
AU  - Baudis, Laura
AU  - Baur, D.
AU  - Baxter, Amanda L.
AU  - Bellagamba, Lorenzo
AU  - Biondi, Riccardo
AU  - Biondi, Yanina
AU  - Bismark, Alexander
AU  - Brown, Andrew
AU  - Budnik, Ran
AU  - Chauvin, A.
AU  - Colijn, A. P.
AU  - Cuenca-García, J. J.
AU  - D'Andrea, V.
AU  - Gangi, P. Di
AU  - Dierle, J.
AU  - Diglio, S.
AU  - Doerenkamp, M.
AU  - Eitel, K.
AU  - Farrell, S.
AU  - Ferella, A. D.
AU  - Ferrari, C.
AU  - Findley, C.
AU  - Fischer, H.
AU  - Galloway, M.
AU  - Girard, F.
AU  - Glade-Beucke, R.
AU  - Grandi, L.
AU  - Guida, M.
AU  - Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
AU  - Jörg, F.
AU  - Jones, L.
AU  - Kavrigin, P.
AU  - Krauss, L. M.
AU  - Krosigk, B. von
AU  - Kuger, F.
AU  - Landsman, H.
AU  - Lang, R. F.
AU  - Li, S.
AU  - Liang, S.
AU  - Lindner, M.
AU  - Loizeau, J.
AU  - Lombardi, F.
AU  - Undagoitia, T. Marrodán
AU  - Masbou, J.
AU  - Masson, E.
AU  - Matias-Lopes, J.
AU  - Milutinović, Slobodan M.
AU  - Monteiro, C. M. B.
AU  - Murra, M.
AU  - Ni, K.
AU  - Oberlack, U.
AU  - Ostrovskiy, I.
AU  - Pandurović, Mila
AU  - Peres, R.
AU  - Qin, J.
AU  - Silva, M. Rajado
AU  - García, D. Ramírez
AU  - Sanchez-Lucas, P.
AU  - Santos, J. M. F. dos
AU  - Schumann, M.
AU  - Selvi, M.
AU  - Semeria, F.
AU  - Simgen, H.
AU  - Steidl, M.
AU  - Tan, P.-L.
AU  - Terliuk, A.
AU  - Thieme, K.
AU  - Trotta, R.
AU  - Tunnell, C. D.
AU  - Tönnies, F.
AU  - Valerius, K.
AU  - Vetter, S.
AU  - Volta, G.
AU  - Wang, W.
AU  - Wittweg, C.
AU  - Xing, Y.
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Understanding propagation of scintillation light is critical for maximizing the discovery potential of next-generation liquid xenon detectors that use dual-phase time projection chamber technology. This work describes a detailed optical simulation of the DARWIN detector implemented using Chroma, a GPU-based photon tracking framework. To evaluate the framework and to explore ways of maximizing efficiency and minimizing the time of light collection, we simulate several variations of the conventional detector design. Results of these selected studies are presented. More generally, we conclude that the approach used in this work allows one to investigate alternative designs faster and in more detail than using conventional Geant4 optical simulations, making it an attractive tool to guide the development of the ultimate liquid xenon observatory.
