Now showing items 8-27 of 108

      Colloidal chemical nanosensors based on trivalent europium ions luminescence [1]
      Developing the techniques for solving the inverse problem in photoacoustics. [1]
      Digital Control of a Bank of Recursive Filters in Optimal Processing of Signals from Pulse Radiation Detectors in Nuclear Instrumentation [1]
      Digitalno upravljanje bankom rekurzivnih filtara u optimizaciji obrade signala sa impulsnih detektora zračenja u nuklearnoj instrumentaciji [1]
      Discrete solitons in media with saturable nonlinearity [1]
      Duge sa kratkim ugljeničnim nanocevima [1]
      Efekat estradiola na regulaciju endotelne i inducibilne azot-monoksid-sintaze u srcu gojaznih pacova [1]
      Efekat estradiola u modulaciji apoptotskih signala u moždanoj kori i hipokampusu pacova tokom hronične moždane hipoperfuzije [1]
      Efekat kratkotrajne moždane ishemije/reperfuzije i tretmana dehidroepiandrosteronom na komponente signalnog puta NMDA receptora u hipokampusu i prečeonoj kori pacova [1]
      Effect of estradiol on regulation of endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the heart of obese rats [1]
      Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties of Al2O3-Y3AL5O12 composite ceramics [1]
      Effect of peroral chromium administration on endocrine and metabolic status of Holstein cows [1]
      Effects of brief cerebral ischemia/reperfusion and dehydroepoandrosterone treatment on components of NMDA receptor-mediated signalling in rat hippocampus and prefrontal cortex [1]
      Effects of estradiol on modulation of apoptotic signals in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats during chronic cerebral hypoperfusion [1]
      Effects of initial-state fluctuations in pbpb and ppb collisions at the cms experiment. [1]
      Eksperimentalna karakterizacija i Monte Karlo simulacija dozimetrijskih parametara MOSFET strukture u poljima jonizujućeg zračenja [1]
      Estradiol signalling pathways involved in the regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and sodium-potassium-ATPase in the heart of obese female rats [1]
      Experimental characterization and monte carlo simulation of the dosimetric parameters of the mosfet structure in the fields of ionizing radiation. [1]
      Genetic-epidemiological analysis and analysis of gene expression of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in carotid atherosclerosis in humans [1]
      Genetičko-epidemiološka analiza i analiza ekspresije gena renin-angiotenzin sistema (RAS) u karotidnoj aterosklerozi kod čoveka [1]