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dc.creatorNikolić, Vladimir M.
dc.creatorKrklješ, Aleksandra N.
dc.creatorKačarević-Popović, Zorica M.
dc.creatorLaušević, Zoran
dc.creatorMiljanić, Šćepan S.
dc.description.abstractThere is growing interest in the use of fuel cells (FC) with hydrogen as the main fuel for stationary, mobile, and transportation applications. In the FC concept membranes play increasingly important roles. Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are considered as the most promising fuel cell technology for a wide range of applications due to the stable operation, the high energy generation yield and the simplicity of the system. In this work, we develop different types of membranes based on poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). PVA is a water-soluble polymer that is used in practical applications because of its easy preparation, excellent chemical resistance, thermal and mechanical properties. Crosslinking of the PVA was performed by gamma irradiation since radiation chemistry is found to be a very effective method for constructing three-dimensional polymeric networks. The samples prepared in this way were then immersed in the alkaline solution over a certain period of time to turn them into conductive membranes. Ionic conductivity of the PVA hydrogels, was then measured as a function of concentration of KOH solutions and temperature. Cyclic voltammetry of these PVA hydrogel electrolytes was performed to determine the width of the electrochemical stability window. We examined these membranes impregnated with saturated 6 M KOH electrolyte as polymer membrane for fuel cells application. Our experiments showed that PEMFCs with PVA and Nafion(R) membranes had similar polarization curves, under same conditions. Furthermore, PVA membranes proved to be stable during the real cell tests. This study offers a possibility for more earnest approach to the use of PVA membranes for fuel cell applications. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.en
dc.sourceElectrochemistry Communicationsen
dc.subjectPVA membraneen
dc.subjectgamma irradiationen
dc.subjectfuel cellen
dc.titleOn the use of gamma irradiation crosslinked PVA membranes in hydrogen fuel cellsen
dcterms.abstractКркљес, Aлександра; Поповиц, Зорица Кацаревиц; Миљаниц, Сцепан С.; Николић Владимир; Лаушевић Зоран;



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