T2  - Journal of Instrumentation
T1  - GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector
VL  - 17
IS  - 07
SP  - P07018
DO  - 10.1088/1748-0221/17/07/P07018
ER  - 
author = "Althueser, L. and Antunović, Biljana and Aprile, Elena and Bajpai, D. and Baudis, Laura and Baur, D. and Baxter, Amanda L. and Bellagamba, Lorenzo and Biondi, Riccardo and Biondi, Yanina and Bismark, Alexander and Brown, Andrew and Budnik, Ran and Chauvin, A. and Colijn, A. P. and Cuenca-García, J. J. and D'Andrea, V. and Gangi, P. Di and Dierle, J. and Diglio, S. and Doerenkamp, M. and Eitel, K. and Farrell, S. and Ferella, A. D. and Ferrari, C. and Findley, C. and Fischer, H. and Galloway, M. and Girard, F. and Glade-Beucke, R. and Grandi, L. and Guida, M. and Hansmann-Menzemer, S. and Jörg, F. and Jones, L. and Kavrigin, P. and Krauss, L. M. and Krosigk, B. von and Kuger, F. and Landsman, H. and Lang, R. F. and Li, S. and Liang, S. and Lindner, M. and Loizeau, J. and Lombardi, F. and Undagoitia, T. Marrodán and Masbou, J. and Masson, E. and Matias-Lopes, J. and Milutinović, Slobodan M. and Monteiro, C. M. B. and Murra, M. and Ni, K. and Oberlack, U. and Ostrovskiy, I. and Pandurović, Mila and Peres, R. and Qin, J. and Silva, M. Rajado and García, D. Ramírez and Sanchez-Lucas, P. and Santos, J. M. F. dos and Schumann, M. and Selvi, M. and Semeria, F. and Simgen, H. and Steidl, M. and Tan, P.-L. and Terliuk, A. and Thieme, K. and Trotta, R. and Tunnell, C. D. and Tönnies, F. and Valerius, K. and Vetter, S. and Volta, G. and Wang, W. and Wittweg, C. and Xing, Y.",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Understanding propagation of scintillation light is critical for maximizing the discovery potential of next-generation liquid xenon detectors that use dual-phase time projection chamber technology. This work describes a detailed optical simulation of the DARWIN detector implemented using Chroma, a GPU-based photon tracking framework. To evaluate the framework and to explore ways of maximizing efficiency and minimizing the time of light collection, we simulate several variations of the conventional detector design. Results of these selected studies are presented. More generally, we conclude that the approach used in this work allows one to investigate alternative designs faster and in more detail than using conventional Geant4 optical simulations, making it an attractive tool to guide the development of the ultimate liquid xenon observatory.",
journal = "Journal of Instrumentation",
title = "GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector",
volume = "17",
number = "07",
pages = "P07018",
doi = "10.1088/1748-0221/17/07/P07018"
Althueser, L., Antunović, B., Aprile, E., Bajpai, D., Baudis, L., Baur, D., Baxter, A. L., Bellagamba, L., Biondi, R., Biondi, Y., Bismark, A., Brown, A., Budnik, R., Chauvin, A., Colijn, A. P., Cuenca-García, J. J., D'Andrea, V., Gangi, P. D., Dierle, J., Diglio, S., Doerenkamp, M., Eitel, K., Farrell, S., Ferella, A. D., Ferrari, C., Findley, C., Fischer, H., Galloway, M., Girard, F., Glade-Beucke, R., Grandi, L., Guida, M., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Jörg, F., Jones, L., Kavrigin, P., Krauss, L. M., Krosigk, B. v., Kuger, F., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Li, S., Liang, S., Lindner, M., Loizeau, J., Lombardi, F., Undagoitia, T. M., Masbou, J., Masson, E., Matias-Lopes, J., Milutinović, S. M., Monteiro, C. M. B., Murra, M., Ni, K., Oberlack, U., Ostrovskiy, I., Pandurović, M., Peres, R., Qin, J., Silva, M. R., García, D. R., Sanchez-Lucas, P., Santos, J. M. F. d., Schumann, M., Selvi, M., Semeria, F., Simgen, H., Steidl, M., Tan, P.-L., Terliuk, A., Thieme, K., Trotta, R., Tunnell, C. D., Tönnies, F., Valerius, K., Vetter, S., Volta, G., Wang, W., Wittweg, C.,& Xing, Y.. (2022). GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector. in Journal of Instrumentation, 17(07), P07018.
Althueser L, Antunović B, Aprile E, Bajpai D, Baudis L, Baur D, Baxter AL, Bellagamba L, Biondi R, Biondi Y, Bismark A, Brown A, Budnik R, Chauvin A, Colijn AP, Cuenca-García JJ, D'Andrea V, Gangi PD, Dierle J, Diglio S, Doerenkamp M, Eitel K, Farrell S, Ferella AD, Ferrari C, Findley C, Fischer H, Galloway M, Girard F, Glade-Beucke R, Grandi L, Guida M, Hansmann-Menzemer S, Jörg F, Jones L, Kavrigin P, Krauss LM, Krosigk BV, Kuger F, Landsman H, Lang RF, Li S, Liang S, Lindner M, Loizeau J, Lombardi F, Undagoitia TM, Masbou J, Masson E, Matias-Lopes J, Milutinović SM, Monteiro CMB, Murra M, Ni K, Oberlack U, Ostrovskiy I, Pandurović M, Peres R, Qin J, Silva MR, García DR, Sanchez-Lucas P, Santos JMFD, Schumann M, Selvi M, Semeria F, Simgen H, Steidl M, Tan P, Terliuk A, Thieme K, Trotta R, Tunnell CD, Tönnies F, Valerius K, Vetter S, Volta G, Wang W, Wittweg C, Xing Y. GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector. in Journal of Instrumentation. 2022;17(07):P07018.
doi:10.1088/1748-0221/17/07/P07018 .
