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dc.creatorAad, G.
dc.creatorBorjanović, Iris
dc.creatorBožović-Jelisavčić, Ivanka
dc.creatorĆirković, Predrag
dc.creatorAgatonović-Jovin, Tatjana
dc.creatorKrstić, Jelena
dc.creatorMamužić, Judita
dc.creatorPopović, D. S.
dc.creatorSijacki, Dj.
dc.creatorSimić, Lj.
dc.creatorVranješ, Nenad
dc.creatorVranješ Milosavljević, Marija
dc.creatorŽivković, Lada
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents measurements of the polarization of W bosons in top quark decays, derived from t (t) over bar events with missing transverse momentum, one charged lepton and at least four jets, or two charged leptons and at least two jets. Data from pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV were collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 1.04 fb(-1). The measured fractions of longitudinally, left-and right-handed polarization are F-0 = 0.67 +/- 0.07, F-L = 0.32 +/- 0.04 and F-R = 0.01 +/- 0.05, in agreement with the Standard Model predictions. As the polarization of the W bosons in top quark decays is sensitive to the Wtb vertex Lorentz structure and couplings, the measurements were used to set limits on anomalous contributions to the Wtb couplings.en
dc.relationANPCyT, Argentina, YerPhI, Armenia, ARC, Australia, BMWF, Austria, ANAS, Azerbaijan, SSTC, Belarus, CNPq, Brazil, FAPESP, Brazil, NSERC, Canada, NRC, Canada, CFI, Canada, CERN, CONICYT, Chile, CAS, China, MOST, China, NSFC, China, COLCIENCIAS, Colombia, MSMT CR, Czech Republic, MPO CR, Czech Republic, VSC CR, Czech Republic, DNRF, Denmark, DNSRC, Denmark, Lundbeck Foundation, Denmark, EPLANET, ERC, European Union, IN2P3-CNRS, Frame, CLA-DSM/IRFU, Frame, GNAS, Georgia, BMBF, Germany, DFG, Germany, HGF, Germany, MPG, Germany, AvH Foundation, Germany, GSRT, Greece, ISF, Israel, MINERVA, Israel, CIF, Israel, DIP, Israel, Benoziyo Center, Israel, INFN, Italy, MEXT, Japan, JSPS, Japan, CNRST, Morocco, FOM, Netherlands, NWO, Netherlands, RCN, Norway, MNiSW, Poland, GRICES, Portugal, FCT, Portugal, MERYS (MECTS), Romania, MES of Russia, ROSATOM, Russian Federation, JINR, MSTD, Serbia, MSSR, Slovakia, ARRS, Slovenia, MVZT, Slovenia, DST/NRF, South Africa, MICINN, Spain, SRC, Sweden, Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden, SER, Switzerland, SNSF, Switzerland, Canton of Bern, Switzerland, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, NSC, Taiwan, TALK, Turkey, STFC, United Kingdom, Royal Society, United Kingdom, Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom, DOE, United States of America, NSF, United States of America, ICREA
dc.sourceJournal of High Energy Physicsen
dc.subjectHadron-Hadron Scatteringen
dc.titleMeasurement of the W boson polarization in top quark decays with the ATLAS detectoren
dcterms.abstractМилосављевиц, М. Врањес; Борјановиц, И.; Aгатоновић-Јовин Татјана; Aад, Г.; Сијацки, Дј.; Симиц, Љ.; Зивковиц, Л.; Поповиц, Д. С.; Крстиц, Ј.; Бозовић-Јелисавцић Иванка; Ћирковић Предраг; Врањес, Н.; Мамузић Јудита;
dc.citation.otherArticle Number: 088
dc.contributor.countATLAS Collaboration (ukupan broj autora: 2869)

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