Now showing items 6328-6347 of 6452

      X-Ray analysis by Williamson-Hall and stereological analysis of mechanically alloyed Cu-Zr-B alloys [1]
      Xanthate absorption kinetics as a function of the starting concentration with the use of the waste slag as adsorbent [1]
      Xanthate removal as a function of pH and the point of zero charge [1]
      Xenon-ion irradiation of Co/Si bilayers: Magnetic and structural properties [1]
      XPS measurements of air-exposed Cd(Zn)1xFexTe1ySey surfaces revisited [1]
      XPS study of iodine and tin doped Sb2S3 nanostructures affected by non-uniform charging [1]
      XRCC3 Thr241Met gene polymorphism and acute radiotherapy induced toxicity for prostate cancer [1]
      XRD and FTIR investigation of the structural and phase transformations of the composite material containing α-Fe2O3/CuFe2O4 phases in silica matrix [1]
      Y-90-labeled of phosphates-coated magnetic nanoparticles as a potential tumor treatment radiopharmaceuticals [1]
      Yb3+/Tm3+ doped SrGd2O4 as photoluminescent and photocatalytic material [1]
      Yellow fluorescent, water soluble N-doped graphene quantum dots: synthesis, photoluminescence and functionalization with L-Phenylalanine [1]
      Yellow Gentian Root Extract and its Monoterpene Compounds Exhibit Anticancer Potential [1]
      Yellow gentian root extract provokes concentration- and time-dependent response in peripheral blood mononuclear cells [1]
      Yield, quality and safety of yellow gentian roots produced under dry-farming conditions in various single basal fertilization and planting density models [1]
      Zakonska regulativa u upravljanju čvrstim industrijskim otpadom u Srbiji - izazovi na putu razvoja cirkularne ekonomije [1]
      Zamfirescu mappings under Pata-type condition: Results and application to an integral equation [1]
      Zaštita od zračenja u medicini: prvih 55 godina [1]
      Zaštita od zračenja u svetu i bivšoj Jugoslaviji i Srbiji i Crnoj Gori od otkrića x–zračenja do danas [1]
      Zaštita životne sredine i evropska Direktiva o ambalaži i ambalažnom otpadu [1]
      Zbornik radova 29. simpozijuma DZZSCG [Društva za zaštitu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore] : Srebrno jezero, 27-29. septembar 2017. godine [1]