Althueser, L., Antunović, Biljana, Aprile, Elena, Bajpai, D., Baudis, Laura, Baur, D., Baxter, Amanda L., Bellagamba, Lorenzo, Biondi, Riccardo, Biondi, Yanina, Bismark, Alexander, Brown, Andrew, Budnik, Ran, Chauvin, A., Colijn, A. P., Cuenca-García, J. J., D'Andrea, V., Gangi, P. Di, Dierle, J., Diglio, S., Doerenkamp, M., Eitel, K., Farrell, S., Ferella, A. D., Ferrari, C., Findley, C., Fischer, H., Galloway, M., Girard, F., Glade-Beucke, R., Grandi, L., Guida, M., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Jörg, F., Jones, L., Kavrigin, P., Krauss, L. M., Krosigk, B. von, Kuger, F., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Li, S., Liang, S., Lindner, M., Loizeau, J., Lombardi, F., Undagoitia, T. Marrodán, Masbou, J., Masson, E., Matias-Lopes, J., Milutinović, Slobodan M., Monteiro, C. M. B., Murra, M., Ni, K., Oberlack, U., Ostrovskiy, I., Pandurović, Mila, Peres, R., Qin, J., Silva, M. Rajado, García, D. Ramírez, Sanchez-Lucas, P., Santos, J. M. F. dos, Schumann, M., Selvi, M., Semeria, F., Simgen, H., Steidl, M., Tan, P.-L., Terliuk, A., Thieme, K., Trotta, R., Tunnell, C. D., Tönnies, F., Valerius, K., Vetter, S., Volta, G., Wang, W., Wittweg, C., Xing, Y., "GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector" in Journal of Instrumentation, 17, no. 07 (2022):P07018, . .

Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe

Agostini, F.; Maouloud, S. E. M. Ahmed; Althueser, L.; Amaro, F.; Antunović, Biljana; Aprile, E.; Baudis, L.; Baur, D.; Biondi, Y.; Bismark, A.; Breur, P. A.; Brown, A.; Bruno, G.; Budnik, R.; Capelli, C.; Cardoso, J.; Cichon, D.; Clark, M.; Colijn, A. P.; Cuenca-García, J. J.; Cussonneau, J. P.; Decowski, M. P.; Depoian, A.; Dierle, J.; Gangi, P. Di; Giovanni, A. Di; Diglio, S.; Santos, J. M. F. dos; Drexlin, G.; Eitel, K.; Engel, R.; Ferella, A. D.; Fischer, H.; Galloway, M.; Gao, F.; Girard, F.; Glück, F.; Grandi, L.; Größle, R.; Gumbsheimer, R.; Hansmann-Menzemer, S.; Jörg, F.; Khundzakishvili, G.; Kopec, A.; Kuger, F.; Krauss, L. M.; Landsman, H.; Lang, R. F.; Lindemann, S.; Lindner, M.; Lopes, J. a. M.; Villalpando, A. Loya; Macolino, C.; Manfredini, A.; Undagoitia, T. Marrodán; Masbou, J.; Masson, E.; Meinhardt, P.; Milutinović, Slobodan; Molinario, A.; Monteiro, C. M. B.; Murra, M.; Oberlack, U. G.; Pandurović, Mila; Peres, R.; Pienaar, J.; Pierre, M.; Pizzella, V.; Qin, J.; García, D. Ramírez; Reichard, S.; Rupp, N.; Sanchez-Lucas, P.; Sartorelli, G.; Schulte, D.; Schumann, M.; Lavina, L. Scotto; Selvi, M.; Silva, M.; Simgen, H.; Steidl, M.; Terliuk, A.; Therreau, C.; Thers, D.; Thieme, K.; Trotta, R.; Tunnell, C. D.; Valerius, K.; Volta, G.; Vorkapić, D.; Weinheimer, C.; Wittweg, C.; Wolf, J.; Zopounidis, J. P.; Zuber, K.


AU  - Agostini, F.
AU  - Maouloud, S. E. M. Ahmed
AU  - Althueser, L.
AU  - Amaro, F.
AU  - Antunović, Biljana
AU  - Aprile, E.
AU  - Baudis, L.
AU  - Baur, D.
