Приказ резултата 31-50 од 110

      Improvements of the neutron leakage model in the calculational procedure of the critical conditions and the homogenized parameters of a nuclear reactor [1]
      Improvements to the guarded hot plate method for thermalk insulating materials thermal conductivity measurement. [1]
      Influence of an in vivo prooxidant state of lymphocytes on the radiobiological response in vitro in bone marrow failure patients [1]
      Ion-beam mixing of Fe/Si bilayers [1]
      Ionenstrahkmischen von Fe/Si Dopelschichten [1]
      Kinetika oporavka dvolančanih prekida DNK u odgovoru na jonizujuće zračenje i alkilirajuće agense in vitro [1]
      Koloidni hemijski nanosenzori zasnovani na luminiscenciji trovalentnih jona europijuma [1]
      Magnetic properties of the iron oxide nanoparticles surface-modified with silica and oleic acid [1]
      Matematičko modelovanje rasprostiranja zagađujućih materija u vazduhu u okolini nuklearnih i industrijskih objekata [1]
      Mathematical modeling of atmospheric air pollutant dispersion in the environment of nuclear and industrial facilities [1]
      Mathematical modelling and optimization of processes in a pulverized coal-fired furnace during direct co-firing with biomass [1]
      Measurement of thermal diffusivity and thermal contact resistance of deposited thin solid layers using the laser pulse method [1]
      Modelling of flue gas desulfurization process by sorbent injection into the pulverized coal-fired utility boiler furnace [1]
      Molecular characterization and epidemiological analysis of a haplotype block containing galectin-3 gene in human heart and blood vessel diseases [1]
      Molekularna karakterizacija i epidemiološka analiza haplotipskog bloka koji sadrži gen za galektin-3 u bolestima srca i krvnih sudova kod čoveka [1]
      Nanomaterials based on zirconium(iv) oxide: synthesis, characterization and application in photocatalysis under simulated solar light [1]
      Nanomaterijali na bazi cirkonijum(iv)-oksida: sinteza, karakterizacija i primena u fotokatalizi pod dejstvom simuliranog sunčevog zračenja [1]
      National interest as an analytical framework for research on the national security policy of the Republic of Serbia [1]
      Određivanje toplotne difuzivnosti i toplotnog kontaktnog otpora tankih čvrstih slojeva na podlozi laserskom impulsnom metodom [1]
      Održivi razvoj energetskog sistema Beograda [1]