Приказ резултата 345-364 од 5875

      Antimicrobial Nanocomposites Based on Oxidized Cotton Fabric and in situ Biosynthesized Copper Oxides Nanostructures Using Bearberry Leaves Extract [1]
      Antimicrobial photocatalytic PANI based-composites for biomedical applications [1]
      Antimicrobial potential of irrigants based on essential oils of Cymbopogon martinii and Thymus zygis towards in vitro multispecies biofilm cultured in ex vivo root canals. [1]
      Antimikrobna aktivnost medicinskih materijala obrađenih srebrom [1]
      Antineuroblastoma potential of polyoxopalladate(II) [1]
      Antioksidantna aktivnost flavonoida (procijanidola, kvercetina, kemferola i luteolina) u humanim limfocitima ozračenim in vitro [1]
      Antioksidativni status i kliničko-patološki parametri kod obolelih od Parkinsonove bolesti [1]
      Antioksidativni status u krvi pacova izlaganih psihosocijalnom stresu tretiranih medom [1]
      Antioxidant Activity of Grapefruit (Citrus Paradisi) Extract [1]
      Antioxidant Activity of Selected Polyphenolics in Yeast Cells: The Case Study of Montenegrin Merlot Wine [1]
      Antioxidant and antimicrobial edible films based on dextran containing polyphenols from yarrow extract [1]
      Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of red wine after in vitro simulated digestion in the presence of complex food matrix [1]
      Antioxidant and Prooxidant Features of N-CQD in Photocatalytic Testing of Aquatic Media [1]
      Antioxidant defense system in the prefrontal cortex of chronically stressed rats treated with lithium [1]
      Antioxidant enzymes and vascular diseases [1]
      Antioxidant enzymes expression in liver of stressed wistar rat [1]
      Antioxidant enzymes expression in lymphocytes of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy [1]
      Antioxidant Enzymes in Blood of Women With Uterine Hyperplasia [1]
      Antioxidant properties and biological activity of fruit wines [1]
      Antioxidant status and clinicopathological parameters in patients with Parkinson's disease [1]