AU  - Biondi, Y.
AU  - Bismark, A.
AU  - Breur, P. A.
AU  - Brown, A.
AU  - Bruno, G.
AU  - Budnik, R.
AU  - Capelli, C.
AU  - Cardoso, J.
AU  - Cichon, D.
AU  - Clark, M.
AU  - Colijn, A. P.
AU  - Cuenca-García, J. J.
AU  - Cussonneau, J. P.
AU  - Decowski, M. P.
AU  - Depoian, A.
AU  - Dierle, J.
AU  - Gangi, P. Di
AU  - Giovanni, A. Di
AU  - Diglio, S.
AU  - Santos, J. M. F. dos
AU  - Drexlin, G.
AU  - Eitel, K.
AU  - Engel, R.
AU  - Ferella, A. D.
AU  - Fischer, H.
AU  - Galloway, M.
AU  - Gao, F.
AU  - Girard, F.
AU  - Glück, F.
AU  - Grandi, L.
AU  - Größle, R.
AU  - Gumbsheimer, R.
AU  - Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
AU  - Jörg, F.
AU  - Khundzakishvili, G.
AU  - Kopec, A.
AU  - Kuger, F.
AU  - Krauss, L. M.
AU  - Landsman, H.
AU  - Lang, R. F.
AU  - Lindemann, S.
AU  - Lindner, M.
AU  - Lopes, J. a. M.
AU  - Villalpando, A. Loya
AU  - Macolino, C.
AU  - Manfredini, A.
AU  - Undagoitia, T. Marrodán
AU  - Masbou, J.
AU  - Masson, E.
AU  - Meinhardt, P.
AU  - Milutinović, Slobodan
AU  - Molinario, A.
AU  - Monteiro, C. M. B.
AU  - Murra, M.
AU  - Oberlack, U. G.
AU  - Pandurović, Mila
AU  - Peres, R.
AU  - Pienaar, J.
AU  - Pierre, M.
AU  - Pizzella, V.
AU  - Qin, J.
AU  - García, D. Ramírez
AU  - Reichard, S.
AU  - Rupp, N.
AU  - Sanchez-Lucas, P.
AU  - Sartorelli, G.
AU  - Schulte, D.
AU  - Schumann, M.
AU  - Lavina, L. Scotto
AU  - Selvi, M.
AU  - Silva, M.
AU  - Simgen, H.
AU  - Steidl, M.
AU  - Terliuk, A.
AU  - Therreau, C.
AU  - Thers, D.
AU  - Thieme, K.
AU  - Trotta, R.
AU  - Tunnell, C. D.
AU  - Valerius, K.
AU  - Volta, G.
AU  - Vorkapić, D.
AU  - Weinheimer, C.
AU  - Wittweg, C.
AU  - Wolf, J.
AU  - Zopounidis, J. P.
AU  - Zuber, K.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The DARWIN observatory is a proposed next-generation experiment to search for particle dark matter and for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $$^{136}$$ 136 Xe. Out of its 50 t total natural xenon inventory, 40 t will be the active target of a time projection chamber which thus contains about 3.6 t of $$^{136}$$ 136 Xe. Here, we show that its projected half-life sensitivity is $$2.4\times {10}^{27}\,{\hbox {year}}$$ 2.4 × 10 27 year , using a fiducial volume of 5 t of natural xenon and 10 year of operation with a background rate of less than 0.2 events/(t $$\cdot $$ · year) in the energy region of interest. This sensitivity is based on a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study of the background and event topologies in the large, homogeneous target. DARWIN will be comparable in its science reach to dedicated double beta decay experiments using xenon enriched in $$^{136}$$ 136 Xe.
T2  - European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
T1  - Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe
VL  - 80
IS  - 9
SP  - 1
EP  - 11
DO  - 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8196-z
ER  - 
author = "Agostini, F. and Maouloud, S. E. M. Ahmed and Althueser, L. and Amaro, F. and Antunović, Biljana and Aprile, E. and Baudis, L. and Baur, D. and Biondi, Y. and Bismark, A. and Breur, P. A. and Brown, A. and Bruno, G. and Budnik, R. and Capelli, C. and Cardoso, J. and Cichon, D. and Clark, M. and Colijn, A. P. and Cuenca-García, J. J. and Cussonneau, J. P. and Decowski, M. P. and Depoian, A. and Dierle, J. and Gangi, P. Di and Giovanni, A. Di and Diglio, S. and Santos, J. M. F. dos and Drexlin, G. and Eitel, K. and Engel, R. and Ferella, A. D. and Fischer, H. and Galloway, M. and Gao, F. and Girard, F. and Glück, F. and Grandi, L. and Größle, R. and Gumbsheimer, R. and Hansmann-Menzemer, S. and Jörg, F. and Khundzakishvili, G. and Kopec, A. and Kuger, F. and Krauss, L. M. and Landsman, H. and Lang, R. F. and Lindemann, S. and Lindner, M. and Lopes, J. a. M. and Villalpando, A. Loya and Macolino, C. and Manfredini, A. and Undagoitia, T. Marrodán and Masbou, J. and Masson, E. and Meinhardt, P. and Milutinović, Slobodan and Molinario, A. and Monteiro, C. M. B. and Murra, M. and Oberlack, U. G. and Pandurović, Mila and Peres, R. and Pienaar, J. and Pierre, M. and Pizzella, V. and Qin, J. and García, D. Ramírez and Reichard, S. and Rupp, N. and Sanchez-Lucas, P. and Sartorelli, G. and Schulte, D. and Schumann, M. and Lavina, L. Scotto and Selvi, M. and Silva, M. and Simgen, H. and Steidl, M. and Terliuk, A. and Therreau, C. and Thers, D. and Thieme, K. and Trotta, R. and Tunnell, C. D. and Valerius, K. and Volta, G. and Vorkapić, D. and Weinheimer, C. and Wittweg, C. and Wolf, J. and Zopounidis, J. P. and Zuber, K.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The DARWIN observatory is a proposed next-generation experiment to search for particle dark matter and for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $$^{136}$$ 136 Xe. Out of its 50 t total natural xenon inventory, 40 t will be the active target of a time projection chamber which thus contains about 3.6 t of $$^{136}$$ 136 Xe. Here, we show that its projected half-life sensitivity is $$2.4\times {10}^{27}\,{\hbox {year}}$$ 2.4 × 10 27 year , using a fiducial volume of 5 t of natural xenon and 10 year of operation with a background rate of less than 0.2 events/(t $$\cdot $$ · year) in the energy region of interest. This sensitivity is based on a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study of the background and event topologies in the large, homogeneous target. DARWIN will be comparable in its science reach to dedicated double beta decay experiments using xenon enriched in $$^{136}$$ 136 Xe.",
journal = "European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields",
title = "Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe",
volume = "80",
number = "9",
pages = "1-11",
doi = "10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8196-z"
Agostini, F., Maouloud, S. E. M. A., Althueser, L., Amaro, F., Antunović, B., Aprile, E., Baudis, L., Baur, D., Biondi, Y., Bismark, A., Breur, P. A., Brown, A., Bruno, G., Budnik, R., Capelli, C., Cardoso, J., Cichon, D., Clark, M., Colijn, A. P., Cuenca-García, J. J., Cussonneau, J. P., Decowski, M. P., Depoian, A., Dierle, J., Gangi, P. D., Giovanni, A. D., Diglio, S., Santos, J. M. F. d., Drexlin, G., Eitel, K., Engel, R., Ferella, A. D., Fischer, H., Galloway, M., Gao, F., Girard, F., Glück, F., Grandi, L., Größle, R., Gumbsheimer, R., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Jörg, F., Khundzakishvili, G., Kopec, A., Kuger, F., Krauss, L. M., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Lindemann, S., Lindner, M., Lopes, J. a. M., Villalpando, A. L., Macolino, C., Manfredini, A., Undagoitia, T. M., Masbou, J., Masson, E., Meinhardt, P., Milutinović, S., Molinario, A., Monteiro, C. M. B., Murra, M., Oberlack, U. G., Pandurović, M., Peres, R., Pienaar, J., Pierre, M., Pizzella, V., Qin, J., García, D. R., Reichard, S., Rupp, N., Sanchez-Lucas, P., Sartorelli, G., Schulte, D., Schumann, M., Lavina, L. S., Selvi, M., Silva, M., Simgen, H., Steidl, M., Terliuk, A., Therreau, C., Thers, D., Thieme, K., Trotta, R., Tunnell, C. D., Valerius, K., Volta, G., Vorkapić, D., Weinheimer, C., Wittweg, C., Wolf, J., Zopounidis, J. P.,& Zuber, K.. (2020). Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe. in European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 80(9), 1-11.
Agostini F, Maouloud SEMA, Althueser L, Amaro F, Antunović B, Aprile E, Baudis L, Baur D, Biondi Y, Bismark A, Breur PA, Brown A, Bruno G, Budnik R, Capelli C, Cardoso J, Cichon D, Clark M, Colijn AP, Cuenca-García JJ, Cussonneau JP, Decowski MP, Depoian A, Dierle J, Gangi PD, Giovanni AD, Diglio S, Santos JMFD, Drexlin G, Eitel K, Engel R, Ferella AD, Fischer H, Galloway M, Gao F, Girard F, Glück F, Grandi L, Größle R, Gumbsheimer R, Hansmann-Menzemer S, Jörg F, Khundzakishvili G, Kopec A, Kuger F, Krauss LM, Landsman H, Lang RF, Lindemann S, Lindner M, Lopes JAM, Villalpando AL, Macolino C, Manfredini A, Undagoitia TM, Masbou J, Masson E, Meinhardt P, Milutinović S, Molinario A, Monteiro CMB, Murra M, Oberlack UG, Pandurović M, Peres R, Pienaar J, Pierre M, Pizzella V, Qin J, García DR, Reichard S, Rupp N, Sanchez-Lucas P, Sartorelli G, Schulte D, Schumann M, Lavina LS, Selvi M, Silva M, Simgen H, Steidl M, Terliuk A, Therreau C, Thers D, Thieme K, Trotta R, Tunnell CD, Valerius K, Volta G, Vorkapić D, Weinheimer C, Wittweg C, Wolf J, Zopounidis JP, Zuber K. Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe. in European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields. 2020;80(9):1-11.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-8196-z .
Agostini, F., Maouloud, S. E. M. Ahmed, Althueser, L., Amaro, F., Antunović, Biljana, Aprile, E., Baudis, L., Baur, D., Biondi, Y., Bismark, A., Breur, P. A., Brown, A., Bruno, G., Budnik, R., Capelli, C., Cardoso, J., Cichon, D., Clark, M., Colijn, A. P., Cuenca-García, J. J., Cussonneau, J. P., Decowski, M. P., Depoian, A., Dierle, J., Gangi, P. Di, Giovanni, A. Di, Diglio, S., Santos, J. M. F. dos, Drexlin, G., Eitel, K., Engel, R., Ferella, A. D., Fischer, H., Galloway, M., Gao, F., Girard, F., Glück, F., Grandi, L., Größle, R., Gumbsheimer, R., Hansmann-Menzemer, S., Jörg, F., Khundzakishvili, G., Kopec, A., Kuger, F., Krauss, L. M., Landsman, H., Lang, R. F., Lindemann, S., Lindner, M., Lopes, J. a. M., Villalpando, A. Loya, Macolino, C., Manfredini, A., Undagoitia, T. Marrodán, Masbou, J., Masson, E., Meinhardt, P., Milutinović, Slobodan, Molinario, A., Monteiro, C. M. B., Murra, M., Oberlack, U. G., Pandurović, Mila, Peres, R., Pienaar, J., Pierre, M., Pizzella, V., Qin, J., García, D. Ramírez, Reichard, S., Rupp, N., Sanchez-Lucas, P., Sartorelli, G., Schulte, D., Schumann, M., Lavina, L. Scotto, Selvi, M., Silva, M., Simgen, H., Steidl, M., Terliuk, A., Therreau, C., Thers, D., Thieme, K., Trotta, R., Tunnell, C. D., Valerius, K., Volta, G., Vorkapić, D., Weinheimer, C., Wittweg, C., Wolf, J., Zopounidis, J. P., Zuber, K., "Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136 Xe" in European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 80, no. 9 (2020):1-11, . .

Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering

Aalbers, J.; Agostini, F.; Maouloud, S.; Alfonsi, M.; Althueser, L.; Antunović, Biljana; Milošević, B.; Milutinović, Slobodan; Obradović, M.; Pandurović, Mila; Subotić, D.; Vorkapić, D.


AU  - Aalbers, J.
AU  - Agostini, F.
AU  - Maouloud, S.
AU  - Alfonsi, M.
AU  - Althueser, L.
AU  - Antunović, Biljana
AU  - Milošević, B.
AU  - Milutinović, Slobodan
AU  - Obradović, M.
AU  - Pandurović, Mila
AU  - Subotić, D.
AU  - Vorkapić, D.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - We detail the sensitivity of the proposed liquid xenon DARWIN observatory to solar neutrinos via elastic electron scattering. We find that DARWIN will have the potential to measure the fluxes of five solar neutrino components: pp,  $$^7$$     7    Be,  $$^{13}$$     13    N,  $$^{15}$$     15    O and pep. The precision of the  $$^{13}$$     13    N,  $$^{15}$$     15    O and pep components is hindered by the double-beta decay of  $$^{136}$$     136    Xe and, thus, would benefit from a depleted target. A high-statistics observation of pp neutrinos would allow us to infer the values of the electroweak mixing angle,  $$\sin ^2\theta _w$$     sin 2   θ w     , and the electron-type neutrino survival probability,  $$P_{ee}$$    P  ee     , in the electron recoil energy region from a few keV up to 200 keV for the first time, with relative precision of 5% and 4%, respectively, with 10 live years of data and a 30 tonne fiducial volume. An observation of pp and  $$^7$$     7    Be neutrinos would constrain the neutrino-inferred solar luminosity down to 0.2%. A combination of all flux measurements would distinguish between the high- (GS98) and low-metallicity (AGS09) solar models with 2.1–2.5 $$\sigma $$   σ    significance, independent of external measurements from other experiments or a measurement of  $$^8$$     8    B neutrinos through coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in DARWIN. Finally, we demonstrate that with a depleted target DARWIN may be sensitive to the neutrino capture process of  $$^{131}$$     131    Xe.
T2  - European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
T1  - Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering
VL  - 80
IS  - 12
SP  - 1133
DO  - 10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08602-7
ER  - 
author = "Aalbers, J. and Agostini, F. and Maouloud, S. and Alfonsi, M. and Althueser, L. and Antunović, Biljana and Milošević, B. and Milutinović, Slobodan and Obradović, M. and Pandurović, Mila and Subotić, D. and Vorkapić, D.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "We detail the sensitivity of the proposed liquid xenon DARWIN observatory to solar neutrinos via elastic electron scattering. We find that DARWIN will have the potential to measure the fluxes of five solar neutrino components: pp,  $$^7$$     7    Be,  $$^{13}$$     13    N,  $$^{15}$$     15    O and pep. The precision of the  $$^{13}$$     13    N,  $$^{15}$$     15    O and pep components is hindered by the double-beta decay of  $$^{136}$$     136    Xe and, thus, would benefit from a depleted target. A high-statistics observation of pp neutrinos would allow us to infer the values of the electroweak mixing angle,  $$\sin ^2\theta _w$$     sin 2   θ w     , and the electron-type neutrino survival probability,  $$P_{ee}$$    P  ee     , in the electron recoil energy region from a few keV up to 200 keV for the first time, with relative precision of 5% and 4%, respectively, with 10 live years of data and a 30 tonne fiducial volume. An observation of pp and  $$^7$$     7    Be neutrinos would constrain the neutrino-inferred solar luminosity down to 0.2%. A combination of all flux measurements would distinguish between the high- (GS98) and low-metallicity (AGS09) solar models with 2.1–2.5 $$\sigma $$   σ    significance, independent of external measurements from other experiments or a measurement of  $$^8$$     8    B neutrinos through coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering in DARWIN. Finally, we demonstrate that with a depleted target DARWIN may be sensitive to the neutrino capture process of  $$^{131}$$     131    Xe.",
journal = "European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields",
title = "Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering",
volume = "80",
number = "12",
pages = "1133",
doi = "10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08602-7"
Aalbers, J., Agostini, F., Maouloud, S., Alfonsi, M., Althueser, L., Antunović, B., Milošević, B., Milutinović, S., Obradović, M., Pandurović, M., Subotić, D.,& Vorkapić, D.. (2020). Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering. in European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 80(12), 1133.
Aalbers J, Agostini F, Maouloud S, Alfonsi M, Althueser L, Antunović B, Milošević B, Milutinović S, Obradović M, Pandurović M, Subotić D, Vorkapić D. Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering. in European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields. 2020;80(12):1133.
doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08602-7 .
Aalbers, J., Agostini, F., Maouloud, S., Alfonsi, M., Althueser, L., Antunović, Biljana, Milošević, B., Milutinović, Slobodan, Obradović, M., Pandurović, Mila, Subotić, D., Vorkapić, D., "Solar neutrino detection sensitivity in DARWIN via electron scattering" in European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields, 80, no. 12 (2020):1133, . .